Pastor Chris I0/23/22
I see people walking along fall dead. I see people in groups. Everything seem to be well and going right. Look along among the group, somebody just fell dead. I see people on their job working, boom fall dead. God said, death shall run. Death shall run speedily. Folks will leave home, go to work, and that will be the last time they will be in their home. I see people. Some are feeling alright and some feeling good walking away and suddenly, boom, just fall dead. I hear the Lord saying, some will fall dead and enter into that place I went away to prepare for them. Some, because they hardened their hearts and wouldn’t receive me. They will fall dead and enter into everlasting punishment in the lake of fire burning forever and ever because when they heard my voice they hardened their hearts. I hear the Lord saying, I pleaded, I pleaded, with them to repent, repent but they refused to repent. Head on collision is not on the ground, but is in the air. Two planes meet one another head on. I hear the Lord saying, I have something great, great, for them who have turned and now they’re loving me with all their hearts. They shall receive the greatness of me, said the Lord. They shall be even as David said, they shall receive the goodness of me while they are in the land among the living. God said, I got a reward. I got a reward here among the living for the faithful ones unto me, said God. I have a people that is about to rise and shine in the midst of all of the darkness that is surrounding them. I hear the Lord saying, he’s saying unto my people run, run,run. You won’t be able to run like you need to as long as the weights and sins are there. God said, get rid of the weights and the sins. I felt this twice and I slightly opened my eyes to see. I felt the presence of somebody coming up to me. I opened my eyes. I didn’t see anything. I closed them back and felt someone running up on me. This time I opened my eyes and it’s the death angel. The death angel, the death angel is on its way for somebody. I don’t know, I don’t know. All I can say is, Lord, help me to stand.