I've been like Eve, I've been deceived into believing the lies of the serpent
I've been like Esau, I've had moments of desperation that I've traded my birthright for temporary satisfaction.
I've been like Jacob, I've pretended to be someone else not believing You could bless the real me.
I've been like Moses, I felt so disqualified, I've placed excuses before You.
I've been like Gideon, I've questioned what You said about me by allowing everything else to define me
I've been like Elijah, I've been so consumed with fear. I've hidden in a cave and wanted to die
I've been like Mary Magdalena, I've been rightfully accused by my enemies.
I've been like Martha, I've been so anxious and troubled about many things that I've lost sight of Your presence
I've been like Pharisees, my lips honoring You but my heart being distant from You.
I've been like the prodigal son, I've pardoned from You not realizing You were my most valuable inheritance.
I've been like Peter, I've denied You even when at a point I came to say I'd die for You.
I've been like Saul, I've hated within my heart, which before You is the same as murder
I've been like Thomas, I've doubted and questioned You and haven't walked by faith
I've been like Judas, My sin sold You to that cross
But Jesus,
You've been like me, You've taken my place
You've experienced my weaknesses and griefs
You've been tempted in every way
You've felt heaviness and oppression
You've experienced every fear
You've walked through it all, so that I may now be like You
Every day I'm learning how nothing, absolutely nothing can separate me from Your love
No darkness is too intimidating
No brokenness is too difficult
No wall is too strong
No mountain is too big
No battle is too overwhelming
No sin is too unforgivable
No fear is too powerful
No depression is too hopeless
No problem is too small or too big