Wake Up with Mr. Bill

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BS in Marketing & Management, Former Executive with Fortune 100 Company, CIC Emeritus, Presidential Appointee to the US Commission on Civil Rights, Retired Small Business Owner, Graduate Toastmasters Inc.

"While achieving significant success, Newsmax has stayed true to our mission of providing Americans with honest and real...

"While achieving significant success, Newsmax has stayed true to our mission of providing Americans with honest and real news," said Christopher Ruddy, CEO of Newsmax Media Inc.

How will Newsmax continue coverage of Trump, the RNC Convention, and the TRUTH about Trump's attempted assassination?
Michael Berry Senator Bob Hall GOP GOP Convention NEWSMAX Nation One America News Network


NOTICE: There will NOT be any LIVE shows this week on the Bob Jones Show [July 1st to the 5th]. We are taking the week off for a short vacation.

LIVE broadcasts will resume on Monday, July 8th.

In 48 hours, Joe Biden & Donald Trump will debate at CNN Studio in Atlanta.  No audience, so each candidate will try to ...

In 48 hours, Joe Biden & Donald Trump will debate at CNN Studio in Atlanta. No audience, so each candidate will try to deliver their message w/o the benefit of an immediate response. Top issues are looming, but frankly, the #1 issue is IMMIGRATION. Senator Bob Hall HCRP Precinct Chairs - ONLY Paul Bettencourt Michael Seifert Michael Berry

Read this info to see the hypocrisy in what the Biden regime has done to Trump.  Senator Bob Hall  HCRP Precinct Chairs ...

Read this info to see the hypocrisy in what the Biden regime has done to Trump. Senator Bob Hall HCRP Precinct Chairs - ONLY GOP

Go get 'em, Classie Tommie Massie.

Liberals point out that non-citizen voting is already banned but, those laws only require people to check a box on the f...

Liberals point out that non-citizen voting is already banned but, those laws only require people to check a box on the federal voter registration form and swear that they are citizens of the United States. In other words, we take their word for it. Senator Bob Hall HCRP Precinct Chairs - ONLY

Will BIG TECH use AI to swing the election for Joe Biden?  How are the cartels using social media to recruit young peopl...

Will BIG TECH use AI to swing the election for Joe Biden? How are the cartels using social media to recruit young people and what are red states doing to try and protect kids? Senator Bob Hall Texas GOP Vote Dan Patrick HCRP Precinct Chairs - ONLY

New process to "elect" board members of Texas county appraisal districts instead of "appoint". Harris County Republicans...

New process to "elect" board members of Texas county appraisal districts instead of "appoint". Harris County Republicans will vote for Ericka McCrutcheon (At-Large, Place 3) and Kyle Scott (At-Large, Place 2). Senator Bob Hall HCRP Precinct Chairs - ONLY Republican Party of Texas Texas GOP Vote GOP


This is an X-post from Dan Patrick and think it is absolutely correct.

"Dade Phelan protects the Democrats in Austin and they protect him in the district. If I had to rely on Democrats to win a Republican Primary, I wouldn’t run. Having to count on Democrats to win a Republican Primary is selling out the GOP, just like he does in Austin every day. Dade won the Runoff by 366 votes out of 25,260 votes cast, with over 1,400 Democrats voting for him. Dade's actions cost 15 Republican incumbents their reelection. He threw them under the bus, but he still wants to drive. That’s not real leadership. That’s a debacle!" Dan Patrick HCRP-USP GOP Paul Bettencourt

David J Harris Jr. HCRP-USP Senator Bob Hall Paul Bettencourt

David J Harris Jr. HCRP-USP Senator Bob Hall Paul Bettencourt

This is such a well-written post and I encourage you to read it to the end.

This is such a well-written post and I encourage you to read it to the end.


Today marks one year since the disaster of impeachment in the Texas House.

In reflection on that day, there are some things of note that I’ve not shared publicly before.

I’d prefer this anniversary didn’t fall on the eve of numerous runoffs as I know some will find a certain indelicacy to talking about it before those polls close—something akin to discussing a cause of death in the waning hours of a patient on life support.

Actually, were it left to me, the other 22 Republicans who voted against impeachment, and the many who voted ‘aye’ and since have their regrets, there would be no such anniversary.

But here we are.

Guiding the House out from under the massive black cloud an elite few in leadership brought upon it is going to require candor, humility, transparency, and commitment to change that decentralizes the power structure that created the mess in the first place.

Republicans secured a great number of conservative wins last session; and yet impeachment overshadows every victory. We have a shared responsibility to ensure the failures of the past are neither rewarded nor perpetuated.

My voters, and my colleagues, can count me firmly and courageously on the side of change.

A number of Republican members quietly say either they regret their impeachment vote, or bemoan the process, or lament that it was ever forced on the House. Some in leadership are reportedly low-key making calls about ‘change’ of some kind being necessary next session.

Good! But where were these voices in the critical moments a year ago?

* * * * *
On the Saturday morning of impeachment, I was called to the Speaker’s office.

This was day 138 of the 140-day legislative session and would be just my second meeting with the Speaker all session.

I had been summoned, and I knew why.

The day before, in a meeting of our five officers of the House Republican caucus, I had asked for a meeting of all 85 caucus members. The majority of our members (myself included) had only that very week learned of the impeachment charges. The House was reeling from the shocking news; at a minimum, I thought Republicans should meet and discuss the situation.

That a meeting would be messy only underscored my opinion of our need for it.

There would be no meeting, I was told—no chances for contrarian members to ‘hijack the process.’

It was apparent that the tightly-clenched fist of innermost leadership planned to control the outcome by keeping Republican members disjointed and siloed, with definite vote expectations and no opportunity for group discussion or dissent. This was as disappointing as it was consistent with the purposeful underutilization of the caucus and its membership all session.

Instead, I was informed I could discuss my personal concerns and questions with the investigating chair.

Within an hour, I was in a chamber-adjacent meeting room with the investigating committee chair, a couple other chairmen, and a few other members who had concerns.

The impeachment allegations were egregious and scandalous; so too was the rush of pushing us to a vote within two days of the articles being filed. The rush broke from precedent, good judgment, and common sense.

Every procedural concern I had was dismissed as being akin to a grand jury proceeding.

Every political concern I had was dismissed with bravado that the other chamber, once presented the case, would have no option but to agree.

For weeks, the Speaker and a select few of his innermost confidants had been engaged in an escalating civil war with Senate leadership and yet from the most basic tactical standpoint were about to pitch a live political gr***de to the other side, pin intact, expecting a third targeted party to be the casualty.

Those of us sounding the alarms were disregarded and ignored.

None of it made for sound strategy or good sense—not the timing, not the rush, not the siloing of members to squelch discussion while insisting the evidence was so significant the other chamber would have to agree.

That afternoon I would hear a colleague remark to Speaker staff: ‘I’m ride or die, but why do we have to die?’

There was no good answer.

* * * * *
Following my Friday attempts to change the pace and direction of the House, I was not surprised to be called to the Speaker’s office that Saturday morning before the proceeding.

I expressed to the Speaker the same procedural and political concerns I’d shared the day before, to the same effect.

He asked me to keep an open mind and to watch the voting board, as he expected to have all the votes they needed.

Thinking there must be evidence full of bombshells about to be unveiled that would justify the proceedings and process, I agreed to keep an open mind.

I was never specifically told how to vote, nor directly asked to vote ‘yes.’ Nor did I need to be. Being called to meet with the Speaker sufficiently conveyed those messages.

And having been called in, I also knew: there would be no leniency with leadership for a ‘no’ vote.

* * * * *
“Show the Speaker voting aye.”

The Speaker rarely votes, so when those words ring through the chamber we know the vote that follows is directional signage to members.

We also know that if you’re going to be on the opposite side of the vote when the gavel falls, you better dang well mean it.

I voted ‘nay.’

I meant it—while praying and grieving the entire situation for our state, the affected parties, and my colleagues.

Impeachment passed the House: 121 yeas - 23 nays - 2 present not voting.

Within minutes of the vote, a member of leadership was at my side, asking me to change my vote in the journal.

It turned out that of the 121 yeas, 60 were Republicans and 61 were Democrats—meaning impeachment articles against a sitting statewide Republican official had just been preferred by a majority of Ds.

If I would change my vote in the journal, leadership could at least claim an equally bipartisan (61-R and 61-D) decision had been made.

Forget lack of leniency, my answer would likely mean the difference between being benched for a few plays and being blackballed next session.

The moment required quick calculus and political courage.

I declined to change my vote.

* * * * *
In the months since the Senate’s acquittal on all impeachment articles, I’ve been told that some House members are ‘pissed’ at how I voted because they also wanted to vote ‘no’ and I didn’t stick with the team.

What ought to be maddening to every Republican member is a broken concept of ‘team’ that so disrespects members as to deny us a caucus meeting beforehand; forces a process intentionally rushed to limit constituent influence; and backs members into a time-pressured corner to control their vote.

It ought to be maddening to watch a post-primary interview where our Speaker claims the impeachment agenda was member-driven… unless we accept a single-digit definition of ‘member-driven.’

Impeachment was a top-down, force-feed maneuver of unnecessary political warfare by the very few that backfired both predictably and horrendously on the Speaker, his innermost leadership circle, and those who trusted him.

Texans deserve better than to watch one of their legislative chambers operate as the House did with its impeachment proceedings and in the aftermath of it.

Similarly, Republican House members deserve better than to be divided amongst ourselves, conscripted in a political war against other members of our party, and forced to choose between ‘team’ and our constituents.

Any member who, having this day last year to do over again, would vote ‘nay’ on impeachment should absolutely not vote ‘yea’ on continuation of the same leadership and the same centralized power structure.

And any member who, with the benefit of hindsight, would still bring that impeachment to the floor in the same manner and speed with which it was brought, should absolutely not be entrusted with leadership responsibility.

Whatever the House has learned from impeachment it should, at a minimum, be this:

The architects of impeachment lit the House on fire,
and regardless of what happens in the runoff elections,
we cannot select an arsonist as fire chief.

Texas House Republicans must do better—for our voters, ourselves, and the future of Texas.

# # #
Republican State Representative Shelby Slawson represents District 59 in North Central Texas.

HCRP-USP  Paul Bettencourt  Senate GOP

HCRP-USP Paul Bettencourt Senate GOP

God is good!https://bit.ly/3V4RL8OSenator Bob Hall  Senator Ted Cruz  HCRP Precinct Chairs - ONLY

God is good!
Senator Bob Hall Senator Ted Cruz HCRP Precinct Chairs - ONLY

A Texas judge has ruled in favor of a Republican candidate challenging the results in a 2022 judicial race in the nation’s third-most populous county.

Why is Joe Biden betraying Israel? We must get to the bottom of it. Join us LIVE to discuss what's happening. Michael Be...

Why is Joe Biden betraying Israel? We must get to the bottom of it. Join us LIVE to discuss what's happening. Michael Berry Sean Hannity GOP HCRP Precinct Chairs - ONLY

I've never seen anyone as resilient and as strategic as DJT 45. We could all take a page from his book. Senator Bob Hall...

I've never seen anyone as resilient and as strategic as DJT 45. We could all take a page from his book. Senator Bob Hall Hillsdale College Fox News

NFL greats Lawrence Taylor and Ottis Anderson joined former President Trump at his campaign rally tonight in Fuel your success with Forbes. Gain unlimited ac...

The media just won't report anything about the support DJT gets from black America.  Black Voices For Trump  Black  GOP ...

The media just won't report anything about the support DJT gets from black America. Black Voices For Trump Black GOP HCRP

A group of Black Americans, identifying as Blacks for Trump, gathered Thursday in front of the federal courthouse in Washington D.C. to protest the indictmen...

Senate Bill 4, which was passed in a Texas Special Session, gave law enforcement the authority to arrest people crossing...

Senate Bill 4, which was passed in a Texas Special Session, gave law enforcement the authority to arrest people crossing our border illegally. However, is our open border about migrants seeking opportunities or is there something else at play?
Senator Bob Hall GOP HCRP Michael Berry

Billy Calhoun  GOP Wayne Christian Milinda Morris McConnell

Billy Calhoun GOP Wayne Christian Milinda Morris McConnell

The truth is coming out in all of these cases.

The truth is coming out in all of these cases.

Judge Aileen Cannon on Wednesday unsealed more records related to Jack Smith’s classified documents case against Trump.

Rinaldi says he initially ran for the chairmanship to grow the Texas GOP and its influence & to raise the voice of grass...

Rinaldi says he initially ran for the chairmanship to grow the Texas GOP and its influence & to raise the voice of grassroots Republicans. He's happy to report that his team was successful on all accounts. Senator Bob Hall Michael Berry GOP Matt Rinaldi

More & more energy regulators around the country are pushing back against the DEI & ESG agenda of large Wall Street firm...

More & more energy regulators around the country are pushing back against the DEI & ESG agenda of large Wall Street firms, which manage their state’s pension funds and influence the curriculum in public school textbooks. Senator Bob Hall Newt Gingrich Billy Calhoun GOP HCRP


If Trump's sanctions had not been lifted by Biden & if Trump's embargo of conventional weapons had not been lifted by Biden, and if the billions of dollars frozen by Trump had not been unfrozen by Biden, then the attack on Israel would never have happened.

In 2024, the unique new fraud scheme is registering illegal aliens, flown in via the Biden Express, delivered to newly f...

In 2024, the unique new fraud scheme is registering illegal aliens, flown in via the Biden Express, delivered to newly formed homeless addresses - then sending the migrants on their way - collecting their ballots - and voting them. Senator Bob Hall Michael Berry Paul Bettencourt


The truth keeps coming out!

5 states have banned ESG & many more have raised anti-trust concerns over the abuse of taxpayer dollars by Blackrock & o...

5 states have banned ESG & many more have raised anti-trust concerns over the abuse of taxpayer dollars by Blackrock & other ESG-focused investing firms. How will this issue affect American politics in 2024 and beyond? Brandon Tatum Candace Owens Show Senator Bob Hall GOP HCRP

The Jewish perspective on war & peace seems to have 2 principles--save lives wherever possible & pursue & kill those who...

The Jewish perspective on war & peace seems to have 2 principles--save lives wherever possible & pursue & kill those who invade your home to destroy your loved ones and do it with no apology. Some insist that Israel remembers #1 & abandons #2.
HCRP GOP Senator Bob Hall Michael Berry



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Black Conservative Commentator

Coming from a large family (13 kids) and raised in a small town in Texas (250 people) by loving parents, I have lived the American Dream. I have traveled the country and parts of the world. I have marched for justice and I have worked for justice reform. I have been wrongly accused and have seen those wrongs made right. In the process, I have met different people, discussed different beliefs, and have arrived at this conclusion: the American experiment was founded on divine providence and on divine providence, it continues to exists. Therefore, I want to spend the rest of my life sharing this belief with others, especially with young people.