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Optimize your account to rank in LinkedIn's search engine

☑️ You can't get away from optimizing everything these days.
☑️ It seems that you spend more and more time making your pages, social accounts, and even YouTube channel optimized for internal searches.
☑️ LinkedIn is no different in that you have to optimize your account and content for the best results.
☑️ Everything in today's world is based upon an algorithm.
☑️ It's our job to make sure our profiles and pages show up when a person searches for them.
☑️ If it's not your profile, then someone else is getting all the traffic.


Don’t let product descriptions drain your time

☑️ If you operate an online store, then you need product descriptions.
☑️ Every product that you sell must have a unique description.
☑️ It’s never a good idea to use descriptions provided by who you’re buying the products from. Why?
☑️ Google will see it as duplicate content, and your site will be penalized.
☑️ The most likely scenario is that the page won’t rank for the keywords you’re aiming for.
☑️ If that’s the case, then you’re missing out on a huge opportunity to receive free traffic.
☑️ Your business can’t survive, and it won’t thrive if your site is full of duplicate text.


Mobile devices take longer to load large images

☑️ The real concern is less about desktop users, but those who are on mobile devices.
☑️ A person using a desktop probably has a fast connection.
☑️ Those people using a mobile phone, on the other hand, will more than likely have a slower connection.
☑️ They will hit the back button if your page doesn't load quickly enough.
☑️ If that happens, then Google will see it and think your site is of low quality.
☑️ You may have great content, but that's not the way Google will see it.
☑️ They know if people are quickly leaving your site and you want to do anything in your power to make sure users stay as long as possible.


View your content through the eyes of a follower

☑️ Try to think of yourself as someone who is following your account.
☑️ What types of content would you like to see?
☑️ What would you be most likely to share with others?
☑️ It's when you answer these vital questions that you begin to understand the needs of your followers.
☑️ Your job is to meet those needs, and success is right around the corner when you do.
☑️ There is no way to go viral on LinkedIn or any other platform without meeting the needs of the user.
☑️ The difference between LinkedIn and Facebook is that you're not trying to meet the entertainment needs of others.
☑️ It's strictly business here, and anything short of that won't yield the type of results that you're after.


Zero in on a social networking site

☑️ Instagram right now is hot, and many businesses are focusing on it.
☑️ You may find that Facebook or another social platform works best for your business.
☑️ It’s a good idea to make one platform your primary focus and to spend most of your energy with it.
☑️ That’s not to say your social media manager shouldn’t post to all the platforms.
☑️ They should, but the vast majority of their time should be focused on one platform with the intent of increasing your exposure.
☑️ It’s a challenging task, and it takes someone with quite a bit of discipline and focus to pull it off.


Why do you care about the size of your images?

☑️ Images that are too big take too long to load.
☑️ That's it in a nutshell.
☑️ Your site will load slowly because of the images.
☑️ Google cares about how fast your site loads and slow pages won't rank very well.
☑️ This is one of those things that may be holding your site back without you ever knowing about it.
☑️ Another reason why you should care is because of the amount of bandwidth your site uses.
☑️ Bandwidth usage today is far less of a concern than what it once was.
☑️ The reason for that is that bandwidth is now much cheaper than it used to be.
☑️ Though, if you have a high traffic site, not optimizing your images will cost you quite a bit of money in overage charges.


Video is where the money is

☑️ The addition of video will do more than help your posts get more viral traffic.
☑️ It will also help you increase your profitability on LinkedIn.
☑️ Profit matters no matter if you're spending money on advertising or not.
☑️ Is there really profit on social media if you don't invest advertising money?
☑️ Well, the short answer to that question is yes.
☑️ Time is money, and you have to invest it if you're going the free route.
☑️ You want to receive the highest profits possible, no matter if you're investing with your time or money.
☑️ A massive mistake people make is under valuing their time.
☑️ You'll never get ahead in life if you value your time less than you do money.


Don’t hire someone who claims to be an expert at all social media

☑️ You probably don’t spend all of your waking hours on Facebook.
☑️ The perfect social media manager for Facebook does.
☑️ The world of social media is vast, and it includes, Twitter, Tumblr, Pinterest, and Facebook.
☑️ Along with all of those social networking sites, there are other places like Reddit.
☑️ A person can’t be an expert at Facebook and Twitter.
☑️ Why not? Well, no rule says someone can’t be good at both.
☑️ But, usually, someone is good at one social platform and mediocre at best on the others.
☑️ That’s because people tend to use the platform that appeals to them the most.
☑️ A social media manager probably spends all of their free time hanging out on the same platform they work all day with.


Does Image Size Matter In SEO?

☑️ There are free options to do this online, or you can use Photoshop to crunch the size of your images.
☑️ You want your images to be as lightweight as possible without suffering any quality loss.
☑️ It sounds like an impossible task, but it isn't.
☑️ There's plenty of software on the market today that can do this for you.
☑️ It's just a matter of a few clicks, and the entire process is done.
☑️ You should optimize every single image to make sure that they are as small as can be made.


Take advantage of rich media

☑️ You've heard the term rich media being tossed around like a hot potato. What does it mean?
☑️ Rich media is a term that often refers to pictures, videos, or graphics.
☑️ The most common form of rich media is videos.
☑️ Though, a close second runner up is pictures.
☑️ You can't have social media without either pictures or videos.
☑️ People become bored quickly, reading only text.
☑️ That's why you see the most popular posts on social media either have a picture or a video in them.
☑️ Rarely does an all-text post go viral in today's high bandwidth online world.


Anything involving social media can be outsourced

☑️ Social media is a big waste of time.
☑️ The results don’t justify spending the amount of time it takes to get noticed on social media.
☑️ Your time is far too valuable to spend liking cat pictures and responding to every message you receive.
☑️ Now you can probably see where all of this is heading.
☑️ You don’t need to sit at the computer and read every message your customers send.
☑️ This is an excellent task to outsource.
☑️ You do want to make sure that whoever you outsource the task to is familiar with the platform you’re trying to conquer.


If their site gets penalized, your site may as well

☑️ Some sellers could care less about the number of links they sell on their sites.
☑️ It's not surprising in the least that every link on a page has been sold to someone.
☑️ What happens if a website or a whole network of sites end up getting penalized by Google?
☑️ Your site could be harmed as well.
☑️ You don't want to risk your site being penalized because of one stupid thing.
☑️ Paying for links is the easy way out, and it will have a devastating impact on your ability to earn money if Google catches on.
☑️ If you're thinking about buying links, stop dead in your tracks and get to work on building quality content people will link to.


Get to know people by their name

☑️ Don't make the mistake of knowing them by their handle or nickname.
☑️ You need to remember both their first and last names.
☑️ Refer to them as their name when you're dealing with them.
☑️ Also, don't be afraid to set up a business lunch with the people you meet on LinkedIn.
☑️ Do your best to get to know them as personally as possible.
☑️ Business is a very personal sport, and you need to take away the anonymity of the internet.
☑️ See people as living creatures, and you will begin to treat them as such.
☑️ It's a small hack in the world of business that will have enormous consequences down the line for your financial future.
☑️ If you can deal with people on a personal level, it'll give you the upper hand because that's how humans like to be treated.
☑️ It's when you act like people are a number that they forget you and your business.


Past performance is indicative of future results

☑️ Don’t hesitate to ask whoever you’ll outsource your SEO work to show you what they’ve done in the past.
☑️ They should provide you with sites and keywords that they rank for. If you’re shelling out big bucks, it might be a good idea to also talk to a few of their past clients.
☑️ You have that right, and you should be suspicious if the SEO expert has any problems with you being so.
☑️ This is one of those areas where a person must prove themselves worthy of your business.
☑️ You can’t accept on blind faith that someone will do what they claim.
☑️ The internet is full of rip off artists who are looking to make a fast buck off of their next victim.


Private blog networks or PBNs are the worst

☑️ So, you just found a seller on a black hat forum who has tons of links for sale.
☑️ They have all kinds of blogs in almost every niche you can think of.
☑️ The person has what they call a private blog network and will sell you links if the price is right.
☑️ First off, the person doesn't have a private blog network.
☑️ It can't be private if he's selling the links to you.
☑️ It's only private if no one knows about it.
☑️ Does that make sense? These networks of sites tend to be very low quality.
☑️ The link you receive will more than likely be on a blog with questionable content.
☑️ The blog itself may contain spun content or is written by people who aren't native English speakers.
☑️ Your link on a low-quality site will have little benefit, and it could end up hurting you in the long run.


It's all about building relationships

☑️ You can't think of a site like LinkedIn and see it only as a numbers game.
☑️ You must build individual relationships to get the most out of this social networking site.
☑️ Anything short of that and you're missing the point.
☑️ People do business with other people, and you need to know as many of them as possible.
☑️ The success or failure of someone often lies in who they know.
☑️ If you don't know the right people, you're never going to succeed in life.
☑️ LinkedIn allows you to know the right people.
☑️ You can connect with them right on the platform and set up business deals locally or on the internet.


Don’t worry if they are from another country

☑️ The immediate reaction many have to hiring someone from another country to do local SEO is that they’re not going to know what to rank your site for.
☑️ A person who is an expert at local SEO will do all the research required to know not only the businesses in your area but all the jargon used as well.
☑️ It’s a good idea to make sure they’re aware of any slang that is associated with your business.
☑️ But, generally speaking, someone who is an expert at ranking local business sites will do enough research to know what you should be ranking for.
☑️ They will do that by analysing what your competitors rank for and then make changes so that your site competes for those keywords as well.


Why Paying For Backlinks Can Penalize Your Site

☑️ Many website owners fall into the trap of buying links from other people.
☑️ This is dangerous for many reasons, but the most important reason of all is that it's against Google's rules.
☑️ If you are caught doing anything to manipulate their results unjustly, your site will be penalized.
☑️ How will Google find out if you buy links?
☑️ Honestly, it's entirely possible that Google will never find out.
☑️ That's a risk you take.
☑️ Google is always on the lookout for anything that looks suspicious.
☑️ Every hour of the day, Google is crawling the web and indexing everything.
☑️ It's difficult to keep anything from a company that has so many resources.


Work hard at developing relationships with people on the platform

☑️ Follower counts don't matter. Not at all.
☑️ How many of you are shocked to read those last two sentences?
☑️ If you're shocked by them, then you have an old school mentality when it comes to social media.
☑️ Back in the day, people only cared about the number of followers you had.
☑️ The number of followers must have meant that you were doing something right.
☑️ The truth is, the number of people who follow your count is meaningless.
☑️It means nothing at all to have thousands of followers if they don't propel you in some way.


Target customers in your hometown by outsourcing local SEO

☑️ You may have a product or service that is geared only towards those who are in your local area.
☑️ How do you get the word out about your business?
☑️ It can be a confusing mess trying to rank in Google for local keywords.
☑️ You don’t have the time to learn how to do all that.
☑️ You run a business, and it needs all the TLC you can give it.
☑️ This is where a local SEO specialist comes in real handy.
☑️ They will get your site to rank for local keywords, and that should drive customers to your business.
☑️ It doesn’t matter where the person lives that does the local SEO for you.
☑️ They can be from around the world or someone where you live.
☑️ Though, you may find that someone living in a different location will work for less money.


Finding the right people can make all the difference

☑️ Tech is one of those things that doesn’t require you to be in one part of the world.
☑️ The person who keeps an eye on the security of your server doesn’t need to live in Silicon Valley.
☑️ If anything, it’s best to hire someone who lives in a developing country.
☑️ They will work for a cheaper rate.
☑️ You will also be able to hire them to do more things since they work for less.
☑️ Security when it comes to the internet knows no language or region.
☑️ A person in Pakistan can protect your server and update your scripts just as well as someone in California.
☑️ The only difference you’ll notice is how much money you have left in your wallet when hiring someone from a different country.


Don't expect a massive bump from resource

☑️ It may take the links awhile to have any impact on your rankings.
☑️ Don't be surprised if the links have no impact on your rankings at all.
☑️ It all goes back to the authority of the domain and the page itself.
☑️ Google ranks domains and pages both, and the link may not be worth much to them.
☑️ Though, it might bring you a little bit of traffic if many people visit the resource page.
☑️ Getting links on resource pages should only be one of the many things you do as a form of outreach to get links into your site.
☑️A varied approach is always best when it comes to diversifying your backlink profile.


Not all content is worthy of being sponsored

☑️ Content production is a lot like music in the sense that not every song is a hit.
☑️ You need to have a firm grip on reality to understand that some of your content is a flop.
☑️ Also, sometimes, the content you post isn't worthy of promotion.
☑️ Save your money and promote only what you feel is the best content.
☑️ Sometimes you'll know what content is worthy of sponsoring by the time you're done creating it.
☑️ There will also be those times when a piece of content unexpectedly takes off, and that too is a good candidate for sponsoring.
☑️ The entire purpose of sponsoring your content is so that it gets in front of as many people as possible.


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