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NASTOLA Games We create games that will provoke your emotions.

We are glad to have been part of the initiative of these young and talented athletes.

We are glad to have been part of the initiative of these young and talented athletes.

Photos from the opening of the Dondukov Garden in Plovdiv.

Photos from the opening of the Dondukov Garden in Plovdiv.

Pictures from the Hold Your Hat tournament

Pictures from the Hold Your Hat tournament


Petite partie de Plums for Trash (littéralement "des pêches pour des ordures"), jeu dans lequel il s'agira de trier ses ordures et de les échanger contre des...

We are at Bazaar Kapana, Plovdiv 💚

We are at Bazaar Kapana, Plovdiv 💚


Adventi kilencedik játékunk a Nasty Neighbors
Stratégia, megfigyelés, humor és szerencse dinamikus játéka…
Ebben a játékban a játékosok szomszédok egy lakóházban. Zsúfolt háztömbben lakni viszont próbára tehetik a türelmedet, különösen ha idegesítő szomszédaid vannak.
Ahogy a szomszédok megtámadják az idegeidet, tablettákat fogsz bekapkodni, hogy megőrizd a hidegvéred. Vigyázz, ne vidd túlzásba, mert még a végén kiesel.
Az a célod, hogy megszabadulj az összes többi szomszédtól, és „Az épület urává” válj!

Thank you for the review!

Thank you for the review!

𝗣𝗹𝘂𝗺𝘀 𝗳𝗼𝗿 𝗧𝗿𝗮𝘀𝗵 (NASTOLA Games)

As the saying goes, 'One man's trash is another man's treasure', and that's the philosophy behind Miroslav Garigov's family-friendly set collection card game, published by NASTOLA Games. It's not clear how or why plums have been transformed into treasure; we suspect it must be the result of a pun that works in Bulgarian. However, the premise of the game is that the 2-6 players are collecting and sorting waste so that they can exchange it for plums, with the win going to the player who has accumulated the most plums over the course of the game.

Each player has a set of four containers for the four types of trash: glass, plastic, paper and organic waste. Each turn you'll be drawing two cards and keeping one, which you'll allocate to its appropriate trash bin. In keeping with the game's theme, however, there's no neat draw pile. Instead, the face-down cards are scattered in a heap in the centre of the table, in a convincing board game representation of a landfill dump. When it's your turn, you turn over any two face-down cards from the landfill, take one and flip the other back over. That adds an element of Pelmanism into the game: like those children's 'picking up doubles' memory games, you'll be at an advantage of you can remember the location of a card you're after.

There's a small deck of 15 plum cards, and the top four cards of the deck are displayed to create the market. Each plum card shows the mix of waste needed to exchange for its value in plums. Once you've collected the requisite mix of sorted trash, you can exchange it for plums and take the applicable plum card. The game ends when all the plum cards are gone.

Just under a third of the cards in the landfill dump are 'special cards' rather than waste cards. These add a bit of variety to the game and a modicum of 'take that' interaction: 'Magnet' lets you take a card from another player's container; 'Mess' requires all the other players to tip a card from one of their containers back into the landfill; 'Exchange' lets you force a card swap. In addition, 'Bonus' lets you take two cards from landfill rather than just the one and 'Extra Plum' gives you - you guessed it - an extra plum.

This all makes for a light easy-to-play family game. And it's one with an educational and evangelical ecological bent: the waste cards are all littered with informative facts to encourage recycling. Tho' Plums for Trash isn't a trivia game, you'll still be bound to learn as you play.

Playing Plums for Trash at Sofia Masters 2023 💚

Playing Plums for Trash at Sofia Masters 2023 💚

Photos from the tournament of Nasty Neighbors, part of the festival Sofia Game Night 2023 in Vratsa.

Photos from the tournament of Nasty Neighbors, part of the festival Sofia Game Night 2023 in Vratsa.


În acest video veți găsi prezentarea jocului Hold your Hat, cm se joacă și părerea mea despre el. Cel mai bun pret la joc il puteti gasi aici: https://www.n...

Unboxing video from TGG. Thank you! 💚

Unboxing video from TGG. Thank you! 💚

About Tabletop Gaming GuildTabletop Gaming Guild is all about the memories and experiences that playing games with friends and family can create. To celebrat...


We want to present you Plums for Trash - a competitive, educational game where you use wit and strategy to exchange trash for valuable plums.

Excitement is in the air as NASTOLA Games prepares to make its grand debut at the prestigious Spiel Essen 2023 in German...

Excitement is in the air as NASTOLA Games prepares to make its grand debut at the prestigious Spiel Essen 2023 in Germany! This is an incredible opportunity for us to share our passion for gaming and showcase our latest creations to a global audience of fellow enthusiasts, gamers, and industry professionals.

If you plan to attend Spiel Essen 2023 and would like to meet NASTOLA Games, don’t hesitate to get in touch. We’re eager to schedule meetings to introduce ourselves, showcase our games, and explore potential collaborations. Let’s make this event not just a gathering, but a memorable experience together!

🧚‍♂️ We are happy to share some pictures from Romania of the game 🎩 Hold Your Hat.

🧚‍♂️ We are happy to share some pictures from Romania of the game 🎩 Hold Your Hat.

Thankful to Proti Plays for opportunity to review our new games in Romanian language. We really appreciate it.

Thankful to Proti Plays for opportunity to review our new games in Romanian language. We really appreciate it.

Jocuri noi în colecție de la NASTOLA Games!🤩

Check the latest review and how to play video from Kings Entertainment Reviews

Check the latest review and how to play video from Kings Entertainment Reviews

Life is good... unless you have nasty neighbors. And in NASTOLA Games' Nasty Neighbors there are definitely far too many of those. In this card game, all of ...


𝗡𝗮𝘀𝘁𝘆 𝗡𝗲𝗶𝗴𝗵𝗯𝗼𝗿𝘀 (NASTOLA Games)

Miroslav Garigov's Nasty Neighbors is a filler-length 'take that' card game where the 2-5 players are neighbours in an apartment block who are getting on each other's nerves. Players each start off with three 'pills' (wooden markers) for stress and whenever you have an attack card played on you that gets on your nerves, you must either play a reaction card, which will typically redirect the attack, or you must pop a pill. When all three pills are gone, you're out of the game.

Players start the game with a hand of seven cards. On your turn, you get to draw a card - either from the face-down deck or the three-card open display. You then take an action and discard a card. You can expect your action to require you to play a card, so unless your action is one that lets you draw extra cards or steal cards from another player, you'll end up each turn with fewer cards than you started with. If you don't pick up cards that let you add to your hand more than the single card you draw, then this will be a short game. It can be short too if other players have attack cards that target you and you've used up any helpful reaction cards, which again is likely to be the case if you've run your hand down with a flurry of early attacks.

Nasty Neighbors is a tongue-in-cheek game, as evidenced by its cartoon art. We're sure the designer doesn't really suggest we pop pills to deal with stress. There's a very high luck factor, but there's still scope for some tactics in attempting to build some defensive strength before launching attacks, or playing cards that run down an opponent's hand before targeting them for an attack on their nerves. The game incorporates the option for players to push their luck and gamble on the chance of getting two actions on your turn rather than just the one. You can do this by rolling a custom six-sided die that offers two sides that will give you two actions, two sides that will give you the usual one action, and two sides that will give you no actions at all: so roll the die and you're risking a 1 in 3 chance of losing your action for the turn but with 2 in 3 chances of you benefitting or at least being no worse off.

Publishers NASTOLA Games indicate a 15-40 minute playing time for Nasty Neighbors but, even with a full complement of five players, our plays at Board's Eye View rarely took longer than the lower end of that range. That's actually a plus tho' for what we've enjoyed as a fun filler-length game: at 40 minutes, we fear Nasty Neighbors could outstay its welcome. And in a game which is predicated on player elimination, you don't want ejected players to have to sit out of a game for more than a few short minutes. And put aside the Xanax and Va**um before you play!



Нямаме търпение да си говорим с Миро Гаригов, носител на наградата “Най-добър млад предприемач на годината на гр. Пловдив” за 2022, създател и издател на настолни игри, сред които са любимите ни 🏢 На Вуте да му е зле и 🎩 Дръж ми шапката, и собственик на сайт за настолни игри - 🎲 Ще научим повече за новите му проекти, предстоящи игри и за плановете му.

🚂 Не пропускайте да последвате Station Street Festival 2023 във Facebook & Instagram, както и да следите програмата на , за да сте в крак с всичко ново около фестивала.
Ще се видим там! 🚂

С подкрепата на: Тролейпътна Станция , Пловдив - Европейска столица на културата 2019 / Plovdiv 2019 ECOC, Bee Bop Café, CoolDown, How 2 Plovdiv, Red Bull, Община Пловдив & IGS Sound & Light


We can't wait to have a chat with Miro Garigov, winner of “Best young entrepreneur in Plovdiv'' for 2022, board game creator of 2 of our favorite games 🏢 “Nasty Neighbours” & 🎩 “Hold my hat”, publisher, and owner of 🎲 We’ll learn more about his upcoming projects, new games, and plans.

🚂 Don’t forget to follow Station Street Festival 2023 on Facebook & Instagram, and keep an eye out for the festival at , where you’ll find all the hottest news about the event.
See you there! 🚂


𝗛𝗼𝗹𝗱 𝗬𝗼𝘂𝗿 𝗛𝗮𝘁 (NASTOLA Games)

Time's Up! (R & R Games) has become a perennial favourite party game with our local games group. It's obviously proved popular with others too: it's spawned a couple of dozen expansions and variants since it first appeared in 1999. Tho' it's become a proprietary title, it's essentially a reworking of the traditional public domain party game Celebrities. A deck of cards is compiled, each containing a word or book or movie title or character, and a player has 30 seconds to convey to their teammate(s) as many of the words etc. as they can before the timer runs out. The team scores the cards for the clues they guess successfully, and the remaining pile is passed to a player from another team to do the same.

NASTOLA Games' Hold Your Hat is a similar reworking of Celebrities - as was Monikers (CMYK Games/VR Distribution UK). The fun in Hold Your Hat, Time's Up! and Monikers stems from the fact that each of the three rounds of game play use the same cards as in the previous round but with different rules for how you give the clues. In the first round, you can offer as many clues as you like for the word on a card. For the second round, you can only give a single word clue, and for the third round you cannot speak at all - you have to convey the word through mime. Of course, by the third round players will all have previously seen or heard the words on the cards so mimes can usually be quite simple as you're really just reminding your team mate(s) of the word. Also, experienced players will have mimed in previous rounds while giving their verbal clues. Because it's competitive with an up-against-the-clock urgency, and because you'll almost certainly come up with some wacky or risqué word association, there's usually much hilarity.

In his design for Hold Your Hat, Miroslav Garigov has added in a few features that distinguish it from other Celebrities variants. Turns in this game are 60 seconds, and the game comes with a 60-second sand timer. Each of the 150 or so clue cards has six words or phrases delineated by colour (and symbol for anyone with colour blindness) and at the start of each game you choose which colour you'll all use. Some of the phrases have been given a scoring value of 2 points rather than 1. Teams also get to take a 'special card' at the end of each turn. These give your team a single-use power: looking at the top five cards and rearranging them, claiming extra time, allowing your team to skip a word or trying to guess words on another team's turn. These add further variety to an otherwise very familiar game, tho' none are major game changers. The cards that let your team compete on another team's turn are particularly powerful, to the extent that it risks skewing the game if one team happens to draw all of those cards. For that reason, rather than drawing a special card at the end of each turn, we've preferred in our Board's Eye View plays to give each team a set of special cards at the start of each game for them to deploy whenever they choose to do so. In Time's Up!, players in the single-word and mime rounds are only allowed a single guess. The English rules for Hold Your Hat don't specify this but we've assumed that a similar rule applies.

If you have Time's Up! or Monikers then Hold Your Hat is mainly more of the same with this game's word cards adding a welcome alternative to those in your other Celebrities games.


Partnering with was such a fun experience! 🎪🏅

Nastola, with their unwavering commitment to excellence, is a brand that develops and distributes entertainment products, providing added value to the community through its knowledge by creating highly thematic and entertaining games that evoke emotions and reach the hearts of people worldwide. Discover more about their incredible offerings at 🌐

We would like to extend our gratitude to Nastola for their support which helped making D-Day an unforgettable experience for everyone involved. 🙌🏼💙




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