Mr Bestmen

Mr Bestmen Spread Fun ...and Positivity...and Motivation

Kris Scharoun-DeForge and Paul DeForge, a couple with Down syndrome who celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary on Aug...

Kris Scharoun-DeForge and Paul DeForge, a couple with Down syndrome who celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary on August 13, 2018.
Kris met Paul at a dance in 1988 and she knew she had found the man she wanted to spend the rest of her life with. According to Today, Kris remembered that moment and said, “I looked into Paul’s eyes and saw my future.” After dating for five years, they decided to get married. “I proposed to him. I whispered in his ear, “Would you marry me?” And he looked up at me with this big beautiful smile and he shook his head “Yes!” And that’s when I knew. He got me laughing, he was the one for me,” said Kris to CBS.
Paul passed away from complications of dementia at the age of 56 less than a year after their 25th anniversary. Even during Paul’s last moments, as his memory faded, his face would brighten up when he saw his wife and her overall presence would calm him.
Credit- Jay Shetty fan club

"Last Friday after my sister had her chemo treatment, we stopped at Kinders for a quick lunch. And God sent this amazing...

"Last Friday after my sister had her chemo treatment, we stopped at Kinders for a quick lunch. And God sent this amazing Angel to us! My sister sat outside, dazed, exhausted and ready for a nap. I went back inside to go pay for our food and got to talking to this gentleman who helped take our order. I shared with him about my sister just finishing chemo. He said God bless her, I said thank you, grabbed our food and headed outside. A few minutes later, I went back inside to get boxes for our food. He stopped me, looked me in my eyes and said “mam, please tell your sister that I just stopped and prayed for her and God has her. She’s going to be ok!” It honestly took my breath away. I believe God sent this man as an Angel to our family. To give us peace all weekend long knowing today would be the day we heard the best news ever!! I went to Kinders 4 different times today trying to find him and figure out who he is! This you guys, is my new friend Byron. A man God used to touch our lives and hearts in such a beautiful way! I just had to go back in to thank him and share with him that God answered our prayers...his prayer! He grabbed my hands and cried with me. Right there in the middle of his place of work. He hugged me tight after we officially introduced ourselves and it’s a moment I won’t ever forget in my entire life! He didn’t have to share with me last week that he had prayed. He didn’t have to tell me the things he did. But he did and my heart is so thankful! He showed me that there are still good people in this world. Love always wins. Always. And I thank Jesus for such a special moment I will hold in my heart forever ❤️❤️❤️"
Credit: Joslyn Fenyes

For 6 years, a dog named Capitan slept in the grave of his owner every night. His owner, Miguel Guzman died in 2006 and ...

For 6 years, a dog named Capitan slept in the grave of his owner every night.
His owner, Miguel Guzman died in 2006 and Capitan disappeared shortly after the family attended the funeral services.
They searched everywhere and put out flyers to try and find him. But no one had seen him.
A week later, some people who were at the cemetery late one evening spotted Capitan laying on the grave and they contacted the grounds keeper at the cemetery.
The cemetery notified the family who promptly came to pick him up and take him home.
But each night he would cry and scratch frantically at the door to go out and he wouldn't return home until morning.
It was later discovered that Capitan would walk the 3 miles back to the cemetery each night to guard his master's grave.
It happened for 7 years.
The cemetery did not close the gates until he arrived each night promptly at 6 pm.
He slept there all night guarding the grave until the ground keeper opened the gate in the morning.
This is a true picture of Capitan here.
P.S : If there is ever true love in this universe ❤️ this is it!!

"Tonight, after 2.5 years of living here, my oldest son sat down at the table with this. He was about to chow down when ...

"Tonight, after 2.5 years of living here, my oldest son sat down at the table with this.

He was about to chow down when I stopped him and asked what in the world he was doing.

He said, ‘I made myself dinner.’

‘But it isn’t cooked. I can cook that, you know.’

‘Well, I wanted to eat something I used to eat a lot with my old family.’

So, we sat down and I asked him to tell me about it.

He said that they wouldn’t feed him due to being passed out (you can guess why) and he would have to make dinner for himself and his brothers (ages 2 and 4 months when they came to us).

He said that all the money they had would be spent on ci******es and other ‘fun things’ and so he would find change in their van and buy Ramen packets at the store down the street, at 6 years old!

He said he didn’t know how to boil water, so he would eat it like this. And, he actually grew to like it.

So, he would break it up for his siblings, and would try to make bottles for the baby (at 6!!!!!!).

I asked him to make me some.

I sat there beside him and crunched it down with lots of water because it’s not great…and he just started talking about how the first time I made them Ramen, he wouldn’t eat it and I told him I remembered.

He said it’s because it reminded him of his Ramen packets and he didn’t trust me (big thoughts for 9!).

He said he isn’t sad he’s not with his ‘old family’ (his words) anymore, but that sometimes HE LIKES TO REMEMBER HOW STRONG HE HAD TO BE.

I write this so everyone knows trauma isn’t healed quickly (sometimes never), and adoption doesn’t erase the past or the memories.

Kids can change, and they will change with love, but please never give up on a kid because ‘they are hard.’

I walked away in shock, in sadness, and so so so proud of how strong my baby is. He’s so wonderful. And, we love him so much.

Friends, THIS is the life experience of kids who come from hard places.

THIS is living a trauma-informed life.

We can’t imagine what kids from hard places have lived through. It is not just about one act of abuse or neglect, it is about living in survival mode and doing it day in and day out.

It is about making sure younger siblings are also surviving, even at the expense of childhood.

Trauma infuses itself into every pore. Kids just don’t forget it. Their brains and bodies won’t let them.

Those of us privileged enough (yes, I said privileged) to enter into the lives of children with hard life experiences must be willing to sit down, eat uncooked Ramen noodles, and listen. We must not give up.

Our kids didn’t.”

Credit: Aubren D. & Barren to Blessed

This is what grief is.A hole ripped through the very fabric of your being.The hole eventually heals along the jagged edg...

This is what grief is.
A hole ripped through the very fabric of your being.
The hole eventually heals along the jagged edges that remain. It may even shrink in size.
But that hole will always be there.
A piece of you always missing.
For where there is deep grief, there was great love.
Don’t be ashamed of your grief.
Don’t judge it.
Don’t suppress it.
Don’t rush it.
Rather, acknowledge it.
Lean into it.
Listen to it.
Feel it.
Sit with it.
Sit with the pain. And remember the love.
This is where the healing will begin.
Credit- Unknown

The longest road in the world to walk, is from Cape Town (South Africa) to Magadan (Russia). No need for planes or boats...

The longest road in the world to walk, is from Cape Town (South Africa) to Magadan (Russia). No need for planes or boats, there are bridges.

It's a 22,387 kilometers (13911 miles) and it takes 4,492 hours to travel.

It would be 187 days walking nonstop, or 561 days walking 8 hours a day.

Along the route, you pass through 17 countries, six time zones and all seasons of the year.

Twice this week, I have watched an elderly individual, fade into the busy life in which we all live. One man just needed...

Twice this week, I have watched an elderly individual, fade into the busy life in which we all live. One man just needed Panadol for his wife but the shop assistant simply said it’s in ‘6’. But he struggled to navigate the supermarket and as I watched him go in the wrong direction, I left all my groceries and took him where he needed to go. Today, I watched an elderly man struggle in the heat, who had obviously had a fall with a huge scrape and blood on his leg. He walked past people in the cafe, while he slowly made his way to his car. Not one person stopped. Or looked. Or acknowledged him. I took him to his car and checked he was ok. He told me he had a fall and wasn’t sure how the air con worked in his car so he just didn’t use it. I sat with him, until his air con kicked in and heard him talk about the old frail body that he is in, that fails him now, every single day.

When you see an elderly person walking down the street, searching in the supermarket or struggling to their car, take a minute out of your busy schedule and ask them if they need a hand. Think about your grand parents and your parents and how pi**ed you would be if someone didn’t stop to help them. But more, think of them as you.

Once upon a time they were you. They were busy, they had work, they had children, they were able.... Today, they are just in an older body that is not going as fast as it used to and this busy life is confusing. They deserve our utmost respect and consideration. One day it will be you, it will be us. I wish more people gave a sh*t about them and acknowledged them for their admirable existence and geez I hope someday, not that far away, someone does it for me.

Credit: Adele Barbaro

Got a welfare check call of a 92 yr old woman, who sometimes walks up and down the road and doesn’t know where she is. S...

Got a welfare check call of a 92 yr old woman, who sometimes walks up and down the road and doesn’t know where she is. Sometimes forgets her door is open so thinks she is locked out.
Neighbors call and said, she forgets a lot of things and her hands are ice cold to the touch. So they let her warm up in their home.
We go by and check, she has 2 sons who just forget about her. No food in the fridge, only milk and old lemonade. Only eating a bag of Cheerios, place hasn’t been cleaned recently. All she wanted to know is why her sons don’t bring her food or check on her. She said she just need a couple sandwiches or something to least not be hungry.
Without her knowing, we left and got her some groceries for her home. Big rotisserie chicken, some sandwich items to last a week or 2, some chunky soups, bunch of chips and meat, some waters. Knocked on her door and she was all smiles and in disbelief someone actually cared enough about her to even help.
Not always about running and gunning catching bad guys. Sometimes just showing someone they aren’t alone can change their lives.
Like I said from day one, “changing lives one smile at a time”
Credit: Marquis Hines

This husband was helping his wife choose a make-up that matched her skin tone. She was so concerned about finding the ri...

This husband was helping his wife choose a make-up that matched her skin tone. She was so concerned about finding the right one and he was so unbelievably helpful. She was having a "girl" moment, in a panic struggling to find the right one. He calmed her down, helped her find her color and kissed her on the forehead. It was such a simple way to show how big his love was for her. A perfect reminder that our bodies grow old but our love doesn't have to.

Credit: Hannah Nicole Kent

"Easton's  mom told him he could adopt a new pet. He had the choice between a  puppy dog or a cat. He chose to adopt Tin...

"Easton's mom told him he could adopt a new pet. He had the choice between a puppy dog or a cat. He chose to adopt Tiny, a 10-year-old cat who had just lost his home. Of all the animals, he chose to adopt an overweight, old, shy cat.
Love is blind, as it should be.
On the ride home, Tiny got out of his cage and cuddled in with his new owner and has been stuck to him ever since. Great job Easton, Tiny is one lucky cat!"

Credit goes for repective owner


Wow ❤️

The power of water. The most beautiful photo you'll see today. ❤️

The power of water. The most beautiful photo you'll see today. ❤️

"I have had alopecia since I was a kid. It came and went, usually small bald spots here and there triggered by stress. M...

"I have had alopecia since I was a kid. It came and went, usually small bald spots here and there triggered by stress. My friends would ask about my bald spot, and I would come up with a lie. They would always grow back.... up until December 2015. I found a quarter-sized bald spot on my head. I hadn't had alopecia since I was 13. I thought this time it would be like the rest, it would grow back. Fast forward to November 2016, I was losing small amounts of my hair until November... then, I rapidly started losing my hair. I was horrified as any female would be, I was sad, depressed, and I felt UGLY. I wore my first wig in December of 2016. It got so bad I could not hide my spots anymore, I had to wear wigs. I would brush my hair and clumps would fall out. CLUMPS. I cried every time. I balled my face off, I would cry so hard my eyes would almost be closed shut.

Finally, on December 26th, 2016 I decided to pull a Britney and shave my head entirely. I was tired of false hope and holding onto literally strands of hair I had left.

I have alopecia totalis. I do not grow hair on my head, my legs, my arms, or my armpits, and I am slowly losing my eyebrows. Mine was triggered by a massive amount of stress. This disease is not controllable. I never thought I would be brave enough to post a picture of me being bald. I never thought I would be bald...But I am, and I am so proud of myself and the challenges I have overcome and continue to overcome daily.

If you have alopecia (or are doubting your beauty in any way) know you ARE beautiful no matter what and it gets easier, much easier."

Credits: Shelly Lauzon

“Meet Jon. Jon works part time at Kroger and it’s been his dream to purchase a custom suit from us ever since his father...

“Meet Jon. Jon works part time at Kroger and it’s been his dream to purchase a custom suit from us ever since his father was fitted for one a few years ago. Being 48” tall and having a 42” chest, there is literally no where he can buy a suit that remotely fits. Jon has been saving up for the past year so he could finally wear something he’s comfortable in. Last week, Jon came in to pick up his suit and his reaction was one I’ll never forget. This is why I do what I do.”
Credit: Richards Bespoke

"Everyone, meet Mr. Gino. The world’s nicest public works employee and my 3-year-old's best pal. Mr. Gino has been worki...

"Everyone, meet Mr. Gino. The world’s nicest public works employee and my 3-year-old's best pal. Mr. Gino has been working our trash and recycling route since before we moved here 2 years ago. Every Wednesday and Thursday, he drives their truck down our back alley, beeps his horn so we know they’re coming, and hops out of his truck to talk to our family. Even my in-laws (who live out of state but visit periodically) know Mr. Gino, that’s how friendly he is.
This morning our doorbell rang and Gino and his wife were on our porch, bearing gifts for our triplets and this trash truck (which we have coincidentally been looking for in every store for weeks). His wife hand painted the City of Orlando logo on the side and stickered Gino’s truck number and Dougy (the nickname the guys yell out when they come down the alley and see us in the yard) on the front.
To say they made my little guy’s day is a giant understatement. And I stood there watching all of this joy unfold on my porch while holding back some big pregnancy hormone tears.
Sometimes friendship can come from surprising places—never underestimate the power of kindness and how much you can affect someone’s day."
Credit: Brittany Werth, Gino Stovall

A real coincidence!~ This cop turned into an internet heroine overnight and everyone admires her. . The cop became an in...

A real coincidence!
~ This cop turned into an internet heroine overnight and everyone admires her. . The cop became an internet hero in one night. She performed her official duties in a hospital, where doctors refused to care for the malnourished child. Then she started feeding him. "It was a very sad moment that broke my heart." I noticed that the baby was very hungry, I put my finger in his mouth and he caught me immediately. "I asked the doctor to breastfeed him and take care of him. She admitted that she was shocked to learn that her child would starve to death if not fed in time. .
~ A police colleague photographed her breastfeeding the baby. Then he posted a photo on Facebook and wrote: “I want to tell everyone that this child is a blessing, that he found my colleague. "She behaved like her mother, despite the fact that the baby was dirty and smelled." You don't see that every day, "and the police decided to adopt the child."

"To the man in line behind me at the Gainesville Target, who saw that after hitting my grocery budget limit I decided to...

"To the man in line behind me at the Gainesville Target, who saw that after hitting my grocery budget limit I decided to put back my Pumpkin Spice candle and the makeup I had picked out, You didn't know that I always save my stuff for last and usually end up putting it back.

You didn't know that the two fussy kids I had with me, were only two out of four. You didn't know that I have postpartum depression from the youngest babe and that I use scent as a way to boost my mood. You didn't know that this week has been full of sick kids, parent-teacher conferences, and emergency dental visits and I was so looking forward to lighting that candle at nap time and just taking a minute to relax. Even without knowing that, you saw me.

You saw me as a human, not just the mom in front of you that was distracted and going way too slow. You heard me say that I'd like to put those items back and you said you were getting them. You didn't take no for an answer.

You told me I deserved it when I started to tear up. You, Sir, are the good in the world. You made my day, probably my week, and I WILL pay it forward. Thank you so much for your kind heart and words."

Credit: Erin Bennett

5 years ago on Mother’s Day I was incarcerated at Boonville Correctional Center, and I got high for the very last time. ...

5 years ago on Mother’s Day I was incarcerated at Boonville Correctional Center, and I got high for the very last time. I overdosed on Fentanyl and the whole wing thought I died. But God had other plans. I’m not one to count the days. Today sobriety is easy. It’s never a thought, it is a way of life because Jesus Christ has delivered me. If you’re just beginning your walk in recovery, I want you to know that you have no idea what God can do. 5 years after my last high, I’m married with 3 children. I’m in full time ministry, teaching and preaching the gospel. I’m able to share my music and my story with others who come from the streets, prison and addiction, just like me, and let them know that there’s HOPE. THERE IS FREEDOM IN CHRIST! I’m no longer in recovery. I’ve been set free in Jesus Name. 🙏🏻
Credit : Grateful Addicts in Recovery

This is my youngest daughter - she’s 14. This is her second year working a summer job. She decided where she wanted to w...

This is my youngest daughter - she’s 14. This is her second year working a summer job. She decided where she wanted to work and walked in a resume. They didn’t call. So she called them, twice. Then went in to see if they had looked at the resumes yet. They hadn’t. They asked her if she had time now to do an interview. She said “yes”.
She got the job.
She works whatever shift they want. She posted a sign on the employee bulletin board telling co-workers if they want a day off she’s happy to help.
She cleans dishes and toilets. Takes out garbage and mops the floor. Waits on customers and manages money. She makes fancy coffees and smoothies.
It’s not glamorous- but she’s saving 70% of what she makes to become a doctor. The other 30% is going towards a computer and time with her friends.
She’s leaning in. She’s putting the work in. She impresses me.
Credit: Unknown

🌟 Spark Your Best Life with "Soulful Sparks"! 🚀Lost in Chaos? Find Clarity!Dive into 100 uplifting quotes from legends l...

🌟 Spark Your Best Life with "Soulful Sparks"! 🚀

Lost in Chaos? Find Clarity!

Dive into 100 uplifting quotes from legends like Maya Angelou. Each quote comes with reflections to shape your journey.

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It's not just a book; it's your daily companion for growth, positivity, and inspiration.

🔥 Order Now!

Transform today into a brighter, more empowered tomorrow! 🚀✨




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