ANOTHER ONE BITES THE DUST! "What a Jerk" - is the disdain that City Councilman Don Williams and his cohort Queen Monty David Montgomery - Bossier City Councilman At-Large have for folks who don't live in the city limits!
⚡️News Flash - your city attorney and his assistant DO NOT LIVE IN BOSSIER CITY either. Neither does a sizable percentage of Bossier City employees. Maybe that's why you took so long to get off your GOLDEN CREDIT CARD and give em a raise!
🎥VIDEO CLIP: This is the comment made by Tommy Chandler Bossier City Mayor in support of the city employee, fire, and police raises ... BUT ... he rightfully questioned the funding of the raises.
We also question the timing of the raises. Why now Queen Monty David Montgomery - Bossier City Councilman At-Large? Why not a few years ago during one of your grandstanding comments purportedly supporting BCPD and BCFD?? These folks could have used the money AND moral boost then ... instead of you hoarding it for pet projects. 🖕
Great interview on KEEL News this morning with Michael Duke Lowrie acting on behalf of the Bossier Parish Republican Party over the Rae Powell comments about Nazis, etc.
We'll discuss this some more Tues night at 7pm ...
WHY (as sources say) was there an AUDITOR camped out at Bossier City, Louisiana City Hall reviewing the transfers of THIS agreement?
💥BOOM👮🏻♂️: Many of you have asked for the clip of Alice Landry Boyer being REMOVED by City Marshals out of the Oct 8, 2024 Bossier City, Louisiana City Council Meeting. She did it like a BOSS! Hats off to her!
Alice Boyer Removed from Meeting 👮🏻♂️
💥BOOM👮🏻♂️: Many of you have asked for the clip of Alice Landry Boyer being REMOVED by City Marshals out of the Oct 8, 2024 Bossier City, Louisiana City Council Meeting. She did it like a BOSS! Hats off to her!