Nualláin House, Publisher

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Nualláin House, Publisher Poetry, Fiction, Print Art, Digital Editions


In which the indefatigable Carl Wendt, not quite Charles Baudelaire, not quite Charles Bukowski, poet for all seasons, master flaneur, and last of the poètes maudits, conducts an interview with sho…

In which the indefatigable Carl Wendt, not quite Charles Baudelaire, not quite Charles Bukowski, poet for all seasons, m...

In which the indefatigable Carl Wendt, not quite Charles Baudelaire, not quite Charles Bukowski, poet for all seasons, master flaneur, and last of the poètes maudits, conducts an interview with shooting star novelist Christopher Salas, author of the controversial novel, The Third Brain, for the Pacific Rim Institute Quarterly, also known as PRIQ—all for dinner, drinks, and a little ready cash....

In which the indefatigable Carl Wendt, not quite Charles Baudelaire, not quite Charles Bukowski, poet for all seasons, master flaneur, and last of the poètes maudits, conducts an interview with sho…

Welcome to Volume Four, Number Four of Dime Pulp,A Serial Pulp Fiction Magazine.  Die Like A Man, Thierry La Noque's deb...

Welcome to Volume Four, Number Four of Dime Pulp,A Serial Pulp Fiction Magazine. Die Like A Man, Thierry La Noque's debut serial novel, is a story of a man who gives a friend a ride only to be pulled in deeper and deeper into the events surrounding the brutal murder of the daughter of a prominent businessman featuring hunky young wannabe private eye, Ray Philips. ...

Welcome to Volume Four, Number Four of Dime Pulp,A Serial Pulp Fiction Magazine. Die Like A Man, Thierry La Noque’s debut serial novel, is a story of a man who gives a friend a ride only to…

by Thierry La Noque CHAPTER 7 They don’t teach it to you at the Academy, but the old timers will tell you, nine out of t...

by Thierry La Noque CHAPTER 7 They don’t teach it to you at the Academy, but the old timers will tell you, nine out of ten, if the perp falls asleep when left by himself in interrogation, he’s guilty. Ray struggled to keep his eyes open. If only. Fu***ng useless mewling hairball puking three and a half legged piece of fur shedding bad tempered finicky retired rat catcher has to have special....

by Thierry La Noque CHAPTER 7 They don’t teach it to you at the Academy, but the old timers will tell you, nine out of ten, if the perp falls asleep when left by himself in interrogation, he’s guil…

by Thierry La Noque CHAPTER 5 Ray spotted them as he walked across the parking lot fishing his car keys out of his coat ...

by Thierry La Noque CHAPTER 5 Ray spotted them as he walked across the parking lot fishing his car keys out of his coat pocket with one hand, the other holding a white plastic bag weighted with half a dozen cans of specialty cat food from Co-Op Groceries. They might as well have been wearing neon signs that said police…...

by Thierry La Noque CHAPTER 5 Ray spotted them as he walked across the parking lot fishing his car keys out of his coat pocket with one hand, the other holding a white plastic bag weighted with hal…

by Pierre Anton Taylor Even with the correct code the reinforced storm door at the back of the old candy store adjacent ...

by Pierre Anton Taylor Even with the correct code the reinforced storm door at the back of the old candy store adjacent to the Battery Works resisted Wayne’s efforts at first. Snow drifting up across the back step swirled in the wind. Once opened he hurried back to the dark shape against the brick wall and bundled it over his shoulder....

by Pierre Anton Taylor Even with the correct code the reinforced storm door at the back of the old candy store adjacent to the Battery Works resisted Wayne’s efforts at first. Snow drifting up acro…

by Phyllis Huldarsdottir Cast of Characters (Partial): Captain Lydia Cheése (pronounced “Chase”), Airship Commander for ...

by Phyllis Huldarsdottir Cast of Characters (Partial): Captain Lydia Cheése (pronounced “Chase”), Airship Commander for Aerosud, a luxury liner airship company based out of São Paulo in the Empire of Brazil, who is searching for her father, Commodore Jack Cheése, an outlaw and antigovernmental rabble rouser. Professor Doctor Jean-Pierre Serre-Pain, proprietor of Madame Ophelia’s Ophidiarium, a traveling snake show, who has abducted Lydia to get her to pilot an illegal unregistered airship to HOAR (the Horn Of Africa Republic) on a mission of mercy in exchange for helping her find her father....

by Phyllis Huldarsdottir Cast of Characters (Partial): Captain Lydia Cheése (pronounced “Chase”), Airship Commander for Aerosud, a luxury liner airship company based out of São Paulo in the Empire …

—Notice To The Membership & Interested Parties—The Society would direct your attention to the menu bar above. Conditions...

—Notice To The Membership & Interested Parties—The Society would direct your attention to the menu bar above. Conditions of Parole have been revised to reflect new guidelines for submissions. Note as well new menu categories have been added to facilitate a more direct access to posts by specific as well as general subject matter. Number 2 —FEATURE—The Hollo-Graphic Universe…...

—Notice To The Membership & Interested Parties—The Society would direct your attention to the menu bar above. Conditions of Parole have been revised to reflect new guidelines for submissions. N…


by Mark DuCharme xiii I had been rapping steadily at Mrs. Dittleboffer’s door— since she is the concierge, of course, her quarters are on the main floor, proximal to the central building’s entrance…


by Phyllis Huldarsdottir Cast of Characters (Partial): Captain Lydia Cheése (pronounced “Chase”), Airship Commander for Aerosud, a luxury liner airship company based out of São Paulo in the Empire …


by Pierre Anton Taylor From the wide window of his penthouse in the Legacy Arms, Wayne Bruce considered the whirling tempest. The wind whipped the flurry of flakes against the skyscrapers, obscurin…


by Thierry La Noque CHAPTER 3 Ray woke in a fog, chilled, to the keening of gulls. He led a large dog by the collar along a yellow chain-link fence. Wet streaked the windshield inside and out. He h…


Welcome to Volume Four, Number Three of Dime Pulp,A Serial Pulp Fiction Magazine. Die Like A Man, Thierry LaNoque’s debut serial novel, is a meta noir of a man who gives a friend a ride onl…

Welcome to Volume Four, Number Three of Dime Pulp,A Serial Pulp Fiction Magazine.  Die Like A Man, Thierry LaNoque's deb...

Welcome to Volume Four, Number Three of Dime Pulp,A Serial Pulp Fiction Magazine. Die Like A Man, Thierry LaNoque's debut serial novel, is a meta noir of a man who gives a friend a ride only to be pulled in deeper and deeper into the events surrounding a brutal murder, the daughter of a prominent businessman, and attempts to cover it up and place the blame on someone else....

Welcome to Volume Four, Number Three of Dime Pulp,A Serial Pulp Fiction Magazine. Die Like A Man, Thierry LaNoque’s debut serial novel, is a meta noir of a man who gives a friend a ride onl…

by Thierry La Noque CHAPTER 3 Ray woke in a fog, chilled, to the keening of gulls. He led a large dog by the collar alon...

by Thierry La Noque CHAPTER 3 Ray woke in a fog, chilled, to the keening of gulls. He led a large dog by the collar along a yellow chain-link fence. Wet streaked the windshield inside and out. He had been stepping up huge granite blocks. He drew his legs back towards the driver’s seat with a start. A woman posed at the top....

by Thierry La Noque CHAPTER 3 Ray woke in a fog, chilled, to the keening of gulls. He led a large dog by the collar along a yellow chain-link fence. Wet streaked the windshield inside and out. He h…

by Pierre Anton Taylor From the wide window of his penthouse in the Legacy Arms, Wayne Bruce considered the whirling tem...

by Pierre Anton Taylor From the wide window of his penthouse in the Legacy Arms, Wayne Bruce considered the whirling tempest. The wind whipped the flurry of flakes against the skyscrapers, obscuring them at times and then just as quickly revealing the ranks of tall buildings impervious to the onslaught. It was not a time to try out his aerial antics in search of crime in the inner city....

by Pierre Anton Taylor From the wide window of his penthouse in the Legacy Arms, Wayne Bruce considered the whirling tempest. The wind whipped the flurry of flakes against the skyscrapers, obscurin…

by Phyllis Huldarsdottir Cast of Characters (Partial): Captain Lydia Cheése (pronounced “Chase”), Airship Commander for ...

by Phyllis Huldarsdottir Cast of Characters (Partial): Captain Lydia Cheése (pronounced “Chase”), Airship Commander for Aerosud, a luxury liner airship company based out of São Paulo in the Empire of Brazil, who is searching for her father, Commodore Jack Cheése, an outlaw and antigovernmental rabble rouser. Professor Doctor Jean-Pierre Serre-Pain, proprietor of Madame Ophelia’s Ophidiarium, a traveling snake show, who has abducted Lydia to get her to pilot an illegal unregistered airship to HOAR (the Horn Of Africa Republic) on a mission of mercy in exchange for helping her find her father....

by Phyllis Huldarsdottir Cast of Characters (Partial): Captain Lydia Cheése (pronounced “Chase”), Airship Commander for Aerosud, a luxury liner airship company based out of São Paulo in the Empire …

by Mark DuCharme xiii I had been rapping steadily at Mrs. Dittleboffer’s door— since she is the concierge, of course, he...

by Mark DuCharme xiii I had been rapping steadily at Mrs. Dittleboffer’s door— since she is the concierge, of course, her quarters are on the main floor, proximal to the central building’s entrance— for what seemed a quarter hour, but in reality was probably closer to three or four minutes. I had heard no footsteps approaching, so I was surprised when the sound of the bolt turning became audible, and then the door creaked open....

by Mark DuCharme xiii I had been rapping steadily at Mrs. Dittleboffer’s door— since she is the concierge, of course, her quarters are on the main floor, proximal to the central building’s entrance…

In which the indefatigable Carl Wendt, not quite Charles Baudelaire, not quite Charles Bukowski, poet for all seasons, m...

In which the indefatigable Carl Wendt, not quite Charles Baudelaire, not quite Charles Bukowski, poet for all seasons, master flaneur, and last of the poètes maudits, interviews a shooting star novelist at the behest of his agent, Nora White, and for a little ready cash. Excerpt from Ode To Sunset A Year In The Life Of American Genius a fiction by Pat Nolan…...

In which the indefatigable Carl Wendt, not quite Charles Baudelaire, not quite Charles Bukowski, poet for all seasons, master flaneur, and last of the poètes maudits, interviews a shooting star nov…

Welcome to Volume Four, Number Two of Dime Pulp,A Serial Pulp Fiction Magazine.  Dime Pulp debuts a new serial novel, Di...

Welcome to Volume Four, Number Two of Dime Pulp,A Serial Pulp Fiction Magazine. Dime Pulp debuts a new serial novel, Die Like A Man, by Thierry La Noque, in Volume 4, Number 2. It is a meta noir story of a man who gives a friend a ride only to be pulled in deeper and deeper into the events surrounding a brutal murder of the daughter of a prominent businessman and the attempts to cover it up and place the blame on someone else....

Welcome to Volume Four, Number Two of Dime Pulp,A Serial Pulp Fiction Magazine. Dime Pulp debuts a new serial novel, Die Like A Man, by Thierry La Noque, in Volume 4, Number 2. It is a meta noir s…

by Phylis Huldarsdottir Cast of Characters (Partial): Captain Lydia Cheése (pronounced “Chase”), Airship Commander for A...

by Phylis Huldarsdottir Cast of Characters (Partial): Captain Lydia Cheése (pronounced “Chase”), Airship Commander for Aerosud, a luxury liner airship company based out of São Paulo in the Empire of Brazil, who is searching for her father, Commodore Jack Cheése, an outlaw and antigovernmental rabble rouser. Professor Doctor Jean-Pierre Serre-Pain, proprietor of Madame Ophelia’s Ophidiarium, a traveling snake show, who has abducted Lydia to get her to pilot an illegal unregistered airship to HOAR (the Horn Of Africa Republic) on a mission of mercy in exchange for helping her find her father....

by Phylis Huldarsdottir Cast of Characters (Partial): Captain Lydia Cheése (pronounced “Chase”), Airship Commander for Aerosud, a luxury liner airship company based out of São Paulo in the Empire o…

by Paul Anton Taylor Wayne had awakened in a smoky miasma to the drone of voices and a rhythmic rattling, tapping. He wa...

by Paul Anton Taylor Wayne had awakened in a smoky miasma to the drone of voices and a rhythmic rattling, tapping. He was not surprised, as if he were revisiting a dream, a welcoming inevitability. He’d been calm, not overcome by the strangeness of his surroundings, yet clammy skinned and weak. A heavy breathing had accompanied exhalations and inhalations close to his cheek....

by Paul Anton Taylor Wayne had awakened in a smoky miasma to the drone of voices and a rhythmic rattling, tapping. He was not surprised, as if he were revisiting a dream, a welcoming inevitability.…

by Mark DuCharme x Needless to say, I did not sleep at all well the rest of that night. I went through the duties of my ...

by Mark DuCharme x Needless to say, I did not sleep at all well the rest of that night. I went through the duties of my job as best I could the next day. The handling of carriers, I must admit, now struck a definite note of trepidation in my blood. I could feel, or imagined I could feel, my cargo’s eyes on the back of my neck as I raced with waning caution toward the facility....

by Mark DuCharme x Needless to say, I did not sleep at all well the rest of that night. I went through the duties of my job as best I could the next day. The handling of carriers, I must admit, now…

by Thierry Le Noque CHAPTER ONE The sun is in my eyes and I’m going to die. Ray Philips tried to care. It was only one w...

by Thierry Le Noque CHAPTER ONE The sun is in my eyes and I’m going to die. Ray Philips tried to care. It was only one weepy eye, anyway. The other had swollen shut. He was watching the sun set, face pressed against the hard scrabble at the side of a narrow road on the dry yellow flank of the Mayacamas range....

by Thierry Le Noque CHAPTER ONE The sun is in my eyes and I’m going to die. Ray Philips tried to care. It was only one weepy eye, anyway. The other had swollen shut. He was watching the sun set, fa…


From the beginning, Ode To Sunset, A Year In The Life Of American Genius, was conceived as a narrative compendium of contemporary poetry through the sensibilities of a dying breed: the neo-Romantic…

From the beginning, Ode To Sunset, A Year In The Life Of American Genius, was conceived as a narrative compendium of con...

From the beginning, Ode To Sunset, A Year In The Life Of American Genius, was conceived as a narrative compendium of contemporary poetry through the sensibilities of a dying breed: the neo-Romantic, post-Beat, unaffiliated, uncompromising, anti-social poète maudit, Carl Wendt. In this fiction awash with recurring commentary on poets (dead or alive), their “craft and sullen art,” as well as their contentious milieu, there are four specific literary appropriations that relate thematically to the overall development....

From the beginning, Ode To Sunset, A Year In The Life Of American Genius, was conceived as a narrative compendium of contemporary poetry through the sensibilities of a dying breed: the neo-Romantic…


~Women Poets Postcards~Postcards are individually printed by handon repurposed commercial utility cardboard insertsusing a combination of carved linoleum blocks and stencils.Each series is limited …

~Women Poets Postcards~Postcards are individually printed by handon repurposed commercial utility cardboard insertsusing...

~Women Poets Postcards~Postcards are individually printed by handon repurposed commercial utility cardboard insertsusing a combination of carved linoleum blocks and stencils.Each series is limited to 25 sets of 3 postcards each,numbered and signed with the Old Goat seal. ~Series 1, 2, & 3 are out of print~ Series 4 now available for a limited time…...

~Women Poets Postcards~Postcards are individually printed by handon repurposed commercial utility cardboard insertsusing a combination of carved linoleum blocks and stencils.Each series is limited …


—Notice To The Membership & Interested Parties—The Society would direct your attention to the menu bar above. Conditions of Parole have been revised to reflect new guidelines for submissions to…

—Notice To The Membership & Interested Parties—The Society would direct your attention to the menu bar above. Conditions...

—Notice To The Membership & Interested Parties—The Society would direct your attention to the menu bar above. Conditions of Parole have been revised to reflect new guidelines for submissions to Parole. Note as well new menu categories have been added to facilitate a more direct access to posts by specific as well as general subject matter. Number 1…...

—Notice To The Membership & Interested Parties—The Society would direct your attention to the menu bar above. Conditions of Parole have been revised to reflect new guidelines for submissions to…



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