Pardon the Mess Podcast

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Pardon the Mess Podcast Courtney DeFeo is wife to Ron, mom of 2 wildly fun girls, an author, and host of Pardon the Mess.


My brother, Drew McClure, always keeps it real. This part really cracked me up and then made me think too. Do we think all of energy and health is about the physical? Are we paying enough attention to our mental, emotional, spiritual and physical life? All of these areas will impact how we show up as parents this year.

Don’t miss the latest episode and ponder one thing you could try today! Get a pen and paper and time with a friend to process after you listen!

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On today’s prayer episode - I shared a super practical way to talk about “trusting Jesus” in this New Year. Have a quick...

On today’s prayer episode - I shared a super practical way to talk about “trusting Jesus” in this New Year. Have a quick family chat with these questions and let them share ideas. Don’t critique or get all over them if they don’t follow through- but just listen. We did ours last night super informally and loved hearing what they shared. We planned on each doing a PowerPoint about it - but we ran out of steam and just chatted over dinner. Simple works too!

“Trust in the Lord and do good; dwell in the land and enjoy safe pasture. Take delight in the Lord and he will give you ...

“Trust in the Lord and do good; dwell in the land and enjoy safe pasture. Take delight in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart” (Psalm 37:3–4)

We have probably all been hurt by trusting someone or something too much. As believing parents, we know that there is something better for our kids when they put their trust in Jesus. Trusting Jesus means surrendering every part of our stories to him and knowing that his plans are good. Even if he feels far away at times, he cares for us and will provide for our needs because the world may under-deliver, but Jesus never breaks a promise.

This means when our kids trust Jesus:

They don’t need to be afraid when they are put in an unknown situation or life feels uncertain because Jesus always wins.
They can feel confident that Jesus will protect them when they are facing something difficult because God answers his children when they call on him.
They are God’s child, no matter how others treat them.
They can have hope even in hopeless situations because Jesus has already overcome the world!
Their lives will be blessed.
This week, let’s pray that our kids fully love God by trusting in Jesus and begin to experience his great promises.

God, I pray that ___________ learns to trust in you and your promises. When they are tempted to believe the promises of the world, may their heart be reminded that you will never forsake them. May they consistently see the sweet fruit that comes from trusting in you with their lives and with their stories. Amen.

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My brother  always helps me think about life in a refreshed way. As moms, we are wiped out. Often. And I can’t always pu...

My brother always helps me think about life in a refreshed way. As moms, we are wiped out. Often. And I can’t always put my finger on the main issue. What about you?

Instead of worrying about weight loss in January - let’s look at our energy ! So we can show up stronger for our families. Don’t miss this week’s episode as Drew talks through these four areas of energy and what is ONE thing we can try today !

Happy New Year!!!I cannot believe it’s 2025. I've been thinking about this year for a long time because it’s the year my...

Happy New Year!!!

I cannot believe it’s 2025. I've been thinking about this year for a long time because it’s the year my first child graduates from high school. Well, that went fast!

Today’s episode is a special one for me, but also insanely practical for all of us. We have my brother, Drew McClure, on the show today to talk about “parent burnout.” Is it just the life of a mother to feel utterly exhausted all the days of our lives? Is there a way to have more energy? Better energy? Focused energy? Meaningful energy?

He talks us through how to make some traction this year so we don’t burnout early in the year. His thoughts are wise and sustainable and tested. As the Founder of People Profit, his job is to coach companies to eliminate burnout and increase capacity. He has a deep passion for humans and how we work. So, let’s get his take on the performance of a parent!

Drew encourages us to start with one thing. Just one thing. You may want a journal or pad of paper as you listen to this one. It’s FULL of helpful tips to write down.

Listen to the full episode:

As we end the year, I wanted to just simply encourage you as a mom. It’s so easy to focus on the FEW things that didn’t ...

As we end the year, I wanted to just simply encourage you as a mom. It’s so easy to focus on the FEW things that didn’t go well and how you may have messed up. I don't want you to end the year with that in your heart. So, take time today and listen to today’s episode as I read some “letters to your younger self.”

I pray you feel so seen and so encouraged as you end this year! Go on a walk or sit somewhere quiet for just a minute and let your heart receive some encouragement today.

AND! Add your tips here - what did you need to hear as a young mom? Go!

Listen to the full episode:

“But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well” (Matthew 6:33)As w...

“But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well” (Matthew 6:33)

As we inch towards a new year, many of us are considering our goals and priorities. Some of us are coming up with our word of the year. That seemed to be the trend that started a few years back—pick one word to focus on for the entire year. I’ve heard people choose words like love, intentional, joy, courage, prayerful.

But what if our word was simply, God?

What would our year look like if we chose to focus on God before everything else?

It’s easy to prioritize other things in our lives, especially the good things that we love. As parents, maybe we prioritize our jobs, our kids and their activities, keeping the house clean, or managing all the schedules. For our kids, maybe they prioritize good grades, making the best team, their friends, or keeping up with the latest trends. The truth is, all of those things are fleeting, but God remains forever and he is worthy of our attention and worship. We are called to seek God’s kingdom first!

Throughout the Psalms, David asks God to give him an undivided heart. He says, “Teach me your way, Lod, that I may rely on your faithfulness; give me an undivided heart, that I may fear your name” (Psalm 96:11 emphasis added). Making God his first priority did not come naturally to David, but he knew he could ask God for help and so can we!

This week, let’s pray that our kids will love God with their whole hearts and make seeking him their first priority every day this coming year and every year.

Father God, I pray that ______________ would choose you this year. Give _________ an undivided heart and teach them your ways. I pray they would wake up every day and decide that honoring you and deepening their relationship with you would be their first priority. When it is tempting to choose something else over you, remind them that you are the same yesterday, today, and forever and that you want their whole heart. Amen.

Listen to the full episode:


It’s me speaking to my younger self. “Court, how will you feel on Ella’s 18th birthday?”

Forgive my tears - but it’s not easy to write a letter to your younger mom self. I read it on the podcast today and it was so powerful for me. I have such compassion for the younger mom in me that was so desperate to get it right. I pray this episode encourages you all as we end the year!

Reminders for every mom:
You’re a great mom! You really are.
Give yourself grace. You’re forgetting ALL the things you are doing well.
Trust God. You cannot do parenting alone.

AND! Add your tips here - what did you need to hear as a young mom? Go!

Listen to the full episode:

Merry Christmas friends!!!!I wanted to end the year with some heartfelt encouragement to each of you. Try to get away fr...

Merry Christmas friends!!!!

I wanted to end the year with some heartfelt encouragement to each of you. Try to get away from all the noise and distractions when you listen to this one. Sit with your eyes closed or go on a walk - and pray God would encourage your anxious and weary heart.

It’s so easy to get to the end of a year and only think about the few things you didn’t do right or mistakes that were made. I want to remind you of the MANY things you are doing well for your children. God sees them.

I share a few letters from YOU - words you wrote to your younger self. And then I read my own letter and it was so powerful for me to do that. Try to get some time to write your own letter to the younger version of you. What did you need to hear as a young mom? And then let’s receive that same tenderness and grace and love for the mom that we are right now.

I am so thankful for our community. Let’ss keep showing up for these kids and loving God in the new year ahead. You are so very loved and you are such a great mom.

Listen to the full episode:

“Great, now the rolls are like bricks.”This is a perfect quote to sum up this conversation. Back by popular demand, I ch...

“Great, now the rolls are like bricks.”

This is a perfect quote to sum up this conversation. Back by popular demand, I chat with one of my real life mom friends to banter all the things from great gifts to bra sizes.

Dana Sheheane is the actual BEST! So take a walk or grocery shop with us in your ear - and pretend we’re having coffee and laughing together.

Just a sampling of the topics we bounce around:
💕Heating mats
💕Stitch guns
💕Embarrassing kids
💕Best bra per Dana
💕Solution for cold coffee

Don't miss out on this fun episode! Listen now:

“For to us a child is born, to us a son is given; and the government shall be upon his shoulder, and his name shall be c...

“For to us a child is born, to us a son is given; and the government shall be upon his shoulder, and his name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace” (Isaiah 9:6 ESV)

Christmastime is a time when we intentionally make space for joy, laughter, connection, giving, and celebrating Christ’s birth. This Christmas, I pray that you and your family are able to embrace the holiday as a family and make wonderful Christmas memories together.

It’s easy to get caught up in the to-dos and materialism of Christmas. There are so many activities and so many gifts to purchase. And while giving and receiving gifts is exciting, the greatest gift we can ever receive came as a tiny newborn baby in a lowly manger all those years ago. It’s up to us to receive this gift! So we can always be praying that our kids will accept God’s gift, believe in him, and love him all the days of their lives.

The book of Luke tells us that when Jesus was born, shepherds worshiped and spread the word, angels sang, and Mary treasured all those moments up in her heart and pondered them (Luke 2:19). As we approach Christmas day, let’s focus our attention on those same acts. As a family let’s worship the Lord, spread his good news, sing songs of adoration and celebration, and let’s store up the memories and meaning in our hearts so that we can remember God’s great gift to us all year long.

This week, let’s pray that our kids grow to know and love the true meaning of Christmas and that they would focus less on consumerism and sparkle, and more on the good news of Jesus.

Father God, thank you for sending us the greatest gift when you sent your Son to be born. May we all focus on you this season, not on the stress, pressure, or things. May _____________ remember that Christmas should be fun, but the most important part about it is you. Amen.

Listen to the full episode:

I am so very delighted to introduce you to one of my favorite moms on the planet - Dana Sheheane! This episode is a simp...

I am so very delighted to introduce you to one of my favorite moms on the planet - Dana Sheheane! This episode is a simple, rambling and lighthearted chat with one of my real life mom friends. You will LOVE her! She’s one of us folks.

I feel like we can raise amazing Christian kids - if we are wearing the right bra and our coffee stays warm. Amen? So let’s dive into some practical ideas and a girlfriend chat.

The majority of the episode is just fun ideas and simple tips for your everyday life. However, don’t miss the end. We talk about a few intangible and critical things you need to survive in 2025 - from margin to community. Enjoy her wisdom and her adorable laugh!.

In this episode, we chat about:
💕Heating mats
💕Stitch guns
💕Embarrassing kids
💕Best bra per Dana
💕Solution for cold coffee
💕And much more!

Listen now:

“But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you” (Matthew 5:44)It’s one thing to love your neigh...

“But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you” (Matthew 5:44)

It’s one thing to love your neighbor as yourself, it’s a whole other thing to love your enemies. As believers, we aren’t called to ignore our enemies or to tolerate our enemies, we are called to love them and to pray for them. This is a radical teaching that goes against the norm in society because it is much easier to judge or gossip about our enemies (guilty!). But even more, we are supposed to love our enemies without expecting anything in return.

Scripture makes it clear that the most powerful way we can actually love our enemies is to pray for them.

We begin to see a change in ourselves as we pray for others. First, we start to see our enemies the way God sees them, and God sees them as his beloved and dearly loved children, just like we are. Second, we can be freed from bitterness, resentment, and anger by praying for our enemies as our hearts are softened by the Holy Spirit.

So, this week let’s pray that our kids will love their enemies in a radical way and that they will begin to see themselves as God sees them.

Father God, loving our enemies starts with us. I pray that ___________ would learn to love their prayed and pray for them while establishing healthy boundaries. I pray that their hearts are softened towards the people who treat them poorly so that they see them the way you do. I pray for reconciliation and peace if ________ is being bullied or bullying others. Give me wisdom in those conflicts. Amen.

Listen to the full episode:


I believe this episode will be one of your favorites. We have a seriously wise and godly mentor with us today - it’s Lisa Clark! After 35 years of parenting (and now grandparenting) - she has heard and seen it all. Advice is not always helpful or biblical. She gives us some very real encouragement today and debunks some of the advice we get so often from others.

I needed to hear this reminder to “let the dad be the dad.” Too often, I elbowed Ron out of the way thinking that I knew better. And that wasn’t true or the right thing to do for our family.

In this episode, we discuss:
💕Some best and worst parenting advice
💕Why adult children are amazing
💕How to trust our gut as mothers
💕How to help our kids learn boundaries
💕How to be our child’s advocate first

Listen now:

I crave mentors and wisdom!  I feel like I can spot wise women in any room.  is one of those mentors and I’m delighted t...

I crave mentors and wisdom! I feel like I can spot wise women in any room. is one of those mentors and I’m delighted to share her with you today. You will absolutely love hearing her “best and worst parenting advice” as she thinks back over her 35 years of parenting.

My favorite part is at the end when she shares why we should be deliberate in teaching the gospel. She gives very specific ways we can do this and reminds us why it matters. I am praying that you feel so deeply seen in this episode and that the work you are doing as a mom matters.

In this episode, we discuss:
💕Some best and worst parenting advice
💕Why adult children are amazing
💕How to trust our gut as mothers
💕How to help our kids learn boundaries
💕How to be our child’s advocate first

Listen to the full episode:

I absolutely loved this inspiring episode with . This is one you can play for the entire family. He encourages us to “GO...

I absolutely loved this inspiring episode with . This is one you can play for the entire family. He encourages us to “GO BE YOU.” He encourages all of us to reconnect and rediscover how God made us.

When we have the courage to just BE the one GOd made - we have less comparison with others. We can settle into who we are. And then, “stay curious” on the things that light us up. This is an important challenge for us as moms - but also how we challenge our kids to do the same.

As parents, let’s help our kids settle into who they are and ENJOY their lives!

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Pardon the Mess Podcast

Parenting can be messy. There’s lots of amazing moments followed by some really hard times that make it easy to be discouraged if we aren’t careful. That’s why we want to invite you to listen to our podcast, Pardon the Mess. Each week you’ll hear honest discussions from real people about the ups and downs of parenting, and the lessons God has taught them along the way. It’s fun, it’s real, it’s biblical, and it’s for everyone!

Cynthia Yanof is a wife, mom, blogger, and the host of the Pardon the Mess podcast. She has a relaxed style of interviewing, combining her quick wit and sense of humor with a firm commitment to never taking herself too seriously. She loves Jesus, her family, foster care, and having lots of friends around her as often as possible. Cynthia is relatable, real, and a friend to all of us just trying to walk the road of life in a meaningful way that’s pleasing to the Lord.