"Racism is man's gravest threat to man - the maximum of hatred for a minimum of reason."- Abraham Joshua Heschel
#Kolkata : Since the Coronavirus outbreak in India, the people from the hills have reported multiple cases of racist remarks against them due to their mongoloid features.
A gorkha daughter faced the same in Kolkata, when the shopkeeper called her Chinese profiling her as a carrier of coronovirus. We are proud of you
@Sabrina Pradhan Powell, you fought back, even though it must have been very upsetting. There is no cure for racism but to expose them for the p***ks they are. You did well. We were happy to see the support you got from passerby.
Sabrina Pradhan Powell writes in her FB page:
Amidst my personal Corona Virus struggle, I had to face another struggle today of proving myself an Indian and not a chinese,.. I would have understood and accepted the current fear of virus but not until being called Chinese and Gorkhali as same.
This is utterly unacceptable.The intent is clearly understood how racist people are against Gorkhalis.How unaware they are to not know people of their own state.I gave it real hard.I made him apologise And trust me as a true daughter of a gorkhali, I will forever give it hard.
Darjeeling MP Demands Nepali Language Council to be Established
Darjeeling MP today raised the important issue of deprivation faced by Nepali language even after 28-years since it was recognized as one of the National Languages of India and included under the VIIIth Schedule of our Constitution.
He demanded that a Nepali Language Council be formed to promote and preserve the language.
[ Via: The Darjeeling Chronicle ]
#Darjeeling MP Raju Bista Highlights - Need for Better Coronavirus Screening, Racism Faced by People from Darjeeling and NE, Special Compensation Package for Tourism Industry
Today, I raised the concerns of people from Darjeeling, Terai, and Dooars regarding the outbreak of Corona Virus, #COVID-19. In my speech, I highlighted how the pandemic is affecting our economy and lives of the people who are dependent on tourism for their livelihood.
Also, I brought to the notice of the house how people from Darjeeling, Kalimpong, Northeast, and the people with Mongolian racial features living in big cities like Kolkata, Pune, Mumbai, and Delhi have been a victim of racism and called "Coronavirus".
In addition, I also requested the Government to issue sensitization material about how diverse our nation is, how different our people look. In such difficult times, we as a society need do more and cooperate with the government on creating awareness about the issue and curb any such incidents.
Our region shares border with China, Bhutan, Nepal, Bangladesh, neighboring states of Sikkim, Bihar, Assam, and connects with the Northeast states. The districts of Darjeeling and Kalimpong also attract highest number of tourists in Eastern Himalaya.
In view of this, I requested the Union government and the West Bengal government to provide rigorous screening facilities of all individuals (be they foreigners or Indian nationals) coming into our region and to ensure adequate supply of sanitizers, masks, and testing kits. I am most hopeful that the government will provide for localized testing center for North Bengal as the only two testing in WB are situated in Kolkata, which takes longer time for test results.
I also informed the house how our tourism industry will suffer due to COVID-19, and I requested the government to develop special economic package to help our tourism industry overcome this crisis.
I request our people not to panic, but maintain basic caution - wash your hands
The Coronavirus Pandemic has left us contemplating on a lot issues. One individual on quarantine let his creative juices flow.
Please listen till the end.
[ Via: WhatsApp Fwd]
#Gurgaon #CoronaVirus_Quarantine
On one side the spread of novel coronavirus or COVID-19 across globe brought the worst among human beings it has now started bringing the best out of humans.
Social media was flooded with many such videos wherein people in Italy, Spain were seen encouraging, boosting eachother's morale to fight off the spread of novel corona virus. Similarly, one such video from Delhi's adjoining Gurugram has now surfaced where people in a housing society are seen clapping, and chanting Gayatri Mantra along with Shankhnad.
Relevantly, people of gurugram have been advised to stay indoors and work from home amid the easy spread of coronavirus.
Meanwhile with the Coronavirus scare: Prince Charles ditches handshake, greets people with ‘Namaste’
Office of Raju Bista ,12th of March 2020
Today I spoke on the motion in support of the budget for Railways this year. I congratulated Hon’ble Finance Minister and her team for presenting a uniquely visionary budget. This budget will greatly transform overall connectivity across our nation. At a time when our economy is hungry for investments, this budget provides for expansion of investments via Indian Railway through capital expenditure pegged at Rs 1.61 lakh crore for 2020-21.
Announcement of "Kisan Rail" through the public-private partnership (PPP), gives hopes to farmers across the nation. Their produces will find proper markets and prices. Thanks to “Kisan Rail” initiative, produce from our Darjeeling hills, Terai and Dooars – oranges, cardamom, ginger, flowers, Strawberry, Pineapple, and Vegetables will be sold in major domestic and international markets. This will go a long way in improving the economic condition of our farmers.
In addition, I highlighted some pressing rail related issues from our region:
• Creation of a Separate administrative division for Darjeeling Himalayan Railways
• Rehabilitation and Compensation for those forest dwellers who are being impacted due to Sevoke-Rangpo rail project.
o Stopping of Sevoke-Rangpo rail-line project till Forest Rights Act 2006 is implemented in letter and spirit.
• Upgradation of Railway Workshop at Tindharey, Kurseong
• Filling of unfilled vacancies in DHR, and permanency of workers and apprentices who have completed ACT courses to ensure continuance of the DHR technological knowhow.
• Need to develop New Trains from Siliguri Junction to Kolkata and Delhi
• Developing Heritage Gulma Railway station as an originating and journey ending stations for long-distance trains
o Creation of new stoppages for long distance trains at: Bagdogra, Naxalbari, Chopra, and Siliguri town junction
o Construction of underpass and over bridges at railway crossings at: Bagrakote Railwa
#Melli_Shooting : Reason - Goonda Tax collection, also locally known as GT collection
According to locals, Kunal Pradhan who is also the Ward Councillor of Kalimpong Municipality Ward No: 1 had been indulging in Goonda Tax collection, also locally known as GT collection for a while. Today, he had allegedly come down to decide on who will do what work on the ongoing Sevoke-Rangpo rail project.
Allegedly when locals demanded that work be given to them as well, Kunal got furious, which eventually lead to the shooting of Puran Magar and Pempa Tamang.
Meanwhile, Benoy Tamang, has announced the expulsion of Kunal Pradhan, and has also said that his faction will pay for the medical expenses of those injured.
Kalimpong police have taken a few supporters of Kunal Pradhan in custody, while he has absconded.
Traffic along National Highway 10 came to a halt today after irate public shut it down in Melli, following the shooting of two locals by At-BT loyalists Kunal Pradhan.
The blockade on NH 10 was lifted after due assurances from police authorities, that those involved in shooting will be arrested.
#Damage_Control: Benoy Tamang Announces Expulsion of Kalimpong Municipality Ward - 1 Councillor Kunal Pradhan. Kunal Pradhan was one of the vocal supporter of AT/BT team.
Tamang also promises to take care of the medical expenses of the victims shot and injured by Kunal Pradhan.
Kunal Pradhan of Kalimpong is absconding after open firing on two persons at Melli (WB).
Two persons have been injured on abdomen and leg.
Incidentally Kunal Pradhan who belongs to the Benoy Tamang/Anit Thapa faction of GJM was involved in a inparty fight a couple of months back.
#Bangladesh protesting against Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and against the #CAA
[Via: Indian Military Updates ]