Sean E. Tembo

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Just when l thought we could play civilized politics, chioneka monga benangu sibafuna.

So tizapitisana chabe mumatika sochabe



By Sean Tembo - PeP President

1. There is this tendency by some people to start praising a person when they are fired, despite the fact that when they still hard the position, they were condemning them on a daily basis. It happened with the former Special Assistant to the President for Press & Public Relations; Anthony Bwalya, and it's happening again regarding the former Inspector General of Police; Lemmy Kajoba. Well, l am not one of those people.

2. Let's face it; Lemmy Kajoba was one of the worst IGs that Zambia has ever had. Why do l say so? Well, he literally failed to run the Police. Before l explain any further, l just want to make it clear that my evaluation of the performance of an IG does not include their dealings with opposition politicians, because l know fully well that an IG has got no say in terms of which opposition politician to arrest, which one to give police bond etcetera. Those decisions are made directly at State House, usually without the knowledge or input of the Inspector General of Police.

3. Therefore, my assessment of Lemmy Kajoba's tenure of office as IG is premised entirely on his ability or lack thereof to fight crime and give the Zambian people a feeling of safety and security. Most of the time, the incompetence of the Police is hidden from the general public, but under Kajoba, the case of the 14 kidnapped girls really exposed him and his institution. First of all, the Police were reluctant to properly investigate those individual kidnappings whenever relatives reported them. Spring 24 Television ran a series of documentaries outlining Police inertia to investigate kidnapping cases, long before the Pamela kidnapping.

4. After Pamela was kidnapped, Police failed to locate her kidnappers despite the fact that they were demanding a ransom by phone for more than a week. After the 14 girls were rescued by the community, Lemmy Kajoba and his men shamelessly tried to take credit, and even harassed the family of the young boy who was instrumental in rescuing the kidnapped girls.

5. Additionally, the performance of the public relations department of the Police has been shambolic under Kajoba. Whenever there is a shooting or major incident, the Police have been issuing statements that don't make sense and are self-contradicting. Ati "Police fired warning shots in the air and one of the thieves was unfortunately hit and he died on the way to hospital". As a result of this very poor performance by the Public Relations Unit, public confidence in the police under Lemmy Kajoba was at an all-time-low.

6. And then there was Lemmy Kajoba's excitement with holding the position of IG where he even went and printed 3 stars for himself and issued statements that l considered to be political in nature on issues such as the mealie meal shortage. Defense and Security Chiefs attract more respect from the people when they keep away from political issues. In fact, they need to avoid being in front of the camera as much as possible, because the more you are on television, the greater the chance that you will say something that is politically lame.

7. Now that Kajoba is gone, l hope that the ZAF Commander and ZNS Commandant will learn a lesson as well and avoid issuing politically inclined statements. They also need to reduce their appetite for being on television as if they are politicians who need to be seen to be working by the people, so that they can get re-elected. Ati "no we are on the ground apprehending smugglers of mealie meal at the border who are undermining the Government". That is cheapening your respective offices. Send your junior officers to perform such menial tasks. When a defence chief speaks in public, it should be something substantial. Something meaningful to the nation. Not chasing smugglers at the border.

8. Anyway, let me end here for today. Suffice to mention that Kajoba's firing was good riddance. I don't know Graphel Musamba much but my advice to him is avoid too much media attention as if you are a politician who needs to get re-elected. Work through your junior officers. Also revamp the entire Police Public Relations Unit, replace everyone if necessary. It is the face and voice of the Police, and it's poor performance will reflect directly on you. Otherwise l wish you all the best in your new job.


SET 15.04.2023

Veep W.K Mutale Nalumango sent her driver to deliver a bag of maize to Liberty House. This was in response to my request...

Veep W.K Mutale Nalumango sent her driver to deliver a bag of maize to Liberty House. This was in response to my request to her for mealie meal, in view of continued country-wide shortages of the commodity.

Zikomo Amai, tayamikila. Manje mwaibala kuikapo yogaisila.

The future is SET ✌️✌️✌️

KNOW YOUR PRESIDENT: PERSONAL PROFILE FOR MR SEAN E. TEMBO 1. Sean Enock Tembo (SET) was born on 30th of March 1980 in J...


1. Sean Enock Tembo (SET) was born on 30th of March 1980 in Jabu Village, Chief Kapatamoyo, Chipata District of Eastern Province of Zambia, from Mr. Gideon Tembo and Mrs. Vaida Tembo. He is the 5th born in a family of 9, of which only 4 are currently surviving. His father was a Miner and worked for Zambia Consolidated Copper Mines (ZCCM), Nchanga Division in Chingola before his untimely demise in 1989 when SET was 9 years old. President Sean Tembo grew up in Mtendere Compound of Lusaka and he started his primary school in 1986 and completed his Grade 7 as one of the best student at Chitukuko Primary School in Mtendere, Lusaka. He later proceeded to Kabulonga School for Boys in 1993. In his Grade 9 exams, President Sean Tembo was one of the best students in Zambia and was admitted to Hillcrest Technical Secondary School in Livingstone where he completed his Grade 12 in 1997. While at Hillcrest, Mr Sean Tembo was one of the best students and obtained a number of awards and also represented the school in several national JETS Olympiad competitions.

2. In 1999, at the age of 19, Mr Sean Tembo was enrolled in the Bachelor of Accountancy programme at the Copperbelt University (CBU) in Kitwe where he was consistently the best student during his 4 year tenure at the University. While at Copperbelt University, President Sean Tembo enjoyed several best student scholarships including the Citi Bank best student scholarship as well as the Bank of Zambia (BOZ) best student scholarship.

3. During his stay at CBU, President Sean Tembo was the Managing Editor of the Campus Herald Magazine, which was a student magazine with a monthly circulation of about 10,000 copies and was widely distributed to secondary schools in the entire Copperbelt Province. In his 3rd and 4th years at CBU and due to his outstanding academic performance, Sean Tembo was appointed as a Tutor for 1st year students in one of the most difficult courses in the School of Business; BS140, Mathematical Analysis. As a Tutor, he was put on the University payroll and drew a regular monthly salary in addition to the upkeep allowances that he received from the Citi Bank and Bank of Zambia Best Student Scholarships.

4. On completion of his undergraduate degree programme at CBU, President Sean Tembo was the best graduating student and was awarded the Zambia Institute of Chartered Accountants (ZICA) best graduating student award with a cash prize of K1 million (un-rebased). While writing his last examination paper at CBU, Mr Sean Tembo had 7 job offers from reputable companies and institutions including Konkola Copper Mines Plc, PricewaterhouseCoopers, Bank of Zambia, KPMG, Citi Bank, Deloitte and Copperbelt University as an SDF. He eventually settled to join PricewaterhouseCoopers which is an international audit & business advisory services firm, where he worked until 2004.

5. While working at PricewaterhouseCoopers, Mr Sean Tembo was sponsored to go and pursue the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA) qualification by his employer at the Zambia Centre for Accountancy Studies (ZCAS), in Lusaka. While studying for his ACCA at ZCAS, Sean Tembo obtained several worldwide best student awards in various courses and walked away with more than K5 million (un-rebased) in cash prizes from the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants, before completing his ACCA qualification in record time.

6. In 2004 at the age of 24, President Sean Tembo left PricewaterhouseCoopers and founded ENOSYST AM, his own audit & business advisory services firm. In 2005, ENOSYST AM established an office in Gaborone, Botswana and in 2008, a third office was established in Johannesburg, South Africa. The firm specialised in the provision of assurance services such as statutory audits, forensic audits, operational audits etc, as well as economic and financial consultancy services to various clients including governments and quasi-government institutions in Zambia, Zimbabwe, Angola, Kenya, Botswana, Namibia and South Africa. This exposure gave President Sean Tembo a deeper understanding of the social, economic and political landscape of Zambia and the region.

7. In 2008, President Sean Tembo decided to take a short sabbatical leave from running his firm, to pursue a Master of Business Administration (MBA) Degree from the University of Derby in the United Kingdom, where he also graduated as the best student.

8. In 2015 at the age of 35 and after successfully running his firm, in three countries for more than 10 years, Mr Sean E. Tembo MBA, BAcc, FCCA, FCPA, FZICA, decided to partially retire from professional work. He now runs his firm, ENOSYST AM on a part-time basis and also runs a hospitality establishment in Lusaka; Palm Valley Resort which is 62 room facility with conferencing, two restaurants, a Spa and outside catering. He lives on a farm in Ngwerere, in the northern part of Lusaka City where he keeps broiler chickens with a maximum capacity of 60,000 per cycle. President Sean Tembo is happily married to Dr. Lorrita Kabwe-Tembo, a Consultant Cardiologist at UTH and they have five children. He is a devoted Catholic and his hobbies include fishing, safari hunting, playing golf, and is an avid gun collector. He also enjoys an occasional Mosi Lager in the company of good friends.

9. As a contribution to public service, President Sean Tembo has previously served in the Zambia Police Service, Lusaka Division as a Romeo, where he rose to the rank of Assistant Superintendent of Police, before leaving the service in 2013. Despite his limited financial resources, President Sean Tembo has also made several donations to various charities including the sponsorship of a 5 year programme to award cash prizes to best performing students every term at Hillcrest Technical Secondary School in Livingstone, as well as Gaborone Secondary School (GSS) in Gaborone, Botswana. These scholarship programmes, albeit small in nature, had the effect of motivating pupils to achieve higher levels of performance not only in the final grade 12 exams, but throughout their secondary studies.

10. After his semi-retirement at the age of 35 in 2015, and with plenty of time available on his hands, President Sean Tembo decided to contribute to the governance of Zambia by joining active politics. His initial plan was to join an existing political party which advances progressive ideas that have the potential to uplift the living standards of the Zambian people. After reviewing the plans, operations and democratic standing of existing political parties at the time, it soon dawned upon President Sean Tembo that he may have to consider starting a political party from scratch, as nothing that was available appeared tenable.

11. In October 2016, President Sean Tembo organized a number of other progressive Zambians and together they started the process of forming the Patriots for Economic Progress (PeP). The Patriots for Economic Progress (PeP) is a nationalist political party which believes that Zambia can only be developed by Zambians using the abundant Zambian resources. The party was formally registered in the in 2016 in accordance with the Societies Act, Chapter 119 of the Laws of Zambia, and is also duly accredited with the Electoral Commission of Zambia (ECZ). On 18th November 2017, the Party went for a convention that was held at Mulungushi International Conference Centre (MICC), in Lusaka, where Sean Tembo was elected as Party President with a 5 year mandate until November 2022. On 12th August 2021, the party took part in the general elections and came out 13th out of 16 political parties. Subsequent to the general elections, the party has continued to form grassroots structures across all the 10 provinces of Zambia from district to constituency, ward, branch and section level. The Party has also doubled up with its revenue mobilization activities by establishing an online platform where well wishers are able to make donations using mobile money, Visa and Mastercard both from within Zambia as well as from overseas. This initiative has greatly enhanced the Party’s ability to finance its political activities.

12. The Party’s four core values are Patriotism, Accountability, Competence and Courage. The Party’s vision is “to have a Zambia where the poorest person has an average monthly income of US$1,000 inflation is below 5%, average commercial bank lending rates are single digit, the Gini coefficient is less than 0.1, Per capita income is above US$20,000, the least educated citizen has a full grade 12 certificate and Zambians having a life expectancy of not less than 80 years”. President Sean Tembo strongly believes that Zambia has the necessary potential to make this vision a reality.

13. During the PF regime, the party undertook a number of activities to hold the then PF administration accountable, which included the fire tender protests of which 42 were planned and 12 have so far been undertaken. On 7th March 2018, the Police prevented the Party from undertaking its 13th protest against the $42 fire tender scandal, for no valid reasons. Mr Sean Tembo subsequently decided to take the Government to court, on behalf of PeP, under cause number 2018/HP/490, for violating the Party members freedoms, rights and liberties to association, expression and assembly as guaranteed by articles 20 and 21 of the Republican Constitution. President Sean Tembo personally represented PeP in this matter at the High Court, up against the entire Attorney General’s chambers. He won the case and was awarded a total of about K450,000 in damages and costs, which the Government has not paid to date. Ostensibly out of spite.

14. In addition to providing checks and balances, and unlike the majority of other opposition political parties that only point fingers, President Sean Tembo has ensured that the Patriots for Economic Progress has actively been providing alternative solutions to national problems and challenges. In this regard, PeP has so far developed and presented a PeP Alternative 7th National Development Plan, PeP Alternative National Budgets for 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 and 2023.

15. With the PF out of power, President Sean Tembo is positioning PeP to be the main opposition political party to the UPND Government. Already he has been very vocal over President Hakainde Hichilema’s decision for Zambia to get a US$1.4 billion IMF loan and to put the country on an IMF program while at the same time giving mining companies a tax holiday that is costing the treasury approximately US$3.2 billion. President Sean Tembo strongly believe that this is a very retrogressive idea by the UPND administration, and it will bring about untold suffering on the Zambian people. He believes that Zambia has huge potential in all sectors including agriculture, mining, tourism, arts etcetera, and all that we need is a competent President who can convert our country’s huge economic potential into actual wealth for the benefit of Zambians. SET believes that he is that President. With SET, Zambia’s future will be SET ✌️✌️✌️

For more details about Sean Tembo and/or the Patriots for Economic Progress (PeP), please send us an email on [email protected] or visit our website on


The pregnant woman who gave birth while queuing for mealie meal

Should name her child Hakaunga Hakashortage




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