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Theresa May to become UK's new PMBy Wednesday evening, Theresa May will be Britain’s new Prime Minister. May is the curr...

Theresa May to become UK's new PM

By Wednesday evening, Theresa May will be Britain’s new Prime Minister. May is the current home secretary (interior minister) and will take over from David Cameron who, last month, announced his intention to resign following the British referendum to leave the EU. The race for Conservative Party leadership came to an early end after rival Andrea Leadsom withdrew from contention, leaving May as the sole candidate.

(image: DFID

Inkstack is a platform that enables people to better connect to news. Through quick and understandable summaries of current affairs, we want people to discover the world around them and become more in touch with what’s going on.

Aftershocks continue after 5.7 earthquake in Christchurch - www.inkstack.comA 5.7 magnitude earthquake hit the city of C...

Aftershocks continue after 5.7 earthquake in Christchurch -

A 5.7 magnitude earthquake hit the city of Christchurch in New Zealand's south island at 1pm on Sunday, followed by a 4.0 aftershock later that night. The earthquake struck 8 days prior to the 5 year anniversary of the 6.3 magnitude earthquake in Christchurch that killed 185 people. However, due to stronger building and reinforcements, no deaths or major damage have been reported. Aftershocks of up to magnitude 3.5 are expected to continue for the next few days.

Obama to ask congress for $1.8 billion in Zika funding + Zika in Australia - www.inkstack.comPresident Barack Obama is p...

Obama to ask congress for $1.8 billion in Zika funding + Zika in Australia -

President Barack Obama is planning to ask the US Congress to allocate $1.8 billion in funding to go toward combatting the recent outbreak of Zika virus. Obama anticipates that the money will be put toward mosquito control programs, vaccine research and birth defect surveillance. The virus, which originated in Latin America, is transported via mosquitoes and presents a particular danger to pregnant women and their offspring. Three cases of Zika virus have been confirmed in Australia, and yesterday a pregnant woman in Queensland was diagnosed with the virus that she acquired overseas.

Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders win New Hampshire primaryGet the full story at  || Follow on Facebook, ...

Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders win New Hampshire primary

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Former NY mayor Bloomberg considers entering US presidential race -

Michael Bloomberg, billionaire media owner and three time elected mayor of New York has publicised his possible interest in running for President of the United States. Bloomberg outlined his frustration with current candidates in an interview with the Financial Times and declared he was "looking at all options". A New York Times report last month hinted at a run for the White House, claiming that Bloomberg had a plan drawn up for a potential campaign. Bloomberg stated that he would have to finalise a decision by March in order to be eligible for independent ballots across the US. While an independent has never been elected president, a Bloomberg campaign will likely to be influential in the current presidential race, which has proven to be very unpredictable. Bloomberg has been described as holding liberal views toward social issues, yet holds a strong relationship with the financial sector.

Inkstack is a platform that enables people to better connect to news. Through quick and understandable summaries of current affairs, we want people to discover the world around them and become more in touch with what’s going on.

Denver Broncos win NFL Super Bowl - www.inkstack.comThe Denver Broncos' have defeated the Carolina Panthers 24-10 in Sup...

Denver Broncos win NFL Super Bowl -

The Denver Broncos' have defeated the Carolina Panthers 24-10 in Super Bowl 50 in Santa-Clara, California on Sunday. The Broncos' strong defence held back the Panthers, who made many costly turnovers. Overall, Denver gained 194 yards on offense, the fewest by any winning team in Super Bowl history. There has also been much speculation over the possible retirement of Denver quarterback Peyton Manning, who aged 39 became the oldest quarterback in history to have played in a Super Bowl. While he completed 13 of 23 passes and conceded an interception and a fumble, Manning won his second Super Bowl (first with the Indianapolis Colts in 2007), another accolade in a famed career.

Twitter's new algorithm prompts user backlash - www.inkstack.comTwitter's announcement that it will use an algorithm to ...

Twitter's new algorithm prompts user backlash -

Twitter's announcement that it will use an algorithm to display tweets has sparked user outrage. Currently, the most recent tweets appear at the top of the 'timeline' but the implementation of Twitter's new algorithm will lead to tweets being organised by popularity and relevance. The hash-tag was trending yesterday, outlining user frustration, with some comparing Twitter to Facebook, which uses a similar algorithm. At the moment is it unclear whether this change will be permanent or just an optional feature, but it is expected to be implemented on the site in the next week.


Daniel Andrews offers to settle 267 asylum seekers in Victoria -

Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews wrote a letter to Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull on Saturday, offering to "accept full responsibility" for the settlement of 267 asylum seekers in Victoria. These asylum seekers remaining in Australia after receiving medical treatment now face the possibility of being returned to Nauru, following a high court ruling on Wednesday. 37 babies and 54 children are reportedly included in the 267, sparking public controversy. While the government has promised to look at each case on an individual basis, pressure has been placed on the government to keep Australian-born babies and their families in Australia.


UN rules Julian Assange is being "arbitrarily detained" -

On Friday, a UN panel deemed that Wikileaks founder Julian Assange is being "arbitrarily detained" in the UK after Assange lodged the complaint in 2014. Assange claimed asylum at the Ecuadorian embassy in London in 2012 while on bail after sexual assault allegations. Since then, a period of over 3 years, Assange has not left the confines of the embassy, and while two claims of sexual assault have been dropped, one allegation of r**e in Sweden still remains. Assange claimed that if the panel did not rule in his favour, he would accept arrest. However, Assange expected that if his challenge were to prevail, all attempts of arrest should cease and his passport to be returned. In spite of this, Britain has stated that the UN ruling was not legally binding, and that Assange would be arrested if he were to leave the embassy, as long as the warrant for his arrest is still in place.

12 nation Pacific trade agreement to be signed in NZ - www.inkstack.comOn Thursday, officials from 12 countries includin...

12 nation Pacific trade agreement to be signed in NZ -

On Thursday, officials from 12 countries including Australia, Canada and the United States will gather in Auckland, New Zealand to sign a Pacific trade pact. The TPP (Trans-Pacifc Partnership) has been under negotiations for more than 7 years and its implementation will mean a smoother trading process between member countries. However, the TPP will not come into effect until all countries have passed it into law, while in the US, congress are not expected to take action until after the November elections. The White House has endorsed the signing of the pact and has warned congress that a delay in passing the TPP may have a negative effect on the economy.


North Korea's plan for satellite launch concerns US -

North Korea has publicized its intention to launch a space satellite later this month, angering the United States and its allies. The US claim that North Korea is in fact attempting to test ballistic missile technology which would violate United Nations resolutions barring them from doing so. However, North Korea insists that the launch is purely for scientific reasons and will not violate these sanctions. Recent missile testing in North Korea has prompted international condemnation, and further launches are likely to create increased tension with the US and other countries.


High court rules to send asylum seeker mother back to Nauru -

Today, the Australian high court rejected a challenge made by a Bangladeshi asylum seeker regarding Australia's processing scheme in Nauru. The Bangladeshi woman was brought to Australia from Nauru to receive medical treatment, gave birth, and has since faced the prospect of being sent back to the offshore detention centre. Her challenge reached the high court of Australia, but was ultimately unsuccessful, and the court ruled the woman's return to Nauru and her detention as lawful. The courts also declared the processing of asylum seekers on Nauru to be legal under the constitution, leading to increased public backlash.


Zika virus infects Brazil -

Pregnant women of Brazil and the wider South American region are fearful of the quickly spreading Zika virus, for which there is currently no cure or vaccine. The virus, while it only causes mild flu-like symptoms for about a week, if contracted by pregnant women, it has been linked with brain-damage in newborns. Maternity wards throughout Brazil are in a state of panic, as in 80% of cases the virus shows no symptoms, women are constantly worried that they have contracted the disease. Mostly transmitted through infected mosquitos, the poorly-understood virus is currently spreading across Africa, the Americas, Asia and the Pacific, and has the potential to become a global epidemic.

Photo: Center for Disease Control and Prevention/Graphiq


Children burnt alive in Boko Haram attacks -

Islamic terrorist group Boko Haram carried out a deadly attack on Saturday night in Dalori, a village in Nigeria's northeast, killing 86 people. According to witnesses, terrorists shot at residents and firebombed homes, leaving children to burn to death. This has been the third reported Boko Haram attack in a week after 12 people were killed last Wednesday and 10 were killed in a su***de bombing on Friday. The Nigerian military claimed to have destroyed all Boko Haram camps last year, however the conflict continues, having already displaced over 2 million Nigerians in the past 6 years.


Deadly blasts in Syria as UN peace talks commence -

Islamic State have claimed responsibility for 3 blasts that have killed at least 70 people in the Syrian capital of Damascus on Sunday. The attacks took place in Sayeda Zeinaba in Southern Damascus, an area with a strong Shi'ite militia presence and located close to a holy site for Shi'ite Muslims. The attacks began when a bus transporting militants exploded, killing 25 pro-government Shi'ite fighters. The su***de bombings followed as rescuers came to the scene. Meanwhile, United Nations peace negotiations formally began last Friday in Geneva, Switzerland in the hope to establish stability within the Syrian government, and with it a sustainable ceasefire.


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FIFA bans Blatter and Platini for eight years -

FIFA president Sepp Blatter and UEFA boss Michel Platini have been suspended for eight years from all football-related activities following an ethics investigation. After years filled with numerous allegations of corruption under Blatter's rule, it seems that FIFA, world football's governing body, can finally move towards more transparent and accountable governing in the future. The two men were found guilty of breaches surrounding a payment from Blatter to Platini of 2m Swiss Francs ($ 2.80m AU) in 2011. Both Blatter and Platini claim the payment was honouring a verbal agreement made in 1998 for Platini's work as Blatter's technical adviser between 1998 and 2002. However, neither man could explain why the payment was eventually paid in 2011, weeks before the FIFA presidential election when Blatter was facing a challenge from candidate Mohammed bin Hammam. The ethics committee found the transfer to be a "disloyal payment", and although there was "not sufficient evidence" to establish the payment was a bribe it was deemed that both men demonstrated an "abusive ex*****on" of their positions. It is understood both men wish to appeal their charges, with Platini committed to clearing his name in order that he can stand in the FIFA presidential election due to take place on February 26.


Slovenia revokes gay marriage law -

The conservative Slovenian bloc has managed to overturn a law that legalised gay marriage in Slovenia in March. The referendum saw 63.4% of votes opposing an amendment defining marriage as between two people, rather than between man and woman. Those rallying to oppose gay marriage adopted the slogan 'Children are at stake' and were supported by the Catholic Church. This move was a regression for gay rights in Slovenia.


Air France flight diverted after bomb scare -

Air France flight AF463 was travelling from Mauritius to Paris's Charles de Gaulle airport on Sunday when pilots requested an emergency landing in Kenya. A suspicious package was found in one of toilets on board the Boeing 777 and fearing a bomb threat, the plane made its descent before all passengers were safely evacuated. Bomb squad is currently investigating the nature of the threat however, some passengers have reportedly been taken aside for questioning.


Fires rage in Victoria -

Raging bushfires claimed several houses in Scotsburn, south of Ballarat on Saturday, according to the Country Fire Authority. Firefighters are attacking the blaze from the air but have been unable to control them. Temperatures of over 40 degrees celsius and winds of 100km per hour saw firefighters responding to over 300 fires across the state, including a suspicious grassfire in Epping. A total fire ban has been issued across Victoria as authorities warn civilians to remain on high alert.


Australian government wins plain packaging case against Philip Morris Asia -

The federal government has won its case against to***co giant, Philip Morris Asia challenging Australia's to***co plain packaging laws. The case brought forward by Philip Morris Asia challenged the laws introduced by the former Gillard government in 2011. Plain to***co packaging requires the removal of all branding (colours, imagery and corporate logos). Manufacturers are permitted to print only the brand name in a mandated size, font and position on the pack. Health warnings and any other legally mandated information are then added as part of a plan by the government to reduce smoking rates across the board. Australia is the only country that currently mandates plain to***co packaging, although it is currently being introduced in France, the United Kingdom and Ireland.


Tasmania apologises and wipes records of anti-gay legislation

Tasmania has become the first state to formally apologise to those affected by anti-gay laws before decriminalization in 1997 - the last state to do so at the time. Criminal records of those convicted have also been expunged, while Attorney General Venessa Goodwin spoke of the "implications" that these convictions still had on people. Fines were the average penalty prior to 1997, however, jail sentences were common for those convicted up until the 1980s.


Mother Teresa to be declared a saint -

Mother Teresa of Calcutta, the widely admired, Nobel peace prize winning charitable leader, is set for sainthood by the Catholic Church. With the approval of Mother Teresa's second miracle - the condition for sainthood - Pope Francis will supposedly complete the canonisation of Mother Teresa in September of next year. Born into the Ottoman Empire in 1910, the late Mother Teresa, who died in 1997, gained global acclaim through her network of nuns who dedicated themselves to serving the "poorest of the poor" through a network of soup kitchens, orphanages, hospices for people with AIDS and other diseases and much more. Her alleged second miracle, curing a Brazilian man of a brain infection and kidney disease in 2008, was cleared by the Pope on Friday.


Italian minister receives bullets from IS -

On Thursday, the Italian Justice Minister Andrea Orlando received two bullets and a threatening letter signed from IS. The letter stated, "We will come to Rome and cut off your head. God is great", according to a ministry spokeswoman. The letter, bullets and envelope were sent for analysis and examination. This is the first time the Italian ministry has received such a threat. Italy has heightened security following the November 12 Paris attacks for which Islamic State claimed responsibility.


Uber legalised in New South Wales -

The NSW state government announced on Thursday that ridesharing company Uber will now be legal to operate. An Industry Assistance Package will be put into place that will pay a $20,000 compensation to selected taxi drivers while Uber and taxi passengers will have to pay an additional $1 charge per ride to help fund the IAP. In addition, Uber drivers will be prohibited from picking up passengers at taxi ranks or at the airport. They will also have to undergo criminal background checks and pay for business registration, CTP insurance and a $45 accreditation fee.


Bendigo mosque approved by Victoria court

After a lengthy legal battle, Victoria's court of appeals has rejected all claims that the building of a mosque would bring negative social effects to the regional city of Bendigo, citing no evidence of social harm and Victoria's Charter of Human Rights, which explicitly protects freedom of religion. Plans for the mosque were approved by the City of Bendigo in June 2014, and VCAT affirmed the approval in August. Bendigo has become a hub of right-wing, racist and anti-Islam protests, and this campaign against the mosque was described by Premier Daniel Andrews as "hateful", who also pledged to stand with local muslims. The mosque is expected to be built within the next two years.


Devastating winds dismantle southern Sydney

Severe thunderstorms and tornados ravaged Sydney on Wednesday morning, with the strongest winds in NSW history taking roofs and overturning trucks. Kurnell was the most affected suburb while a natural disaster zone has been declared for the whole Sutherland shire region. More than 50 emergency crews have been sent out to respond to over 500 calls for help. With the mass clean up just beginning, devastated families are approaching their properties with gas masks for fear of asbestos poisoning. Downed trees and powerlines litter the streets, with extraordinary golf-ball sized hail stones and flash flooding leading to the closure of many roads and workplaces around Sydney and surrounding areas. The full ramifications of the storm are yet to be realised.


An excellent run-down of what we are all about. Thanks 15secTech!


Pre-election tensions reach boiling point in Spain

Before Spain's general elections this weekend, a debate on Monday exploded into anger on national television. Socialist opposition leader, Pedro Sanchez, accused Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy of corruption and not being a 'decent' man. After a long economic and banking crisis, Spain's economy is finally picking up, but polls say that Rajoy's conservative People's Party will lose their majority. With two new parties challenging for the premiership, the election is now a four-way race, and whoever comes out on top probably won't have a majority, and will have to form a coalition.


Inkstack is a platform that enables people to better connect to news. Through quick and understandable summaries of current affairs, we want people to discover the world around them and become more in touch with what’s going on.

Inkstack provides objective and accurate summaries, cutting out any trivial or sensationalised information included by many mainstream media sites. Such information can often be misleading and divert readers from what is truly important.

Our goal is to provide a base so that all can become more involved in global affairs and take a greater interest in the news >


Saudi Arabia lead Muslim anti-terror coalition

Saudi Arabia will head a 34-state military alliance of Arab and Islamic countries whose aim is to collectively combat terrorism. A long list of countries including Egypt, Turkey, Malaysia and Gulf Arab and African states are involved, however Shiite Muslim Iran was absent, in long-standing dispute with Sunni Muslim Saudi Arabia. The coalition will have a joint operations centre in the Saudi capital of Riyadh "to coordinate and support military operations", according to a joint statement published on state news agency SPA. Saudi crown prince and Defense Minister Mohammed bin Salman stated in a press conference on Tuesday that the coalition will focus on "any terrorist organization that appears in front of us", not only Islamic State. There are few indications about concrete plans for how military action will proceed.


Conor McGregor wins UFC title with 13-second knockout

On Saturday night in Las Vegas, Nevada, Conor McGregor claimed the UFC featherweight title with a first round knockout victory over defending champion Jose Aldo. The Brazilian, Aldo, boasting a record of 25 wins and one loss coming into the fight, had been undefeated for 11 years and had held the featherweight title since 2009, including seven successful defences. However, Aldo barely landed a punch as McGregor's early left hook struck Aldo's chin, forcing the referee to stop the fight just 13 seconds into the contest. The knockout was the fastest finish in any UFC title fight.


First female politicians elected in Saudi Arabia

For the first time in history, women of Saudi Arabia have been given the right to vote and run as candidates in municipal government elections. On Sunday, it was announced that a Saudi woman, Salma bint Hizab al-Oteibi, won a seat on the Madrakah municipal council in Mecca. There were 979 female candidates vying for a place on various councils, and over 130,000 women registered to vote, making up approximately 10% of all voters. Although the municipal councils do not have legislative power, they oversee a range of community issues. The election represents a leap forward for Saudi women, and has brought more liberal opinions into the spotlight, advocating for further reforms.


Paris climate summit deadline extended (12/12/15)

The 2015 United Nations Climate Change Conference in Paris is due to surpass its Friday deadline and continue toward a 12th day of negotiations. A final draft is due to be submitted on Saturday local time that will see a commitment from over 200 countries. Some issues still exist surrounding the process of tracking and reviewing emissions but are expected to be refined in the final text. UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon stated that the progress made was encouraging while French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius confirmed that the outcome of the summit was a "great step forward for the whole of humanity".


Anonymous hackers attack Trump Towers website (12/12/15)

The Trump Towers' website was down for at least an hour on Friday when Anonymous 'hacktivists' responded to Donald Trump's most recent stance on immigration. The group's twitter page wrote that the site was taken down as a "statement against racism and hatred" while the hashtag was used in a number of other tweets. Last week, the Republican candidate proposed to temporarily block Muslims from entering the US, shortly after the San Bernardino shooting.



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