Jamie S Botham

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Jamie S Botham On a journey to live an adventure based lifestyle while running my online business… Care to join?

Wait...what? So winter isn't over yet?It may be the end of April, but Monday morning fresh face shots are still a thing ...

Wait...what? So winter isn't over yet?

It may be the end of April, but Monday morning fresh face shots are still a thing here in Whistler 🙌

Mother nature giving us a few final gifts before the end of season 👌

Who else is still out there enjoying the snow?

⛰ You can't give your life more time ⛰So make sure you give your time more lifeTrying to squeeze in a few last summer hi...

⛰ You can't give your life more time ⛰
So make sure you give your time more life

Trying to squeeze in a few last summer hikes before the rainy season sets in. Didn't quite get the full views this time due to cloud, but was still another great day, and a good excuse to come back again to attempt it for sunrise👌🌄

I always feel so much more accomplished at the end of a week when I can look back and see how I spent it on days like this.

Yes walking the next day was a little painful as it was a pretty steep one 😫

And I admit that when the third pic was taken, I was scared as fu**k! Barely able to stand up because my legs were shaking going over that part of the ridge line because of the drop below. Good job I had my mountain goat buddies with me so I couldn't back out 😅

I wouldn't have had it any other way!

Keep the adventure rolling!! 🙌

Never shy away from a chance to challenge yourself ✌When did you last overcome an intimidating challenge that pushed you...

Never shy away from a chance to challenge yourself ✌

When did you last overcome an intimidating challenge that pushed your limits of what you thought possible?

Our comfort zones often feel pretty good and are easy to cling to, but you ARE capable of so much more! There is no cap on personal potential, but you have to be willing to constantly test your limits. Wouldnt you want to see how far you can go on this journey?

Every time you overcome a challange, you strengthen your mindset of what you previously thought was possible, teaching a little more about your identity.

Challenges give you inspiration for what passions and goals you want to pursue in life. Every success gives you that great feeling of achievement, and a desire to keep pushing... to keep chasing that feeling of accomplishment.

Throughout life you will be constantly presented with challenges. Dont view them as problems. See them as opportunities to learn something new, see things in a new manner, or become better at something...overall become a better you.

Always continue to push yourself further today, to set you up for the challenges tomorrow 🙌

If you want to predict the future...🌅Create it.Sunset signifies the ending of the day. For me, it is a time of reflectio...

If you want to predict the future...


Create it.

Sunset signifies the ending of the day. For me, it is a time of reflection.

What was I happy with today, what could I have done better.

What did you accomplish today that makes you happy to think about?

What would you have done differently?

But don't think for too long on this, because for now the day is done. No more can be said or changed about it.

The sun will rise again. A new day will begin. This is what you should now be looking towards. Why?

Tomorrow hasn't been written yet.

Tomorrow can be what ever you decide it will be.

Every day brings new opportunities.

What you choose to do with them is up to you.

So yes, you can predict the future if you wish to.

Imagine what you want your future to look like....and go about creating it.

Dreaming of paradise?Why simply dream it, when you can be living it?The only thing standing in your way of making dreams...

Dreaming of paradise?

Why simply dream it, when you can be living it?

The only thing standing in your way of making dreams your reality...is your own limiting beliefs. Nothing more.

If you want to change your reality, you must first change your mindet. Stop finding reasons why you can't, and start focusing on reasons why you should.

Be inspired by those out there that dared to face their limiting beliefs, and go chasing their dreams. If they can do it, then why not you?

You will never realise how capable you truely are, until you push yourself further than you believe possible.

Your version of paradise is out there...are you gonna go find it? ✌

If you can dream it...you can do it 🙌I have spent quite a few winters sliding down mountains now. I really couldn't imag...

If you can dream it...you can do it 🙌

I have spent quite a few winters sliding down mountains now. I really couldn't image doing anything else! To think though, that growing up I never would have pictured standing on top of this mountain and calling it my home.

I had always loved snowboarding, right from playing Cool Boards 3 on Playstation as a kid. But always thought that snowboarding was just something you could do for a week's holiday if you were rich enough. It wasn't until I was backpacking through Cambodia, that I got talking to a lass that lived at a ski resort in Romania.

She talked about how it is popular for travelers to go to resorts and work there for the whole season, and then they get to ski during there time off. This may seem obvious now, but at the time it was completely novel idea to me 💡 ...and so I was introduced to the idea of working winter seasons.

Once I was opened up to this possibility, it wasn't long before I got things in motion, and that same year I found myself in France spending my first days bruising every part of my body learning to board....
I was instantly hooked!

The journey continued as I chased new winter adventures over in Canada. I eventually found my way to Whistler, where I have now been for the past 5 years.

Snowboarding, and being around mountains in general has become such a key aspect in my life now, it is a major part of what defines me as a person. It is hard to imagine where in life I would be right now if I hadn't been open to chasing that dream when I saw an opportunity arise.

Dreams don't have to simply remain dreams. Be open to the possibilities out ther that the world offers. And then don't be afraid to take a chance and go make s**t happen! ✌

The world is starting to open back up.... where do you want to go? 🌎✌🌎There may still be snow up on the mountains to pla...

The world is starting to open back up.... where do you want to go? 🌎✌🌎

There may still be snow up on the mountains to play with, but as the days are getting longer and feeling warmer, my mind is drifting towards future travel plans 🤔

As much as I am at home in the mountains... I do miss a good sandy beach 😎

Who can guess, in what country this pic was taken?

Adventure is a mindsetIt's tough. It's resilient. It's ready to take what ever the world can throw.It's the ability to a...

Adventure is a mindset

It's tough. It's resilient. It's ready to take what ever the world can throw.

It's the ability to adapt, and thrive in an ever changing environment.

To be adventurous Is not simply a case of scaling the highest peaks, or traveling to a diffrent continent every week.

It's about embracing the unknown. Accepting that there is uncertainty ahead, but it's the challange of overcoming this uncertainty, that drives you to do it.

You want to push yourself to see what you are capable of. To achieve something new.

To live a life full of excitement and adventure, you must first dedicate yourself to working on cultivating an adventurous mindset. This will lay the foundations to your journey, and help to overcome the seemingly impossible 🙌✌

I challange you...

To do one thing every day this week...one adventurous thing.

And by this, I mean something new to you. It can be something as simple as -Changing up your morning routine (or making one)
-Riding your bike to work instead of driving. Listen to a new podcast
-Start reading a self development book

Small changes like this may not seem too adventurous, but it's all about getting your brain warmed up and open to the idea of trying new things. The more success tmyou have in implementing these small changes, the more you will begin to crave bigger challenges 🙌

"Of all the paths you take in life...Make sure a few of them are dirt" 👌[John Muir] - Who agrees? 🙌I always love looking...

"Of all the paths you take in life...
Make sure a few of them are dirt" 👌

[John Muir] - Who agrees? 🙌

I always love looking back throuh travel photos. Seeing all the diffrent places I've been. Thinking about what chain of events occurred to lead me to experience them.

I've tried to never stick to one direct path in life. There are always so many side trails to explore, chances to wander off the beaten path to one's less traveled.

Don't always take the path of least resistance. Challange yourself to follow your heart sometimes, instead of the one paved for you by others.

Of all the diffrent paths I've taken so far, walking ones like this out in the Rockies have always been my favorite. Out in nature, surrounded by mountains. Spending days like this are where I feel most like my life is heading in the right direction...even when they occasionally have a Grizzly bear waiting ahead for us 🤣

What are some of your favorite paths you have taken?

⛰ Life is better outside......Agree or disagree?Rain or shine, snow or no snow...or more rain 🤔. There is no such thing ...

⛰ Life is better outside......
Agree or disagree?

Rain or shine, snow or no snow...or more rain 🤔. There is no such thing as bad weather, only diffrent types of good weather 😁. Every day is the chance to choose a diffrent adventure.

So the snow (lack of) here at the moment has been a bit of a bummer. But hey, at least it's the perfect chance to get the bike out and get an early start exploring some trails!

Remember that life is what you make it! Every day is a gift. Its for you to decide what to make with it! ✌

Journey the world not just with open eyes...but also an open mind 😶Do you travel the world to see new sights, or to see ...

Journey the world not just with open eyes...but also an open mind 😶

Do you travel the world to see new sights, or to see life in a different way?

We often tend to stand firm on the view points that we feel are right, created from growing up in our own environment that becomes comfortable to us.

The problem with this though, is that we limit ourselves to what we believe possible... stalling our individual growth and development in life's journey.

The world is an ever-changing environment. The best way to adapt, grow and experience, is to open your mind up to embrace all the different possibilities out there.

So when you travel and explore different areas of the globe, yes you will see new beautiful sights. But try not to simply see these through the same set of eyes.

Being able to see things differently with an open mind is key to being able to challange and change your mindset, which is vital to taking action on creating change in your life.

"An open minded person sees life without boundaries, whereas a close-minded person can only see what's beyond their eyes" - Byron Katie.

Hey Earth, you are looking pretty fine 👌Remeber guys, the Earth is one thing we all have in common. Its there for us all...

Hey Earth, you are looking pretty fine 👌

Remeber guys, the Earth is one thing we all have in common. Its there for us all to enjoy and appreciate every day. Let's all do our bit to take care of it, as it's the only one we are getting!

I've been fortunate to see a lot of amazing sights on this rock so far....and I plan to see many more before my time is up!

This little spot will always hold a special place in my heart. I spent the summer here, finishing off my first year that I lived in Canada. I hadn't even herd of Jasper until about a week before I rocked up. I instantly fell in love with the place!

So happy everyone, let's see some more amazing pics of what this planet has to offer...I want to know what your special place is??

⛰ Think outside. No box required ⛰Its easy for us to get stuck in our own ways, repeating the same life day to day. A lo...

⛰ Think outside. No box required ⛰

Its easy for us to get stuck in our own ways, repeating the same life day to day.
A lot of the time we arn't even present, simply running on autopilot.

Some of the best experiences in life come from unique moments, deviations from your 'normal' life.

Let go of your mental constraints controlling your default way of reasoning. Only then will you realise that you always have the option to create your own path.

The world can be viewed by so many diffrent angles. Don't get fixated simply by what you can see in front of you right now.

Take the risk, head off the beaten path... enjoy the journey ✌

A little reminder that dreams require action to become reality 👌What is something that you think/ talk about a lot, but ...

A little reminder that dreams require action to become reality 👌

What is something that you think/ talk about a lot, but for what ever reason, never seem to manage to do?

We all have dreams. What sets us apart is our level of determination, dedication and self- discipline.

Dreams CAN become your reality. But they don't just happen when you wake up. You must be willing to create a vision on HOW you plan to make it happen, and then have the dedication to follow through and actually DO that plan, no matter what!

"You are what you do, not what you say you'll do" - Carl Jung

Procrastination is something that will likely be familiar to all of us in some regard. Tomorrow very quickly becomes nex...

Procrastination is something that will likely be familiar to all of us in some regard.

Tomorrow very quickly becomes next week. All of a sudden next week becomes next year.

Creating the right mindset is key to breaking this cycle 🙇‍♂️

We have all been there...but it is those of us that start today, that will succeed.

Sunet, snacks, buddies and beer, any better way to watch the day dissappear?Good ol mother nature delivering the goods a...

Sunet, snacks, buddies and beer, any better way to watch the day dissappear?

Good ol mother nature delivering the goods again this evening 👏

It will never cease to amaze me what a few hours outside can do to change my frame of mind. A great reminder of what I have to be grateful for, being able to spend evenings like this.

Paradise doesn't have to be a tropical beach...these mountain sunsets do it just fine for me 👌

What has your favorite spot been to watch sunset?

They say that you should do whatever is good for your soul, right?Well, this... this is what is good for my soul!Just go...

They say that you should do whatever is good for your soul, right?

Well, this... this is what is good for my soul!

Just got back from a few days snowboarding in the backcountry, and what an experience for my first multi day touring trip.

Being able to create the time to get out of town to have adventures like this is exactly the way I want to be living my life, and so is what I am currently working on making my priority.

More adventures like this to come please ✌

If I never pushed myself out of my comfort zone, I would only ever have dreamt about being in places like this. Sunsets ...

If I never pushed myself out of my comfort zone, I would only ever have dreamt about being in places like this.

Sunsets are such a peaceful time. A time to reflect. How far I have come in life, what challenges I have over come. What can the future hold for me if I keep pushing myself?

Dont let yourself get too content. There is so much more out there! You just need to keep make those steps.




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