AXS Token

AXS Token Information about the AXS Token used in the AXIE Infinity Metaverse game

The Rise and Fall of Axie Infinity in the Philippines

The Rise and Fall of Axie Infinity in the Philippines

Samerson Orias was earning about 4,000 pesos a month (about $80, a little less than half the national minimum wage in the Philippines) making takoyaki—Japanese octopus balls. His friend told him h...


Is Axie Infinity Dead?


Will AXS Tokens break out?

AXSToken News Reports Trung Nguyen, CEO of Axie Infinity Fights Against Rumors Of Illegal Trading During Ronin Bridge Ha...

AXSToken News Reports Trung Nguyen, CEO of Axie Infinity Fights Against Rumors Of Illegal Trading During Ronin Bridge Hack

It has been reported that Trung Nguyen, the co-founder and chief executive officer of Axie Infinity, has denied that he engaged in insider trading before announcing that the parent company of the game, Sky Mavis, had been the victim of a massive hack worth $600 million.

In an article published by Bloomberg, one of Nguyen's wallets shifted nearly 50,000 of the game's native AXS token, worth around $3 million, from the Ronin blockchain to Binance between March and the official announcement of the attack.

Immediately following the transfer, Sky Mavis froze users' assets, preventing them from accessing their accounts for a period of time.

Bloomberg speculates that this may have been the first step in the process of cashing out the tokens before they were put under lock and key. In response to the claim, Sky Mavis described it as "baseless" and stated that the funds were actually transferred to Binance for different reasons, including preserving the company's financial stability, providing liquidity to the company, as well as to outwit those who might be seeking to profit from the hack.

At the time, Sky Mavis' spokesperson stated that the more AXS we had on Binance, the better our position and options would be, a Sky Mavis spokesperson said (via Bloomberg).

According to the Founding Team, the decision was made to transfer it from this wallet in order to prevent short sellers from being able to front-run the news by tracking the official Axie wallets (our emphasis).

The blockchain experts and researchers working with Bloomberg told the news outlet that several other wallets allegedly associated with Sky Mavis employees also made a number of large transactions during this period. In spite of this, the company refused to confirm whether or not this was indeed the case. However, rather than suggesting that these tokens may have been owned by the company itself, the company suggested that these tokens may have been owned by business partners or contractors.

After Sky Mavis had moved to clear up any confusion, it was only a matter of time before Nguyen himself took to Twitter to deny any accusations against him and categorically denied any wrongdoing he may have committed.

As Nguyen describes Axie Infinity as his "life's work," he said his team "are in close contact with Binance to discuss the closing of the bridge and what can be done to ensure user funds are restored as soon as possible."

Read more: The play-to-earn crypto bubble has popped — Axie Infinity leads, down 99% from ATH

He also calls any accusations of insider reading “false” and points out that the game’s founders actually deposited money into Ronin Network.

AXSToken News Site Provides An Update On Axie Infinity Origin And Land DevelopmentIntroduction to Key Points    There is...

AXSToken News Site Provides An Update On Axie Infinity Origin And Land Development

Introduction to Key Points

There is a lot of progress being made in Origin and Land development, and it is gaining momentum. For both products, input from members of the community has been an essential component.
By taking advantage of the Axie Builder program and leveraging the user-generated content initiatives, your Axies are becoming tickets to an infinite world of experiences.
In order to expand the Sky Mavis team and establish community partnerships, Sky Mavis is making massive investments.
The Ronin Bridge. Land staking. Origin updates. Community Partnerships. AxieCon. We are putting together a string of victories and building through turmoil.

We at Axie Infinity are very pleased to have been part of the development and launch of the project in 2018, and we have experienced both the euphoria that comes with the successful launch of a product, the growth of the company, the building together of a team, as well as the anxieties and struggles that come when faced with constraints, pressures, and yes… failure. Together with you, we aim to create something that will change the world and create a trailblazing revolution. In order to accomplish this, we will have to be consistent, focused and resilient at the same time. It is certain that no matter what the environment around us may be, we will continue to build, adapt, and welcome everyone interested in contributing to, and benefiting from our mission, regardless of the environment.

As of late, we have witnessed a great deal of growth and progress within our ecosystem, which is extremely inspiring. Although there are numerous challenges all around us, the pace of productivity is rapidly accelerating as a result of a number of initiatives building in parallel. Our team would like to take a moment to recognize all of the amazing work that has been done so far, so let’s go ahead and sum up some of these activities in the following paragraphs.

We want Lunacia to be a comprehensive, and cohesive gaming world comprised of many different gaming genres, all which interrelate to each other through a rich lore and user-owned assets that are usable across various experiences. Foundational to this is a focus on delighting gamers with deep, immersive gameplay.
🌋 Axie Infinity: Origin

All hands are on deck for the upcoming Origin launch! As described in our recent “Phases and Advancement Plans” post, we have recently entered into Phase 2, and are rapidly progressing towards our planned global launch, with no unforeseen blockers to date. We owe a considerable amount of success to date from the regular ongoing community testing and feedback of the game. This rapid iteration approach leveraging our newly formed live operation team is evolving the Origin gameplay in directions everyone seems to enjoy!

Over the course of this next month, our primary focus will be bug-fixing. So expect regular, ongoing patches. We are excited to have incorporated 49,157(!) AXS of prizes into our first Origin alpha season, and look forward to sharing many of the surprises we plan to introduce both in upcoming pre-releases as well as the final release of the game!

Our creators have made some amazing content around Origin recently. Take a look at some of the top Youtube videos!
🌾 Land

Our goal remains to ship initial Alpha gameplay for Land by the end of the year. The Land Team has been working hard towards this goal, while ensuring a high standard for everything that’s been developed.

A major focus of some sprints over the recent weeks is the Idle Combat system. Idle combat will provide players with a way to sell crafted items to NPCs (Non-Player Characters). These NPCs, loaded with these items will go out into the world to battle enemies in combat. This system will allow players to compete with each other on a Leaderboard. This PvE battle system will also serve as the basis for more complex battle systems in the future.
Idle Combat system. This is work-in-progress engineering, subject to change!

Outside of the Idle Combat system, the team has also been building social functions such as a Friends and Chat infrastructure, so that players will be able to communicate with each other. As you can see, we’ve come up with some fun ways to reward players for engaging socially in the game, these benefits will reveal themselves with more play.
In-game social functions.This is engineering work-in-progress, subject to change!

Of course, every environment in Land will have its own distinctive look, based upon both the land type and the efforts of players. We want to make sure it is a beautiful, engaging environment players will enjoy with their friends and regularly hang out in!
This is work-in-progress engineering for Land and subject to change!

We have felt an amazing amount of support from a number of land owners looking to help ensure that Land is a world-class engaging game experience. They have formed a Land Working Group (LWG) that has met regularly with the Sky Mavis product team. Various discussions have been summarized and shared with the Land owners community in the Discord Land channel!
👷 Builders Program

Earlier this year, we officially launched the Axie Infinity Builder’s Program, designed to empower passionate community members to experiment with building various gaming concepts inside the world of Lunacia. We are thrilled to partner with 12 inaugural project teams and supporting many other gaming initiatives based on Axie Infinity as well. Over the past month, all of these builders have been busy! Here are some assorted updates from a few of the teams, some of which are playable now!

Across Lunacia has seen great traction on their early access demo, which garnered valuable feedback that they’ve incorporated into the gameplay. They are steadily working on improving their level design and combat gameplay. All Axie owners can play the demo today at:

Across Lunacia Demo!
Battle epic bosses in the Across Lunacia demo, click the above button to get started!

Axieology has been working on battles with various bosses, check this one out:

Mech Infinity has been working towards a prototype, here is some of their latest concept art:

Axie Infinity War has made great progress towards their first demo release:

Lunacia Cup has been making improvements to their racing system and started working on the system to have Axies built in-game! Check out the stun effect:

Inter The Dungeon released an Axie mini-game with an SLP reward that connects with your Ronin wallet allowing the game to use your existing Axies to play. To play, register here:

Inter the Dungeon!
The Axie Love mini-game… click the above button to get started!

…and connect your Ronin Wallet. Then click “Axie Love” to get started.

Defenders of Lunacian Land (DoLL) is working towards releasing its closed alpha in a few weeks. You will need a DoLL Early Access pass to play the game. Make sure to follow them at // and join their Discord for updates and Early Access giveaways. Check out Turnip attack!
⚽ Esports

From all vantage points, the Axie Infinity Esports Grant 2 was a big success. The worldwide series enabled important global community events designed from the outset to broaden awareness of Axie, by being more inclusive and open. As we wind down this phase (there are still some tournaments remaining if you want to get involved!), we also have positioned ourselves well for Origin’s launch, using this time to establish robust conventions, rules, and processes. Thanks to everyone’s engagement, we now have a competitive integrity council, a governing ruleset, and a feature backlog we’re excited to incorporate into the Origin product.

We are now deep in preparation for our one million USD tournament series leading up to AxieCon! This includes:

A 500k USD “Axie Classic” tournament, complete with online open qualifying rounds which culminates in a 16 player epic finale live at AxieCon!
A 400k USD Dreamhack-style Origin tournament for all in-person attendees of the conference
A 100k USD Axie Stadium event for all enthusiasts of Origin, especially for those new to esports!

Last, but certainly not least… we are hosting some pilot Origin tournaments, designed once again to prepare us for large scale esports events in Origin. Two events held recently (the Brazil and Philippines Origin Cup) were both successful events that helped us better understand how to structure both the gaming product and upcoming events.

Purchase AxieCon Tickets
📖 Lunacia

It would be very easy for a new community member to think about Axie Infinity solely in the context of our legacy v2 battles experience, or as the Origin game, or perhaps even as upcoming games such as Land. However, our vision for Axie Infinity is an entire gaming universe, comprised of infinite gaming and lifestyle experiences, all built on top of a foundation of a deep, elaborate, engaging world. That world will continue to grow infinite, interrelated experiences thanks to the digital nation we are actively building together.

We believe that modern virtual societies such as Axie Infinity will be defined by a return to the basics of social relationships. These communities will be built by people who freely choose to come together and share their perspectives and dreams, pushing one another towards collective good, ensuring a stable prosperity for each other on which we can all develop and innovate.

In order for this world to truly feel cohesive and expansive, it needs a comprehensive lore, similar to well known creative universes such as Star Wars, Final Fantasy, or the Lord of the Rings. We’re excited to share that we have spent considerable time researching our community and the “market”, and have begun to develop the Axie Universe lore system in partnership with the collection of seasoned gaming experts at Strider. The Strider team has played a direct role in contributing to universes such as The Wizarding World of Harry Potter, Star Wars, Game of Thrones, and the Marvel Universe. It’s with this scale in mind that we envision everyone building on top of a world where all user experiences will be connected to each other in diverse, yet logical ways.

In the future, you can look forward to:

In-game experiences that are deeply interrelated and enhance a player’s understanding of the lore of Lunacia
Universal base lore, which includes details around the geographical setup of Lunacia, forms of life, and major characters that have historical impact upon the universe
Integration of massive community-based content in world building. Our goal is to allow all community members to create rich storylines and experiences inside Lunacia.
A lore “central hub” to enable 3rd party multimedia and content experiences. We are planning for comics, animated series and many other types of 3rd party products to collectively add value for all owners of the ecosystem.

We believe that this creative foundation also provides us with an opportunity to reinforce positive ethical foundations into our digital nation. Cornerstones of the Axie Infinity world lore include harmonization, love, care for one another, and opportunity that comes from selflessness. While much of the contributions you’ve seen from the Sky Mavis team are technical and strategic, the creative team believes that embedding these concepts will prove to be one of the most important contributions we’ll make.
📈 Growth

Our growth team remains focused, locked in, and with our eyes on the prize: the Origin Global Launch, and recently, we’ve truly been building with the community towards achieving this goal. The Axie community is a portal into Web3. Many of you have put extraordinary efforts into onboarding your friends, connections, and family members into this community. To reflect our commitment to appreciating your tireless efforts, we launched three initiatives with a focus of reinvesting in, and growing with you all: Lunacian Codes, the Creator Program, and a fellowship collaboration with Nas Academy.

Lunacian Codes is a first-of-its-kind web3 referral program that allows community members to participate in the value they help create when onboarding new players and showing helpfulness to existing players. Every Lunacian is eligible, and when your code is used, 1% from the 4.25% marketplace fee will be sent to your wallet! Check out our Lunacian Codes Guide for more info!

In tandem with QU3ST, we’ve begun testing a framework for the Axie Creator Program, designed to identify and support impactful Axie contributors! Creators from all verticals are eligible for the program and the accompanying rewards. To get more involved

Join the Axie Infinity Discord
Introduce yourself in the Creators Program chat ( -central)
Engage with Axie Creator Program staff!

To continue to invest in our community, we’re funding 200 fellowships for creators to participate in Nas Academy’s new Creator Academy. Through this program, participants will have access to key educational resources allowing themselves to take their content to the next level! Registration is open now and will end on July 20th! Join us today!

Origin is steadily improving; issues and bugs are fixed almost daily, balancing changes are thoughtfully considered, and the technology behind the new in-game mechanics are being methodically built out. The new Alpha Season’s ushered in a period of growth among the playerbase, with 4,600 downloads yesterday.

Axie Infinity metrics continues to dominate among other NFT games, and we look forward to sustaining this trend as Origin is refined. According to DappRadar, when looking at the top web3 apps (measured by Daily-On-Chain users and sorted by at least 1 M USD in 24 volume to control for low-value apps using bots to boost their volume), we see that Axie ranks second with 574,960 on-chain users over the last month.
We are proud to continue providing leadership in the NFT ecosystem. Source: Dappradar
⚖️ Governance

During our last update to you on this topic, we shared a “framework” that details steps toward progressive decentralization of the Axie Infinity ecosystem. The Axie Infinity universe has incredible long term value. Harnessing this value effectively will only occur if we can all find the healthy balance between establishing robust, proven infrastructure for decision making and giving more and more immediate agency to the thousands of community contributors who are already creating value all around us. Over the past 2-3 months, we have made concrete progress in this direction:

We have established the Axie Infinity “Town Builders”, which is a starting collection of senior community members who were selected based upon an initial set of criteria which include a history of contributions to Axie governance, longevity within the community, and embodiment of the Axie Code of Conduct. These initial community members (Artic, Baronar, freak, Sensei Odin, and Zee) will work alongside additional invited advisors (ie, Coco__Bear, Owl, Syntax) and Sky Mavis to design and implement various stages of progressive decentralization and also maintain healthy participation of town builders by involving additional community members into this role over time.
We are in the process of building a comprehensive and sustainable approach to formally recognizing and credentialing Axie Infinity community contributors. We anticipate that those who actively work to add value to the ecosystem ultimately will have the strongest insights into future direction for the project. Therefore, over the next couple of months, we will embark on a pilot project to identify at least 1,000 of these “contributors” through a completely community-governed process.
We are proud to have established a formal partnership with Metaportal DAO, an organization comprised of individuals with considerable track records in decentralized governance, gaming, and strategic planning. They have agreed to help provide process support for the various volunteer community groups described above. Throughout their engagement with us thus far, they have already provided important advice and elbow grease to this rapidly emerging activity.

Our hope is to have some exciting things to announce and share with the community by AxieCon. Stay tuned!
🌎 Regional Updates

Our digital nation is global, and we welcome everyone from all cultures and languages. To help facilitate this, we continue to establish regional representatives who are working to build more local communities all around the world. They wanted to share some updates with the community!

Philippines: We hosted the first official meetup recently! The event was attended by over 220+ community members, and tickets sold out in 8 minutes! Over 20 Lunacians flew in from the United States, the United Kingdom, and other parts of Southeast Asia to join in on the fun. We heard countless stories from community members on how the event allowed the Filipino community to form great bonds with one another, connect personally with Axie team members, and meet some of the biggest names in the Axie creator and competitive scene. We have big plans for future events and other activities in the region in the future!
Our standing-room-only event in Philippines!

Latin America: We kicked off a weekly Axie Community Talk Discord spaces for the LatAm community, where everyone gets to ask important questions about anything and everything within the Axie ecosystem using their native language at times convenient for the region. We just celebrated our 10th episode last week!
The first ever Axie Football Cup hosted by Sura Gaming!

Japan: We are brewing some collaborations with Japanese guilds and content creators. More about this will be shared soon! For now—we are gearing up for a couple of official meetups in Japan to fully connect with the Japanese community!
🐦 Ronin

There has been an incredible amount of progress in refining and aligning the typical Ronin user experience. Some of that work consists of improving the asset on/off ramp interface, by simplifying in some cases, and making it more user-friendly in others:
These are engineering mockups and subject to change!
These are engineering mockups and subject to change!

As we work rapidly to decentralize the Ronin network, there are a number of additional backend functions we need to build for validators, including voting processes, and various summary dashboards:
These are engineering mockups and subject to change!

Finally, we recently released the Land Staking user experience, and it seems from your feedback that the community is quite enthusiastic about our general direction! ~90% of all land plots are currently staked— a major accomplishment!
👜 Marketplace

The Marketplace team is currently preparing for the introduction of NFT Runes and Charms; this marks the first time in years that a new asset class has been introduced into the Axie ecosystem!

We are developing a new streamlined way to move assets (runes, charms, tokens) between the Origin and your Ronin wallet
With runes and charms, we have formally introduced ERC-1155 tokens, and with that, a new page type for ERC-1155 tokens. While this page will support runes and charms for now, we anticipate many other types (both in-development and on our roadmap) in the future

In the meantime, we are continuing the implementation of our new marketplace design system building blocks. Thanks in advance for your patience with some volatility in the current design as we continue our transition process.
Sky Mavis

Over the past year, Sky Mavis has undergone a massive organizational transformation. In the face of the COVID pandemic, we have become a global, 150+ strong person team:
Sky Mavis has grown 5x over the past year… and more plans for future growth!

We anticipate continuing to grow the organization, with a target of approximately 250 individuals over the next 12-18 months. One of our primary goals in 2022 is to either hire or partner with truly world-class talent. We intend to actively recruit many of these roles, but are also interested in hearing from you! If you’re interested being a part of Sky Mavis, take a look at our job postings below:

Join us at Sky Mavis!

Growing rapidly within a global pandemic has forced us to get to know each other mostly online. Fortunately, as things have stabilized, we were able to host our first “all-hands” in Vietnam since 2019! It was an amazing opportunity to team build, make strategic plans, and finally get to know each other over meals and laughs.
Our team is growing rapidly… are you a mission-driven, passionate builder? Come join us!

Additionally, in preparation for our team growth, we had to also find convening space, so we also recently opened a new office in Ho Chi Minh! All of these steps are being considered in light of our long term plans for Axie Infinity and the Ronin ecosystem. Now, let’s all get back to building!

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Via this site

🛡️ Defenders of Lunacian Land 🛡️ Roguelite survival action game with a simple gameplay & infinite possibilities ✨✨✨

Axie Infinity's healthy glow will never be restored by any amount of Smooth Love Potion. However, something else could d...

Axie Infinity's healthy glow will never be restored by any amount of Smooth Love Potion. However, something else could do the trick - Origin, which would be the most significant upgrade in the GameFi pioneer's short history.

Axie Infinity's healthy glow will never be restored by any amount of Smooth Love Potion. However, something else could do the trick - Origin, which would be the most significant upgrade in the GameFi pioneer's short history.

As part of a soft launch, Axie Infinity quietly released this year's version of its game on April 7th. Axie's legions of gamers are hoping its play-to-earn model will revive the way in which the company introduced the term "play-to-earn" a venture that pioneered the concept of earning money from online games.

Fun Factor

The co-founder of YieldGuild, a support group for Axie players, Gabby Dizon, is optimistic that the decision will pay off in the future. Defiant reported that "the bear market will allow projects with funding to build without the noise throughout 2021, allowing them to apply lessons learned, and ensuring that the "fun factor" is prioritized when designing in-game experiences during that period," he said.

It is clear that Origin has its work cut out for it. According to Messari and ActivePlayer, Axie Infinity's governance token, AXS, has dropped 90% since its peak last November, and the game has lost half of its players since June, as well

It is also important to note that Smooth Love Potion (SLP), the token used to reward Axie's players, has plummeted 98% from its high in May 2021.

Sky Mavis, the Vietnamese studio that owns the blockchain-based game, is under the strain like never before because the game is under so much pressure. There was a hacking incident on Axie's network in March that resulted in around $620 million being stolen, but no one even noticed this until a week after the hack, which exacerbated the doubt surrounding the project at the time.

Even so, Philip La, Axie Infinity’s product manager, pushed back against the idea the game cannot rebound.

"The game still exists with major improvements being rolled out on a regular basis," La said in a blog post he published recently. Our goal is to continually come up with more games that will allow us to apply all of the things we have learned over the years to them. It is a myth that we are in an existential state at the end of our lives and that we are running out of time. ”

The goal of this game is to enable players to purchase NFTs of monsters and then have them fight one another. Digital pets called Axies are digital pets which can be grown, bred, and fought by players. Under the play-to-earn model, players own their Axies and can trade them in the marketplace as NFTs in order to earn cash. Axie Land is a tokenized version of the real world that acts as a home and base of operations for Axies.

New Battle System

With Origin, you can do whatever you want without having to purchase Axies and that makes it more accessible for people who have a lower budget, with the ability to do your thing without having to buy Axies. As well as adding new features that make battles more strategic and interactive, Axie has also introduced a new land-staking program that will reward users with tokens for managing their land stakes.

The beta version of Origin is still in its early stages, but despite the fact that there are already many features that players are looking forward to, such as crafting, which converts materials into Runes, Charms and other items, and Axie evolution, which allows players to level up their Axies' body parts.

The Ultimate Beginners Guide To The Axie Infinity Game and Marketplace

It remains to be seen whether Origin will address the flawed tokenomics and lack of playability in the game.

In his post, La complained that the media is creating “misleading narratives” around the game. He said Axie is evolving from its current “play-to-earn” to a “play-and-earn” model.

There will be a number of ways that players will be able to spend on things that are important to them," he wrote. Also, La made it clear that Axie will continue to reward its community builders in the future. With the use of Axie Infinity's intellectual property, members are free to create games that generate uncapped revenue using the company's IP.
Long-lasting Battles

Does Axie's new gaming model have the potential to turn the tide in the gaming industry? There is a bit of bearishness in the short term according to Pedro Herrera, head of research at DappRadar.

According to him, people who play the game for the sake of farming don't like it because the battles last longer, he told The Defiant. There is also a growing problem of content creators such as YouTubers not being able to engage their audiences with long-lasting battles that would engage their audience."

In Herrera's opinion, community and growth tactics are two key factors that make a web3 game successful, and this is something Axie did well, but several projects have failed because they have prioritized growth over value, which leaves a web3 ecosystem unsustainable when the game itself isn't playable.

In my opinion, there will be more fun games to play in the blockchain space in the future, which means that while Axie will remain relevant in the near future, I do not expect it to have the same success as its first iteration where the play-to-earn narrative was the driving factor of its success," he said.



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