China not backing down on eliminating Ryan Christian and his family. President Joe Biden and the united states siding with China. President Joe Biden issuing and ordering threats to all wealthy, China ordering that Ryan Allen Christian and his family take the place and be tortured instead. China claiming "all governments are china ha haha" President Joe Biden has shown no effort in stopping these attacks. the mormens keep claiming sacrifice investments to use against all nations. Donald J. Trump ordering that each word and letter used in the English language cost Ryan and his family life some where in the univers. President Joe Biden ordering all Ryan and his family to death because he needs to fart. Donald J. Trump saying just fart no need to cause terror. their governments to capture Ryan and his family and torture them for satellite imaging to sell to the wealthy for sacrifice. China admitting the governments have become so predictable for attack. NASA - National Aeronautics and Space Administration issuing population control again stating she didnt have to smell your fart President Joe Biden. "says President Joe Biden. China:"just hating christians is the way to go around here people pay to have them eliminated." NASA - National Aeronautics and Space Administration space agent unknown claiming "only to impress you death toll governments." China issued an order since "the beginning of time" that Ryan Allen Christian is to "never be again." President Joe Biden siding with china says "that sound radical lets do it" China hating everything to do with you white f***s not caring who is the target. resulting in mass casualties to all those targeted with sacrifice on many worlds. President Joe Biden ordering that " Ryan Allen Christian and his family cannot have their names they are to historic." China issuing another attempt to stop attacks all around for Ryan Allen Christian to receive payment of 8 tril. President Joe Biden claiming satellite possession of Ryan Allen Christian says "thats my money". NASA - National Aeronautics and Space Administration siding with China says "no thats the mormens money." China still not backing down on ordering attack to the worlds. President Joe Biden admitting to killing with Donald J. Trump wishes that it never happened NASA - National Aeronautics and Space Administration ordering him to suffer all over the worlds by killing. President Joe Biden hating Ryan's name may have now realized the satellite he ordered to manipulate the public has attacked him from the signature. NASA - National Aeronautics and Space Administration ordering China to terrorize the citizens of the united states with Bill Gates's business with the speed of thought. President Joe Biden ordering End Sacrificing to stop reporting by ordering "death to his family" China saying "duh, thats what we made you say" NASA - National Aeronautics and Space Administration space agent unknown getting her theory order as planned we are all suffering and there is no way to stop it. China picking planets 50,000 a person at a time to target all for sacrifice. China "not understanding our words or english, because they are are own, not from China". North Korea admitting to using Chinese statilte to send satellite signal to the untied states manipulating us to speak their words. China says "duh, we made you do that." China: "having a hit list of Christians all over the worlds you will never get to us President Joe Biden" FBI – Federal Bureau of Investigation officials targeting all who spoke with Chinese air space, not caring for the last kill record. Donald J. Trump threatening the entier United Staes Of America to sacrifice if End Sacrificing does not stop reporting. President Joe Biden issuing a bail out to his privet class, leaving us all to population control.