Angsty Christian Podcast

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Angsty Christian Podcast Podcast by Bonnie, Daniel, and Jake. Go listen to us talk about religious trauma and be complete idiots �
It’s not a phase, mom �

JESUS IS COMING SOOn! Share this to yoUR STORY TO PROCLAIM JESUS AS LORB. The enMy Does nOt want you to share!!! SATAN W...

JESUS IS COMING SOOn! Share this to yoUR STORY TO PROCLAIM JESUS AS LORB. The enMy Does nOt want you to share!!! SATAN WILL MAKE YOU not want to share. But let’s show him!!! Repost for Jesus. IGNORE FOR HELL!!!


In all seriousness, to all of our trans and non-binary babes, we love you, we see you, and you matter so much. F**k ever...

In all seriousness, to all of our trans and non-binary babes, we love you, we see you, and you matter so much. F**k everyone else who says you don’t matter or deserve to exist. F**k this system that wants to take away beauty that has existed throughout all of history. Trans lives matter. Periodt.

Love you all. Dm us if you need to talk ❤️

Any hateful comments towards our trans and nonbinary fam will be deleted and blocked after being publicly shamed 🥰

Second slide is for sh*tposting and completely unrelated. Jacob had s*x with an angel don’t @ me

#🏳️‍⚧️ 🌈

Thank you all for your continuous support. Our podcast will remain up and published, so feel free to listen to the eps a...

Thank you all for your continuous support. Our podcast will remain up and published, so feel free to listen to the eps and share with others who can benefit.

We may still post sporadic episodes as we have time and if there is something we feel we need to speak up about. But we will not be having continuous episodes or create that expectation. It’s unfair you all and is beyond what we have the current capacity to do.

We will continue to post and stuff on here, though. So we’ll still be around!

Thank you all. We love you so much and hope this can be a time for us to heal as you also heal. Until next time…

Be gay, do crimes.
Pray a petty prayer.
Be angsty or whatever. Fight the system.
We’re sorry, mom 🖤

Some thoughts on this first Sunday of Lent, which I legit almost forgot was a thing ngl_____

Some thoughts on this first Sunday of Lent, which I legit almost forgot was a thing ngl


I don’t make the rules 💅🏼Also it is quite ironic how when marginalized identities embrace and reclaim the harmful rhetor...

I don’t make the rules 💅🏼

Also it is quite ironic how when marginalized identities embrace and reclaim the harmful rhetoric given to us by c*ns*rv*tive *vang*licals, they claim it’s the end of the world.

Sorry we are embracing that you think we are going to hell. Hell would be more fun than your boring ass white heaven.

Just say you think we are lower tiered citizens. Just say you don’t think we are worthy of unconditional love and acceptance. Just say you think you’re better than us.

The world isn’t ending because and embraced the unholiness in their song Unholy. The song slaps and c*nservstives are just “snowflakes.” Get over yourself lol

So go slay the gay today. Be gay do crimes. Apparently it’s illegal to be gay anyways. Lord knows historically it’s been essentially illegal to be Black, gay, Indigenous, API, etc. And in many ways it still is. Or else we wouldn’t have a Black individual be killed by the hands of police officers on what seems like a weekly basis. Or else we wouldn’t have disabled folks murdered by an establishment that’s supposed to protect them. Or q***r folk wouldn’t be persecuted by straight folk to the point of unaliving themselves or being assaulted.

So yeah. We will live unholy. The world says we are anyways.


 thinks they’re funny but it’s honestly quite cringe nglShoutout for the perfect tweet as always by  _______            ...

thinks they’re funny but it’s honestly quite cringe ngl

Shoutout for the perfect tweet as always by


Ignore the poor crop. Apparently I can’t save the image well enough because technology is homophobicAnyways new ep relea...

Ignore the poor crop. Apparently I can’t save the image well enough because technology is homophobic

Anyways new ep released! Link in bio!

***r 🌈

Well it’s from the Old Testament so it doesn’t even count!!!_______

Well it’s from the Old Testament so it doesn’t even count!!!


First  tweets about how the left is brainwashed but the right (aka him) are not because they refuse to progress with soc...

First tweets about how the left is brainwashed but the right (aka him) are not because they refuse to progress with society, then this dude says lgbtqia+ folks have nothing to provide to society?

Excuse me. We are your:
Social Workers
Service Industry Workers
Auto mechanics
Police officers
Government officials (although typically Democrat which us less than human to them)
And the list goes on.

Q***r folk are everywhere and provide as much if not more to society than the alt-right. Kindly shut up.

Be gay do crimes. F**k off.

***an ***r 🌈 #1946 **khomophobia

Unapologetic low quality angsty sh*tpost of memes stolen off of Facebook for all of you babes______

Unapologetic low quality angsty sh*tpost of memes stolen off of Facebook for all of you babes


This is the hell evangelicals dream of Shared with permission from ***rit who you should follow on everything _____

This is the hell evangelicals dream of

Shared with permission from ***rit who you should follow on everything


As I have had conversations with more people who have experienced   I have noticed that many of us become atheist. We ca...

As I have had conversations with more people who have experienced I have noticed that many of us become atheist. We cannot seem to justify what we experienced and reconcile the religion from which we came with that experience. Many of us seem to have difficulty believing in a just God that allows people to cause abuse in their name. That god doesn’t sound “good.”

So we reject faith entirely.

Some of is end up eventually coming back. James Fowler hints at this in his stages of spiritual development. Our Christianity may look different, but it’s there nonetheless. We typically do not go back to Evangelicalism, hence the large number of people who identify as

Some of us transform our faith. As we heal and we may find truth in other spiritualities, especially in various Indigenous spiritualities around the world. We find truth in all. We often see the Christ in all and as all, but may change the name we give this universal experience. Many would refer to this as some form of mysticism or new age spirituality.

And yet some of us have yet to or never do return to spirituality. We find beauty and healing in the world and science. We do not believe in or need a god to find this.

And yet there are more journeys.

Each are valid and okay.

Let’s stop gatekeeping and demonizing. Let’s normalize this stage and see it as holy (read: set apart) and beautiful.


I refuse to continue to call today “Thanksgiving.” Thankstaking is a more common reframe, but I don’t even want to call ...

I refuse to continue to call today “Thanksgiving.” Thankstaking is a more common reframe, but I don’t even want to call it that. And the fact that tomorrow is supposedly Native American Heritage Day instead of today is ridiculous.

So today I (Daniel) choose to decolonize this holiday for myself. I choose to remember and mourn my ancestors who were colonized and forced off of their land.

This year I learned a lot about my ancestry. My ancestor, Demencia, was 12 years old when she was married. My extended family have continued to tell me that we are not Native, but are Spanish. But as I researched my family’s history, I learned that we are both correct. Demencia was married to a Spanish man at the time when the Otomí tribe (that was then part of the Aztec empire and were the elite military) was colonized by the Spanish. They thought the Spaniards were their saviors, so they welcomed them in and even helped them to conquer other tribes, converting to Catholicism. Then the Spaniards betrayed then and enslaved them, which as we know, was the norm, and thus in order to have any power or wealth, you had to renounce your heritage and “kill the Indian to save the man.”

But some of the Otomí escaped and started in a new land, later getting their land back in the 40s, although it was decimated, and is now healing. My ancestors do not appear to be the ones who were able to escape. Demencia was married and thus forced to bear many children. The image of her does not make her out to be Spaniard, but a beautiful Indigenous woman.

So this year, I am thankful for one thing: discovering and reconnecting to my ancestry as I decolonize everything that I am.

May we all do the same.

The silence of most Christians is deafening. And if any of them speak up, it’s to invoke empty thoughts and prayers.Thou...

The silence of most Christians is deafening. And if any of them speak up, it’s to invoke empty thoughts and prayers.

Thoughts and prayers cannot undo murder.
Thoughts and prayers cannot heal people from a collective trauma.
Thoughts and prayers have not and will not cease the needless deaths of thousands of q***r and BIPOC folk at the hands of white men.

These empty gestures have been typically made by individuals who help to sow the seeds of hatred towards non-white men.

We are sick and tired of being scared. BIPOC and q***r folk should not have to fear going on and having fun. We deserve to live our lives freely and authentically.

I don’t care if you think our lifestyle is wrong. We didn’t choose this, and even if we did, we would choose our own happiness every time. We are the way we are and there is nothing wrong with that. Stop using a mistranslated verse from a 1946 translation of the Bible (who’s translator said the translation was wrong), and adjust your theology. Your theology is killing people either directly otherwise.

Enough is enough. Let us be free.

May the victims rest in peace and may their peace stay with their families and communities. Remember their names:
Daniel Aston
Derrick Rump
Kelly Loving
Ashley Paugh
Raymond Vance

The Garden of the Gods10.23.22This is one of the most beautiful and majestic spaces I have had the pleasure of visiting....

The Garden of the Gods

This is one of the most beautiful and majestic spaces I have had the pleasure of visiting. I wish the Ute were remembered more in this space. The story goes that some dude owned this park and one of his predecessors decided to donate it to Colorado as a free and open space for everyone to enjoy the beauty. But the story of the colonization of such a beautiful area that once held the Ute tribe seems to be glossed over. As I walked around, I could feel the peace of the earth and imagined living in this space and caring for it. I am glad it is being cared for and enjoyed now, as the rest of this beautiful world should be.

This is a space of beauty, rest, and peace.


At this point, we are just a sh*tpost meme page that steals from Facebook______

At this point, we are just a sh*tpost meme page that steals from Facebook


Make sure to leave room for Jesus so you can have a th*****me 🥰But seriously. This type of theology just seems unhealthy...

Make sure to leave room for Jesus so you can have a th*****me 🥰

But seriously. This type of theology just seems unhealthy, does it not?

Just waiting for people to be mad about this 🫡


Rapture?! I barely know her!Apparently the rapture was supposed to happen yesterday? Someone on twitter said, “If all of...

Rapture?! I barely know her!

Apparently the rapture was supposed to happen yesterday? Someone on twitter said, “If all of the good people get raptured and the bad stay behind, how do we know the rapture happened?” That’s a great point. But that holds the assumption that the rapture is real.

The rapture is not a historical idea. It came up in the last century as a form of control from right-wing Christianity/Evangelicalism. Rapture means “to go up.” The idea was when a king returned from war, his people would gather at the gates (clouds in this case) to welcome him in, and file BACK INTO the kingdom (earth).

This is not what Left Behind tells you. And it’s also a metaphor using imagery the people knew at the time.

This theology is harmful and toxic. Not only has it negatively affected an entire generation, it has also negatively affected our world with climate change. If we are leaving, why do we need to care for the earth?

F**k rapture theology. It is toxic and just bad biblical hermeneutics.

Description: tweet that says *marked safe from 2022 rapture*
Second image is a car that says the rapture is on September 25, 2022.


ThAt’S nOt My ArIelJust tell us you hate black folk. Like just be honest about your racism. Just admit that you don’t wa...

ThAt’S nOt My ArIel

Just tell us you hate black folk. Like just be honest about your racism. Just admit that you don’t want to see anyone that doesn’t represent your whiteness in the media, even if it’s a literal fu***ng fairy tale.

These conservatives are just scared that historically marginalized communities will get representation, which will in turn provide them with more social power, and eventually political power, and eventually things will naturally progress past their archaic ways of living and controlling BIPOC bodies, especially those of women.

All I’m saying is Ariel better burst into sea foam at the end of the movie. And is a fu***ng queen and will SLAY these vocals 💅🏼

Also with Daniel getting his MFT, there will 100% be more psychology memes and discussions lol


Honestly it’s kind of confusing but I hope you get it lolThe cycle of abuse will continue for as long as we will allow i...

Honestly it’s kind of confusing but I hope you get it lol

The cycle of abuse will continue for as long as we will allow it to continue. The act of liberation is a choice we all get to make, but it is one that can be incredibly difficult and costly. But it is one that will be incredibly worth it.

Much of the power can come from increased and enriched awareness that we are experiencing this cycle. But then we have to do the work to get out, find community, and heal. Again, easier said than done, but it is an act of radical self-love. That makes it worth it.


As  states at the end of this chapter, and as many of us have already experienced, the fight for justice is a lifelong c...

As states at the end of this chapter, and as many of us have already experienced, the fight for justice is a lifelong commitment that requires continual effort. In ’s podcast with , they both describe this “liberation imagination.” We have to imagine the future we want for the next generation and fight for that. This type of commitment and forward thinking is the kind of persistence and perseverance that Jesus calls us to.

This fight right now is, quite frankly, more than just Evangelicalism. This fight isn’t just those going through or just for the crowd. It’s all of us. I constantly see people in different groups fighting each other or dismissing the movement of one group when we are all fighting for justice and liberation (at least those who are decolonizing and not rebranding their evangelicalism). It’s a hard and exhausting fight, but one that I imagine is worth it nonetheless.


What are y’all dressing up as? I’m thinking of dressing up as a Biblically accurate angel or Shrek_________             ...

What are y’all dressing up as? I’m thinking of dressing up as a Biblically accurate angel or Shrek



Our next episode will be with who is a (newly out) q***r, disabled, female pastor of a (very progressive) church plant in Orange County, or as some have called it, the Red Curtain (lol)

Donna has been in ministry in various forms throughout the years and has and still is deconstructing and decolonizing her faith as she seeks to co-pastor a church that can be a safe refuge for those that are typically not welcomed in most churches (kind of like us when we aren’t masking). Safe Harbor OC’s mission is to strive to be an affirming space where people can come deconstruct, decolonize, and strive towards justice in our communities.

We record tomorrow afternoon, so if you have any questions, drop them in the comments, dm us, or put it in the box on our stories!

Episode will release next Tuesday.


If you’re still shocked: why?Keep guarding your peace and fighting for justice and liberation, friends. The powerful are...

If you’re still shocked: why?

Keep guarding your peace and fighting for justice and liberation, friends. The powerful are losing their power and are continuing to grasp for life, but it will not work. In the meantime, we critique, we love, we liberate, and we rest.


But only in the context of marriage, obviously.Remember friends, we are all Bedazzled in Christ 😩🙌🏼______               ...

But only in the context of marriage, obviously.

Remember friends, we are all Bedazzled in Christ 😩🙌🏼


Low effort meme because capacity has been low. Tbh I made an entire list of those “Little Miss/Mr/Mx” memes but then I f...

Low effort meme because capacity has been low. Tbh I made an entire list of those “Little Miss/Mr/Mx” memes but then I found out I need to make them myself and not use a meme generator??? Ugh. We’ll see.

Anyways, we saw that someone posted us on Reddit and that was so sweet. Honestly being a small podcast can be so difficult sometimes. It takes a lot of energy to create something hoping people engage with it. Then life happens and the current state of affairs. Burn out is inevitable. At my healthiest, I make memes or critique the Church. At my lowest, I don’t have the capacity for it and that’s okay. So if we are ever quiet, it’s because we are planning and resting. But rest assured for stuff will come. Until the Church no longer causes religious trauma on a wide scale, we will continue to critique and fight.

Also any hate mail can go to our dms but we will expose you. Same with any gaslighting, which we have gotten and find rather amusing at this point.

Anyways. Love you babes. New ep coming soon once we can get together and be stupid.

People, often those on the conservative side, tend to get triggered when we speak up about issues. It makes sense. It’s ...

People, often those on the conservative side, tend to get triggered when we speak up about issues. It makes sense. It’s really hard to think critically about what you were told to believe, your own biases, and reflect on ways that you may have unknowingly and unintentionally caused harm. Who the hell would want to do that on purpose?

And yet we ask nonetheless. If “unity” or discussion is to ever happen, it is going to require everyone to look inward before going outward. It’s going to take listening to the other side in love. But oftentimes, that means for those of us who have deconstructed to essentially gaslight ourselves or be gaslit by them in return, and that is not okay. So the offer is for those who lean more traditional/conservative to listen to us. Do the hard work with us. We have and are continuously learning and (dare I say) repenting from the ways we have caused harm to others. We have had to re-evaluate our beliefs to determine if they were toxic/harmful. That is okay! God is supposed to be all good and Love, right? Isn’t God “all powerful?” If so, then I am sure They will be okay with it. Otherwise, they aren’t God. Otherwise, they are not Love.

Affirmation does equal love.
Anti-racism/decolonization does equal love.
LGBTQIA+ rights and inclusion does equal love.
Disability inclusion does equal love.
Woman’s rights and bodily autonomy for everyone does equal love.
And the list goes on.
How could those not show and even mean love?

The Christ is in all. The Christ is all. We need to start acting like we are all connected, perfect, and beautiful.


Wait a minute—Satan would 100% be like, “Wait you disobeyed too? F**k yeah let’s smoke this lettuce and hang.” Where did...

Wait a minute—

Satan would 100% be like, “Wait you disobeyed too? F**k yeah let’s smoke this lettuce and hang.” Where did all of this, “satan will torture you for eternity” stuff come from? It makes no sense!


Our newest episode with  has dropped! Molly is a writer of ✨spicy fiction✨. You may have seen her on booktok, s**ttok, o...

Our newest episode with has dropped! Molly is a writer of ✨spicy fiction✨. You may have seen her on booktok, s**ttok, or may have read her books, The Romanov Oracle or her Asphodel Series. Regardless, Molly is a creative and intelligent writer.

She grew up as part of the Bethel Redding cult, where her father was a pastor. She shares her experiences with people like Bill Johnson and Kris Vallotton. This episode may be very triggering for you, so please check the episode description.

Grab a drink, coffee, or (legal) substance of your choice and enjoy this amazing conversation. Be gay do crimes babes.


Daniel here to say… what the f**k. I am grieved, heartbroken, angry, and yet not surprised.   being overturned is the re...

Daniel here to say… what the f**k. I am grieved, heartbroken, angry, and yet not surprised. being overturned is the result of so many years of white patriarchal supremest nationalism.

As tweeted today, white evangelicalism will not stop until it opposes the whole world. And we’ll also add not just white evangelicals, but those who have bought into the system and experience forms of internalized racism, homophobia, supremacy, etc.

Christians constantly try to weaponize the Bible against us. It’s time we reclaim it. The Bible is a beautiful collection of stories, poems, folklore, and letters. But these have been used to perpetuate hate and violence. No more.

I’m tired of this. I’m tired of people having to prove their own humanity and basic rights. It doesn’t make sense! It’s quite literally insane! Why do we continue to debate over this bu****it? It’s simple. People have the right to bodily autonomy. People have the right to love and be loved. People have the right to live freely. People have the right to experience justice and abolition. People have the right ti live the lives they want to live without fear that they will be attacked or killed. That’s it.

So f**k this. May we see true abolition and justice in our lifetime.



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