Bagyo PH

Bagyo PH For typhon and weather update


Dear Heavenly Father,
I come before you today to lift up my voice in prayer for a safe morning. I thank you for the gift of a new day and for the opportunity to start fresh. Lord, I ask for your divine protection and guidance as I go about my day.

I pray that you would surround me with your angels, Lord, that you would encamp around me and keep me safe from any harm or danger. I surrender all my worries and anxieties into your hands, knowing that you are in control and have a perfect plan for my day.

Please guide my steps, Lord, and lead me away from any harmful situations. Grant me wisdom and discernment to make wise choices and avoid any potential dangers. Keep me alert and focused on the tasks at hand, that I may navigate through my day with safety and peace.

I also pray for the safety of my loved ones, Lord. Protect them as they go about their own daily activities. Keep them shielded from harm and bring them safely back to me at the end of the day.

Lord, I am thankful for your unfailing love and faithfulness. I trust in your promises and know that you are watching over me. I am grateful for the assurance that I am never alone, for you are always with me.

In your mighty and precious name, I pray.


Dear Heavenly Father,

Thank you for this beautiful and thankful morning. I come before you with a heart filled with gratitude and appreciation for the blessings in my life.

I give thanks for the gift of life, for your limitless love and mercy that I experience each day. Thank you for the breath in my lungs, for the beating of my heart, and for the chance to experience another day in your creation.

I am thankful for the opportunity to witness the beauty of your creation as the morning sun rises, casting its warm rays upon the earth. The chirping of birds and the gentle breeze remind me of your presence and the joy that accompanies each new day.

I am grateful for the love and support of my family and friends, for the relationships that bring me happiness and strength. Thank you for their presence in my life and for the camaraderie we share.

I also want to express my gratitude for the opportunities that lie before me today. Lead me to make the most of each moment, to embrace challenges with a positive spirit, and to be a blessing to others.

Father, as I go about my day, I pray for your guidance and wisdom. Help me to approach every task with diligence and integrity, knowing that all I do is ultimately for your glory. Guide my thoughts, words, and actions so they may reflect your love and grace.

May this thankful morning be a reminder of your faithfulness and grace in my life. Help me to continually seek and follow your will in all that I do. Thank you for the countless blessings you have bestowed upon me.

In the precious name of Jesus, I pray. Amen.


Dear Heavenly Father,

As the sun rises to greet a new day, we come before you in prayer. We thank you for the gift of life and for the opportunity to embrace this new day that you have blessed us with.

We surrender our hearts and minds to you, asking that you guide our every step and decision. Fill us with your love, peace, and joy, so that we may radiate your light to all those we encounter throughout the day.

Lord, we ask for your grace and strength to face any challenges or obstacles that may come our way. Give us wisdom to make wise choices and discernment to know your will for our lives. May your presence be our comfort and refuge in times of trouble.

We lift up our loved ones to you, asking that you watch over and protect them throughout this day. Guide them in their endeavors and surround them with your everlasting love. We also pray for those who are in need, may they find peace, healing, and hope in your unfailing embrace.

Lord, as we go about our daily tasks and responsibilities, help us to remember that our ultimate purpose is to glorify you. May our words and actions reflect your love and bring honor to your name.

In Jesus' name, we pray.



"Dear Heavenly Father,

As I lay down to sleep tonight, I come before you in prayer. I thank you for the day you have granted me and for all the blessings you have bestowed upon me. I am grateful for your love, guidance, and protection throughout today.

Lord, as I close my eyes and surrender to sleep, I pray for your peace to fill my heart and mind. Calm any anxieties or worries that may be troubling me, and help me release them into your loving care. I trust that you are always with me, watching over me through the night.

I ask for your protection, Lord. Surround me with your angels and keep me safe from any harm or evil. Guard my thoughts and dreams, that they may be filled with your goodness and light. May I rest in the assurance that you are in control and that everything is in accordance with your divine plan.

I pray for a restful night's sleep, Father. Renew my body, mind, and spirit as I rest in your presence. Grant me the strength and energy I need for tomorrow's challenges. May I wake up refreshed and ready to embrace a new day in your grace.

Thank you, Lord, for your never-ending love, faithfulness, and provision. I trust you entirely and surrender all my concerns to you. May your peace be my companion during the night, and may I wake up each morning with a grateful heart, ready to serve and honor you.

In Jesus' name, I pray.



Dear Heavenly Father,

I come to you today to ask for your divine guidance and protection. Lord, you are our refuge and our strength, and I trust in your unfailing love to keep me safe in every situation.

I pray that you would watch over me and my loved ones, guarding us against any harm or danger. Surround us with your angels, Lord, and give them charge over our lives, that no harm may come near us. Keep us safe from accidents, illness, and any form of evil.

Lord, I surrender myself into your loving hands. I ask for your wisdom and discernment to make wise choices and avoid any risky situations. Help me to be alert and aware of my surroundings, and guide me in making decisions that promote safety and well-being.

Father, I also ask for protection over my home and possessions. Shield us from any threats, both seen and unseen. Strengthen the defenses around our dwelling and keep it secure from harm. I pray for your divine presence to be a constant presence in our home, bringing peace and protection to all who reside within.

Lastly, Lord, I lift up those who are in harm's way around the world. Shield those who are serving in the military, law enforcement, and emergency services. Protect them as they selflessly work to keep others safe. Surround them with your supernatural protection, Father, and bring them home safely to their loved ones.

Thank you, Lord, for hearing and answering our prayers for safety. I trust in your loving care and believe that you are our ultimate source of protection. In Jesus' name, I pray.



Dear Heavenly Father,

As this new day dawns, we come before you with humble hearts filled with gratitude and awe for the gift of life and another opportunity to seek your presence. We thank you for watching over us throughout the night, for keeping us safe and granting us rest.

Lord, as we begin this day, we ask for your guidance and wisdom to navigate the challenges and decisions that lie ahead. Fill our minds with clarity and our hearts with peace. Open our eyes to see the beauty in each moment and the opportunities for growth and service.

We pray for your strength to face any difficulties or obstacles that may come our way. Give us the courage to overcome any fears or doubts we may have and to walk confidently in your love and grace. Help us to trust in your plan, knowing that you are always with us, guiding and protecting us.

Lord, we pray for your blessings upon our relationships and interactions today. Grant us patience and understanding as we interact with others, and enable us to extend kindness, love, and compassion to those we encounter. May we shine your light brightly in every interaction, reflecting your love and grace upon those around us.

Heavenly Father, we also ask for your provision and strength for our physical, emotional, and spiritual needs. Grant us good health, resilience, and vitality to face the demands of the day. Refresh our spirits and fill us with joy and peace as we embark on this new day, knowing that our hope and strength come from you alone.

In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.


Dear God,

I come before you today to pray for the safety of my family. You are our protector and our refuge, and I trust in your divine care and guidance.

I ask that you place a hedge of protection around each member of my family, keeping us safe from harm and danger. Guard us from accidents, illness, and any form of evil or harm that may try to come our way.

Lord, I pray for safe travels for all of us, whether we are near or far. Protect us on the roads, in the air, or wherever we may be. Keep us shielded from any potential dangers and bring us safely back home.

I also pray for safety within our home. Protect us from any unforeseen events such as fire, theft, or natural disasters. Surround us with your angels, and let your peace dwell within our walls.

Father, I commit my family into your loving and mighty hands. You know each of us intimately, and you know our needs and vulnerabilities. I ask that you would watch over us day and night, keeping us safe from all harm.

Please give us wisdom in our daily decisions, that we may make choices that honor you and keep us out of harm's way. Help us to be vigilant and discerning, and to seek your guidance in all that we do.

Lord, I trust in your unfailing love and faithfulness. I know that you are always with us, providing your divine protection. Thank you for your constant care and grace.

In Jesus' name, I pray,



Heavenly Father,

We come before you today with thankful hearts for the opportunity to travel and for the experiences we have had while away. As we set out on our journey back home, we ask for your divine protection and guidance.

Lord, we know that you are the ultimate source of safety and security. We place our trust in you, knowing that you will watch over us every step of the way. Shield us from any harm or danger we may encounter on the road or in the air.

Grant us wisdom and discernment as we make decisions throughout our journey. Help us to stay focused, alert, and attentive to our surroundings. Fill our hearts with peace and calm any anxiety or fear that may arise.

Lord, we also ask for protection for all those traveling with us, whether they are family, friends, or fellow passengers. Keep us all safe in your loving embrace and bring us safely back to our homes and loved ones.

We thank you, Lord, for your constant presence and faithful care. May our journey be smooth and uneventful, and may we arrive home safely, filled with gratitude and joy.

In Jesus' name, we pray.



Dear Heavenly Father,

Thank you for being a loving and caring God who watches over us. Today, we come before you with grateful hearts for the blessings you have bestowed upon us. We thank you for this opportunity to return home safely to our loved ones.

Lord, as we embark on this journey back home, we ask for your divine protection and guidance. We pray that you would surround us with your angels, keeping us safe from any harm or danger along the way. Shield us from accidents, illnesses, and any unforeseen circumstances that may threaten our safety.

We are grateful for the provision you have provided throughout our time away from home. We thank you for the experiences we have had and the memories we have made. Now, as we return home, we ask for your continued favor and blessing upon us.

Please grant us safe travels, Lord, on land, air, or sea. Give us clear paths and safe conditions, allowing us to reach our destination without difficulty. In your mercy, grant us your peace and calm amidst any challenges or delays we may encounter.

Lord, we also thank you for the warm welcome and loving arms that await us upon our arrival. We pray for unity, love, and joy to fill our homes and hearts as we reunite with our families and friends.

Thank you, Lord, for your love, protection, and provision. We place our trust in you as we make our way back home. Guide us and keep us safe in your loving embrace. In Jesus' name, we pray.



Heavenly Father,

I come before you tonight to pray for the safety of my family as we sleep. Lord, I know that you are our protector and that you watch over us day and night. I surrender my worries and fears into your hands, trusting in your divine care.

Lord, I ask that you wrap your loving arms around each member of my family as they lay down to rest. Protect them from any harm or danger that may try to come their way. Guard their minds from anxious thoughts and grant them a peaceful night's sleep.

Please send your angels to stand guard around our home, creating a shield of protection. Shield us from any evil or negativity and let only your goodness and peace fill our dwelling.

Father, give us all sweet dreams and refreshing sleep, so that we wake up in the morning feeling rested and ready to face a new day. May your presence be felt in our dreams, bringing comfort, guidance, and reassurance.

Lord, I also pray for families all around the world. Please watch over them as they sleep, keeping them safe and secure. Help us all to remember the importance of cherishing and protecting our loved ones.

Thank you, Lord, for hearing my prayer. I trust in your unfailing love and care. In Jesus' name, I pray.



Dear Heavenly Father,
I come before You today to lift up my family into Your loving care. You have blessed me with the gift of loved ones, and I am grateful for their presence in my life.

Lord, I ask You to watch over each member of my family, providing them with Your protection, guidance, and strength. Please guard them against sickness, harm, and any negative influences. Surround them with Your peace, love, and grace, so that they may always feel Your presence in their lives.

Father, I pray for their physical health, that You may keep their bodies strong and free from disease. Grant them the wisdom to make healthy choices and lead a balanced lifestyle. Teach them to value and care for their bodies, for they are fearfully and wonderfully made by You.

Lord, I also ask for Your provision over my family's financial needs. Help them to manage their finances wisely and provide for all their necessities, that they may live comfortably and without worry. Open doors of opportunity for them professionally and bless their work and endeavors.

God, I pray for their emotional well-being. May You mend any brokenness within their hearts and bring healing to any wounds or pain they may carry. Grant them patience, understanding, and forgiveness towards one another, so that they may build and maintain strong, loving relationships.

Furthermore, I ask for Your guidance in their spiritual journey. Draw them closer to You, Father, and deepen their faith in Your unfailing love. Help us to grow together as a family, always seeking Your grace and wisdom and walking in Your ways.

Lord, I entrust my family into Your loving hands, knowing that You are the ultimate source of security and provision. Thank You for the privilege of being part of this precious family. I commit them to You and ask that You continually take good care of them.

In Jesus' name, I pray,


Dear heavenly Father,

I come before you this morning to thank you for the gift of a new day. I am grateful for the opportunity to wake up and experience the beauty and blessings that you have prepared for me.

Lord, I ask for your guidance and wisdom as I begin this day. Please help me to make the most of the time and opportunities that you have given me. Grant me clarity of mind and focus, that I may approach my tasks and responsibilities with dedication and diligence.

Fill me with your love and compassion, that I may bring encouragement and kindness to those I encounter today. Help me to be a blessing to others and reflect your grace and mercy in all that I do.

Lord, I pray for your protection and provision throughout this day. Shield me from harm and keep me safe from any dangers or temptations that may come my way. Provide for my needs and grant me the strength to face any challenges that arise.

Lastly, I surrender my plans and desires to you, knowing that your ways are higher than mine. May your will be done in my life today, as I seek to walk in obedience and bring glory to your name.

Thank you for hearing my prayers, Lord. I commit this day into your hands. In Jesus' name, I pray.







Dear Heavenly Father,

I come to you today with a humble heart, seeking your protection and guidance. There is a great storm brewing, a typhon that threatens to bring destruction and chaos. I pray to you, mighty God, to keep away this typhon and spare us from its wrath.

You are the creator of the heavens and the earth, and you have power over all things. I ask for your divine intervention to calm the raging winds and cease the churning waves. May your hand extend over the waters, creating a barrier of protection that the typhon cannot breach.

Lord, you are our shelter in times of trouble. I pray that you provide refuge for those in the path of this storm, keeping them safe from harm. Guard their homes, their families, and their communities from the destructive forces that seek to bring devastation.

Grant wisdom and strength to those tasked with monitoring and responding to this typhon. Give them discernment in making decisions that will mitigate its impact and protect the lives of those in its path. Guide their actions and grant them the resources they need to carry out their duties effectively.

Lord, in your mercy, hear my prayer. I trust in your divine providence and know that you are with us in times of trouble. Help us to find comfort and strength in your love and grace, knowing that you are in control even when the storms of life rage around us.

In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen.


Heavenly Father, I humbly come before You today to lift up a prayer for safe sleep and a safe family. I know that You are the ultimate protector and You have the power to keep us safe.

Lord, I pray for peaceful and restful sleep for my family. May You grant us undisturbed sleep through the night, free from any harm or danger that may come our way. Guard our minds and hearts as we sleep, and give us a deep sense of Your presence, knowing that You are watching over us.

Father, I also ask for Your protection over my family during the day. Keep us safe from accidents, illnesses, and any form of harm that may come our way. Surround us with Your angelic beings, Lord, and place a hedge of protection around our home.

Guide our steps, dear Lord, and lead us away from any unsafe situations or environments. Keep us away from harm's reach and bless us with discernment to make wise decisions that align with Your will. I pray for Your divine intervention in every aspect of our lives to ensure our safety.

Lastly, Lord, I ask for Your protection over our emotional, spiritual, and relational well-being. Guard our hearts and minds against anxiety, fear, and any harm that may come against our family unity and bond. Grant us love, harmony, and understanding, that we may support and uplift one another in times of trouble.

In every situation and circumstance, Lord, I trust in Your care and provision. Thank You for being our faithful protector and guardian. May we rest peacefully in Your loving embrace, knowing that You are always watching over us. In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen.


Dear Heavenly Father,

We come before you today with hearts full of trust and faith, seeking your divine intervention and protection. We humbly ask you to hear our prayers and help us in our time of need.

Lord, we lift up our voices and ask for your mercy and grace to be upon us as we face the powerful forces of nature, particularly the threat of Typhon. You are Lord over all creation, and we believe in your power to calm the storms and bring peace to our land.

We plead for your mighty hand to push away the destructive winds and surging waves of Typhon. We ask that you weaken and diminish its strength, preventing any harm or devastation from coming upon our homes, families, and communities.

Lord, we trust in your protection and acknowledge that you are our refuge and stronghold in times of trouble. We place our faith in your loving care, knowing that you are more powerful than any storm that may come our way.

We also ask for wisdom for our leaders and authorities as they make decisions and take actions to keep us safe. Grant them discernment and guidance to respond effectively and efficiently in the face of this threat.

Finally, Lord, we pray for comfort and strength for those who have already been affected by Typhon. May you provide them with the necessary resources, support, and encouragement they need to recover and rebuild.

We offer this prayer in the name of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior, who calms the storms and brings peace to our hearts. Amen.


Dear Lord,

We come to you in prayer, seeking your divine protection and assistance in keeping away the destructive force of the typhon from our land. We acknowledge your sovereignty over all things, and we trust in your power to calm the storms and bring peace to our midst.

We ask for your intervention, Lord, as we face the threat of the typhon. Grant us strength and courage to endure, wisdom to make the right decisions, and guidance to protect ourselves and our loved ones. Surround us with your divine shield, shielding us from harm and danger.

We pray for the safety of all those who are in the path of the typhon. Protect them, provide shelter, and keep them from harm's way. Shed your mercy upon them, Lord, and grant them your comfort and peace amidst the chaos.

We also pray for the wisdom and discernment of our leaders and authorities. Grant them the knowledge and understanding to make the right decisions and take the necessary measures to keep people safe. Give them strength and guidance, Lord, to effectively coordinate relief efforts and provide aid to those in need.

Lord, we humbly ask for your mercy and grace to be upon us during this challenging time. Hold back the destructive force of the typhon, calm the raging winds, and still the turbulent waters. We trust in your unfailing love and protection, knowing that you are our rock and fortress.

In faith, we declare that through your mighty power, the typhon will be weakened, and its impact lessened. We believe that you are in control, and we rest in your promise to be with us always, even in the midst of the storm.

We offer this prayer with sincere hearts, trusting in your goodness and seeking your divine intervention. In your holy name, we pray.



Dear Heavenly Father,

As the night falls upon us, we come before you to thank you for the blessings of the day. We are grateful for your guidance, protection, and provision.

In this moment, we ask for your loving presence to surround us as we prepare to rest. Fill our hearts and minds with peace, comfort, and tranquility. Help us to surrender our worries and burdens to you, knowing that you are in control and will take care of us.

We pray for a good night's sleep, free from nightmares or disturbances. Grant us rejuvenation and refreshing as we lay our heads to rest. May our bodies be restored, and may we wake up energized and ready for a new day.

During this night, we intercede for those in need. Be with those who are sick, lonely, or hurting, and bring them healing, comfort, and companionship. Bless those who are struggling with any challenges, and provide them with strength and guidance.

Lord, we also ask for forgiveness for any wrongdoings we have committed throughout the day. Cleanse our hearts, renew our spirits, and help us to be more Christlike in our actions and attitudes.

As we close our eyes, we entrust our lives into your steadfast hands. Thank you for your unfailing love and faithfulness. We trust in your divine plan and pray for your will to be done in our lives.

In Jesus' precious name, we pray, Amen.


Dear Father,
As the night falls, I humbly come to you, seeking your guidance and protection. Watch over me and my loved ones as we rest our weary bodies. Surround us with your love, shield us from harm, and grant us a peaceful and safe night's sleep. May our worries and anxieties be lifted from our minds, and may we wake up refreshed and ready to face a new day. In your name, I pray for a night filled with tranquility and security. Amen.


Dear Father,I beseech you to shield us from the wrath of Typhon. May your strength and wisdom guard us against its destructive forces. Let your light guide us through the darkness, and grant us the courage to face whatever challenges lie ahead. In your name, we find refuge and solace. Amen.


Dear lord, We humbly implore your protection from the looming threat of Typhon. Surround us with your sheltering embrace, shielding us from its havoc and harm. Grant us the resilience to endure and the wisdom to make prudent choices. With trust in your watchful care, we entrust our safety into your hands. Amen.


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Dear Lord, I humbly ask for your protection and guidance as I lay down to sleep. Please surround me with your loving presence and keep me safe throughout the night. Grant me peaceful rest, free from worries and fears. May your angels watch over me and my loved ones, and may we wake up refreshed and ready for a new day. In your name, I pray. Amen.


"Dear God,
I come to you with a humble heart,
Asking for your guidance and protection at my workplace.
Grant me the strength to face challenges and the wisdom to make safe decisions.
Watch over me and my colleagues, keeping us safe from harm.
May your light shine upon us, and may we find comfort in your presence.


Dear Father,

We gather today to offer our heartfelt prayers for all workers around the world. We ask for your guidance and protection as they carry out their responsibilities and contribute to the betterment of society. Grant them strength, patience, and resilience to face challenges and overcome obstacles. Bless their efforts with success, and may their work bring them fulfillment and satisfaction. May they find joy in their accomplishments and experience the rewards of their labor. We also ask for fairness and just treatment in their workplaces, that they may be valued and respected for their contributions. In your name, we offer these prayers for the well-being of all workers.



8/20/23 6am to 6pm


Dear Father,

We humbly come before you today, seeking your watchful care over our family. We ask for your protection and guidance, to keep us safe from accidents and harm. Please surround us with your loving energy and shield us from any danger that may cross our path.

Grant us the wisdom to make wise decisions and the strength to overcome challenges. May our journeys be filled with your grace, and may our days be blessed with your presence. Help us to be vigilant and responsible, while trusting in your divine plan for us.

In your name, we pray for safety, well-being, and the preservation of our family's harmony. Amen.


Dear Lord,

With heartfelt gratitude, I offer this prayer for the beautiful weather bestowed upon us. Your benevolent touch graces us with sunny skies, gentle breezes, and a sense of warmth that uplifts our spirits. May this favorable weather continue to bless our days, allowing us to enjoy the beauty of nature, engage in outdoor activities, and cherish moments of connection with loved ones. We are thankful for the harmony you bring to our lives through these pleasant conditions. May we always appreciate and respect the gifts you provide.

In your name, we offer our thanks,
[Your Name]


Dear Father,

I humbly come before you, seeking your loving protection and guidance for my cherished family. Watch over them with your benevolent presence, keeping them safe from harm's way. Surround them with a shield of love and strength, allowing them to navigate life's challenges with courage and grace. Grant them health, happiness, and harmony, as they continue on their journey together. May your divine light shine upon them, illuminating their path and filling their hearts with warmth and positivity. In your name, I entrust the well-being of my family, now and always.




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