Listen to this.
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Do not be in Haste against them.
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#karachi #kashmir #quran #islam #islamicquotes #muslims #muslimah #sunset #fire #indonesia #pakistan #malaysia #sudan #turkey #india
He Looked into the unseen.
#muslim #muslims #quotesaboutlife #quran #salah #islam #nimaz #palestine #pakistan #sudan #malaysia #indonesia #india #reelsinstagram #reels
Have you seen ˹O Prophet˺ the one1 who rejects Our revelations yet boasts, “I will definitely be granted ˹plenty of˺ wealth and children ˹if there is an afterlife˺.”?
#kerala #kashmiri #karachi #muslims #malaysia #muslim #love #allah #quran #sunnah #islam #instagram #india #indonesia #sudan #pakistan
Decree of your Lord.
#islam #islamicquotes #quran #salah #muslim #sunnah #muslims #pakistan #usa #indonesia #india #instagram #reels #reelsinstagram #life #videography
#kashmir #srinagar #kerala #hadith #quran #muslim #muslims #islam #islamicquotes #sunnah #usa #life #instagram #reels #reelsinstagram #repost
.#muslim #malaysia #muslims #islam #islamicquotes #instagram #quran #salah #sunnah #kerala #kashmir #kashmiri
previously, as a guide for people, and ˹also˺ revealed the Standard ˹to distinguish between right and wrong˺ Surely those who reject Allah’s revelations will suffer a severe torment. For Allah is Almighty, capable of punishment.
#kashmir #kerala #kashmiri #muslimgirl #muslim #muslimah #muslims #malaysia #quran #hadith #science #sunnah #instagram #indonesia #india #pakistan
He has revealed to you ˹O Prophet˺ the Book in truth, confirming what came before it, as He revealed the Torah and the Gospel.
.#sunnah #muslimgirl #qura#muslims #islam #sudan #life #salah #pakistan #indonesia #india #egypt #muslimah #muslimfashion #muslim #usa🇺🇸