Small Towns Big God Podcast

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Small Towns Big God Podcast We don't know what we're doing, but we're gonna do it anyway!

My prayer for you today. Father, we come to You today, fulfilling our commission. Sharing the Good News that Jesus died ...

My prayer for you today.

Father, we come to You today, fulfilling our commission.
Sharing the Good News that Jesus died to pay our debt of sin.
Sharing our testimony of our lives of before, when, and after we came to Christ.
Sharing our lives as examples to the world of what a Christ centered life can and should be.
Sharing in baptism, our public profession of faith, obedient to scripture.
Father, we ask that everyone seeing this today will love our neighbors and help lead them to Christ.
Praying in the name of Jesus Christ.

My prayer for you today. Father, we come to You today, following Your example.Your example of forgiveness, releasing our...

My prayer for you today.

Father, we come to You today, following Your example.
Your example of forgiveness, releasing ourselves from anger and establishing boundaries.
Your example of service, being a blessing to others as You have abundantly blessed us.
Your example of love, loving our neighbors as a reflection of Your love for us.
Father, we ask that everyone seeing this today will be a reflective example of You on earth.
Praying in the name of Jesus Christ.

My prayer for you today. Father, we come to You today, living out Your inspired Word. Joyful... Joyful in the hope of Yo...

My prayer for you today.

Father, we come to You today, living out Your inspired Word.
Joyful... Joyful in the hope of Your promise of eternal life in Heaven, glorifying You forever.
Patient... Patient in knowing that Your timing is perfect. That You work all things for our good.
Prayerful... Praying without ceasing, prayers of need, prayers of praise, and prayers of thanksgiving.
Father, we ask that everyone seeing this today will live according to the guidance of Your inspired Word.
Praying in the name of Jesus Christ.

My prayer for you today. Father, we come to You today, thankful for Your grace. Grace that saves us from worldly temptat...

My prayer for you today.

Father, we come to You today, thankful for Your grace.
Grace that saves us from worldly temptations, always providing a way out through surrender.
Grace that forgives when we fall short of Your glory, allowing us to repent back to You.
Grace that was shown on the Cross. Sacrificing Jesus to pay our debt of sin.
Father, we ask that everyone seeing this today will live in faith that Your grace will save us all.
Praying in the name of Jesus Christ.

My prayer for you today. Father, we come to You today, satisfied and blessed. Satisfied that every good thing is from ab...

My prayer for you today.

Father, we come to You today, satisfied and blessed.
Satisfied that every good thing is from above and a blessing from You.
Satisfied in the joy that comes through perseverance and the blessing of Your lessons learned.
Satisfied with inner peace from our surrender to Your will and the blessing of freedom from worldly judgement.
Father, we ask that everyone seeing this today will surrender to Your will and be satisfied and blessed.
Praying in the name of Jesus Christ.

My prayer for you today. Father, we come to You today, persevering with hope.Hope, knowing that our prayers will be answ...

My prayer for you today.

Father, we come to You today, persevering with hope.
Hope, knowing that our prayers will be answered according to Your will.
Hope, knowing that You work all things for the good of those who love You.
Hope, knowing that we will live eternally according to Your promise.
Father, we ask that everyone seeing this today will spend time in Your Word and be encouraged to persevere with hope.
Praying in the name of Jesus Christ.

My prayer for you today. Father, we come to You today, speaking kindness. Speaking kindness with encouragement, exposing...

My prayer for you today.

Father, we come to You today, speaking kindness.
Speaking kindness with encouragement, exposing potential in others that they don't see in themselves.
Speaking kindness with accountability, loving others enough to hold them accountable according to scripture.
Speaking kindness with truth, sharing the gospel and letting them know that they are never alone.
Father, we ask that everyone seeing this today will speak kindness and reflect Your love.
Praying in the name of Jesus Christ.

My prayer for you today. Father, we come to You today, grateful for our friends.Friends, holding us accountable when we ...

My prayer for you today.

Father, we come to You today, grateful for our friends.
Friends, holding us accountable when we fall short of Your glory.
Friends, encouraging us to persevere through worldly chaos and the mourning of loss.
Friends, joining us in humble service of others to be an example of a Christ centered life to all.
Friends, loving us when we are unlovable as a reflection of Your love for us all.
Father, we ask that everyone seeing this today will be blessed with a circle that builds us up not tear us down.
Praying in the name of Jesus Christ.

Our prayer for you today. Father, we come to You today, trusting You. Trusting You to control our circumstances for our ...

Our prayer for you today.

Father, we come to You today, trusting You.
Trusting You to control our circumstances for our good through obedience.
Trusting You for strength over temptation, that you will always provide a way out.
Trusting You to soften our hearts for understanding and not judgment.
Father, we ask that everyone seeing this today will humble themselves and take Jesus at his word. Just believe.
Praying in the name of Jesus Christ.

My prayer for you today.Father, we come to You today, set apart from the world.Set apart with our words of encouragement...

My prayer for you today.

Father, we come to You today, set apart from the world.
Set apart with our words of encouragement to build others up and not tear them down.
Set apart with our effort as examples of Christ’s service to help fulfill the needs of others.
Set apart with our love as we share our testimonies to point others to Christ.
Father, we ask that everyone seeing this today will be set apart from the world and fulfill our purpose.
Praying in the name of Jesus Christ.

My prayer for you today.Father, we come to You today, in reverence.In reverence of Your Word, guiding us down a righteou...

My prayer for you today.

Father, we come to You today, in reverence.
In reverence of Your Word, guiding us down a righteous path to You.
In reverence of Your grace, the unearned favor for all who believe.
In reverence of Your power to control our circumstances to learn the lessons to grow in faith.
In reverence of Your love, infinite love when we are unlovable.
Father, we ask that everyone seeing this today will live in obedience to Your Word with a life worthy of the sacrifice of Jesus.
Praying in the name of Jesus Christ.

My prayer for you today. Father, we come to You today, covered in forgiveness. Forgiven of every impure thought, through...

My prayer for you today.

Father, we come to You today, covered in forgiveness.
Forgiven of every impure thought, through repentance back to things above.
Forgiven for every unwholesome word, through repentance back to encouragement.
Forgiven for our disobedient acts, through repentance back to acts according to scripture.
Father, we ask that everyone seeing this today will live in repentance and be covered in forgiveness.
Praying in the name of Jesus Christ.

My prayer for you today. Father, we come to You today, grateful for the gift of Christ. Christ, who was born of a miracl...

My prayer for you today.

Father, we come to You today, grateful for the gift of Christ.
Christ, who was born of a miracle to save the world.
Christ, who lived a perfect, sinless life as our example to be set apart.
Christ, who died on the Cross, our unblemished sacrifice to pay our wage of sin.
Christ, who rose again, defeating death, for us to have eternal life.
Father, we ask that everyone seeing this today will live out our purpose and glorify You in all things.
Praying in the name of Jesus Christ.

My prayer for you today. Father, we come to You today, living out Your Word.Your Word of hope in Your promise of eternal...

My prayer for you today.

Father, we come to You today, living out Your Word.
Your Word of hope in Your promise of eternal life for those who believe.
Your Word of encouragement to persevere through obstacles to grow stronger in faith.
Your Word of repentance telling us to turn away from sin and back to You.
Your Word of love that commands us to love You and our neighbors with everything that we have.
Father, we ask that everyone seeing this today will spend time in Your Word and apply it to their lives every day.
Praying in the name of Jesus Christ.

My prayer for you today. Father, we come to You today, without fear.With strength, from You, to persevere obstacles of t...

My prayer for you today.

Father, we come to You today, without fear.
With strength, from You, to persevere obstacles of this dark world.
With courage, from You, to break through our comfort zones and stand apart from the world.
With encouragement, from You, through Your Word and conviction of the Holy Spirit.
Father, we ask that everyone seeing this today will live fearlessly know that You have our back, always.
Praying in the name of Jesus Christ.

My prayer for you today. Father, we come to You today, welcoming Christ.Welcoming Christ, as we pray for our neighbors a...

My prayer for you today.

Father, we come to You today, welcoming Christ.
Welcoming Christ, as we pray for our neighbors and enemies alike.
Welcoming Christ, as we speak with encouragement and not judgment according to scripture.
Welcoming Christ, as we live as examples to the world, set apart as we are called to be.
Father, we ask that everyone seeing this today will not be lukewarm, but on fire for Christ.
Praying in the name of Jesus Christ.

My prayer for you today. Father, we come to You today, reflecting the love of Christ. Love through our intentional praye...

My prayer for you today.

Father, we come to You today, reflecting the love of Christ.
Love through our intentional prayers that lift our neighbors up to You.
Love through our words of encouragement and accountability according to scripture.
Love through our actions of humble service within our communities and churches.
Love through our reactions of understanding without judgment.
Father, we ask that everyone seeing this today will understand that Christ died for us all, let's live for Him.
Praying in the name of Jesus Christ.

My prayer for you today. Father, we come to You today, unashamed. Unashamed to lift up our neighbors, in prayer, that Yo...

My prayer for you today.

Father, we come to You today, unashamed.
Unashamed to lift up our neighbors, in prayer, that Your will is done in their lives.
Unashamed to evangelize, sharing the Gospel with whoever we meet.
Unashamed to stand apart from the world, as an example of a Christ centered life.
Father, we ask that everyone seeing this today will live unashamed and fulfill our purpose to glorify You in all things.
Praying in the name of Jesus Christ.

My prayer for you today. Father, we come to You today in reverence of Your power. Your power to provide hope with Your p...

My prayer for you today.

Father, we come to You today in reverence of Your power.
Your power to provide hope with Your promise of eternal life.
Your power to calm us during chaos if we just be still.
Your power to change our circumstances as we repent back to You.
Father, we ask that everyone seeing this today will surrender to Your power and live according to Your will.
Praying in the name of Jesus Christ.

My prayer for you today. Father, we come to You today, walking in the light. The light that shines through us to reveal ...

My prayer for you today.

Father, we come to You today, walking in the light.
The light that shines through us to reveal Christ within.
The light that shines on the path of righteousness through conviction of the Holy Spirit.
The light that shines to reveal opportunities to witness and fellowship with others.
Father, we ask that everyone seeing this today will stand apart from the world and shine brightly to glorify You.
Praying in the name of Jesus Christ.

My prayer for you today. Father, we come to You today, prepared for Jesus's return. Prepared as we pray without ceasing,...

My prayer for you today.

Father, we come to You today, prepared for Jesus's return.
Prepared as we pray without ceasing, prayers of praise and thanksgiving.
Prepared as we share the Gospel, fulfilling our commission.
Prepared as we act in ways that glorify You only.
Prepared as we counsel one another with understanding and not judgment.
Father, we ask that everyone seeing this today will not be complacent as we continually prepare for the return of Jesus.
Praying in the name of Jesus Christ.

My prayer for you today. Father, we come to You today in humble prayer. Praying for healing by Your power and grace acco...

My prayer for you today.

Father, we come to You today in humble prayer.
Praying for healing by Your power and grace according to Your will.
Praying for forgiveness when we fall short of Your glory.
Praying in thanksgiving of opportunities to live in repentance to glorify You.
Father we ask that everyone seeing this today will humble ourselves and live in repentance that glorifies You.
Praying in the name of Jesus Christ.

My prayer for you today. Father, we come to You today, in faith.Faith that Jesus was born of a miracle to save us all. F...

My prayer for you today.

Father, we come to You today, in faith.
Faith that Jesus was born of a miracle to save us all.
Faith that Jesus died on the Cross to pay our wage of sin to save us all.
Faith that Jesus rose again, defeating death, to save us all.
Faith that Jesus is coming back, to save us all.
Father, we ask that everyone seeing this today will live in faith and be saved by God's grace.
Praying in the name of Jesus Christ.

My prayer for you today. Father, we come to You today shaped by You.Shaped by Your Word, instructing us through a broken...

My prayer for you today.

Father, we come to You today shaped by You.
Shaped by Your Word, instructing us through a broken, fallen world.
Shaped by Your Spirit, guiding us through conviction towards righteousness.
Shaped by Your people, placed in our lives as lessons and blessings as examples.
Father, we ask that everyone seeing this today will surrender to You and be shaped to fulfill Your purpose.
Praying in the name of Jesus Christ.

My prayer for you today. Father, we come to You today living by faith.Faith that Christ lived a sinless life to be our r...

My prayer for you today.

Father, we come to You today living by faith.
Faith that Christ lived a sinless life to be our righteous example.
Faith that Christ died on the Cross, paying the wage for all of our sin.
Faith that Christ was resurrected, defeating death, giving us hope in eternal life.
Faith that Christ did all of this for all of us.
Father, we ask that everyone seeing this today will live by faith, following the convictions of the Holy Spirit toward righteousness.
Praying in the name of Jesus Christ.

My prayer for you today. Father, we come to You today, at peace.At peace with our thoughts, fixing them on things above ...

My prayer for you today.

Father, we come to You today, at peace.
At peace with our thoughts, fixing them on things above not on worldly things.
Making peace with our words of encouragement and accountability according to scripture.
Showing peace with our reactions of understanding, not judgment.
Father, we ask that everyone seeing this today will glorify and follow You to live at peace.
Praying in the name of Jesus Christ.

My prayer for you today. Father, we come to You today, professing our faith.Faith that every Word of scripture is breath...

My prayer for you today.

Father, we come to You today, professing our faith.
Faith that every Word of scripture is breathed out by You for guidance as led by Your Spirit.
Faith that Jesus died on the Cross as the ultimate sacrifice to pay the wage for our sins.
Faith that Jesus was resurrected, defeating death, and proved Your promise of eternal life.
Father, we ask that everyone seeing this today will profess our faith and be justified by You.
Praying in the name of Jesus Christ.

My prayer for you today. Father, we come to You today, focused on Christ.Focused on joy. Great joy that comes with our i...

My prayer for you today.

Father, we come to You today, focused on Christ.
Focused on joy. Great joy that comes with our identity in Christ, not the world.
Focused on hope. Hope that comes as we strive toward Your promise of eternal life.
Focused on love. Love that fulfills Your commands to love You and our neighbors as You love us.
Focused on our purpose. Our purpose to glorify only You in all things.
Praying in the name of Jesus Christ.

My prayer for you today. Father, we come to You today acting in love.Love through our thoughtful prayers that lift up ou...

My prayer for you today.

Father, we come to You today acting in love.
Love through our thoughtful prayers that lift up our neighbors, that Your will is done in our lives.
Love through our encouraging words to help our neighbors through their valleys.
Love through our examples of what a Christ centered life looks like.
Love through our knowledge of other's points of view to understand them better.
Father, we ask that everyone seeing this today will love each other.
Praying in the name of Jesus Christ.

My prayer for you today. Father, we come to You today, seeking You first. As we pray that Your will is done in our lives...

My prayer for you today.

Father, we come to You today, seeking You first.
As we pray that Your will is done in our lives.
As we humbly serve our neighbors.
As we share Your Word to draw others close to You.
Father, we ask that everyone seeing this today will seek You first and fulfill our purpose to glorify You.
Praying in the name of Jesus Christ.




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