10-Minute Homemade Pizza – Easy, Budget-Friendly, and Kid-Approved! 🍕 Try this tonight!
When Your Kid Has More Energy Than a Full Cup of Coffee 😩🙈
✨ Maybe when they’re older, I can finally have nice things? 🙈
✨ DJ is our little acrobat—if he’s not climbing my doorposts, hanging from the banisters, or running across the top of the monkey bars while my heart drops to my toes, then he’s just not living his best life. 😩 This boy has no fear and endless energy!
✨ Honestly, I’ve been lowkey considering signing him up for *Kids Ninja Warrior because he may be small, but he is strong. 💪🏾🏃🏾♂️ I just know he’d be out here flipping and climbing like it’s his job.
✨ Which one of your kids has the most energy? I just showed you mine—now tell me about yours in the comments! ⬇️😅
#MomLifeUnfiltered #ActiveKids #BoyMomLife #SendHelp 😂 #MomOfFour #ToddlerEnergy #NinjaWarriorInTraining #ParentingWins #HighEnergyKids #RealLifeParenting
Rediscovering Fitness: Our Journey Back to Health 💪🏾
Late for Work as a Busy Mom & CNA| Night Shift Struggles & Real Life Chaos
#workingmomlife #nightshiftstruggles #cnalife #busymomlife #BalancingItAll #momlifestruggles #FamilyFirstAlways
Tackling Jael’s Room: A Real Mom’s Decluttering Journey (Part 1)
✨Back at it with this decluttering journey, and this time, I finally tackled Jael’s room! 🙌 Y'all, I nearly walked right back out when I saw the state of things. 😅 Took me a whole week of breaking it down one day at a time, but I’m so happy with the result! Stay tuned for parts 2 & 3 because there’s A LOT to show. #DeclutteringJourney #declutteringchallenge #momlifeunfiltered #OrganizeWithMe #HomeOrganizationTips #FamilyLife #CleaningMotivation #bigfamilylife #MinimalistJourney
Why This Election Has Me Speaking Up: A Woman of Color's Perspective #EveryVoteCounts
I don't often discuss politics, but this election has me feeling the weight. It’s hard to watch so many ignore the harmful rhetoric aimed at minorities and women. I’m especially stunned by the number of undecided voters. As a woman of color, I feel a duty to honor those who fought and sacrificed for my right to vote. Staying silent only strengthens voices that don’t reflect the future I envision for my children. Do I agree with every stance my candidate takes? No. But I believe in their vision more than any alternative—and that matters. Choosing the best possible leader is crucial. Maryland’s early voting ends today, but there’s still time to vote on November 5. Make your voice heard, because every vote counts! #HarrisWaltz2024 #VoteForChange #WomenWhoVote #AllVotesMatter
Throwback to our college days when movie nights were our go-to date! Marc and I finally checked out IPic Theater in Bethesda, and it’s next-level! With cozy blankets, seat-side dining, and grown-up vibes (hello, bar and restaurant), it’s perfect for date night. Pro tip: go late on a Monday like we did for a quiet, private feel. Would you try it? #DateNightIdeas #movienightmagic #BethesdaMd
✨I’m so excited to share Part Two of my decluttering journey! As someone who struggles with procrastination, staying organized has never been easy, but I’m finally making some real progress. This simple change to my space has transformed my daily routine. ✨Starting my mornings with a clear mind and organized space has helped me stay focused and productive all day long. When I’m on top of things, my whole family feels more together and life just flows better! If you’ve been following my decluttering series, you know I’m taking it one space at a time. ✨Stay tuned for more updates as I continue tackling each room—Jael’s room is done, too! Video coming soon!!!#DeclutteringJourney #OrganizedLiving #FamilyLife #HomeOrganization #ProductivityHacks #ProcrastinationToProgress #IntentionalLiving #BudgetFriendlyOrganization
What’s one important lesson you’ve learned about marriage? ✨ I wish I could say that our marriage was close to perfect and that 12 years flew by in happily wedded bliss, but that wouldn’t be the truth. Marriage is difficult but beautiful. We’ve had some really dark years where we thought we wouldn’t make it and then years where we couldn’t imagine life without each other. Here are the top three things I’ve learned this year about marriage: 1. DO NOT assume you know everything about your spouse; they are always changing, and you have to continue to learn the various versions of them in real time. Keep your mind and heart open. 2. If you have kids, remember to always put them SECOND; your marriage should always be FIRST. Tell those kids to go to the other room and give y’all a minute. 😅. 3. Intimacy is important—not just sexually, but taking time to be close to your partner and cherish the time you have together. But don’t forget the sex 😂. Making love is the most intimate you can be with your spouse; it should make you both feel wanted, satisfied, and more in love. (On a serious note: if it doesn’t do that for you, seek help from a professional. There may be unresolved issues that prevent you from connecting with your partner on that level.)✨I love being in love, and I love being loved by him.💕. ✨When you have a chance, go check out Julii and tell them Letisha sent you!#MarriageAdvice #RelationshipGoals #IntimacyMatters #MarriageJourney #LoveAndMarriage #CoupleGoals #RealLove #MarriageLessons #KeepTheSparkAlive #RelationshipGrowth