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Call To Prayer

Title: The Healing Power of Love

By: Daniel Peter

Date: 15.11.2023

_Jesus reached out his hand and touched the man. “I am willing,” he said. “Be clean!” Immediately he was cleansed of his leprosy.
Matthew 8:3 NIV

Reading through the miracles of Jesus, we can't but notice the direct relationship between His compassion and the miracles He performed. This compassion, which flows from the river of love within His heart, made Him look past the religious people of His days and all the risks they pose to heal people, even on the Sabbath.

The apex of His miracles that highlighted His great love for the people was the healing of the leprous man (Matt. 1:40 -45, Luke 5:12-16). Leprosy is a disease that is contagious, and because of this, there are regulations in the Law Moses gave the children of Israel to separate those with leprosy from the community. Usually, you find these people at the outskirts of the society and the Israelites were not supposed to make physical contact with these ones. Despite his condition, the Bible recorded that Jesus Christ touched Him before healing him (Matt. 8:3). Now, that touch wasn't necessary, and He could have waited until He healed him before touching him. That touch was Christ showing acceptance and love for one who has been rejected by the society because of his health condition. The touch healed the feeling of rejection in his heart as His word healed the physical signs of leprosy.

People remain in their sick state and even die not because of their health condition, but because of the lack of love of those around them. The invalid man at the pool of Bethesda remained in His condition for 38 years because he had no one to assist him into the pool when the angel came to stir the water (John 5:7). Whereas, the faith Jesus saw that made Him heal the paralyzed man that was brought into the house He was in through the ceiling, was the act propelled by love of his friends (Mark 2:3-5).

I experienced personally the healing power of love some years ago. I was sick and I was in the hospital for about three months with no evidence of improvement of my health condition. While in the hospital, I saw how each member of my family showed concern for me and made every effort to ensure I get well. I have always known they loved me, but I had never seen it manifested like they expressed when I was sick. The great love shown me encouraged my faith to believe in the healing available to me in Christ (1 Peter 2:24). I left the hospital in faith, and threw away the drugs I was given, and I have been walking in my healing since then.

The faith that produces healing works by love (Gal. 6:4).

Prayer Point:

Let's thank God for His word today. Let's ask Him to increase our capacity to love.
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A time where we come to analyze God's word


Call To Prayer

Title: Renewal like the Eagle

By: Wale Lasisi

Date: 09.11.2023

Who redeemeth thy life from destruction; who crowneth thee with lovingkindness and tender mercies; [5] Who satisfieth thy mouth with good things; so that thy youth is renewed like the eagle's.
(Psalm 103:4-5 KJV)

The process of rejuvenation is brought about when the existing infrastructure is becoming weak or showing signs of failure. It could also be because the source of a flow is drying up gradually. Renewal can be likened to a vehicle that has just been serviced and all the worn out parts changed, it suddenly begins to work as if it is new again.

There is a renewal provision in God just as the eagle goes through a process when shedding its feathers for new ones. The first provision is the appearance of brethren before God (Ps 84:7). We are never to forsake assembling together in Zion which is the house of God. We are loaded with heavenly virtues and gifts and the enemy is aware of all these endowments and seeks to weaken it through incessant attacks.

The second provision is in personal retreats. Luke 4:1-2 reveals to us what our Lord Jesus did when the Holy Spirit drove him into the wilderness to be tempted. He decided to engage in a personal retreat for forty days and forty nights fasting. The resultant effect of this separation to seek God made him full of the Holy ghost and power (Luke 4:14) because of the renewal that had happened.

When we engage in personal retreats seeking God in fasting, word and prayer, we gain access to things that are beyond human realities. Fresh power and grace is usually released and we can begin to manifest abilities that before were not possible.

In a lot of destinies, homes and assignments, what is lacking is the new wine of renewal. The wine in people's lives are close to finishing but Jesus is ready to give us new wines and renew our strength, wisdom, intellectual capacity, finances, our fire, love for God, fellowship with the Holy ghost. That assignment that you have been doing but suddenly start getting weary of it is nothing new, what is needed is a new wine of renewal. We are created to be reliant on God for supplies and that is why we need to constantly seek His face for grace and renewal of strength.

Prayer point:

Let's thank God for today. Let us pray for renewal like that of the eagle in our lives.
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Excellence in Leadership Conference is just 25 days away!

On November 2nd and 3rd, 2023.

You can attend in-person at Daystar Christian Centre, Ikosi Road, Oregun, Lagos.
The livestream will be on our website and on all our social media platforms.

it’s a journey to excellence, innovation , and mindshift.

Mark your calendars, and share this invite! 💡

CALL TO PRAYERBy: Stephen Osei KuffourDate: 08.10.2023Title: Open Our EyesAnd Elisha prayed, and said, “Lord, I pray, op...


By: Stephen Osei Kuffour

Date: 08.10.2023

Title: Open Our Eyes

And Elisha prayed, and said, “Lord, I pray, open his eyes that he may see.” Then the Lord opened the eyes of the young man, and he saw. And behold, the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha.
(2 Kings 6:17 NKJV)

There was a time that the King of Syria planned to wage a war against Israel. However, Prophet Elisha revealed all his plans to the King of Israel and his plans therefore became unsuccessful. He became furious and decided to capture and kill Prophet Elisha. He sent a great army of horses and chariots in the night to surround the City of Dothan where Elisha was.

When Elisha’s servant saw the army, he panicked and asked his master what they should do. Elisha told him not to be afraid because the army that is with them (spiritually) far outnumbers that of the King of Syria. He then prayed for the Lord to open the eyes of his servant and his spiritual eyes were opened and he saw that they were truly surrounded by a great army of the Lord (2 Kgs 6).

Many Believers are going through various forms of trials, sufferings, and persecutions. When Believers stand for the truth and principles of the word of God, we are mostly met with severe persecutions. The system of this world has been designed by the enemy to oppress Believers. It seems like the evil ones are thriving while the righteous are suffering.

The suffering may sometimes be so unbearable that a Believer may want to give in or give up and follow the ways of the evil one. It may seem like you are alone in this difficult time. However, if the Lord should open your spiritual eyes, you will see that you are not alone. You will know that the Lord is and has always been with you and will be with you to the very end when His Glory is revealed in your life.

The attitude and zeal of most Believers towards the work of God is really bad. Most don’t even get involved in activities like Outreach, Evangelism, Visitation, etc. They are mostly late for Church Service and Fellowship meetings. However, these same people will arrive at the Airport 3 hours earlier before Takeoff. These people are punctual and diligent in their Jobs because they know that they will receive salary at the end of the month and promotion in the near future.

The truth is that most Believers don’t take the work of God serious. This is because most of us have eyes, but we cannot see. If the Lord should open our eyes to see the rewards and crowns that await those who are diligent in their service, I believe the attitude of most Believers will change. One of the main motivations of the early Disciples and Apostles is that their eyes were opened to see the Glory that comes after their suffering.

The word of God makes us understand that our Lord Jesus Christ endured the Cross and its pain, shame, torture, and ridicule because He saw the Joy that was set before Him (Heb 12:2-3). The eyes of Stephen were opened when he was being stoned to death. The Glory he saw was so marvelous that he didn’t bother to ask the Lord for deliverance but was rather praying for the salvation of souls of the Israelites (Acts 7).

Beloved in the Lord, the Lord is always with us, and He has great rewards for all who are diligent in their service and those who endure trials, sufferings, and persecutions (Matt 5:10-12, 1 Cor 15:58, Heb 6:10). However, our spiritual eyes need to be opened to see what the Lord has in store for us. This will motivate us to keep fighting the good fight and help us to endure to the very end. Lord, open our eyes!

Prayer Point:

Let’s thank God for His Word today. Let’s ask the Lord to open the eyes of all Believers to see the Glory that awaits us.

God bless you all.
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Open Our Eyes Leave a Comment / Call to Prayer / By Stephen Kuffour CALL TO PRAYER By: Stephen Osei Kuffour Date: 08.10.2023 Title: Open Our Eyes   And Elisha prayed, and said, “Lord, I pray, open his eyes that he may see.” Then the Lord opened the eyes of the young man, and he saw. And behold,...

Call to PrayerTitle: Offense or an Opportunity?By: Daniel PeterDate: 04.10.2023But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bl...

Call to Prayer

Title: Offense or an Opportunity?

By: Daniel Peter

Date: 04.10.2023

But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you;That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust.
Matt. 5:44 -45 KJV

Some time ago, we prayed for God to give us opportunities to preach the gospel in our regular weekly intercessory meeting. After this meeting, the Lord led me to Acts 16:25-34, and He made me understand that "being in prison" was an opportunity for Apostle Paul to preach the Gospel. Meaning, the answer to our prayer for opportunities can come in the form of a "time in prison".

Many times, the answer to our pleasant prayers may come in the form of a crises. However, in the misdt of the crises are opportunities to manifest that which you prayed for. Is it possible that your prayer for glory is the reason for the suffering you are experiencing? Consider that scriptures says "if indeed we share in his sufferings in order that we may also share in his glory (Rom. 8:17 NIV)". With this said, the answer to our prayers to manifest as sons of God may come in the form of offences from people that may be enemies. For from what was written in Matt. 5:44-45, we are revealed as sons of God when we love our enemies.

Seeing offenses as opportunities to demonstrate the love of God, which reveals us as children of God, will help us to be quick to forgive and to rejoice in the midst of trials. A carnal man would not understand this, but the spiritual would. To attain this level of faith, there's need for the renewal of the mind (Rom. 12:1-2); Only with a renewed mind can we recognise good as good, and evil as evil. For many times we call evil that which God calls good.

Prayer Point

Let's thank God for His word today. Let's ask Him to help us renew our minds so we can see like Him.

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Call to Prayer Title: As He Has Loved UsBy: Daniel PeterDate: 03.10.2023This is my commandment, That ye love one another...

Call to Prayer

Title: As He Has Loved Us

By: Daniel Peter

Date: 03.10.2023

This is my commandment, That ye love one another, as I have loved you. John 15:12 KJV

Love is a word used by humans every day with different connotations. However, when Jesus Christ was commanding the Church to love, He indicated what He meant by love by first demonstrating it to us before saying _"love as I loved you (John 15:12 KJV)". To really know what God's kind of love is, we need to look at Jesus.

The love Jesus Christ demonstrated to us was sacrificial in nature. We were the offenders, deserving of death. Yet, He took our place of judgement and He released forgiveness to us. For us to really demonstrate the love of Christ, there must be an offence needing forgiveness. Therefore, we are truly obeying the Lord Jesus when we are able to love those who hurt us or spitefully use us (that is, when we love our enemies). See Matthew 5:43-48.

When Jesus Christ was speaking about this, He said "For if you love those who love you, what reward have you? Do not even the tax collectors do the same? (Matt. 5:46 NKJV)". This means, there is no spiritual gain (profit) when we love those who love us. Not because loving who loves you is bad, but there is no reward, for it doesn't reveal Christ. We are truly walking in God's kind of love when we love our enemies. So, when one acts in a way displeasing to us, it's an opportunity to demonstrate that we are capable of loving like Christ by forgiving that person.

Acts like praying against the enemy and seeking vengeance that is now popular in the body of Christ shows that a large section of His body do not know what the love of Christ is. If God is love, and we are failing to know love, it means a lot of Christians do not know God (1 John 4:8). How can we claim to serve who we do not know?

Let's emulate the love of Christ by loving the undeserving. Only then can we be recognized as children of God (Matthew 5: 43 -45).

Prayer Point.

Let's thank God for His word today. Let's ask Him to help us demonstrate the love of Christ.
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Call to PrayerTitle: Laws and GraceBy: Daniel PeterDate: 02.10.2023And as they went through the cities, they delivered t...

Call to Prayer

Title: Laws and Grace

By: Daniel Peter

Date: 02.10.2023

And as they went through the cities, they delivered to them the decrees to keep, which were determined by the apostles and elders at Jerusalem. Acts 16:4 NKJV

There's a general misconception of the word "grace"; In the minds of many, when grace is mentioned, it suggests God's favour despite our sins and short comings. Though this is true, but it only partly true, for grace is also an empowerment to do the instructions of God (1 Cor. 15:10). My point is, despite we are in the new covenant, there are laws guiding our actions. Grace is God's help for us to do His will and not a license to sin.

The laws by which the gentile believers should live became an issue to be discussed by the foundational Apostles, as certain Jews were teaching the new gentile converts to keep the laws of Moses ( Acts 15:1, 6). Their resolve after the meeting was that the gentile believers shouldn't live by the Laws of Moses, but they should "... abstain from things offered to idols, from blood, from things strangled, and from sexual immorality... (Acts 15:29 NKJV)". When narrating the announcing of the decision of the elders at Jerusalem to the gentile Churches by Apostle Paul and his team, scriptures said "... they delivered to them the decrees to keep... (Acts. 16:4 NKJV)". The word "decrees" is from the Greek word "dogma", which means "a law". This means, though we have been delivered from the "Laws of Moses", we were delivered into the "Laws or Principles of the Kingdom of God".

There are laws we are to live by in the new covenant. These can be understood from what was literally written in scriptures and by the specific revelation of the Holy Spirit. If this is so, why is the new covenant called the dispensation of grace? It is so because we have been given help (grace), through the Holy Spirit, to do His will. This help was not revealed to people of the old covenant. One of the ways grace helps us is to teach us. For "... the grace of God has appeared that offers salvation to all people. It teaches us to say “No” to ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self-controlled, upright and godly lives in this present age (Titus 2:12 NIV)".

Seeking understanding of the laws of the kingdom and spending time with the Father to access grace, empowers us to live lives that is perfect before Him.

Prayer Point:

Let's thank God for His word today. Let's also ask Him to help us walk in all ways pleasing to Him.

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Laws and Grace Leave a Comment / Call to Prayer / By Daniel Call to Prayer Title: Laws and Grace By: Daniel Peter Date: 02.10.2023   And as they went through the cities, they delivered to them the decrees to keep, which were determined by the apostles and elders at Jerusalem. Acts 16:4 NKJV   Ther...

Call To PrayerTitle: All my bet is on You By: Njuacha Hubert Date: 29.09.2023 Simon Peter answered him, “Lord, to whom s...

Call To Prayer

Title: All my bet is on You

By: Njuacha Hubert

Date: 29.09.2023

Simon Peter answered him, “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life, and we have believed, and have come to know, that you are the Holy One of God.”
John 6:68- 69

Honestly speaking there are times when it has crossed my mind that what if there is no God, no hell, no heaven, no devil. But then when I remember certain music videos which depict demons, witchcraft or the devil and hearing their blasphemous statements about Jesus, it helps to proof that surely there is a devil and if there is a Devil then there is a God because who is he rebelling against.

Again, when I think of the fact that the Apostles and many other early Christians endured persecution and even died just for the sake of their believe in Jesus, then I conclude that Jesus really offered something greater than money, or pleasure or anything this world can offer, which is eternal life. That is why they laid down this present life for the hope of eternal glory.

All the above is an example of using reasoning and logic to arrive at the conclusion that there is a God; He indeed sent His son Jesus to die for all to be reconciled to Himself and there is a devil who is actively working hard to prevent us from doing this. If not, why do immoral musicians not leave it at only displaying immorality, but they go ahead to try to undermine faith in Jesus. They don’t attack Islam or any other religion. It is often Christianity that interests them. Doesn’t it tell you there is something special and authentic about Christianity? Doesn’t it go to testify with scriptures that there is a battle for souls between the kingdom of Light and of Darkness and it’s of utmost importance. (John 10:10, Mathew 4:9-10)

Aside the temptation to doubt the existence of God, I also experience the temptation to doubt the goodness of God and this one even more recurrent. It is easy to believe in the goodness of God when things are going well for you but the moment you are experiencing sufferings it becomes challenging. However, this is where faith comes in. What does the Word say? (You remember!). In fact what about the simple believe that God is good. In a marriage, a woman’s love (and vice versa) is tested when the man is going through a setback (e.g., loss of job). In a like manner what God expects from us in suffering is faith. Faith is God’s love language (Hebrews 11:6). Although sometimes I fall, other times I just say “God, all my bet is on you”.

Prayer Point:

Let’s thank God for the word. Let’s pray for the grace to grow in our believe in the goodness and faithfulness of God by remembering His written promises and track records of faithfulness in scriptures, in our lives and those of others.

Please share article with this link: https://wisdommedia.org/call-to-prayer/all-my-bet-is-on-you/

Call to PrayerTitle: Radical ObedienceBy: Daniel PeterDate: 25.09.2023Some time later God tested Abraham. He said to him...

Call to Prayer

Title: Radical Obedience

By: Daniel Peter

Date: 25.09.2023

Some time later God tested Abraham. He said to him, “Abraham!”

“Here I am,” he replied. Then God said, “Take your son, your only son, whom you love—Isaac—and go to the region of Moriah. Sacrifice him there as a burnt offering on a mountain I will show you.”
Genesis 22:1-2 NIV

Scriptures says ".. be followers of them who through faith and patience inherit promises (Hebrew 6:12)". This means, when we follow the examples of these people, like them, we will inherit promises. One thing that is common to all of God's men and women whose life we are to imitate is that they were obedient to the voice of God.

Faith is the means by which we receive in the natural that which God has given in the spirit. Faith is not just a conviction that exists in our hearts, but it includes actions inspired by the revelation of the spirit. Abraham was one whose faith was perfected by his radical obedience to the voice of God. Initially, when he received the promise of a child, the Bible records "Abraham believed God, and it was counted to him for righteousness (Gen. 15:6). Yet, that faith he expressed in his heart was tested when God asked him to sacrificed Isaac. Apostle James writing about this event said: "Do you see that faith was working together with his works, and by works faith was made perfect? (James 2:22 NKJV)". If we are to be followers of Abraham, we must be willing to obey radically the voice of God.

Abraham's obedience to the voice of God is considered radical because his response to it was immediate. Abraham didn't wait to check how logical the instruction was, nor did he consider what his wife would think. Again, Abraham didn't wait for a confirmation, but he just did as he was told. This is the kind of faith God is calling us to imitate. However, for Abraham to posses this dimension of faith, there was something he knew. Scriptures says "Abraham reasoned that God could even raise the dead, and so in a manner of speaking he did receive Isaac back from death (Hebrew 11:19)".

God's instruction to us during a time of testing may mean we have to give up something in order to be obedient. The grace to be obedient (radically) comes when we believe that He can bring back the dead (he can restore). God has demonstrated his ability to restore through stories in scriptures and in the lives of men and women. As we meditate on them, the faith to obey radically will be imparted to us.

Prayer Point

Let's thank God for His word. Let's ask Him to help us to be radically obedient people like men and women who obtained promises.

Please share this article with this link: https://wisdommedia.org/call-to-prayer/radical-obedience/

CALL TO PRAYERBy: Stephen Osei KuffourDate: 24.09.2023Title: Don’t Be A CastawayBut I keep under my body, and bring it i...


By: Stephen Osei Kuffour

Date: 24.09.2023

Title: Don’t Be A Castaway

But I keep under my body, and bring it into subjection: lest that by any means, when I have preached to others, I myself should be a castaway.
(1 Corinthians 9:27 KJV)

On Tuesdays I normally meet the Youth in my Church in the Evening for Bible Studies via ZOOM. In order to make it on time, I stay a bit late at the office. I’m usually the last person to leave the office on Tuesdays. Last Tuesday, we had a glorious Bible Studies by the Grace of God.

As I was leaving the office, a thought came into my mind, and I began talking to myself. I began talking to myself that, “Stephen, upon all these sacrifices, don’t be a castaway”. I remembered the statement Apostle Paul made in his letter to the Church in Corinth where he said he disciplined his Body so that after preaching to others, he himself will not be a castaway (1 Cor 9:27).

Most Believers have sacrificed a lot for the sake of the Kingdom of God. Some have sacrificed their family, wealth, time, comfort, pleasure, etc. for the Kingdom’s sake. We know that the Lord is faithful, and He will surely reward us for all our efforts and sacrifices (1 Cor 15:58). However, if we don’t take care and discipline our bodies, some sinful acts and pleasures which may start little can end up taking us away from the presence of God. It will be very sad that upon all these sacrifices and we stand before the Lord Jesus only for Him to say He never knew us because of our iniquities (Matt 7:21-23).

Therefore, we have to discipline our Body and bring it into subjection so that it doesn’t control our lives. It is very important to know that as a man, you are a Spirit Being. You have a Soul and live in a Body. Man is made up of the Spirit, Soul, and Body (1 Thess 5:23). When you come to Christ, your Spirit becomes Born Again and the Holy Spirt comes to live inside it (Ez 36:26-27, Jn 3:6).

The Soul is made up of the Mind, Will and Emotions and it takes time to be saved. As you are studying and being taught the word of God, it takes time to renew your mind and subject your Will to that of the Lord (James 1:21). The Body on the other hand will be saved on the day when our Lord Jesus returns, and we are being clothed with new Bodies (1 Cor 15:35-49). That’s why it is believed that Salvation has been (Spirit), Salvation is being done (Soul) and Salvation will be done (Body).

Until then, we have to live with this Body by putting it under control. One famous man of God said that “living with your Body is like living with a dangerous Beast at home which if not well tamed, will end up destroying you”. As Believers, the Holy Spirit gives us the strength to control the Body and bring it into subjection (Gal 5:22).

Beloved in the Lord, most of us have sacrificed a lot for the Kingdom’s sake and the Lord will reward us accordingly. Let’s therefore discipline and control our Body so we don’t end up living in iniquity and become Castaways.

Prayer Point:

Let’s thank God for His Word today. Let’s ask the Lord to help all Believers to be able to control their Bodies and bring it into subjection so we don’t become Castaways.

God bless you all.

Please share this article with this link: https://wisdommedia.org/call-to-prayer/dont-be-a-castaway/

Call To PrayerTitle: Under AuthorityBy: Daniel PeterDate: 13.09.2023For I am a man under authority, with soldiers under ...

Call To Prayer

Title: Under Authority

By: Daniel Peter

Date: 13.09.2023

For I am a man under authority, with soldiers under me. I tell this one, ‘Go,’ and he goes; and that one, ‘Come,’ and he comes. I say to my servant, ‘Do this,’ and he does it.”
Matthew 8:9 NIV

When the Lord instructed Moses on the construction of the tabernacle, for Him to build as it was shown to him on the mount was an emphasis (Exo. 25:40). As soon as the tabernacle was completed (made according to pattern), the glory of the Lord came down (Exo. 40:33-34). So it is with our lives. There is a pattern for us to build our lives by, and that pattern is Jesus who is the word. When we conform ourselves to the pattern, the glory of God will be revealed in our lives.

As a consequence of His liberality and by the promise of the Gospel of us being heirs of God, each of us has received power and authority from Him (Luke 10:19). This means we have received the right to reign as kings. But His model or pattern for us is that we should be subjected to Him, despite the sovereignty He has given to us. This was expressed in how Jesus Christ lived on earth. Despite being every way God as the Father, He subjected Himself to the Father’s rule by being obedient to Him (Eph. 2:8). Jesus Christ never did anything on His own (John 8:28). This was how He showed reverence (Godly fear) for Him and He was always heard (Heb. 5:7). This is His desire on how we should live our lives.

Now, how do we come under God’s authority? The first thing we need to do to come under the authority of God is for us to subject ourselves to the authority of the word. God and His word are one (John 1:1). And in His word are instructions on how we should conduct our lives. The word of God doesn't just come to us through scriptures, He also speaks to us by the Holy Spirit through different means. As we seek out His will by searching scriptures and inquiring from Him about His will before making any decision, we are subjecting ourselves to Him. As we live our lives by observing the commands of God, we are subjecting ourselves to His authority.

Other than subjecting ourselves to the spoken and written word, we are to subject ourselves to the human authorities He has given to us. Just as you can not say you love God without loving your neighbour, you cannot say you are subjected to the authority of God if you are not subjecting yourself to the human authorities He has given to you. This was how Jesus Christ lived. When He was 12 years old and felt it was time to do the Father’s business, at the request of the parents, He left the temple and followed them home. The bible witnessed that He was obedient to them (Luke 2:51). This was not the only time He obeyed them. Just after He came out of the wilderness, Jesus Christ felt it wasn't time for Him to begin ministry. However, at His mum's request, He turned water into wine and His ministry started (John 2: 4-11). We see that the voice of the mother (His parents) became the voice of God to Him.

Apart from natural parents, your spiritual parents, mentors, religious leaders (pastors and other ministry gifts directly linked to you) etc. are people the Lord can speak to you through their counsel and instructions. We are coming under His authority when we obey them.

Prayer Point:

Let’s thank God for His word today. Let’s ask Him to help the body of Christ to come under His authority fully.

Reposted from: 28.09.2022

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