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How to know when a prophetic word is from God? Follow Apostolic Sisters in Faith on YouTube for more! 👍🏾👍🏾👍🏾            ...

How to know when a prophetic word is from God? Follow Apostolic Sisters in Faith on YouTube for more! 👍🏾👍🏾👍🏾

Almost 3yrs ago I received a prophetic word from a well respected Prophet. After receiving this word, my life changed forever...for the good. Anytime we rece...


If you or someone you know is battling witchcraft attacks, these are some recommended books by that will help destroy evil altars erected against you and your family. 👊🏾




Revelations 2:20
Nevertheless I have a few things against you, because you allow that woman Jezebel, who calls herself a prophetess, to teach and seduce My servants to commit sexual immorality and eat things sacrificed to idols.

Father is addressing the spirit of Jezebel in His church (Worldwide). We are all a member of the body of Christ, Father's Church! (1 Corinthians 12:12-31 Colossians 1:18)

What is the spirit of Jezebel? This is when someone is being influenced by the demon called Jezebel.

We first learn about the spirit of Jezebel through the person, Jezebel, whom we can read about in the book of Kings, one and two. She was the daughter of Ethbaal, king of Tyre, who was a priest to Baal, a god whose worship involved prostitution and sexual abasement. Ahab, king of Israel, married Jezebel and together they led the nation into Baal worship (1 Kings 16:31 Idolatry/sexual perversion).

When Jezebel became queen, she tried to rid Israel of all those who worshipped the true Living God. Controlling and domineering whom the people should worship, her god, Baal. Ensuring all obeyed her own interests. Ordering the death penalty upon the prophets of God. (1 Kings 18: 4, 13) Coming against God's prophet Elijah, who walked according to His Spirit, worshipping God only. He would not bow his knee to Jezebel or to her god, Baal. Thus she persecuted him, then ordering his death, when he withstood her priests of Baal, having them put to death. (1 Kings 18)

A righteous man named Naboth, refused to sell Ahab his inherited land from his fathers, which was next to the palace, rightly declaring that to sell his inheritance would be against the Lord. (1 Kings 21:1-16) Ahab sulked because he wanted the land for himself, he did not withstand Jezebel when she mocked him for his weakness, handing his kingdom authority over to her because she was stronger than him. Jezebel caused the death of Naboth and his sons, so there would be no heirs and the land would revert to the possession of the king. She got her own way, mocking and undermining her husband's authority as head of the kingdom of Israel, taking control of the situation, murdering whoever stood in her way, stopping at nothing.

Jezebel's death was prophesied by Elijah (1 Kings 21:23) When Jehu, who was sent by God was approaching on his horse to have her put to death, she painted her face, wore her queen's robe and stood defiant at the window (2 Kings 9:30-37) She did not give up, prideful and defiant to the end. Not bowing to those in authority, committed to her own agenda.

THE SPIRIT OF JEZEBEL CAN BE SEEN (Those influenced by a jezebel demon)

Domineering, controlling of self (Bulimia/anorexia/fitness fanatic etc..), a person or situation, manipulation of a person or situation, rebellion, refusing to submit to spiritual authority (Though gives appearance of being humble, in their heart they are not), will undermine a husband's 'head of household' authority, leadership in a church or pastor, either to the person's face or behind their back (Gossip, slander, mocking, defiant, prayer point etc..), defiance, mocking, belittling, whoredom (Using beauty and body as a means of gain), seduction, vanity, idolatry, looking out for self-interest. Wanting it's own way. Hates being exposed or being humiliated/beaten, prideful. Mistrust toward men/those in authority. Easily angered when someone is not in agreement, prove itself right, argue a point. Self-justifies behaviour. Sense of entitlement, grandiose, wants attention. Will align with leadership to persuade them with it's own agenda/belief. Believing to be more spiritual and should be heard. Using the prophetic as a means of gaining attention and followers.

THE DEMON CALLED JEZEBEL (Influencing women or men)

The jezebel demon works with the demons of leviathan (Twists and distorts communication/causing arguments/contentions and division/prideful), mind powers, mind binding, witchcraft, seduction, bewitchment, lust, persuasion, murder, anger, contempt (Treating or believing someone to be 'beneath' you), mocking, accusation (gaslight), blame, intimidation, vanity, jealousy, envy, pride, insecurity, rebellion, rejection and infirmity.

Jezebel instigates sexual immorality, such as fornication, adultery, molestation, in**st, r**e, paedophilia, polygamy, prostitution, po*******hy.


Those who have come under the influence of someone with a Jezebel spirit, can display what is called, jezebelic behaviour. The demons influencing this person are the children of Jezebel.

Spite (spiteful), hate (hateful), contentions, retaliation, revenge, gossip, slander, back-biting, lust, seduction, 'cold-shoulder', defiance, self-pity (poor me), self-sabotage (I can't do it), self-defence (It wasn't me. Was not my fault etc..), self-justify (I said it because of this.. I did it because of this..), blame and accuse to divert attention (gaslight).

THE DEMON CALLED AHAB (Influencing women or men)

Where jezebel is, ahab will be there. Ahab is a marriage breaking/destroying demon. Causing division and strife in the marriage and in the home. Ahab can come in due to a domineering mother or father, employer, pastor etc.. who was influenced by a jezebel demon.

Destroying of family unit and marriage, relinquishing of God's divine order of 'head of household' in the home and marriage over to the wife/mother, relinquishing of spiritual authority over to someone influenced by jezebel/perceived stronger, weakness of fortitude, not stand up for self, petulance (sulky/easily annoyed/bad-tempered), submissive, easily persuaded. Can display jezebelic traits.


The jezebel demon is fearful of those who walk according to the Spirit and moving in strong prophetic, wanting preeminence. Will be in opposition against such a person, treating them as a threat. Accusations, blame, point finger, saying that person has a 'jezebel' spirit (gaslight), trying to cause that person to be 'shut down' or removed. Will try to usurp/undermine spiritual authority by casting own light on the matter. Always proving itself, self-validating, to puff up in one's own eyes whilst within is insecure, secretly jealous and envious of what that person has (Recognition/followers/anointing/spiritual position/ranking in church). Will use control, manipulation, seduction, witchcraft and bewitchment, either blatantly or discreetly, so the person does not know at first it is happening. It will try to seduce and deceive those whom it deems useful as stepping stones to a higher position. In marriage, she will take the position of authority in the household and will not submit to her husband but will show submission in front of others.

It loves religion (Flesh/rules/regulations), to have a form of Godliness but denying the power. It does not like the power of God or someone moving in the Spirit which exposes it's work. It likes to be popular and well liked by all and to be regarded highly by people of influence and in positions of leadership. It will position itself around the pastor and the leadership in a church or around those it deems has an influential position. It has a sense of self-importance and values it's reputation, how it appears and is perceived by others. It wants to be followed and seen as important, so seeks those it feels are weaker than it, those who are easily controlled, people-pleasers, gullible, double-minded, those living with rejection and want to be accepted, hurt people and those in need. It will help them so they feel obliged to follow (Nurturing co-dependency) then impose itself on them, to do as it leads and does. (Cult leader/false doctrine)

It is not humble though will give the pretence it is. Whenever jezebel receives praise, it always responds in a false humility but secretly loves it. It doesn't like others getting attention or praise more than it. It is defensive and will come against whoever it feels is confronting it. When the jezebel demon feels threatened, that it may be exposed, it will influence a person to come against the one it feels threatened by and if they are in a position of authority, will try to undermine their position of authority, to have people question their leadership. It wants to be seen as the most spiritual in a group and is jealous of those who are more spiritual than it. It hates the voice of the prophet and will seek to control and discredit those who operate in the prophetic.

When someone influenced by a jezebel demon has a grievance against a pastor, the leadership or a member of the church, this person will start to grumble against them. The person will tell others (gossip) about the one who has grieved them, to plead their cause and have people rally around them and if it is not addressed, will generate strife, contentions, dissension, fractions and even division in the church.

Such behaviour is contrary to the Spirit of God! We are not to tolerate the spirit of Jezebel in our church, in our marriage or in our home!


A generational jezebel demon will try to continue down the bloodline through a generational curse to undermine God's divine order in the marriage, home and church. Through the curses of r**e, molestation, in**st, paedophilia, adultery, polygamy, po*******hy. Whatever generational curse the jezebel demon is using to travel down the bloodline, it can be broken and this demon be cast out! It can not be tolerated!

This is a self-deliverance prayer, demons will be leaving you. They may leave as a cough, burp, sigh, yawn, vomit, build up of saliva (spit it out), tears in the eyes (wipe them away), sneeze, feel a weight lift from you, feel something has left, some feel nothing at all when demons leave.

Speak in the authority our Lord Jesus has given you over the realms of darkness. (Luke 10:19) Every demonic spirit and power is subject to you and must obey and they know it!

NOTE: It is optional to add your spouse, children or grandchildren in this prayer, the curses will be broken off from them if you do. But I do not recommend commanding demons to leave your spouse, children or grandchildren unless they are living their lives for Jesus.

NOTE: For those who had been fostered, adopted or had someone who had parental care over you for a length of time, had step parents or a father and mother in law, add what is appropriate for you written in the brackets.

“I repent and renounce all sins of my parents and ancestors (My foster parents/my adoptive parents/my step parents/those who had parental care of me/father and mother in-law and their ancestors) that caused a curse that allowed generational jezebel and ahab demons to come into my family bloodline. No matter what it was or how long it has been in my bloodline, I break every curse in the authority Lord Jesus has given me over all the powers of the enemy! In Jesus name! Off from me (my husband/wife, children, grandchildren etc..) my bloodline and all future generations! In Jesus name!

I do not tolerate jezebel or ahab, jezebel's children or the demons that work with jezebel and ahab! Whatever agreements I made with any generational jezebel and ahab demons, jezebel's children, the demons that work with jezebel and ahab in my lifetime, I break those agreements! In Jesus name!

In the name of Jesus, I command every generational jezebel to leave me now in all your entirety! I command you to leave me (my husband/wife, children, grandchildren etc.. ) and go straight to the abyss and into it, from where you cannot return! OUT! In Jesus name! I command all generational jezebel children to leave me now in all your entirety! I command you to leave me (my husband/wife, children, grandchildren etc.. ) and go straight to the abyss and into it, from where you cannot return! OUT! In Jesus name! I command every demonic spirit and power that worked with every generational jezebel, no matter your name or function, I am resisting you, leave me now in all your entirety! I command you to leave me (my husband/wife, children, grandchildren etc.. ) and go straight to the abyss and into it, from where you cannot return! OUT! In Jesus name! I command every generational ahab demon to leave me now in all your entirety! I command you to leave me (my husband/wife, children, grandchildren etc.. ) and go straight to the abyss and into it, from where you cannot return! OUT! In Jesus name! I release the fire of God to burn every generational jezebel and ahab demon, all jezebel children and every demonic spirit and power that worked with a generational jezebel and ahab demon! It will stay on you until you leave in all your entirety! COME OUT! DETACH! LOOSE YOURSELF! Go straight to the abyss and into it, from where you cannot return! I command it! In Jesus name!


The jezebel spirit, ahab and jezebelic traits and behaviour is not who we are in Christ. It is not our identity. We need to recant and denounce all jezebel spirit, ahab and jezebelic traits and behaviour.

Recant – To revoke, take back, withdraw something said or believed.
Denounce – Declare something to be wrong or evil.

“Father, I sincerely from my heart repent of all jezebel, ahab and jezebelic thoughts, heart intentions, words I have written or spoken, behaviour and traits throughout my life. Including in my marriage, in my home and in Your church. Please renew a steadfast spirit within me, cleanse me of all unrighteousness, create in me a clean heart, pure and upright before You. I choose to be led by Your spirit, submitting and surrendering my heart, my life, my walk with You, my marriage, my children, grandchildren and my church to His leading and guidance, so your character and nature can be seen in me! Thank You Father for forgiving me. I receive Your forgiveness and choose to live a life of worship unto You! To walk with a humble heart before You, knowing it is what You can do in and through my life by Your Spirit, to Your glory! In Jesus name I pray. Amen.

In the name of Lord Jesus, whose name is above all names, I recant all jezebel and jezeblic beliefs, traits and behaviour! In Jesus name! I denounce jezebel, her children and the demons that work with jezebel! In Jesus name! I recant all ahab beliefs, traits and behaviour! In Jesus name! I denounce ahab and the demons that worked with ahab! In Jesus name! I do not tolerate jezebel, her children, the demons that work with jezebel or ahab and the demons that work with ahab! Whatever agreements I made with jezebel, her children, the demons that work with jezebel, with ahab and the demons that worked with ahab, in my lifetime, I break those agreements! In Jesus name!

I relinquish all control to Lord Jesus, who is my Defender and Protector, my Shepherd who leads and guides me by His Spirit. In Him I trust and He is my hope and confidence. My identity is found in Lord Jesus, His Spirit is changing me to more like Him! In Jesus name.

I forgive all those who domineered over me, who tried to control and manipulate me, gaslighted or came against me. In Jesus name. I release each person into Your hands Lord Jesus. You will deal with them, not me. I hold my peace and be at rest in You.

I sever myself from every ungodly soul tie and demonic bond to every person who has ever tried to dominate me, who tried to control or manipulate me, gaslight or came against me in my lifetime! In Jesus name!

I have recanted all jezebel and jezebelic beliefs, traits and behaviour. I have denounced jezebel, her children and the demons that work with jezebel. Jezebel, you and your children and the demons that worked with you have no more right to remain! In Jesus name!

I command every jezebel demon to leave me now in all your entirety! I command you to leave me (my husband/wife, children, grandchildren etc.. ) and go straight to the abyss and into it, from where you cannot return! OUT! In Jesus name! I command all jezebel children to leave me in all your entirety! I command you to leave me (my husband/wife, children, grandchildren etc.. ) and go straight to the abyss and into it, from where you cannot return! OUT! In Jesus name! I command every demonic spirit and power that worked with jezebel, no matter your name or function, to leave me now in all your entirety! I command you to leave me (my husband/wife, children, grandchildren etc.. ) and go straight to the abyss and into it, from where you cannot return! OUT! In Jesus name!

I have recanted all ahab beliefs, traits and behaviour! I have denounced ahab and the demons that worked with it! Ahab, you and whatever demons that worked with you have no more right to remain! In Jesus name!

I command every ahab demon to leave me now in all your entirety! I command you to leave me (my husband/wife, children, grandchildren etc.. ) and go straight to the abyss and into it, from where you cannot return! OUT! In Jesus name! I command every demonic spirit and power that worked with ahab to leave me now in all your entirety! I command you to leave me (my husband/wife, children, grandchildren etc.. ) and go straight to the abyss and into it, from where you cannot return! OUT! In Jesus name!

I release the fire of God to burn every jezebel and ahab demon, all jezebel children and every demonic spirit and power that worked with every jezebel or ahab! It will stay on you until you leave in all your entirety! COME OUT! DETACH! LOOSE YOURSELF! Go straight to the abyss and into it, from where you cannot return! I command it! In Jesus name!

I command every demonic spirit and power that came through any person who tried to dominate, control or manipulate, gaslight or come against me in my lifetime, to leave me now in all your entirety! I command you to leave me (my husband/wife, children, grandchildren etc.. ) and go straight to the abyss and into it, from where you cannot return! OUT! In Jesus name!

Now ask Holy Spirit to fill you fresh to overflow.

"Holy Spirit, please fill me fresh to overflow. Thank You Holy Spirit. (Wait a moment as He does this)


God bless you!

Angie Maris


Do you ever pray at midnight? Share this with someone who may need to hear it!


”For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.“
‭‭Ephesians‬ ‭6‬:‭12‬ ‭NKJV‬‬

Our battle is never against another man or woman but against the spirit influencing them. We need to use the spiritual weapons God has given us through the Holy Spirit to combat the unseen forces sent by the enemy. Prayer is a powerful weapon so remember to use it when someone’s flesh is being influenced by the demonic realm! If you will use your spiritual weapons from God type “Amen!”





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