
CCPVirus The Chinese people should not be blamed or targeted for the spread of this virus, but the China Comm

To quote iago the bird from the 1992 animated film Aladdin; “Oh there’s a big surprise, that’s an incred….I think I’m go...

To quote iago the bird from the 1992 animated film Aladdin; “Oh there’s a big surprise, that’s an incred….I think I’m going to have a heart attack and die from that surprise”…..

The established media should hang their heads in shame….

The first human cases of Covid-19 were identified in the Chinese city of Wuhan.

China have the cheek to try and shift the narrative of China’s responsibility for the leaking of the Coronavirus by seek...

China have the cheek to try and shift the narrative of China’s responsibility for the leaking of the Coronavirus by seeking an investigation into US Bio labs. The Chinese now see how weak president Wokie Joe Biden is and how ill he is and they will exploit it to the full.

Chinese officials are turning the tables on the United States by calling for an investigation into federal American bio labs for the discovery of coronavirus...

The truth will eventually emerge slowly slowly, but will indeed emerge!! Explosive stuff here:https://www.israelnational...

The truth will eventually emerge slowly slowly, but will indeed emerge!! Explosive stuff here:

A Chinese official has defected to the USA, and in doing so has brought to light troubling information on the coronavirus.

It’s official, bats were kept at the Wuhan Institute of Virology. And the French involved in a so called joint collabora...

It’s official, bats were kept at the Wuhan Institute of Virology. And the French involved in a so called joint collaboration with China need to come clean on their ejection from China following the completion of the Wuhan Virology lab. Watch the video:

The Wuhan Institute of Virology kept live bats in cages, new footage from inside the facility has revealed, disproving denials from World Health Organisation...

More incriminating evidence that the CCP unleashed the deadly virus on the entire world population in an act of Bio Warf...

More incriminating evidence that the CCP unleashed the deadly virus on the entire world population in an act of Bio Warfare in it’s goal of world domination. Meanwhile back in Washington, Wokie Joe has much more pressing issues to deal with including referring to pregnant women as ‘birthing people’

China used coronavirus to launch biowarfare on the human race in pursuit of its world domination dreams and must be made to pay for it. Watch the video to kn...

Now it’s beginning to emerge:

Now it’s beginning to emerge:

Sky News host Sharri Markson has assessed "chilling" details from a document produced by Chinese military scientists, in which they discussed weaponising SAR...

And we’re doing trade with these scumbags:Chinese citizen journalist jailed over virus reporting

And we’re doing trade with these scumbags:

Chinese citizen journalist jailed over virus reporting

A Chinese citizen journalist was jailed for four years for her livestream reporting from Wuhan as the Covid-19 outbreak unfurled, her lawyer said today, almost a year after details of an "unknown viral pneumonia" surfaced in the central China city.

Ex-head of MI6 Sir Richard Dearlove says coronavirus 'is man-made' and was 'released by accident', but was the result of...

Ex-head of MI6 Sir Richard Dearlove says coronavirus 'is man-made' and was 'released by accident', but was the result of secret experiments in the Wuhan lab on bat Coronaviruses.

Surprise, Surprise!!!!! A previous investigation by the World Health Organisation (WHO) found that the virus jumped from bats to humans at the Wuhan wet market where wild animals are kept in cages and slaughtered for meat. Take a look!!

Sir Richard Dearlove, who was head of the MI6, a role known informally as 'C', from 1999 until 2004, said he believes that Covid-19 is man-made.

This is what the scumbags in the CCP are doing while the globe is dealing with their and Gates’s virus:

This is what the scumbags in the CCP are doing while the globe is dealing with their and Gates’s virus:

Hundreds of Chinese soldiers have reportedly crossed the China-India border in a significant escalation in tensions in the disputed region of Ladakh. Rick Sa...

Here’s a big surprise: the WHO has halted trials of hydroxychlorine as a cure for the CCPVirus because of ‘safety fears’...

Here’s a big surprise: the WHO has halted trials of hydroxychlorine as a cure for the CCPVirus because of ‘safety fears’. Gates’s WHO couldn’t allow those trials because that wouldn’t be a VACCINE!!!
Coronavirus: WHO halts trials of hydroxychloroquine over safety fears

Testing of hydroxychloroquine as a possible coronavirus treatment is suspended by the health agency.


Gates is controlling the narrative on the CCPVIRUS- Covid 19. His main message: You suckers are staying home until you take my vaccine.

I just read the detailed timeline of the leadup to Covid 19, and it is a sorry tale of epic proportions. Let’s take a look at some of the players and phenomena involved in this Gain of function research: This is a new and controversial branch of virology that seeks to genetically alter natural vir...

It’s a very sick and corrupt world we live in. Not only at the hand of the CCP who as you’ll see in this article use cen...

It’s a very sick and corrupt world we live in. Not only at the hand of the CCP who as you’ll see in this article use censorship, dictatorship and fear to suppress the truth, but also in the US where greedy fu***rs with a vested interest in vaccines and the vast amount of money they stand to make from this CCPVirus will manipulate and lie to people because of pure naked greed. God help us.
China's parliament meets amid international scrutiny

China's parliament, the National People's Congress, will begin its annual meeting, after a two-month delay, due to the coronavirus outbreak.

Now the pressure is on, finally. Leadership and balls are required!!

Now the pressure is on, finally. Leadership and balls are required!!

Some more good news on combatting the CCPVirus:

Some more good news on combatting the CCPVirus:

Are we starting to see a c***k of accountability?Coronavirus: WTO head steps down a year early as downturn looms https:/...

Are we starting to see a c***k of accountability?
Coronavirus: WTO head steps down a year early as downturn looms

Roberto Azevedo's exit comes as global trade is expected to slump to historic lows amid the pandemic.

This is the sort of sick nonsense those who follow the Obamas of this world, the extreme left with their politically cor...

This is the sort of sick nonsense those who follow the Obamas of this world, the extreme left with their politically correct bu****it. Bryan Adams is a legend, not a racist. Well done, Bryan. The CCP need to man up and pay for the damage they have caused. And, China should no longer be treated as a normal trading bloc. Between its secretive ways, its dictatorship and the appalling safety standards, you cannot have a level playing field.
Bryan Adams accused of 'anti-Chinese racism' over 'bat-eating' comments

The Canadian rock star went on a rant about the Covid-19 pandemic forcing the cancellation of his London shows this week.

This is the bullying by the CCP over Australia having the balls to open an international enquiry over the origin of the ...

This is the bullying by the CCP over Australia having the balls to open an international enquiry over the origin of the CCPVirus. If they had nothing to hide, they’d welcome such an enquiry.

I am afraid the game is up for the CCP, the WHO and Tedros. This is explosive intelligence. But it all means zilch if no...

I am afraid the game is up for the CCP, the WHO and Tedros. This is explosive intelligence. But it all means zilch if no action is taken against them and they are allowed to carry on as normal after creating a catastrophe.

German publication Der Spiegel published the bombshell claims that come from their country's Federal Intelligence Service known as the 'Bundesnachrichtendienst', or BND.

Well, surprise surprise, the EU caved into the CCP when they were forced to remove a section of a public letter saying t...

Well, surprise surprise, the EU caved into the CCP when they were forced to remove a section of a public letter saying that the CCPVirus originated in China. The EU was useless, is useless and always will be useless. So guess who won’t be behind a coalition of the willing for the serving of reparations on the CCP.

The European Union has excised reference in a public letter that the coronavirus pandemic originated in China, after receiving pressure to do so from the Chinese foreign ministry.

All eyes are on Trump. What will he do about the CCP regime that are now responsible for more deaths in the US than Pear...

All eyes are on Trump. What will he do about the CCP regime that are now responsible for more deaths in the US than Pearl Harbour and 911. Covid-19 worse attack than Pearl Harbor, 9/11 - Trump

President Donald Trump renewed his criticism of China over the global coronavirus pandemic and said it has been worse for the United States than Pearl Harbor and 9/11.

The real truth is emerging now, but whether the CCPVirus was an intentional act or poor standards in safety, the CCP mus...

The real truth is emerging now, but whether the CCPVirus was an intentional act or poor standards in safety, the CCP must pay the price. Have the world powers got the balls to confront the CCP and make them pay reparations??? That’s the question.

The Five Eyes; The US, Canada, the UK, Australia and New Zealand intelligence agencies have exposed a series of cover-up...

The Five Eyes; The US, Canada, the UK, Australia and New Zealand intelligence agencies have exposed a series of cover-ups that we’re deliberate and caused the CCPVirus to spread.
The Five Eyes alliance is an intelligence-sharing pact among the leading English-speaking nations: US, UK, Canada, Australia and New Zealand.
It is one of the most comprehensive pooling of security information in the world and traces its roots to the Second World War, although it was formally founded in 1946.

A leaked 15-page dossier from the 'Five Eyes' intelligence alliance states China's secrecy over the pandemic is an 'assault on international transparency'.

Hopefully this is the start of it. I’m sure the left wing appeasers will try and block it, but what Trump is saying is i...

Hopefully this is the start of it. I’m sure the left wing appeasers will try and block it, but what Trump is saying is in all our interests:
Trump says US may seek damages from China over Covid-19

US President Donald Trump has suggested he may seek damages from China over the coronavirus outbreak, which began in the Chinese city of Wuhan

While we are all focussed on keeping as many of our fellow citizens alive from the CCPVirus, China are busy exploiting t...

While we are all focussed on keeping as many of our fellow citizens alive from the CCPVirus, China are busy exploiting the situation, with very senior arrests of pro democracy personnel in Hong Kong, increased military operations in the South China Sea and the intimidation of Taiwan, Vietnam etc.

Sky News contributor Catherine McGregor says communist China already emerged as a “revisionist power before it delivered COVID-19 to the world”. Ms McGregor ...

The head of the World Health Organisation, needs to resign before any US funding of the WHO is reinstated. The countries...

The head of the World Health Organisation, needs to resign before any US funding of the WHO is reinstated. The countries that ignored this branch of the UN have the least deaths and the cosying up to the CCP by Tedros needs to be outed. Brushing off calls for his resignation is not going to work. No resignation, no reinstatement of funding. In addition, the usefulness of the WHO needs to be forensically examined in light of this CCPvirus.

WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said he hopes the U.S. believes the agency is “an important investment, not just to help others, but for the U.S. to stay safe” amid the pandemic.

This type of division and anger that is surely on the way is exactly what the CCP hopes for. Divide and conquer. Fightin...

This type of division and anger that is surely on the way is exactly what the CCP hopes for. Divide and conquer. Fighting amongst ourselves is the very thing that will allow the CCP off the hook.
Instead what should be happening is that countries should join together in a coalition of the willing and out the lies and deception of the CCP concerning the virus, serve reparation bills on the CCP, refuse to pay debts to the CCP in order to pay for the death and economic misery they have caused and to reduce dependence on China by bringing manufacturing back home. You do this by financially punishing companies who do not comply. I think we have got to a stage where a better product would be produced back home, we might pay more for, but it will last longer. If Germany can do it, why can’t anyone else. We cannot have a dictatorship have so much economic power.

Memo outlines extension of rent freeze and tapering-off of welfare payments

Openness, honesty and the rapid sharing of all known facts are the internationally agreed requirements for any governmen...

Openness, honesty and the rapid sharing of all known facts are the internationally agreed requirements for any government that discovers a viral epidemic emerging within its borders. Herein lies an explosive timeline of coverups and. WHO who took the CCP’s word hook, line and sinker.

Daily Mail writers have documented the audacious cover-up in China that allowed the virus to spread, with deadly consequences for the world...

Australia Demands Coronavirus Enquiry, agrees with Trump on the WHO, has a population of 25.5 million, has 6,586 confirm...

Australia Demands Coronavirus Enquiry, agrees with Trump on the WHO, has a population of 25.5 million, has 6,586 confirmed cases and has 71 deaths, because it didn’t follow WHO guidelines. The WHO has become a CCP pawn.

Australia on Sunday added to growing pressure on China over its handling of the novel coronavirus, questioning its transparency and demanding an international investigation into the origins of the virus and how it spread.

Coronavirus may cause lasting damage throughout body, doctors fearCiting the history of lasting lung damage in SARS and ...

Coronavirus may cause lasting damage throughout body, doctors fear
Citing the history of lasting lung damage in SARS and MERS patients, a team led by University of California, Los Angeles radiologist Melina Hosseiny is recommending that patients who have recovered from COVID-19 get follow-up lung scans “to evaluate long-term or permanent lung damage including fibrosis.” See more here:

For the sickest patients, infection with the new coronavirus is proving to be a full-body assault, causing damage well beyond the lungs.

Here’s the politically correct diplomatic nonsense approach by RTE. I’ll translate. They, the CCP lied through their tee...

Here’s the politically correct diplomatic nonsense approach by RTE. I’ll translate. They, the CCP lied through their teeth and always will.

Virus outbreak city Wuhan raises death toll by 50%

The Chinese city where the coronavirus first emerged raised its death toll by 50%, revealing the epicentre of the global pandemic had been much worse hit than Beijing had previously reported.

It seems to have gotten the West to submit to the point of not wanting to talk about it. Why? because we have sold our s...

It seems to have gotten the West to submit to the point of not wanting to talk about it. Why? because we have sold our souls to the Chinese for cheap products and have created a monster.

Was it the creation of a virology lab, mutation in a bat or a combination? Will we ever know?

And of course you have this going on in Pakistan during the virus. Christians being targeted. I’m guessing the EU which ...

And of course you have this going on in Pakistan during the virus. Christians being targeted. I’m guessing the EU which has sought to eradicate Christianity will not be jumping up and down!!

Jihad Watch reports Christians forced to make Islamic profession of faith to get food aid.

The bell has tolled for a certain globalization without depth, without substance, without reality and without truth, and...

The bell has tolled for a certain globalization without depth, without substance, without reality and without truth, and with it the dominant progressive ideology, the idea that one could ignore what was happening in China, for example, in exchange for its cheap goods.

The virus was a great return to reality. Will we get the message or will we be its victim, and not just physically.




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