Living with the grammar and pronunciation police:
By: Mario Revere
The Strong Friend
Tonight’s episode is for the strong friend. The one who’s there at a moments notice, thru thick and thin and down for whatever. But who checks on you strong friend? Is your personal suffering ignored for the betterment of others? Is this the result of friends with too many problems or self inflicted? We’ll be live tonight on FB and IG..(YouTube this weekend hopefully!) to have a conversation simply titled “The Strong Friend”. Tune in, ask a question or say hi! I have no idea what I’m doing in this video app anyway lol.
Give me 3 minutes and let me inspire you today.
Whats yall thoughts on this? Men and and Women chime in. As always my DM is open if you dont want the backlash. The fact she mentioned money first to me implied that sex is transactional to her. To my surprise a lot of women agreed. For most men, sex is one of (not the only) the best ways to show they are loved and wanted.
Yalls thoughts?
Merch info and BTS relationship convo
Whats up guys! Join us tomorrow as we talk child support 😯.
Should child support be only for non active fathers?
Do people use child support as a means of get back for a failed relationship or marriage?
Should child support be the primary source of income for a child, while the mother or father male the choice not to work.
We got some great comments and we'll read them on the show tomorrow!