A Woman's Soul

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A Woman's Soul A Weak Man, A Heartless Fool A man who maliciously shattered .y heart &soul


My Soul is Incomplete. I Need To Find An Outlet For All My Pent-up Anger &Pain. I Have Fought All My Life I've Kept Silent With Hopes that 😂 The Real Truths Would Be UnCovered,that I,at Last, Would Be Seen As The Victim The Real Heroine At last!!!


I'm Soo tired, I'm sooo worn,
I am tired of
fighting to
stay alive.
I'm tired of this pain that never
goes away, that has me bent & aged... unable to
stand tall.
If only God..would call
My Soul Home,
So I could rest once more


I'm so lost, I'm weary & tired
I'm always in pain,always alone, I feel like I'm a failure,I feel afraid, I feel
death coming, these black shadows. hover over my bed
I see him to have lost my
way, f poo r the first time in a long time. I can't seem to find my faith.. I'm sorry that I didn't have the courage &strength to keep the person I love, here by me, I wish I could turn back time, I'd love to be able to once again, share whatever time I've got left, with the one & only,
True Love I've ever had
I am so confused,so angry,so blue. I miss him,I love him, I wish to just see &talk to him,. even if, it's only an hour or two




I wish there were words to break through your walk,your silence
I wish that there would be soneway to just talk to you or see you,just even for a minute
I wish there was a way that I could get closer to you,to have a face to face chat, so I could just know,for sure, that you are alright&well, that you would tell me that you're not in love with me anymore,that you have someone new.
I cannot apologize enough for all the wrong decisions I made that resulted in you going away, My prayers are for you to be well happy and moving forward to that better place you said you were going, I want to release this love for you,let it go, forget you too..but I haven't been able to. God brought you &I together for a reason, you cannot deny that ever, we both did wrong but we were a strong team &overcame more than most people. I pray that one day very soon, that you will video chat me and tell me what I really need to hear I can't blame you for finding someone else, I look in this mirror &all I see is an old woman,who can't no longer even care for herself, I never thought I'd be this helpless, all I know is I love you still and wish that you would give me a call before I die

Yes just what are we doingRay?

Yes just what are we doingRay?

Wild Heart, Wings & No Regrets ♥️


Here you go again. Why would you💖 send a bi***es thing ass to me? Whatz more complexing is that You!! won't at least post a pic of you &her together?? You must feel very ashamed to be with her huh? Or are you scared her husband will recognize?

This was me before this darkness began. .

This was me before this darkness began. .


I'm spiriling down down into the darkness,
I'm crying out for help yet
Yet...no one
Heard me.
My mind screams your name, over and over
But ..you aren't there,you
Don't hear hear me... don't you care? I love you
So much, I'm afraid of this darkness..I need you so much you're the only one that I trust...help me

Please come save me. Hear my cries..for help


You came into my life,
Why? I will never know ..
And from that first night, we knew that we
Had met before.
In another place in time.
You helped me to release
So many fears, Because of You, my loneliness disappeared
You had my heart,right from the start, I felt that
Now. You filled that missing part .
Of Me! That had been empty for a very,long time.
I couldn't believe that You were mine
We loved hard,passionately,and amazing
Though we each had once had others. None of them had fulfilled us..
Like You for me,And,Me
For You. At last,I wasn't afraid to venture into things..I didn't know,things I'd
Never,Ever Allowed Anyone or Anything to take me to before
I knew that I could trust you You tenderly gave me so many Firsts, I'm so
Happy that we shared those moments together,
Thank you for giving me your love.


I've been reminiscing
On those moments we
Once shared
Some,which make me laugh and smile
Instead of crying these tears
We had so many beautiful,crazy moments
We had our ups and downs but that special,once in a lifetime love...never failed
And even though we are now apart, of which I know was mostly my own fault..because I failed you,I wasn't strong enough, to keep you here by my side and give you that special care you needed. My heart breaks a lil more everyday,I still am in love with you,I know I will love only you...til my dying day. I've cried a million years, I long to just see you and hold you once more very tight It hurt my soul each time my cards and letters were returned ,and every phone call was not answered,but I'm learning that you may now either have a new love,or one from your past,you don't love me anymore I have to live with that. I hope in time that you will reach out and once more be my friend, I'd really like that it would mean ALOT I miss that much more than you will ever know.


The darkness if night has closed in,
I glance at the clock and see
Itz once more,time for bed.
I hate this part, I dread the darkness of each night.
Tonight.. I didn't take the pill, the one who caused me...to close my eyes.
I wanted to see if maybe,I
Could finally sleep without that pill tonight
I am still working on getting over you..l trying to make myself believe
That there never ever was,a you &me. I do not wanna think of you at all..
Cuz then, I'd have to admit that I need you lying next to me in my bed. All I ever wanted,all I ever needed, got lost forever..the day you left. I regret ever letting you go I was so wrong I would love to turn time back, for the chance to have you next to me,loving me like before. Sometimes I get through it sometimes I don't, because the Love for You Lives On In My Heart,My Soul, Forever & Always it will remain I'll take it to my grave, now here I sit...tears running down my face, thoughts of you again...keep me from sleeping tonight. .AGAIN ,💖💖💖💖💞

I'm a woman who has been through hell and clawed my way back. I am "for real" a one of a kind that cannot be duplicated ...

I'm a woman who has been through hell and clawed my way back. I am "for real" a one of a kind that cannot be duplicated by anyone. When I love,I love completely,wholly, forever.


I see your face
As I sit here
Looking out the window
Remembering times
When you held me tight
And kept me warm on cold
Winter's nights
Wondering now,where you're at,wondering who now, you're holding tight?. Tears start to flow
Down my face, My heart is breaking,shattering into
Small pieces. I long for you to find your way back. To love me as you
Used to I pray that no other woman,can keep your love or desire satisfied, that your heart and soul will only be for me,&.me alone. I wish that you would somehow feel my touches,my kisses, my breath on your neck and call out my name loudly, as you have s*x with her. Again &again. Til she leaves forever and never returns
They say that no woman can compete with another Woman's love for the same man? True or not? Don't know but If it is, I'd give up my last breath to have you in my arms again . You may have changed,as you say, to have conquered the demons inside your head,that hurt your body &your soul,moved forward to a better life for you. But you can't see the struggle I fought, to also break free of those demons too. You're blind to these changes I've done too, so I could move forward and be a better me too. I wish you could, I wish you would call me, I long to hear your voice again,to chat and share like we used to do. Our breakup has taken alot out of me, the face I now see in the mirror,has aged and lost itz glow, my body stays racked in pain day & night, instead of walking now,I stay in this wheelchair, wishing for you to be here


He will never ever know how very much I loved him. He won't ever know everything I had to do just to be by his side. There was alot I could not tell him because he was too precious to me and I wasn't going to allow others words against him hurt his beautiful soul. I was THE ONLY ONE! WHO STOOD BY HIS SIDE THROUGH EACH &EVERY ILLNESS HE HAD I TOOK CARE OF HIM BY MYSELF, SELLING ANYTHING I COULD,JUST TO MAKE SURE, HE HAD WHAT HE NEEDED. NL ONE ELSE HELPED HIM, NO ONE REACHED OUT TO HIM,EVEN BY TELEPHONE. NOW THAT I AM NEEDING HIM TO BE HERE FOR ME,TO HELP ME THROUGH THIS CRIPPLING ILLNESS, HE IS T HERE,HE DOESN'T WANT TO BE BY ME. HE CANT ACKNOWLEDGE ME,OR THE LOVE &LIFE HE AND I shared together. Suddenly, I'm the bad person who caused his many illnesses,.


I'm sitting here alone. So alone
So many thoughts fill my head, alot of regrets too.
I wish I could just hear your voice, just once more..it hurts so deeply to know that you now hate me, when once you professed an undying love for me. My fault,I know, time can't be turned back, you're gone
Forever, you have someone new.
I miss your friendship, the ways you'd make me laugh when I was stressed, most of all I miss the warmth of your arms holding me close, quieting my tears .
I know in my heart that I will always be in love
With only you, I can't ever be with any other If this is wrong, I truly don't care And if others have a problem with it, then they can shut up and stay away from me, I truly do not care. I hope that you're doing well, I pray for you every night, You deserve to be happy, you deserve to have peace not chaos in your life. I hope sometimes that you will remember me, that you will pray for me as I pray for you. My life is exactly how I want it, I want to be alone. You will remain in my heart and be the star in my dreams .
Until God calls me home once agsin


The Anguish,The Hurt,The Damage Done
To A Woman's Soul, When The
Man...She Loved,She Trusted, Betrays Her, Lies To Her,Over and Over...And Even When He Is Caught, He Still Will Not Be Honest Or Give Her The Closure She Desperately Needs. To Just Let Go And Move On.


This page is filled with alot of poetry, alot of my own thoughts and words and feelings. Itz truly a page that all women\ and men .can relate to. Being a woman is hard but to be a scorned betrayed and played victim by a person you loved deeply and trusted . I hope you will enjoy it.


My Soul is broken
I can't seem to move,
Frozen in one spot, this
Wheelchair holds me bound.
I made so many efforts, so many plans to move
Ahead. .now the classes
I was going to start are on hold, my counseling
Is on hold, I'm stuck and
My mind says F**k it let
Stop trying to make yourself better, stop trying to prove you're not Toxic,as he said
It was him who let go,he
Who told the lies and destroyed you He is the
Fool, not you. My heartache won't go away
The times I'm alone are the worse, if only he had given me closure, told me he had someone new
Instead of toying with my mind and heart
I pray every day for relief
From this pain and heartache


As my lifetime here
Comes to an end
Thoughts of you, fill my
Head, I sit in
The darkness I let these
Tears flow, I miss you so
Much, I long just to feel
Your touch..one last time
Before I go.
I was so damn wrong to
Ever have let you go, I loved you so much I knew it was best for you
I couldn't let your eyes see
The pain that was wracking my body, the ipain that was going to
Take me away from the
Life I shared with you How much longer My
Soul will remain, I don't
Know though I know it
Will be soon. All I want
Is to see you once more
To feel your warmth, to
Look into your eyes your
Soul one more time
Before my life soul leaves
This World


Trying to get over this betrayal,
Some days are good, others are filled with tears & heartache.
I've accepted his absence, I am happy that
He is clean & sober & that he is moving forward to " better himself". I knew he could d o it. But he had to want it. I can accept that me What hurts is his betrayal,his lying, his unfaithfulness,. .most of all the ugly words he has texted me. I cannot ever get back with him because he has been with someone else, that I cannot accept. I deserve better from him, I was the only one there for him for 9 + years, thru every sickness,everything. He was the love of


You are so blind, so
Do you actually Believe your made up profile of yourself! Do you believe that you're so self rightous that you can downgrade me with your accusations?
You were the one who got yourself strung out on that m**h, you always had to have it, you were the one who created our unhappiness, you kept lying, you were always the one You didn't listen to my cries or pleas, all I was ever guilty of was Loving you for believing you. So f**k you &f**k those lying ass bi***es😂 you listen to. I don't care about it anymore




Why must you torment me
Sending me photos,knowing the hurt you've caused me?
I'm doing . My best to put what I shared with you behind me, I'm tired of crying myself to sleep each night, I'm tired of tossing &turning all thru the nights too.
While you've obviously moved on why can't I too?


Writings from the deepest parts of broken hearts,broken dreams,love lost


Memories always seem to come rushing into my mind during this cooler weather. I move forward several steps smile more, stay busy, so at bedtime, I'm so exhausted, I sleep without dreams
How does someone get over this kind of betrayed love? What do I need to do? They say we are lucky to find our Soulmate,the one who completes you,in your lifetime. But it can happen cuz it happened to me, I wasn't looking for it,hell, I'd given up on love and ever being truly loved, then!! It happened. He completed that part of me that had never been filled before, he showed me an excitement that I'd read about&heard about, I loved him so completely,so deeply,so faithfully, I breathed his name. Then, things got bad,after 9years together, we both became sick,with major health issues, we let go of each other,believing it was for the best of each of us, I planned on getting myself healthier,more stable, so I could go bring him back with me. But It didn't happen, somebody sAid that somebody said, jealousy became ugly and real and old hatreds from family me.bers surfaced,causing he and I to remain apart
Yet,I am still in love with him I we want him and no body but him. What do I do?


My tears have a story to tell,even the tears not visabily seen


A Woman's Soul is filled with Deep Emotions of Love Lost
It's a reflection of words never spoken

There are no words that can ever describe this pain, itz endless,or seems to be, especially when no reasons or explanati...

There are no words that can ever describe this pain, itz endless,or seems to be, especially when no reasons or explanations were given for this betrayal,.

The pain of being hurt by someone you love, and someone you thought loved you, is excruciating 😢

Judge Lest Ye Not Be Judged

Judge Lest Ye Not Be Judged

I'm going to get way past this hopefully soon

I'm going to get way past this hopefully soon

My heart breaks,my soul feels emptyI gave you all my love,my heartMy trust, You made me promises,I didn't ask of you,I b...

My heart breaks,my soul feels empty
I gave you all my love,my heart
My trust,
You made me promises,I didn't ask of you,I believed in you
Your words,your realness
Together,we shared so much
You led me to a wonderous
Chapter I didn't know existed
As long as you were beside me
I knew I was safe
We aged through those years
I wasn't able to do those things
With you like before, you became sick, I got scared
I knew that I wasn't strong enough to help you like I'd once done, because I loved you so much,I knew I needed to give you more,I reached out to the family that had never been there
For you,I prayed that God would
help me regain my strength and health so I could bring you back
Into my arms.
I should've known, I truly wish now that I'd never allowed those
People back into your life, because I lost you forever
Every nite I ask God to heal you
To make your eyes see the web
Of lies and deception they've weaved that has kept you away
And that your promises and words and all we shared together will break you free of
That web and deceit, that you will return to me to us.
I need you so much, I cry every nite. My soul is not complete
Without you.



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