Every day, people of all ages use the Internet for various kinds of activities. Given the digital world we live in, bullying has reached the field of media and technology, which has given the users a new resort to performing the act of cyberbullying.
Cyberbullying often involves posting hate speeches or hateful content towards a particular individual through electronic devices where a vast audience can participate and share the content. Nobody is exempted from cyberbullying, for it could affect everyone who uses media and technology. Most commonly, it has a more significant influence on young people because of their social media usage, and it can affect their health holistically, which is very alarming. Nowadays, it also indisputable that most of us take advantage of the Internet to address, start, or end an argument, personal or not. We sometimes regard it as a tool to publicly attack someone or promote anger and hate, leading us to improper and unjust approaches to handling our issues and abandoning its positive and broader functions and purpose.
In the following years, this field will indeed develop and be more advanced, where cyberbullying might also intensify; that is why there is no better time to urge people to be more responsible media users but today. As early as now, we encourage everyone to be more accountable, kind, and mindful media users and creators!
Stop being mean on the screen. Stop cyberbullying now!