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🍂The Young Girl and the Hen A Young Girl lived on a farm with her parents. She loved to play with the farm animals.One d...

🍂The Young Girl and the Hen

A Young Girl lived on a farm with her parents. She loved to play with the farm animals.

One day, while she was playing with the Hens and their Chicks, a Hen pecked her finger and bit it.

“Oh, Papa!” the Young Girl ran to her father, crying and holding out her hand.

The Young Girl’s father asked her, “My bonny little girl! What happened?”

The Young Girl said, “Oh Papa! The Hen hurt me! I am so kind to them, yet one of them bites my fingers every time I go to play with them. They are not nice!”

The Young Girl’s father took her small hand in his own large one. “The poor Hens think you have come to harm them or their little children. So they are scared of you and bite in fear. You should he careful. First play with them from a distance.

When you become friends, then they will never bite you” .

Her father continued, “My dear girl. You should try to understand and respect each creature. Even if they are not like us, they also have feelings and fears!”

First understand people or animals and then get close to them.

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🍂The Ape and the Bee Once, an Ape saw thick syrup under a tree. The syrup looked golden in the sunshine. The Ape saw mor...

🍂The Ape and the Bee

Once, an Ape saw thick syrup under a tree. The syrup looked golden in the sunshine. The Ape saw more drops of the syrup falling from a branch of the tree.

The Ape thought, ‘Oh! That must be honey!’

The Ape looked up. He saw high above him, a hive. He also saw that the Bees were buzzing and working together to make honey.

The Ape wished that he could climb up, break off a piece of the hive, chew it and enjoy the fresh honey! But he did not move at all. He sadly remembered, Just last week, I had tried to steal honey from the hive and the angry Bees had stung me! It was so painful!’

The Ape sighed!

A Bee flying up to the hive looked at him. The Ape asked the Bee, “How are you able to make such a sweet wonderful liquid like honey, and at the same time, carry such a horribly painful sting?”

The Bee nodded wisely and agreed, “Yes, you know our good work tastes sweet; but you must also know that when someone tries to steal it, our anger can be just as bitter!”

If you learn from your mistakes, you will not get hurt again.

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🍂The Farmer and the DogOne evening, a Farmer returned home from his farm. He had left his baby asleep in the cradle. His...

🍂The Farmer and the Dog

One evening, a Farmer returned home from his farm. He had left his baby asleep in the cradle. His faithful Dog was watching over the child.

When the Farmer reached the room, he saw the baby’s cradle turned upside down and blood everywhere. The baby was missing.

The Farmer understood that a beast had killed his baby. Now he was very sad and upset.

Then he saw that his Dog was lying quietly with blood on his mouth and body. The Farmer was so angry that he picked up a an axe and hit the Dog. The poor Dog cried out in pain and died.

The Farmer now rushed to the turned cradle and lifted it. His little son was perfectly safe and sleeping, peacefully!

A big, ugly Snake lay dead near the cradle.

The Farmer was shocked. He was happy that his baby was safe, but very sad that his beloved Dog was dead.

Now he understood that his Dog had fought and killed the Snake to save the baby. He realised his mistake.

He had killed his loyal Dog without thinking. Sadly, he picked up his baby.

Do not make any decision when you are angry.

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🍂The Peacock Before he got his beautiful tail, the Peacock was an ordinary bird, with a small bunch of feathers.One day,...

🍂The Peacock

Before he got his beautiful tail, the Peacock was an ordinary bird, with a small bunch of feathers.

One day, the Peacock visited Juno, the Goddess of Protection. The Peacock told her that he wished to look grand and beautiful. Juno smiled. He was a good bird and she liked him.

The Peacock then described the long train of brightly coloured feathers that he wanted to trail behind him. He also wished to be the loveliest of all the birds!

To his great joy, Juno agreed.

What a wonderful tail he got! Blue and green with a jewel-like pattern, opening up like a fan when he raised it. Now the Peacock decided to walk like a king! So he held his head high and walked with style!

The common birds looked at him in surprise! Even the pretty long tailed pheasants were jealous!

After showing off his tail, the Peacock decided to fly.

The Peacock was shocked! He simply could not fly. He could take a few flying steps, but nothing more! He sadly realised that had lost a wonderful ability, simply because he had wanted to look good!

Think well before you choose what you want in life.

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🍂The Clever Thief One day, a Thief saw an Old Man counting his money. The Thief wished to sn**ch his money by making som...

🍂The Clever Thief

One day, a Thief saw an Old Man counting his money. The Thief wished to sn**ch his money by making some excuse.

The Thief decided to fool the Old Man and take away his money.

“Why are you stealing fruit from my orchard?” the Thief shouted in anger at the Old Man.

“You must be mistaken,” said the Old Man. “I do not like fruits, so why should I steal from your orchard?”

“Oh stop it!” growled the Thief. Then he thought for a while and said, “Ah! Last year, you spoke bad things about me to your neighbour.”

“No! That cannot be true. I did not live in this house last year,” replied the Old Man.

“Well then, if it was not you, it certainly must have been your brother,” shouted the Thief.

“It cannot have been, for my brother died two years ago, answered the Old Man.

“Never mind, I know it was definitely an Old Man like you, I will not accept excuses anymore,” said the Thief. Then, he sn**ched the Old Man’s money and ran away with it.

Bad people will find any excuse to do bad things.

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🍂The Goat and the Goatherd There was once an adventurous Goat. He was young, frisky and curious. He would ask, “What lie...

🍂The Goat and the Goatherd

There was once an adventurous Goat. He was young, frisky and curious. He would ask, “What lies on the other side?” The other Goats just bleated and ate more grass.

The Goatherd would try very hard to bring this Goat back in time. The Goat would try his best to be free as long as possible.

One day, as usual, the Goat went exploring.

“Oh, no! That naughty Goat is missing again! Where has he gone now?” cried the angry Goatherd.

The Goatherd whistled till his throat dried up. He blew his horn till he was red in the face.

Tired of everything and wanting to get home to a warm supper and fire, the Goatherd threw a stone at the distant Goat.

This stone hit the Goat’s horn, which broke into two pieces.

The Goatherd was scared that the Master would shout at him for breaking the horn. So, he said to the Goat, “I beg you, do not tell the Master that I broke your horn.”

The Goat said, “You silly fellow, I won’t have to say a thing. The broken horn will tell its own story!”

Do not attempt to hide things, which cannot be hidden.

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🍂The Ape and the Carpenter....,........................................Once, an Ape was watching a Carpenter cut a woode...

🍂The Ape and the Carpenter....,........................................
Once, an Ape was watching a Carpenter cut a wooden log into two. First the Carpenter put a small wedge into the crack of the log, to keep it open. When the crack was wide enough, he hammered in a large wedge and pulled the first one out.

At noon, the Carpenter went home for lunch. The Ape thought, ‘If the Carpenter can cut the wooden log, so can I!’

The Ape jumped and sat on the Carpenter’s bench. When he got ready to cut the log, his long tail slipped into the crack in the log.

The Ape did not notice this, but set to work. He put the first wedge in exactly as he had seen the Carpenter do it. But then he pulled it out before he had driven in the second one. The two sides of the log instantly sprang together. The Ape’s tail was caught between them.

The poor Ape cried out in pain. The Carpenter returned and laughed at the Ape. He said, “I am sure you now know what happens when you interfere in other people’s work.”

We should not interfere in other people’s work.

🍂The Dogs .....................One morning, a Hunter was following an animal. He tied his Dogs in pairs, so that they wo...

🍂The Dogs
One morning, a Hunter was following an animal. He tied his Dogs in pairs, so that they would hunt in an orderly way, and not pull in different directions.

Jowler and V***n were tied together as a couple. They were both young and new to hunting. The two Dogs were good friends and always played together. They took each other’s sides in a quarrel. The other Dogs thought that they would be good partners.

However, they acted strangely when tied together. They both liked to go in opposite directions and walk in a different manner. Both of them would pull the other in different directions and soon this would end in a quarrel. Jowler, the male, treated V***n, the female, badly.

He did not take care to lead V***n properly or kindly.

An old Dog watching the two Dogs fight with each other, scolded them, “Silly Puppies, why are you always fighting with each other? Why don’t you ask what the other wants? Then you can both be at peace! I realized this when I was in the similar situation as you.”

Joint agreement is necessary for a good partnership.

🍂The Mice and the Owl Once, there lived a Wise Owl. He made his nest in the hollow of a tree.He would fly to a particula...

🍂The Mice and the Owl

Once, there lived a Wise Owl. He made his nest in the hollow of a tree.

He would fly to a particular tree, every day and pick up his food. Then, he would fly back home and slowly enjoy his meal, there.

One day, the other birds asked him how he got his food so easily.

The Wise Owl said, “I was flying one day, when I saw the halfThe Mice and the Owl chopped-down bark of a tree. It was full of insects and Mice. When I tried to catch the Mice, some of them ran away too quickly. So, I thought of an idea. I
began to feed the Mice with wheat, every day. The Mice became fat and healthy. Then I bit off all their feet!”

The Birds understood that the footless Mice now could not run. They waited each day for the Owl to bring them wheat.
The Owl brought them food faithfully each day.

Then, every day he would pick up one Mouse and take it home to eat! In this way the Owl had well-fed meals ready and waiting for him. He did not have to go in search of food ever!

Always make wise plans to make life easy in the future.


🍂A Wizard and a Mouse

Long ago, there lived a great Wizard. One day, as he was walking through the village, a Mouse fell to

the ground from the beak of a crow. He picked up the Mouse and fed him some rice.

Then, one day, the Wizard saw a Cat chasing the Mouse around the village. Scared that his pet Mouse would be killed by the Cat, he turned the Mouse into a Cat so that it could defend itself.

The next day, the Wizard saw his Cat frightened by a Tiger and immediately changed him into a
The villagers said, “That’s not a Tiger! It’s just a Mouse that the Wizard changed into a Tiger. He won’t eat us or even scare us.”
When the Tiger heard this, he was furious with the Wizard. He thought, ‘As long as the Wizard is alive, the truth about my real nature will always be spoken!’
But as soon as the Wizard saw the Tiger coming, he understood his plan and shouted, “Get back into the
form of a Mouse.”
The Tiger shrank and became a little Mouse, once again.

Whoever we grow up to be, we should always be humble.

🍂The Large Tree........................ Once, three Crows and two Sparrows lived in a forest. They all were good friends...

🍂The Large Tree........................

Once, three Crows and two Sparrows lived in a forest. They all were good friends. They would meet every day and fly around together from one place to another. The Crows would constantly look for food and the Sparrows for a place to make their nests.

One day, the Crows said, “Let’s explore this part of the forest. Someone told us there is lots of food here.”
The new part of the forest was beautiful and there was, indeed, plenty of food. However, there was only
one large tree. The Sparrows and the Crows wanted to live there.

The Sparrows told their aunts, uncles, cousins, grandparents and friends about the new place. Everyone wanted to live there. The Crows also did the same.

Soon, a big fight broke out among the birds. The Crows said, ‘We found the place first, so we will live on
the tree.”
The Sparrows said, “So what? We will live there. We found the tree first.”
After this, the two Sparrows and three Crows also could not be friends.

They constantly fought with each, “You Crows are bad.”
“You Sparrows are fools!”
Thus, they went back to their own kind.

Birds of a feather flock together.

🍂The Partridge and the C***s🎉.................................................... A farmer found a Partridge in his fiel...

🍂The Partridge and the C***s🎉....................................................
A farmer found a Partridge in his fields and took it home. At home, he cut the wings of the Partridge and left him to live in the little yard where he kept his fighting C***s.

The C***s were not very friendly animals. At first, they did not talk to the Partridge, at all.

Then, after some days, they started being rude to him.

They said, “What an ugly fellow you are! You have no wings and cannot fly. We do not understand why the farmer has kept a useless bird like you with great birds like us!”

The Partridge was very sad.

One day, the farmer went to the market with his family. The birds were left alone at home. Suddenly, a Fox came and jumped on the two C***s. He held both the C***s under his paws.

Just then, the Partridge jumped on his back and pecked him, sharply. The Fox let go of the two C***s and was about to hurt the Partridge. However, the farmer returned. He hit the Fox with a stick. Thus, the Fox ran away.

The C***s thanked the Partridge for saving their lives. Since then, they became good friends.

A kind heart will help you make friends, easily.

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🐒The Monkeys and a Bell........................................... Once, there lived a Thief in a kingdom. One day, he s...

🐒The Monkeys and a Bell...........................................
Once, there lived a Thief in a kingdom. One day, he stole a Church bell and ran into the forest. Soon, a Tiger saw the Thief, pounced upon him and killed him. The bell dropped to the ground.

Some Monkeys found the bell and started playing with it. When the people found the Thief’s body they
thought, ‘A monster must have killed him and then rung the bell? He will kill all of us now!’

They got scared and started leaving the kingdom.

One day, a brave and clever woman was passing through the forest and saw the Monkeys playing with
the bell.
She had a plan and told the King, “Your Majesty! The monster can be conquered. But it will cost money.”

The King agreed to pay her a large sum of money as he was concerned about the safety of his people.

Then, the woman collected a lot of fruits and pretended to pray. Later, she kept them under a tree in
the forest, and waited, nearby. When the monkeys saw the fruits, they dropped the bell and rushed down.

She quickly picked up the bell and ran back to the city.

Intelligence and courage will bring success.


🐴The Horse and the Hog
Once, a Hog was walking on a street. There, he met a Horse. They both started talking.

The Horse said, “Hog, what do you do all the day?”

The Hog replied, “I eat, sleep and bring up my children. And you?”

The Horse said, “Oh! I am very busy. I go to war with my master. You must also join the army and serve our country!”

The Hog thought for a while and said, “No, Horse, I can’t join the army.”

The Horse asked, “Why not?”

The Hog replied, “I will be of no use to anyone on the battlefield. Neither can anyone sit on me, nor can I run and yes, I don’t know how to fight.”

“But I can teach you, if you want,” said the Horse.

The Hog shook his

head and said, “No, Horse.

Everybody has a different purpose in life. Mine is to take care of my children and yours is to take care of your master. I would like to do my best in my own task and not try to become like someone else.”

The Horse understood that the wise Hog was right.

Whatever you do, do it in the best possible way.


🍂The Sow and the Cat .....................................One day, a Sow was playing with her five piglets in mud. Just ...

🍂The Sow and the Cat
One day, a Sow was playing with her five piglets in mud. Just then, a Cat came to her. The Cat was followed by a long line of kittens, she had recently delivered.

The Cat and the Sow exchanged greetings and started a conversation.

Soon, the Sow and the Cat started discussing the large sizes of their families.

The Sow said to the Cat, “Dear sister, we are so lucky to be able to give birth to a large litter of babies.”

The Cat smiled and said, “Yes sister, what you say is true. But, your litter, though big, is of no use. They will grow up to be lazy pigs like you. It is foolish of you to deliver so many piglets at the same time!”

The Sow did not like what the Cat said for her piglets.

So, she said to the Cat, “Sister! I may be foolish but you are no better. You deliver your kittens blind and leave them to the mercy of the predator.”

The Cat realised her mistake and apologised to the Sow for saying harsh words to her.

Do not find fault in others, as nobody is perfect.


🍂The Man and Apollo There once lived a Man in a village. He was very cunning and often cheated the villagers. He did not...

🍂The Man and Apollo

There once lived a Man in a village. He was very cunning and often cheated the villagers. He did not believe in God and thought he was cleverer than God.

One day, the Man went to the temple of Apollo.

He called all the villagers to the temple. He said to them, “I will prove that I am much more intelligent than Apollo.”

The Man had a plan. He took a silver ring coated with gold paint with him. He held out the ring in his hand and said, “Oh, Apollo, if you are a God, then tell me what I hold in my hand…silver or gold?”
The Man thought if Apollo said “silver” he would not do anything, but, if he said “gold,” he would quickly wipe off the paint. Apollo could answer anyway he liked. It would be the wrong answer.

The mighty, all-knowing Apollo understood his trick.

He thundered, “Show me the ring now I know that it is of silver and painted gold. You dare to challenge the Gods! Your tricks will lead you to misfortune. If you displease the Gods, they will make you very unhappy!”

It is foolish to challenge God.


🍂The Sportsman and the Spaniel
One day, a Sportsman took his gun and went to the forest, to hunt for birds. His old Spaniel went with him. The Spaniel was an old dog that had good experience in hunting birds.

While spotting birds, the Sportsman saw a beautiful Bird. He, at once, aimed at the Bird. However, right then, he saw a covey of Partridges flying above his head. He became greedy and decided to somehow shoot both the birds.

Then, suddenly, the Sportsman changed his mind and aimed only at the Partridges. The Sportsman was new and inexperienced to the sport. Thus, he was not able to shoot the Partridges. Also, the loud sound of the bullet alarmed the other Bird and it flew


The Sportsman was very sad at his failure.

The Spaniel saw that his master was sad, so, he said,

“Dear master, you should not have aimed at two birds at the same time. If you would not have become greedy,

looking at the Partridge and kept your concentration on the Bird you would have successfully captured it!”

It is important to focus on your goal rather than get distracted with various options.

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🍂The Man and Apollo There once lived a Man in a village. He was very cunning and often cheated the villagers. He did not...

🍂The Man and Apollo

There once lived a Man in a village. He was very cunning and often cheated the villagers. He did not believe in God and thought he was cleverer than God.

One day, the Man went to the temple of Apollo.

He called all the villagers to the temple. He said to them, “I will prove that I am much more intelligent than Apollo.”

The Man had a plan. He took a silver ring coated with gold paint with him. He held out the ring in his hand and said, “Oh, Apollo, if you are a God, then tell me what I hold in my hand…silver or gold?”
The Man thought if Apollo said “silver” he would not do anything, but, if he said “gold,” he would quickly wipe off the paint. Apollo could answer anyway he liked. It would be the wrong answer.

The mighty, all-knowing Apollo understood his trick.

He thundered, “Show me the ring now I know that it is of silver and painted gold. You dare to challenge the Gods! Your tricks will lead you to misfortune. If you displease the Gods, they will make you very unhappy!”

It is foolish to challenge God.

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🐴The Horse and the Hog
Once, a Hog was walking on a street. There, he met a Horse. They both started talking.

The Horse said, “Hog, what do you do all the day?”

The Hog replied, “I eat, sleep and bring up my children. And you?”

The Horse said, “Oh! I am very busy. I go to war with my master. You must also join the army and serve our country!”

The Hog thought for a while and said, “No, Horse, I can’t join the army.”

The Horse asked, “Why not?”

The Hog replied, “I will be of no use to anyone on the battlefield. Neither can anyone sit on me, nor can I run and yes, I don’t know how to fight.”

“But I can teach you, if you want,” said the Horse.

The Hog shook his

head and said, “No, Horse.

Everybody has a different purpose in life. Mine is to take care of my children and yours is to take care of your master. I would like to do my best in my own task and not try to become like someone else.”

The Horse understood that the wise Hog was right.

Whatever you do, do it in the best possible way.

🍂The Sow and the Cat...................................... One day, a Sow was playing with her five piglets in mud. Just...

🍂The Sow and the Cat......................................
One day, a Sow was playing with her five piglets in mud. Just then, a Cat came to her. The Cat was followed by a long line of kittens, she had recently delivered.

The Cat and the Sow exchanged greetings and started a conversation.

Soon, the Sow and the Cat started discussing the large sizes of their families.

The Sow said to the Cat, “Dear sister, we are so lucky to be able to give birth to a large litter of babies.”

The Cat smiled and said, “Yes sister, what you say is true. But, your litter, though big, is of no use. They will grow up to be lazy pigs like you. It is foolish of you to deliver so many piglets at the same time!”

The Sow did not like what the Cat said for her piglets.

So, she said to the Cat, “Sister! I may be foolish but you are no better. You deliver your kittens blind and leave them to the mercy of the predator.”

The Cat realised her mistake and apologised to the Sow for saying harsh words to her.

Do not find fault in others, as nobody is perfect.❤️

🍂The Birds and the Ocean _________________________n the shores of an Ocean, there lived a pair of Birds. The female Bird...

🍂The Birds and the Ocean
n the shores of an Ocean, there lived a pair of Birds. The female Bird was about to have babies. She told her husband, “Please find me a suitable and quiet place, where I can lay my eggs.”

“This is the right place!” he said.

“Oh no!” she replied. “When the tide is high, this place becomes flooded with water!”

“What! Do you think the Ocean would dare do such a thing?” her husband shouted.

So, the poor female had to lay her eggs on the shore. The Ocean carried off the eggs as soon as they were laid.

“Our eggs are gone!” cried the wife.

“Don’t worry. I’ll get them back,” said the husband. Then, the Male Bird, along with the other Birds,
went to the Lord of the Birds. The Male Bird said to him, “Master! We were living peacefully, and the Ocean has made me and my wife very unhappy by taking away
our eggs.”

The Lord of the Birds told Jupiter, the Preserver of the World, all that had happened. Jupiter ordered the
Ocean to return the eggs to the Birds.

The Ocean obeyed Jupiter’s order and returned the eggs.

Where there is a will, there is a way.

🍂The Thrush and the Swallow............................................... A young Thrush lived in an orchard with his p...

🍂The Thrush and the Swallow...............................................
A young Thrush lived in an orchard with his parents. One bright spring morning, while he was hopping from branch to branch, he met a Swallow.

The Thrush and the Swallow soon became great friends. After flying over the vast orchards and the green meadows, the Swallow would often come to meet his friend, the Thrush.

The Thrush would be equally excited to meet the Swallow. He would hop from branch to branch,e agerly waiting for the Swallow’s arrival.
Days passed and the” Swallow and the Thrush started spending a lot of time together.

One day, the Thrush said to his mother, “Mother, I am so lucky to have found a friend like the Swallow. None of my friends are as good as him.”

The mother looked at the Thrush and said with love, “My Son, there is no bigger fool than you to make friends with a Swallow! Soon, it will be winter and the Swallow will fly far away to sunny meadows and you will be left alone to sit on a cold branch here!”

Your true friend is someone who will stay with you in your difficult times.


🦁The Lion and the Elephant🐘.............. ............ ....... ..........

Once, a Lion sat thinking by himself. He had sharp, strong claws and teeth and was a beast with immense strength. Yet, whenever he heard a C**k crowing, he would be extremely scared.

The Lion, thus, complained, “Can a life like this be worth living? I am one of the strongest and the bravest and yet, a lowly creature, such as, a C**k has the power to rob my life of its charm by simply crowing!”

Just then, a huge Elephant came along, flapping his ears to and fro, with an air of great concern. “What troubles you so?” asked the Elephant.

The Lion thought of sharing his grief with the Elephant and asked him, “Can anything harm a beast like you who has tremendous bulk and strength?” The Elephant replied, “Do you see this little Gnat? If he ever stings the innermost parts of my ear, I will go mad with pain.”

The Lion understood that even the strongest creatures have weak points. He gained self-confidence and decided never to let troubles overshadow his joys in life.

We all have weak points. Instead of complaining about them, we should focus on the pleasant things in life.

🍂The Lion and the Gnat...................................... One afternoon, a Lion had just finished his meal and decide...

🍂The Lion and the Gnat......................................
One afternoon, a Lion had just finished his meal and decided to take his afternoon nap. The Lion had just closed his eyes, when a Gnat saw him.

Now, this Gnat, though active and young, was also haughty and over-confident. He was extremely daring and he attacked the Lion. The Lion was very angry and woke up with a start. But the Gnat did not stop. He kept stinging the Lion’s nose, eyes and ears. The Lion roared in pain. He tried to crush the Gnat but all his attempts went in vain The Gnat had no pity on the poor beast.

At last, the poor Lion la exhausted and bleeding on the ground. The Gnat, extremely pleased on his victory over the King of the Forest, hovered over the spot, praising himself and feeling joyful. His pleasure blinded him so much, that while flying, he suddenly got stuck in a Spider-web. No matter how much he tried, the Gnat could not escape.

Thus, the Gnat who had defeated the mighty Lion became the prey of the Spider.

If we hurt someone, we will be hurt, too!

🍂The Bird Catcher and the Lark One day, a Bird Catcher was setting traps upon a meadow. A beautiful Lark sat on a tree a...

🍂The Bird Catcher and the Lark

One day, a Bird Catcher was setting traps upon a meadow. A beautiful Lark sat on a tree and watched him from a distance.

The Lark became curious and asked the Bird Catcher, “What are you doing?”

The Bird Catcher thought, if he could fool the Lark into his trap, he would be able to sell it for a good price.

He thought for a while and said, “0 Lark, I plan to build a colony for all birds and I am laying the foundation of my first house.”

After laying the trap, the Bird Catcher went to a nearby spot and hid himself in the bushes.

Meanwhile, the Lark who had believed the man, flew down to the trap.

After swallowing the bait, the Lark tried to fly away but found himself caught in the Bird Catcher’s trap.

While the Lark was struggling to get away, the Bird Catcher came and put him in a cage.

“You are a cunning fellow!” exclaimed the Lark. “If this is the kind of colony you are going to build, then you wouldn’t find many birds to settle down.”

Never trust your enemies.

🍂The Hedge and the Vineyard nce, there was a rich Man who owned large wine estates. He had ayoung careless Son who never...

🍂The Hedge and the Vineyard

nce, there was a rich Man who owned large wine estates. He had ayoung careless Son who never helped him with work. The Man tried various methods to make his Son work but, all were wasted.

One day, the Man died and the possession of the large estate came to his foolish young Son. The Boy had never been to the estate and did not know how to take care of it.

One day, while taking a walk in his vineyards, the Boy saw the hedges surrounding the vineyards. He looked at them and said to himself, ‘These hedges are a waste. They do not grow any grapes. Let me clear them off.’

The Boy asked his servants to clear the hedges.

The inexperienced Boy did not know that the hedges were to protect the vineyards from other men and beasts.

One night, after he cleared the hedges, the beasts ran into his vineyards and ate all the vines. Some grapes were also stolen by other people.

The next morning, the boy was shocked to see his ruined vineyards. He realised that the hedges were there to protect his vineyards!

It is important to protect what we possess.

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🍂The Monster in the Sun 0nce, an Astronomer was observing the Sun through a telescope. While he was working, he was asto...

🍂The Monster in the Sun

0nce, an Astronomer was observing the Sun through a telescope. While he was working, he was astonished by what he saw. A large portion of the Sun was covered by a Monster of a huge size and horrible form! The Monster had a huge pair of wings and a lot of legs. His long, big tongue was sticking out.

The Astronomer began to draw many conclusions. He calculated the size of this extraordinary animal and found that the Monster was seven or eight times as big as the Moon. However, what was most strange about the Monster was the amount of heat it would bear!

To live on the Sun would mean tolerating heat two thousand times more than that of a red-hot iron!
The Astronomer informed the others. Quite soon, many other scientists and astronomers came to see this Monster through the telescope. They all agreed with the Astronomer’s results.
At last, one careful and intelligent Scientist came to see this strange sight. He opened the telescope, and
found a small Fly trapped in the centre of the objectglass. It was this Fly which was giving the illusion of the Monster!

Use your common sense.

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🍂Philomel and Progne Philomel and Progne were sisters. However, once, a man hurt Philomel, thus, she was scared of men. ...

🍂Philomel and Progne

Philomel and Progne were sisters. However, once, a man hurt Philomel, thus, she was scared of men. The two sisters were so beautiful and intelligent that one day, a jealous Witch turned Progne into a Swallow, and Philomel into a Nightingale.

They lived apart from each other for many, many years. Progne, the Swallow, built her nest in the Church towers in a city. Philomel, the Nightingale, lived in a valley, surrounded by a forest.

One day, when Progne discovered where Philomel lived, she went to meet her.

“My darling sister, how are you? I haven’t seen you for a very long time! How long will you live this dull life?” said Progne.

Philomel said, sweetly, “Where else can I find such a beautiful life?”

“Beautiful?” replied an annoyed Progne. You sing for animals, villagers and trees! Your melodies are wasted on them.”

“Come and live in the city. They will appreciate you and your songs. The forest scares me.”

“Alas,” said Philomel, the Nightingale. “The man hurt me deeply. I cannot forget it if I live in the city. I like to stay in the peaceful forest where I am happy.”

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