Sweet Pea Social provides digital marketing services helping sole traders, small to medium enterprises and charities understand how to use their social media platforms to benefit & help grow their business.
Contact me for more information by clicking the ➡️ ‘send message’ above 🌿🌸
Do you find social media daunting? Are you unsure how to use Facebook, Instagram or Twitter? Maybe you don’t use it personally, but are increasingly aware of the need to use it for business? Or maybe, you are already using it but don’t have any strategy for posting content and put out random posts.
Social media is one of the best ways of communicating with your audience and it is a vital tool for your marketing mix. Social Media Today recently reported that 83% of adults are using social media, you don’t want to be the business missing out if they are unable to find you!
It is important to build relationships and communities with your desired audience and to do so it is important to have an understanding of how the algorithm works on each platform.
I’m here to help. I’ve taken time during ‘lockdown’ to up-skill and understand the business elements to social media and have taken the CPD accredited ‘Social Media Magic: Savvy Superstar Course’ with TechPixies Current Students & Alumni Group This is an award-winning course based in Oxfordshire.
I can offer advice and support in the following ways:
🌿 Social Media Audit of your platform to identify if any tweaks are required and that it is working most efficiently for your business. I can delve into the analytics and help you look at demographics, reach, what works and what doesn’t.
🌿 Strategic Planning can help with organising your posts so that you don’t spend hours putting content together or I can help manage your platform and post on your behalf. There are several tools to help grow your business and these have been enhanced recently to help small businesses and shops during the Coronavirus outbreak. Always keep in mind that whichever platform you are using it is your 🌸 shop window 🌸
🌿 A one off consultation or longer term project across your one or more platforms. Identify which platform is most relevant to your business and also help with content creation to get you started so you can get on with your business.