This isn't farewell but definitely until next time... 💃🏼🪩
I'll be going away for a while! 👋🏼
Completely disconnecting from socials, while building my biz OFF of socials.
👉🏼 Let me tell ya, it's necessary.
I encourage you to do the same for your biz at some point during 2024 or if you still have time to squeeze it in starting now in Dec.
👉🏼 2023 has been full of lessons, ups and downs, in business and personal.
This is MY time to refocus and readjust. Getting clear about what it's that I want to do next for myself, my family, and my business!
💌 While I won't be active on socials, I'll be keeping you up to date on what's new on my email list.
⚡️You can take advantage of my FREE social media audit.
⚡️I will be available for strategy calls-- $197 + 3-day Voxer support.
⚡️Qualify Your Leads Like A Pro is accessible at your fingertips for only $33.
⚡️Plus, I am now booking for 2024.
❤️🔥 All of these links can be found on my profile!
I'll be checking my DMs once in a while.
💌 The best way to reach me is at [email protected].
As always, let’s get out there and freakin’ do it 🫶🏼
#aitvirtualservices #6figurebusiness #leadgenerationtips #leadgenerationstrategy #leadgenerationservices #leadgenerationexpert #onlinebusinesscoaching #onlinebusinessmentor #onlinebusinessowners #onlineserviceprovider #businesscoach #businesscoachforwomen #businessmentors #socialmediamanagementservice
It's concerning the amount of times I've heard this...🫣
I fully understand being busy and falling short on time!
👉🏼 You cannot be everywhere and doing everything in your business, especially in the position you're in now.
You're on the path of working towards more expansion, already in those 6 figures, and probably even have your own VA!
Here's the twist-- although your VA is on your team because they can do some of everything (which they sure as hell can👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼)…
💥 That does not mean they are specializing in ONE area!
⚡️ The one area YOU are desiring to see certain results in.
So of course you jump in (when you can) but guess what?
👉🏼 That's not enough between the both of you who are between multiple tasks— that's just the reality.
What you need is a specialist who knows the ins and outs when it comes to lead gen.
💥 One that works with coaches and mentors just like you, understands your desires, and is willing to work towards meeting your goals, right by your side!
Personally having a teammate by my side should make me thrive even more!
I'm not only referring to a business level but also to a personal level.
👉🏼 I don't want *just* a teammate, I want a friend by my side!
I do the same for my clients whether they expect it or not because that's who I am.
Who else feels like you can fall short on time for your lead gen? I'd love to get your outlook! Comment down below.
#aitvirtualservices #6figurebusiness #leadgenerationtips #leadgenerationstrategy #leadgenerationservices #leadgenerationexpert #onlinebusinesscoaching #onlinebusinessmentor
👉🏼 Unconsciously you say "I don't have time for (insert activity here".
That is what it really comes down to!
Being an entrepreneur will consistently keep you busy.
👉🏼 Between 1:1 clients, groups, podcasts, back-end tasks, your own personal development, traveling... life!!!
I know we can be superwomen most of the time but is it healthy to do everything? No.
🤷🏼♀️ It's also unrealistic.
For our business to continue growing and reaching that next level you have in mind, the one you keep deeply freakin' desire...
💰 Investing is what will take you there!
When my clients come to me, their situations are extremely similar-- they tell me they're occupied doing X, Y, & Z with their business (or businesses) and don't have the time to sit down and input in the extra effort certain areas need.
💁🏼♀️ Aka lead generation or social media content & engagement!
Honestly, they'd rather not worry about it and I don't blame them!
⚡️ We can put that energy elsewhere.
It's such a satisfying feeling when my clients come to me for help and I end up being able to serve them exactly how they imagined (or even better)!
🫶🏼 Being a part of a growing process and being by your side every step of the way to cheer you tf on.
I know my purpose I reach more and more of you each day.
Although it took me a little over a year, I'm finally connecting with my type of person consistently!
💅🏻 I'm attracting whom I truly align.
I want the same to happen for you without having a doubt that bigger and better is coming!
👉🏼 If you've been thinkin' about having extra support in your social media, lead gen, or both... let's have a pressure-free convo in the DMs.
Drop a ❤️🔥 below.
#aitvirtualservices #6figurebusiness #6mentor #6figurecoach #onlinebusinesscoaching #onlinebusinessmentor #girlempowerment #ambitiouswomen #motivatedwomen
Coach 👉🏼 ¿felicidad?
¡Así es!
Diciembre 2022 fue uno de los momentos más felices que he tenido en mi VIDA.
Nunca había sentido tanta paz & felicidad. 💜
Pero eso no hubiera sido posible sin mi primer coach...
Mi primer coach es la persona que me hizo tomar mi primero paso para empezar a llevar a mi negocio al prox. nivel & nunca he mirado atrás desde entonces. 👀
Inventir ha sideo más que beneficiar mi negocio-- ha mejorado mi bienestar porque me ha ensenado que para prosperar tengo que intentar crear relaciones sanas en mi vida y enforcarme en mi salud mental. Trabajar en tu mentalidad te lleva TAN lejos en la vida.
Gracias a mis increíbles clientes pasados y actuales, pude separarme de mi carrera de Técnico Farmacéutico de 6 años y continuar sirviendo a mis clientes con todo mi potencial. 💪🏼
Una vez que fui capaz de dejar ir el ambiente de trabajo que ya no me llenaba, tuve la libertad de trabajar con quien quería y donde quería.
Por primera vez en mi vida, pude tomarme unas vacaciones donde quisiera y por el tiempo que quisiera sin que nadie tratara de decirme lo contrario.
Empezamos nuestro propio negocio para ganar dinero, por supuesto, pero también tener la libertad detrás y disfrutar de nuestro tiempo con nuestra familia y tal vez tener un poco más de tiempo para nosotros mismos. 😜
Estoy muy agradecida de poder servir a más de ustedes cada día y ayudarles a crecer a nivel empresarial y a nivel personal.
Llevar un negocio nunca será super mega facil pero tampoco tiene que ser super difícil ni tienes que hacerlo solo. 💜
Si estás pensando en dar ese salto para cambiar tu vida, dirígete al enlace en mi biografía y ¡reserva una consulta!
Vamos allaaaaaa 🫶🏼
#aitvirtualservices #mercadeodigital #asistentevirtual #bilingualservicespr #bilingualservices #leadgenerationservices #socialmediamarketing #emailmarketingmanager
Are you done imagining???
Because this can be your freakin’ reality!
We’ve all been there.
“Trying” to disconnect from our biz after a full day of working and yet our mind is wondering about what we did not “get to” or “finish” today.
It’s like our mind can be our own enemy sometimes, lol.
Then you feel guilty for ignoring it and not getting these things done
You feel guilty about getting to them and now you’re using your personal or family time for THIS.
It’s like you cannot win, huh?!
Sometimes we truly have to manage our time wisely.
Instead of mindlessly scrolling, we can put that effort into our socials.
We make time for what we want (and you know that’s true).
Interacting and answering messages doesn’t take long and it shouldn’t feel like a task.
Now if you’re like I absolutely do not have the time for this or I do not want to put my time into this, then you’ve read far enough ;)
Head to my profile and check out my revamped offers to better serve you then shoot me a DM or book a call to learn more!
#aitvirtualservices #socialmediamanagementservice
#leadgenerationservices #socialmediaengagement
#empowerher #empoweryourself#takeactiontoday #brandawareness #buildauthority
Aren’t you curious to find out what the day is like for other entrepreneurs you see on your social media often?
I know I am!
We’re extremely busy individuals between our personal lives, our biz, and everything else going yet, and yet WE still get it done!!!
This is my reality on Wednesdays– I like to focus on ME and of course get some minimal client work, if necessary.
They’re on the more relaxing side because if you’re like me, you’re always on the go because ya gotta get things done and that’s just the reality for many women.
It’s important to remember ladies, we have to STAY conscious, give back to ourselves, and invest in ourselves– whatever that may look like for you.
We can make this a reality and guess who can help you make it happen…. Meeee!!
I embody growth!
I know what it takes to grow in business and I constantly invest in myself to grow.
But I’m also all about empowerment– feeling confident in making the leap.
Without investing, I’m not going to see the results I desire in a quicker time frame and if we’re being honest, I’m going to be lost af at what I’m doing for a while if my current approach is not getting me results.
Trust me, I get it.
You get all these nerves, all these thoughts, and you might start questioning if you’re making the right choice.
One thing that has always helped me is to not make decisions based on emotions.
Which is why I’m never ever pushy to anyone inquiring about my services.
It’s okay to ask, it’s okay to be curious, and it’s okay to get more info and weigh your options when it comes to taking the next step in your biz journey.
So when I tell people to invest I tell them because I know and see the value of how it's going to help.
If you’ve been eyeing my lead gen. Or social media management offers and want to learn more, comment down below or send me a DM with this reel!
#aitvirtualservices #socialmediamanagementservice
#leadgenerationservices #socialmediaen
Uhhhhh.. it can feel awkward for sure 🫣
You’re sitting there, staring at the darn message.
Now you’re all in your head thinking “what should I say next?” “How can I offer my services?” “Is it too soon” “What if they ghost me?” “Or what if they’re not interested?”
👉🏼 Well guess what (this is a great reminder for myself btw) they won’t know til ya freakin’ tell em!
Most of the time, people are not going to inquire and ask because something is holding them back.
⚡️ We’ve all been there.
Since WE know that, we can of course guide them and ask probing questions.
Some of my favorites to ask where they’re currently at with their goals, bring up comment related to what you offer, or find a story/post to bring up the topic!
Transitioning isn’t always the easiest but with some points and guidance, it is POSSIBLE!
👉🏼 You’ve reached this point & you probably want to learn more on how to do it and get that extra help you’ve been desiring for a while now.
👉🏼 You crave that GROWTH for your biz especially in the next 3 months.
❤️🔥 DM me and let’s chat about my lead generation offers available that best suit you & your goalsssss!!!
#aitvirtualservices #leadgenerationservices #socialmediaengagement #buildauthority #conversationstarters #salestips #onlinebusinesstips #onlinesales #leadgeneration #leadgenerationstrategy #leadgenerationtips #leadgenerationexpert
Estoy viendo un montón de nada 🤷🏼
A menudo me encuentro con muchas cuentas que publican contenido valioso de forma constante y nada más.
Dices que quieres construir confianza, autoridad y relaciones genuinas, pero ¿qué estás haciendo al respecto?
👉🏼 ¿Publicas historias?
👉🏼 ¿Te relacionas con otras cuentas?
👉🏼 ¿Chateando en los DMs?
👉🏼 ¿Promueves otras formas en las que tu audiencia pueda conectar contigo fuera de las redes sociales?
Si sientes que te estoy llamando la atención, bien.
Es por tu bien, confía.
Pero nunca es DEMASIADO tarde para empezar a implementar pasos en tu base actual.
El cambio no se producirá de la noche a la mañana, pero te prometo que mi marco de trabajo es el que ha demostrado obtener resultados, ¡de forma consistente!
Presencia, Construir y Nutrir 💜
👉🏼 Empieza a crear una presencia consistente frente a tu audiencia, no solo a través de posts sino de historias y vidas. Esto te va a llevar a tener autoridad. Empezarán a reconocerte a ti Y a tu marca.
👉🏼 Construye tu comunidad en las redes sociales y ten otro lugar donde puedan seguir conectados fuera de las redes sociales, como el correo electrónico.
👉🏼 ¡Nutre, no presiones! Esto es lo que va a crear esa confianza y relación genuina con tu audiencia.
Dando pequeños pasos, todo es posible.
Si sientes que esto es lo que has estado buscando, ¡tengo algo para ti!
¡Envia un DM con 🔥 para más!
#aitvirtualservices #mercadeodigital #asistentevirtual #bilingualservicespr #bilingualservices #leadgenerationservices #socialmediamarketing #emailmarketingmanager
Te has parado a pensar en esto? 🤔
Muchos de nosotros en el espacio en línea sólo dependemos de las redes sociales & eso es un error porque si las perdemos, probablemente nos quedemos sin nada.
Aunque nunca es tarde, si no has empezado o no te has centrado mucho en esto, ahora es el momento de ponerte las pilas.👏🏼
Esta es UNA de las muchas cosas que me aseguro de poner en práctica para mis clientes con mi estructura que ha demostrado para obtener resultados- PCN Presencia, Construir, y Nutrir.
¡Crea su lista de correo electrónico a través de obsequios, clases master, miembros del grupo FB ... la lista sigue y sigue!
¡La clave es tener una oferta que atraerá a su público y dejarlos con ganas de más!
Si te gustaría conversar más sobre cómo hacer crecer tu audiencia fuera de las redes sociales, dirígete al enlace en mi biografía y reserva una llamada sin compromiso 🔥.
#aitvirtualservices #asistentevirtual #bilingualservicespr #bilingualservices #leadgenerationservices #socialmediamarketing #emailmarketingmanager
IG THREADSSSS — Let’s be honest, I know many of you are feeling like this and that’s okay! 👀👉🏼 I LOVE that we have options & access to new apps as the online world evolves and empowers us to interact with others, especially in our business accounts! I thrive off of finding new ways to connect with my people (and my clients people) while having fun 💜 🫶🏼 At the end of the day, whether you like threads or not, we have the freedom to use whichever platform we feel we can connect best with our target audience. Most importantly, while everyone’s having a good time. How are you liking or not liking this new implementation? Comment down below!#aitvirtualservices #onlinegrowth #makeconnections #leadgenerationtips
¿Cómo lo hace?
Bueno, ¡hablemos de ello! Esta es la razón por la que empezamos nuestro propio negocio, para tener más libertad.
Sin embargo, nos encontramos trabajando constantemente y tal vez preguntándonos cómo tomarnos un tiempo libre sin dejar de percibir los ingresos de ese mes....
Lo que implementamos no sucede de la noche a la mañana pero vas a ver resultados 💸
#1 Automatizar el contenido en las redes sociales.
#2 Esto lleva a construir su autoridad en los medios sociales.
#3 Continúa su email marketing (automatizado) para nutrir sus clientes potenciales.
#4 Aparece en los stories cuando lo considera oportuno.
No tenemos que vivir pegados a nuestros teléfonos o medios de comunicación social todo el tiempo. De hecho, es ESENCIAL tomarse un descanso. Deberías tener una base implementada que no dependa sólo de las redes sociales & si no la tienes pues ¡es hora de reevaluarla!
#aitvirtualservices #nutritionista #nutritionist #healthcoaches #mercadeo #mercadeodigital #asistentevirtual #bilingualservicespr #bilingualservices #leadgenerationservices #socialmediamarketing #emailmarketingmanager
Coach 👉🏼 happiness?
That’s riiiight!
December 2022 was by far one of the happiest moments I’ve ever had in my LIFE.
I had never felt so much peace & happiness. 💜
But what would not have been possible without my first coach ever?
My first coach is the person who got me started on my fitness journey 7 years ago & I’ve never looked back since. 👀
This fitness journey has turned more into a well-being journey because not only have I created a healthy relationship with exercise & food, but I am focusing on my mental health. Working on your mindset gets you SO far in life.
Because of my awesome past & current clients, I was able to step away from my Pharmacy Technician career of 6 years & continue to serve my clients at my FULL potential. 💪🏼
Once I was able to let go of the work environment that was no longer fulfilling me, I got the freedom to work with who I wanted & where I wanted.
For the first time in my life, I was able to take a vacation to where I wanted & for as long as I wanted without anyone trying to tell me otherwise!
We start our own biz to make money of course but also have freedom behind & enjoy our time with our family and maybe have some more time for ourselves. 😜
I am so grateful I get to serve more of you each day & help you grow on a business level and a personal level.
Running a business will never be a piece of cake but it doesn’t have to be super hard either nor do you have to do it alone. 💜
If you’re thinkin’ about taking that leap to change your life starting this summer, head to the link in my bio & book a call!
Let’s freakin’ do it 🫶🏼
#aitvirtualservices #nutritionists #registereddietitian
#healthcoaches #dietitians #socialmediamanagementservice
#leadgenerationservices #socialmediaengagement
#outsourcingservices #takingtheleap #transforminglives #changinglivesdaily #livehappylife #businessfreedom #mywhy
How does she do it? 🙃
Well, let’s talk about it! This is the reason why we started our own business, to have more freedom.
Yet we find ourselves constantly working and maybe wondering how to take some time off without missing out on income for that month…
What we implement does not happen overnight but you are going to see results 💸
#1 Automating social media posts.
#2 This leads to building her authority on social media.
#3 Continues her email marketing (automated) to nurture her leads.
#4 Showing up on stories when she feels it’s right.
We don’t have to live glued to our phones or social media all the time. In fact, it’s ESSENTIAL to take a break. You should have a foundation implemented that doesn’t rely only on social media & if you don’t well it’s time to reevaluate it!
#aitvirtualservices #socialmediamanagementservices #consistentincome
I’ve been guilty of this & I’m sure you have too!
🫣 You keep putting it off telling yourself you’ll do it tomorrow, you come across a million other things you have to do & it never gets done.
Although social media shouldn’t be the only way you’re maintaining your online business, it is the way you’re going to continue to create authority in your expertise with your presence & different ways you’re showing in, build your audience through the options you have to join your community & nurture while creating those relationships.
That’s why I talk often about my framework, I just feel it’s a great formula to incorporate especially when you're trying to create or maintained what I mentioned above 👉🏼 Presence, Build, & Nurture.
Coming up with a plan on how you’re going to show up on social media is not the end all be all but it’s definitely an important part of your marketing strategy and should not be put off.
There are so many options out there when it comes to social media management, we don’t necessarily have to create your posts if you enjoy doing that but we are here to make your ideas come to life & walk you through how to make that happen! 📈