Action NH

Action NH A news page for activist groups around New Hampshire to share events and news to other activists and groups around the state.

President Biden must step aside. For the sake of our imperiled climate, for the sake of our democracy, for the sake of o...

President Biden must step aside. For the sake of our imperiled climate, for the sake of our democracy, for the sake of our country, it is time for Biden to end his reelection campaign.

I respect our democratic process and I respect the results of our election. Biden legitimately won the presidency. However Biden is not the same person he was four years ago. Last night made that clear.

Defeating Trump and Trumpism is existentially important for our climate and our democracy. Last night proved President Biden is not up for the job.

In his victory speech four years ago, Biden said “to everything there is a season — a time to build, a time to reap, a time to sow. And a time to heal.”

The time has come for Biden to pass the torch. It harms our democracy and it harms our nation when politicians stay in office beyond their time. Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg’s legacy-defining mistake is that she refused to step down on her own accord and as a result was replaced by Amy Coney Barrett. Senator Dianne Feinstein stayed longer than she was capable of serving and as a result slowed down the pace of judicial confirmations.

If President Biden does not step down his legacy will not be the Inflation Reduction Act. It will not be computer chips. It will be that he handed the Presidency to a profoundly unpopular, twice-impeached, convicted felon who could have been beaten by a different candidate.

-Michael Greenberg
Founder and executive director, Climate Defiance

"Where we are right now is that unless, very quickly, we’ve got Joe Biden no longer at the top of this ticket or on the ...

"Where we are right now is that unless, very quickly, we’ve got Joe Biden no longer at the top of this ticket or on the ticket of the Democratic Party, it is a gold-plated invitation to a victory not only for Trump, but an entire extreme right-wing agenda."
-Norman Soloman

The first 2024 presidential debate between President Biden and former President Trump was held on Thursday night. It marked the first time a sitting president debated a former one. It also marked the two oldest candidates ever to run for president, with a combined age of 159. The 90-minute discussio...

My beloved, activist, never gonna quit spouse ,won a BIG one with the release of Julian Assange from Belmarsh Prison in ...

My beloved, activist, never gonna quit spouse ,won a BIG one with the release of Julian Assange from Belmarsh Prison in the UK.

Assange was the head of WikiLeaks, and was charged under the Espionage Act of 1917 for releasing video footage of US War crimes.

Pic of an article she and fellow activist wrote below.

has become

I did publish my first  and almost nobody seems to have seen it?Go to my FB timeline and scroll down. I'm guessing some ...

I did publish my first and almost nobody seems to have seen it?

Go to my FB timeline and scroll down. I'm guessing some FB algorithm is not happy?

“As proposed, the plan would have detrimental impacts on sustaining traditional forest use, conservation of wildlife hab...

“As proposed, the plan would have detrimental impacts on sustaining traditional forest use, conservation of wildlife habitats, and take a serious economic toll on the North Country. In rejecting this plan, New Hampshire is protecting our treasured outdoors and its traditional use for future generations of Granite Staters.” -Chris Sununu

Sustaining traditional forest use, conservation of wildlife habitats, and "serious economic impact". Gee. I wonder which one of those three things he really cares about?

ALL current forestry science states that clear-cut logging does massive environmental harm. All climate science says that trees are the best carbon sinks, the single best method to mitigate climate impacts.

So when a company proposes to buy a massive northern forest acreage and sustain it indefinitely as a carbon credit-resource-sink, well, that just can't be tolerated. It's just NOT the NH way!

The state has rejected a 10-year forest management plan for the massive Connecticut Lakes Headwaters Tract in Pittsburg, Stewartstown and Clarksville from its new owner, Aurora Sustainable Lands.

WTF? These a-holes are going to get us into WWIII.

WTF? These a-holes are going to get us into WWIII.

Iran’s retaliatory strikes on Israel highlight an America-led regional war spanning Iraq, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, and others.

Do you really trust MSM (mainstream media)?  You should NOT!

Do you really trust MSM (mainstream media)? You should NOT!

"Our greatest responsibility is to serve our..." Media overlords!Found the clip, sharing it here.Reminder: "While it is extremely dangerous to our democracy....

Gaza.  Carpet bombed until 85% of buildings are uninhabitable. The rubble being used as fill to create a port.The totali...

Gaza. Carpet bombed until 85% of buildings are uninhabitable. The rubble being used as fill to create a port.

The totality of destruction precludes an accurate accounting of, and removal of the dead. There are bodies buried in this rubble - men, women, children, infants. Some are Hamas, most, by far, are not. They are being scooped up to become part of the new port's fill.

People persist in calling this a "war". It is not. It is an extermination. Israeli forces are bombing, occupying, starving and killing everyone in Gaza.

Colonialists, occupiers and apartheid regimes do not have the right to defend their occupation and apartheid system; it's the occupied who have all the right in international law to defend themselves and liberate their country.

And, if this is a 'war' - show me the pictures from Israel that look like this.

Y2K through today. Global surface temperature change.

Y2K through today. Global surface temperature change.

Biden fundraiser. Protesters outside, hecklers inside. Obama snaps at hecklers, “You can’t just talk and not listen!" He...

Biden fundraiser. Protesters outside, hecklers inside.

Obama snaps at hecklers, “You can’t just talk and not listen!" He doesn't understand that the reason people protest is because it is the government that has stopped listening, stopped representing the people.

Protesters outside yell, "Enjoy Trump, because we're NEVER voting for Biden!"

A picture of the people standing outside, calling for hope, peace, humanitarian aid - and those same people's representatives, past and present, inside, grinning and patting each other on the back while raking in $25 million.

A disconnect.

"The overwhelming nature and scale of Israel's assault on Gaza and the destructive conditions of life it has inflicted r...

"The overwhelming nature and scale of Israel's assault on Gaza and the destructive conditions of life it has inflicted reveal an intent to physically destroy Palestinians as a group."

"Israel's genocide on the Palestinians in Gaza is an escalatory stage of a long-standing settler colonial process of erasure."

Sent from a friend.

Sent from a friend.

Turning my thoughts and eyes to the survival of as much as can be hoped for, I am developing a Small Community developme...

Turning my thoughts and eyes to the survival of as much as can be hoped for, I am developing a Small Community development project where small groups can organize and coalesce around common goals and shared skills.

If you might be interested in being part of such a community in the event it is beneficial or needed, please message me.

The clock really has run out. Thank you, everyone who stood up for the future. It has been a long and bitter battle- ful...

The clock really has run out. Thank you, everyone who stood up for the future.

It has been a long and bitter battle- full of deceit by the fossil fuel industry, investors, politicians beholden to corporate masters and more.

We have lost.

2°C is unstoppable. 2.5 - 3.0°C are likely. The carrying capacity of the earth falls to under 1 billion at 3.5°C, meaning a reduction of over 80% of the current population level.

I will continue to post articles and information about climate decay- but not in an effort to activate a fight for the future. That ship has sailed.

Please share.

"Fossil fuel pollution is sending climate chaos off the charts," U.N. Secretary-General António Guterres said.

   Add to list:-2023 passed 1.5°C global warming.

Add to list:

-2023 passed 1.5°C global warming.

A warrior is one who fights for family, friends and beliefs.

A warrior is one who fights for family, friends and beliefs.

9 months of record global temps. We're giving birth to a climate catastrophe. +2°C is in sight.This is NOT GOOD.

9 months of record global temps. We're giving birth to a climate catastrophe. +2°C is in sight.

This is NOT GOOD.

All the misinformation, deception, and outright lies told to you by the foresters to justify the clear-cutting of our fo...

All the misinformation, deception, and outright lies told to you by the foresters to justify the clear-cutting of our forests:
-We need to create age diversity in the forest. (Cutting a forest means all the new trees are exactly the same age)
-We are creating better habitat for wildlife. (There are 60,000 species in a New England Forest. Fewer than 300 species, or 0.5%, benefit from current forest practices.)
-We are reducing the risk of wildfire. (The huge piles of slash, unwanted logs, and the dry grasses that move into cut areas increase the risk of wildfires.)
-Younger forests sequester more carbon. (Wrong - all research shows mature forests sequester, by far, the most carbon.)

Forests managed themselves without human "help" for millennia.

From UMBRELLA:  WE NEED A REVOLUTION. What's The Plan?The system is f*cked, politics is failing, and we need a revolutio...


The system is f*cked, politics is failing, and we need a revolution.

This year:
☂️ A new organisation, Umbrella, has that revolutionary purpose, 4 projects sit under it:
🔥 Just Stop Oil will disrupt high profile events, and take action at airports.
🔥 A democracy project, Assemble, will be launched to create a 'People's House'.
🔥 Robin Hood will act in the social and economic space.
🔥 Young people will take action in a new campaign demanding an end to genocide in Palestine and globally.

This system is fu**ed, politics is failing us, we need a revolution or we really do face rule by ‘the mob’. As we pass through 1.5C of heating to 2C and then the predicted 3C in the lifetime of many alive today, we will lose all we cherish and value. Our treasured landscapes, the rule


This system is fu**ed, politics is failing us, we need a revolution or we really do face rule by ‘the mob’. As we pass through 1.5C of heating to 2C and then the predicted 3C in the lifetime of many alive today, we will lose all we cherish and value. Our treasured landscapes, the rule

In retrospect, using the 1.5 degree temperature rise as the key metric of whether climate action was working may have be...

In retrospect, using the 1.5 degree temperature rise as the key metric of whether climate action was working may have been a bad idea, he said.

“It’s language nobody really understands, unfortunately, outside of science,” he said. ”You always have to explain that 1.5 means a climate we can adapt to and manage the consequences, 2 degrees of heating is really dangerous, and 3 means collapse of civilization.”

-Reinhard Steurer
University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna.

Most of the public seems unaware that global temperatures will soon push past the target to which the U.N. hoped to limit warming, but researchers see social and psychological crises brewing.


Schizophrenia; Noun

When the military supplying weapons for a genocide also air drops aid to prevent that genocide.

At LEAST 112 Dead and 760 Wounded as   open fire on  , Palestinians, in Gaza, who were ON LINE waiting for aid to feed t...

At LEAST 112 Dead and 760 Wounded as open fire on , Palestinians, in Gaza, who were ON LINE waiting for aid to feed themselves and their loved ones.

We need a permanent .

The barbarity just will not relent, is in fact, getting worse and worse. !

The slaughter must end. We must end the oppression and colonization, starting with ending the ! !

UN aid chief “appalled” at Israeli attack that killed at least 112 Palestinians waiting for food aid in Gaza.

"Many of us like to ask ourselves, 'What would I do if I was alive during slavery? Or the Jim Crow South? Or apartheid? ...

"Many of us like to ask ourselves, 'What would I do if I was alive during slavery? Or the Jim Crow South? Or apartheid? What would I do if my country was committing genocide?'

The answer is, you're doing it."

"Many of us like to ask ourselves, 'What would I do if I was alive during slavery? Or the Jim Crow South? Or apartheid? What would I do if my country was committing genocide?' The answer is, you're doing it."

 Oh, that Jill Stein. Conspiring with Putin.

Oh, that Jill Stein. Conspiring with Putin.

Finally - an entrepreneur who makes some sense.He is designing/investing in hydrogen production plants where water is co...

Finally - an entrepreneur who makes some sense.

He is designing/investing in hydrogen production plants where water is converted into H2 and 02 using electrolysis - and the electricity is generated from solar.
In the arsenal of solutions to curb carbon emissions that are cooking the planet and warping weather patterns, none holds more promise than energy-rich green hydrogen — made from just water and electricity. But it’s much costlier than the fossil fuel-generated variety that accounts for nearly all of a global hydrogen market worth more than $120 billion.

Raffi Garabedian and David Eaglesham, who spent years working to make large-scale solar power affordable for utilities, see a massive opportunity to do the same with green hydrogen. If they’re right, Electric Hydrogen, a startup they launched in 2021, could be profitable within a few years and, more importantly, help attain an audacious goal: cleaning up dirty industries that make things like ammonia, chemicals, petroleum products and steel. They want to build behemoth green fuel refineries near plants that use it, powered with renewable energy.

It’s green hydrogen for “industrial decarbonization,” CEO Garabedian told Forbes. To do that, “you have to have a really cheap (hydrogen-generating) electrolyzer and you have to have cheap renewables. And if you’re not grid-tied, renewables in the right place are dirt cheap.”

Join us tonight for Peace & Justice Conversations: Ending Homelessness is Possible! A Talk with CCEH Ex. Dir. Ellen Groh...

Join us tonight for Peace & Justice Conversations: Ending Homelessness is Possible! A Talk with CCEH Ex. Dir. Ellen Groh

Ending Homelessness is Possible! with Ellen Groh Ellen will give a brief overview of homelessness and discussion solutions that are working and the Concord Coalition to End Homelessness approach to ending homelessness in Concord. Ellen has served as Executive Director since February, 2014. She has a...

Please join us Monday, October 25, 7 pm Eastern for Peace & Justice Conversations.  Our special guest will be Jim Kates,...

Please join us Monday, October 25, 7 pm Eastern for Peace & Justice Conversations. Our special guest will be Jim Kates, who volunteered for the Mississippi Summer Project in 1964 after his freshman year at Wesleyan University, and spent that summer helping to implement a special court order encouraging voter registration in Panola County.
Free and open to all.

Voter suppression has a long history in the United States, beginning with Reconstruction and dominating Southern politics during the first half of the twentieth century. The "Freedom Summer" of 1964 in Mississippi was a key confrontation with the tactics and system of voter suppression. Jim Kates wa...




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