Ranks in apex is just like earning hard money.
You work 9-5 each month just to spend it all on a royalty brand you support who doesn’t appreciate your loyalty.
Plat 3 deranked to plat 4 with in secs. It’s a love hate relationship between and their players.
The amount of hard/soft hacks is just unbearable. Kudos to Conor for his hardwork but him alone barely can handle the whole regions available in apex. Asian servers, typically SINGf**kingPORE are infested, felt like honest players are being IGNORED HERE?
Not to mention the audio bugs are just getting worst each season, maggie is just deafening to the point enemy could easily creep up to sniffing your ass crack. Footsteps -> nadah!
Ring flares audio loud ass s**t and annoying as f**k.
And wtf is with the loot? One huge building full of attachments, 3-4 whites side by side, no effing guns. Fair fight incoming.