Another year you're gone.
Another year I take a moment to celebrate your life, not dwell over your death. The anger and resentment over not understanding your departure took so much of my life. The sadness made a home in me. I miss you terribly, but i didn't mean I needed to break myself into pieces trying to bring you back to life. You couldn't be resurrected; but your spirit is the life that lives on, within everyone who felt your love. Bieng lost in a nightmare was terrifying but being without you felt like the end of something beautiful. I couldn't come to terms with you being an afterthought. I won't ever forget you. The calendar reminds me every year of your absence, but my heart feels your energy. My Love for you won't fade. The vacant space I kept for you to live on can't be replaced because a friend, love, and soul like you can't be replicated. Time will go on, the years add up, but you will never fade into shadows of my life. You will always be an eternal inspiration. You will always be someone who left me with something more than i had before. Your essence and remembrance are tattooed on my soul.
Mark Teddy Orilla