If you're in your 20s and feeling more than lost, - learn from a 30 year old what can be done during your lowest points. Part of a series called "Dear 20 Year-Old Me" #adviceforyou #advicefor20somethings #advicefor20s #whenyourebroke #whenyourebrokeaf #advice #adviceforgirls #adviceforguys #advicetiktok #hardadvice #my20s #wisdom #ihavenothing
Until I turned 30, I let fear of commitment and failure stop me from making growth leaps... not anymore. I'm not spending money on myself; rather, I'm invested #bettingonme #bettingonmyself #letsgo #letsdothis #duetwith #cherdleys #allin #nofear #letgooffear #advice #commitment #committed #AdviceFor20s
Review on this vlogging kit coming up! #vidcon #vidcon2022 #contentcreator #Creator #creatorlife
5 Ways Teaching Others Promotes Self-Growth (Snippet) || Dear 20 Year-Old Me
Skilled at something but on the fence at helping someone who could use it?
Don't be. Teaching gives you more transformative life skills than you could ever think of.
Full video on YT: https://youtu.be/unbNSLJLfkY
5 Ways Consistency Can Be Your Best Friend (Snippet) || Dear 20 Year-Old Me
Do you struggle with consistency?
Consistency takes a lifetime to master! Find out why!
Full Video here on YT: https://youtu.be/a0txoTyvci0
Beware - the peacocks are douchebags!
Newest video coming out @5pm!
In the meantime, hit the questions up in the stories!
A preview of our outro video
My outro video.
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First Exclusive look at the new intro here:
Felix Tries... High Performance Habits by Brendon Burchard
New Years Resolutions... many planned, many have failed them.
It is JUUUUST past the dawn of the new year and I am acting on some of my resolutions already.
Yes. I still do them; in fact, I got something I tried and tested to share with you all!
Introducing: High Performance Habits by Brendon Burchard
I read this book last year and have taken the liberty of applying these principles throughout last year.
This year, I start off explaining to YOU, the viewer, HOW you can apply and benefit from these principles the same way I did this past 2020.
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