Rākai Whauwhau to release his debut album
Ngāti Haua singer, Rākai Whauwhau is set to release his debut album, entirely in te reo māori. Coming off the back of his single Tarore, Whauwhau highlights kōrero tuku iho from his iwi that he says has never been showcased in this way before. Te Kawa Paora with this story.
#ngātihauā #tereomāori #waiata #pūoro #teaomāori #aukahanews
🎼Rākai Whauwhau, who recently released the track Tarore, is about to release his first album, which will feature kōrero tuku iho from his iwi of Ngāti Hauā, Aukaha. Full story with Te Kawa Paora.
#waiata #māori #tereomāori #ngātihauā #puoro #music #aukahanews
Ruia Taitea 2025
E whakamārama ana a Poutama Paki o Ngāti Tuwharetoa i te take ka tū ai te ahurei tuatahi o te iwi e kīa nei Ruia Taitea 2025 i ēnei rangi okioki o te wiki o Waitangi, ki Parākiri i Taupō.
#NgātiTuwharetoa #TuwharetoaFM #aukaha
Tauranga Moana welcomes Māori Pasifika Water Polo festival
The Māori Pasifika Water Polo Competition began today at the Baywave in Tauranga Moana. The water polo festival encourages Māori and Pasifika youth to participate in an Olympic sport. Macie Kuki has this story.
#waterpolo #hākinakina #māori #pasifika #sport #aukahanews
Te Kawa Paora wraps up all the protest action during the pōwhiri to the politicians at Waitangi.
#protest #pōwhiri #waitangi #politics #māori #aukahanews
Te Taura Podcast - Hukanui Marae Poukai
Te Taura Podcast is a historical reflection on for each Poukai with Mamae Takerei.
Māoridom on full display at Waitangi. #Waitangi #TeAoMāori #Māori #AukahaNews
Briah Purdie-Brown spoke with Te Kawa Paora about her experience at Waitangi celebrations yesterday.
#Waitangi #Waka #Māori #TeAoMāori #AukahaNews #TaurangaMoana
Our reporter Heeni Brown met up with Kristi Bennett from America who took her whānau along to Waitangi to experience the day's festivities and learn more about the Māori culture.
E kōrero ana a Te Kawa Paora ki a Te Arepa Morehu tētahi o ngā kaihoe waru rau ka rere mā Te Pēwhairangi i tēnei te rā i hainatia ai Te Tiriti o Waitangi. #waitangiday
Ki Te Arawa i te rā nei e tū ana te kaupapa whakanui i te rā o Waitangi ki Te Puia, i Rotorua. Koinei te wāhi ka kōrero tahi tā mātou karere a Macie Kuki ki a Maringi James o Te Arawa e pā ana ki tana tono i tāpaea e ia ki mua o te aroaro o te kōmiti take ture i tērā wiki e whakahē ana i te pire mō ngā uara o Te Tiriti o Waitangi.
Ka kōrero tahi tā mātou karere a Heeni Brown ki a Koro Nicholas nō Tauranga Moana e pā ana ki te kāhui o ngā waka ka whakaterea ki runga o Te Pēwhairangi i tēnei te rā o Waitangi.
#waitangiday #taurangamoana #waka