Hey friends, tNY.Press is for sale.
It's been an amazing 5 years. We're so grateful and humbled by all of your support, and also by the neverending genius of our writers. But it's time the editors move on to new things as we have grown tNY as big and strong as we are able.
That said, we'd hate to s***f out all the potential it still has. Between the print magazine, books, and our new partnership with the LA Review of Books (via ExperimentalLit.com), tNY.Press is an amazing factory for new writing talent and literary experiments.
We are looking to sell and/or pass the baton to a person or publisher who want to get their hands on a real dope venue for experimental lit. We are taking bids until June 15 and then making a decision on June 20th. Please share this post, tell your friends, spread the words, so we can put tNY into good hands.
We attached a basic deck with more details.
Josh, Chuck, & co.