That mask WILL fall. It's only a matter of time.
Have you noticed that the Narcissist treats their new supply sources quite differently than they are currently treating you? I did. Have you thought there was something wrong with you because of that? I did.
Let me be the first to say that no, there is NOTHING wrong with you. There is everything wrong though with the Narcissist.
Narcissists treat their new supply sources like gold because the Narcissist needs to "pull the wool over" the supply's eyes. The Narcissist needs to get the supply source to think they are the "greatest thing since sliced bread."
But why?
It boils down to Lovebombing and Mirroring. The Narcissist needs to create an image of themselves that will give off the sense that they are the most desirable person in the world. They need to make themselves appear attractive, friendly and successful.
How else would they be able to lure their prey in? If they showed all their cards right away, they'd never get supply sources. No, instead they have to play the long game and be kind, gentle and loving at first.
When the NX first started love-bombing the new supply, I thought that he was treating her so much better than me. He would put her up on such a pedestal. He would brag on social media about how he found his soulmate, how she kept the monster within him at bay, and even how she helped him pick up the pieces from being the poor victim from a previous relationship (aka me). (I saw all of this before I had the strength to block him on social media.) I thought why is she getting the red carpet treatment, while I was getting the abuse? What was wrong with me? Was it all me? Was he right that I was the problem?
NO! I was not the problem. And neither are you, my warrior survivor friends. There is NOTHING wrong with you and you are not the problem. They are the ones with the problem. They are the ones who carry on the charade and wear masks to make it seem like they are a great catch. They are the ones who are Mirroring the new supply and copying their every mannerism, likes, dislikes, etc. They are ones who create a fake persona.
Bottom line
Narcissists need to have their supply sources think of them as gods. Otherwise, everyone would be able to see right through them. Instead, the Narcissists create a fake persona to lure their supply sources into their web of deceit. That's why the supply sources think the Narcissists are so amazing - because the Narcissist creates that image.
What have been your experiences with the new supply source thinking the Narcissist is the most wonderful person ever?
Meme via All Signs of Abuse...