See www.NewEarth.Works in infancy now that will develop to launch beautifully on social media channels this summer. Leading promotions will be solutions to global climate change and sustainability!!!!
Most especially, we will promote the needs for green hydrogen, H2 innovations to generate oxygen emissions and provide abundant clean energy for present and future generations.
New Earth Works (NEW) aims to become the leading brand in eco-friendly content, commerce, community online and plans to develop a model ecovillage that may be replicated (franchised) throughout the world. We have big plans and will be very grateful for your support!
We will cover a range of eco-friendly topics, so please let us know your special interests.
The Earth’s sustainability is the most important topic of all. Everyone must know the Earth is in crisis! Global warming and the 6th mass extinction in process could get real bad, real fast as the UN is warning, sounding alarms! What the world needs are NEW solutions!
Please donate on GoFundMe if you can and/or share this with friends far and wide. Time to take action to create a better world! Thanks!
www.NewEarth.Works will become an excellent portal of eco-friendly con… Kelley Cormack needs your support for Save the World! NewEarth.Works needs your help!