Hooded Thoughts

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Hooded Thoughts This page is for the fans of Hooded Thoughts, all of my writing work and content.

For all you Doctor Who fans out there... who is your favorite doctor and why? Join me in the comments to find out mine a...

For all you Doctor Who fans out there... who is your favorite doctor and why? Join me in the comments to find out mine and have a delightful debate among fans! See you there!

Sights that just make you stop and appreciate natures beauty! It is Monday!!! Time to get to work so "be good, take care...

Sights that just make you stop and appreciate natures beauty! It is Monday!!! Time to get to work so "be good, take care of each other, never forget to take care of yourself, and as always remember that the greatest memories in life always start with a single step!"

No matter what storms arise, the sun will shine again!

No matter what storms arise, the sun will shine again!

Storms from last night! Full moon decided to tuck in for the night, lame ass party pooper!

Storms from last night! Full moon decided to tuck in for the night, lame ass party pooper!


"Find those whose hugs calm your storms, whose presence soothes you soul, and whose promises are kept... for they are the one that will be there till the very end!"

HONEST MOMENT DAY 10When is trying a bad thing? When is helping out not helping at all? When is assisting someone wrong?...


When is trying a bad thing? When is helping out not helping at all? When is assisting someone wrong? This is a struggle I am sure everyone has battled at some point, whether it be your children having to learn the hard way, a friend that wants space, a significant other or ex that wants independence even while struggling to get through the day. When do you put yourself out there, when do you pull back?

How do you show them you're there when they tell you to stay out of it? How do you find a balance of not being overbearing while making sure they know they aren't alone? It is a difficult thing, adjusting to the changing dynamics of life. Adjusting to children as they grow, learning when to hold them up and when to let them fall. Having the strength to tell your friends the hard truths as well as the comforting facts. Having the will power to not fix problems for people who didn't ask for your help and are ungrateful or pi**ed when you give it.

It is a balancing act we all must learn, being capable of adjusting to lifes new moments while trying to be there for the people you care for and love. Sometimes you just gotta listen to someone when they tell you what they want, even if it sounds insane or wrong... sometimes you just have to learn to be a ghost, get off the helicopter and let your kids live, and learn to not be present where your presence isn't wanted or appreciated. Learn this, and maybe one day you will see that we each have our own journey to make, and if they don't want you there they don't deserve you there.

Give the people what they want,(except kids... lol sometimes you just gotta take the wheel) never settle for half ass, and never do for others what they wouldn't do for you. Strive to be the kind of person in someones life you wish you had, be kind, and if someone tells you to go don't argue. Live your life to the fullest and above all else never ever look back.

Been a rough week so haven't been very well but Monday should be back in full swing. Hope you are all doing amazing things and if not that's ok just keep climbin cause we ain't there yet! Be good, take care of eachother, never forget to take care of yourself, and always remember that the greatest memories in life always start with a single step! See you guys next time!

Here we go again... DADDY MUSK is starting to look real good right about now with that starlink service! Last time T-mob...

Here we go again... DADDY MUSK is starting to look real good right about now with that starlink service! Last time T-mobile... and if I walk, I am taking as many people as I can with me. I talk to these people more then I do my own family... WHAT THE ACTUAL F**K!!!



Manic highs and manic lows
Dreams arise and decompose
A highly functioning mess
Just trying to do my best

They say they'll stay as they pack and go
They try to mean it but deep down they know
They cannot survive in an active war
As they give up on what was worth fighting for

The mania is over, I finally won
Horrified as I see the damage done
Do I pick up the pieces or run and hide
Fearful for anyone along for the ride

- Hooded Thoughts

This marks the halfway point for the book. It is coming along nicely.(Well as nicely as combing through twenty years of trauma can be.) This book is going to be a deep look into the road that has lead me here today, what shaped the madness... hopefully with the outcome of being understood or atleast allow the reader context. I am really excited for this one, and I hope you are too! Be good and until next time... take care of each other, always take care of yourself, and never forget that the greatest memories in life always start with a single step!"


Got a new poem out, going to try and knock out a reel or two maybe a gaming reel? It is Sunday people, what are you accomplishing today?!




Life is full of all sorts of twists and turns
The more you fight the more it burns
You fight to survive, you try to be good
The world doesn't get you're just misunderstood

You cut and slice thru the mess of the day
Trying to hide what your pain wants to say
You put on that smile to pretend you're fine
Knowing deep down your lights out of shine

But then something happens, something odd indeed
You meet the right people that give you reason to believe
You start to live a little, and as you breath you see
That sometimes you gotta sink just to realize your free

As the time goes by, you see the truth of your calling
You try to be happy finally tired of falling
You slip and you stumble, and sometimes you fail
But you will never give up, you never tuck tail

And then one day it clicks, and you see past the pain
Realizing with all the loss that there was something to gain
And one day you will make it, you will become that star
I look at the night sky smilin knowing you made it so far

-Hooded Thoughts

Look, I am not here to debate politics as much as I can, but CNN... WTF!?! Respectfully in my comments is all I ask no m...

Look, I am not here to debate politics as much as I can, but CNN... WTF!?! Respectfully in my comments is all I ask no matter your perspectives, but if this were the other way around I would give a s**t because he is the leader of our country for better or worse.
If you think what happened today is a good thing, you are entitled to your opinions... but it is my most humble opinion you are part of the reason why the dream of what this country could be is lost!

This is why we are here, because we lost sight of the love of our fellow countrymen. We lost the will to fight against a system that wants to control us and turn us against one another. I can tell you with all my being that every single soldier I served with was like family. Race, religion, preferences, view point, who you loved, none of that s**t mattered when we got to it cause we knew we would die for any of them without question. And yes... there are always s**tbirds and do**he canoes, but the real ones knew it was real.

But now, almost a decade later this is where we are. All of it, from 2015 on. I will never understand what changed, how we all grew so far apart as a nation that this would be cheered on or ignored as news from a trusted source. Maybe it's google, I mean hell they recommend things from conversations I've had all the time, the perfect marketing tool. I don't care what side your views lean, can we all agree maybe we need to chill and start having real conversations about a solid middle ground and work from there. Because I am not perfect by any means, but this is not where things need to go, and there is always time to find the right path by working together.

Hell, my views have drastically changed since 2014, and as wild as times have been I always think back to 2013, knew storms were coming... but not in my wildest nightmares was this it. Be rational, remember that we are all human, and that we are always better together at creating wonders then we are divided and this country ain't perfect... never been. But the dream wasn't perfection... it was never stopping to strive for it and fix things as you go. We must work together to save this world for our children, and we must find a way to do it peacefully!

I'm HOODED THOUGHTS reminding you we are all human so have patience, be kind, and as always take care of yourself. Take care of eachother. And never forget that the greatest memories in life always start with a single step!


"Never sell yourself short... it'd be a shame to miss out on lifes glory all because you thought yourself unworthy of its bliss!"
- Hooded Thoughts

HONEST MOMENT DAY 9"If the time ever comes that the sun sets on a chapter in your life don't be sad it is ending, be gra...


"If the time ever comes that the sun sets on a chapter in your life don't be sad it is ending, be grateful you had the suns warmth in your life at all... for some will never know how bright that light shines."

Today's moment is brought to you by the letter W, for WHAT THE F**K IS THIS!?! Today I would like to talk about something most consider "dark" but something that is true... DESTINY! What is it? Can it be changed? And should it be, or is it needed to shape us into the individuals we are meant to be?

For some, they find peace in accepting that things are meant to happen, freeing them from the guilt of their responsibilties and failures. For others, destiny is what you make it... believing that there is no grand plan, no intended path to travel beyond their own ambitions. For me; I believe destiny is real, I believe certain events in life are meant to happen, certain relationships and bonds are meant to fail... to show us how strong we truly are.

I believe every moment is a choice, but sometimes s**t just happens. I have tried for years to find a way to accept this, battling my own demons in the process while trying to find a meaning to the choas that has always been my life. One thing that chaps my ass is when I hear someone say "it was meant to happen" or "this tragedy is going to lead you to great things"... yes, ofcourse why didn't I think of that. Clearly I needed to have my entire world destroyed to get where I am going... but the truth is, they aren't wrong.

Every tragedy, every time I have been left standing alone with nothing but a trench coat and shattered dreams has always been a point of clarity in my life. When I get to comfortable, when I start to feel like things can be good... the world has to show me I can never truly relax in a world forged through the fires of hell. Also, that for some their destiny is not their own, simply destined to be part of the steps to get someone else to theirs. That seems to be my purpose... my destiny, to guide others to a destiny I will never know... and I find peace in that purpose.

Destiny is such a tricky thing because to truly accept destiny means you accept there is no control in your life. It is both freeing and damning all at once, because though you have no say in the outcomes, you know your life has meaning. What a dream to dream. As I enter this next chapter of my life, I find myself for the first time at peace with the way my life has turned out... not because I am happy or living the life I always wanted, but because I have finally come to terms with the destiny bestowed upon me. For some, there is no happy ending... but the happy ending they lead others towards gives the misery purpose.

I don't know what destiny has in store for me next, but this time I am prepared with the understanding that though my road will be rough and filled with dark days; I now know my purpose... and that is a destiny I can embrace!

That is all for today, until next time be good and as always "take care of each other, remember to take care of yourself, and never forget that the greatest memories in life always start with a single step!"


We're back in the saddle today! Got a reel I know gamers can relate with as well another HONEST MOMENT coming this evening. Be good! DO IT!

🤣🤣🤣 Jesus Savannah... 🤣🤣🤣Thanks to Courtney Renee Richey for sharing this masterpiece as a vet and former medic, this is...

🤣🤣🤣 Jesus Savannah... 🤣🤣🤣
Thanks to Courtney Renee Richey for sharing this masterpiece as a vet and former medic, this is priceless!

HONEST MOMENT DAY 8"When life gives you s**t, plant something and watch it grow!"Well, yesterday did not go as expected....


"When life gives you s**t, plant something and watch it grow!"

Well, yesterday did not go as expected. Life really is crazy, the way it just keeps happening in loops. Tough decisions lay ahead, and though I am not proud to admit it I broke down infront of my children most of the day after I got home. That s**t breaks a man, in ways you can never fully heal. It devastates me to have worked so hard to be a provider and good example of hard work, just to turn around and fail them not once but twice in a decades time. How do you wake up the next morning and face them, knowing there is no words to comfort them that wouldn't be a lie?

Todays topic is a real one... PARENTING! What makes a good parent? Is there such a thing as the perfect parent? How do we raise little humans in such a chaotic world? These are the questions that keep me up at night, the fear of failing them being a demon on my shoulder I can't silence. How do we pick ourselves up day after day to be the best parents we can be? Truth is... we just do!

With my illness, I don't shy away from expressing emotion infront of them but this was different. I wasn't crying because of an emotional moment, but fighting back the rage I felt at the madness of my life. See ten years ago I got hurt on the job, got told there was nothing wrong for almost a year, before finally having a surgery that eventually led to the end of my dream. This last job was a new dream, one that like fates clockwork has led to my current state almost a year out from the injury, facing surgery at almost the exact same date as ten years ago reliving that hell all over.

It's as if I am cursed to a decades long loop that no matter how good things are getting or how hard I try, I am doomed to have it all come crashing down. So why keep going, why keep fighting? Why wake up tomorrow? One simple answer. My children. That was the deal the day I became a father, that I never get to give up. No matter how hard, no matter how chaotic, no matter how painful... I will never do to them what was done to me.

For most, your parents were the blue print for your parenting either copying or avoiding based on your childhoods. Mines a bit different, not having the normal sense of "parents" growing up. I was raised by parents of friends in my last legs of childhood, thankfully having some guidence of what a parent should be. The strongest, wisest, most dedicated parent I know would have to be my ex father in law. That man never stopped showing up, even when he should have because he made a promise once the moment he became a dad. Hell the man helped raise me too, as well as other friends who just needed a good parent in their life.

That is my version of a good parent, the one thst always shows up. The kind that is fair and explains things to help understand instead of by decree. I am not perfect, but I aspire to be better everyday learning from my mistakes along the way. I will do it all again tomorrow because they deserve it! Parenting is hard... sure, but damn it it isn't worth every moment and though I will fall from time to time, I will never stop getting back up for them. If you think you could do better as a parent... you can.

That's all I got for today, luckily I have a good support network so I am processing better then usual, but I am going to take care of some personal matters and brainstorm some ideas for my next step. As always be good, "take care of each other, never forget to take care of yourself, and always remember that the greatest memories in life always start with a single step."
- Hooded Thoughts

Here we go!!!

Here we go!!!


Today is the day!!! The next 4 hours are going to be a living hell waiting but we are finally here! Got a new reel dropping for ya'll today, if it offends you... good! 🤣🤣🤣 Learn to laugh a little!

Deep words and even deeper revelations! It always comes down to one simple thing... A CHOICE!

Deep words and even deeper revelations! It always comes down to one simple thing... A CHOICE!


"He who makes a beast of himself gets rid of the pain of being a man."
- Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas

Sometimes... you just gotta get out and touch some damn grass!!!-Robbers Cave Park

Sometimes... you just gotta get out and touch some damn grass!!!
-Robbers Cave Park

HONEST MOMENT DAY 7Today is a day that for eleven years was a day I disappeared, just turned everything off and tried to...


Today is a day that for eleven years was a day I disappeared, just turned everything off and tried to sleep the day away. It was a day that changed my life forever, destroying every version of me while tragically creating a new one in hopes of surviving; only to realize the monster I had let loose. I would spend the next five years in a constant battle, mourning my loss while trying to live again. Then four years ago today something magical happened, fate or the universe decided I needed a new perspective to wake up to on this date. So here I now sit, still haunted by the loss I suffered this day while being grateful for the wonders this day brought me. Wild.

Todays topic is the complexity of life. It is wild how fifteen years can change the meaning of a day in that life. What was once a nightmare becomes a celebration. What was once a happy anniversay become a day of pain. What once destroyed you brings you peace. Truth is it is all about perspective, something I have been working on a lot over the past few weeks as I continue on this journey I find myself traveling.

We all have days that mean something to us, be it good or bad, these days shape who we are. These are days we excitedly look forward too or painfully dread when they come, the mental energy charging or draining us in a physical way. For those days that are nightmares, you try to process and move on from the misery but on that one day it is just too much. This is something I struggle with across multiple dates a year. My birthday, Mothers day, July 3rd and 9th, Fathers day, Christmas; these days are days I hate for very few have good memories. It is like those dates are just cursed, damned to be a thorn I can never pull from my soul. Sure, sometimes those curses are broken like today... but that pain and those memories are a hell I will never be able to fully escape.

And that brings me to the point of todays moment; the past will always be there, it will always be a part of what made you who you are... but if you change your perspective and find the light in the cloudy sky... maybe just maybe you can learn to live again. I hope you find the strength to get over whatever hells you have survived, and know that no matter what you are not alone!

"Love like there is no tomorrow... because one day there won't be."
- Hooded Thoughts

One more day, man the next 24 hours are going to be riddled with anxiety but this is my process and when I get some of m...

One more day, man the next 24 hours are going to be riddled with anxiety but this is my process and when I get some of my best work done! Surgical consult at 4 tomorrow, let's get this over with shall we!!!

How I feel everytime I run into people from my past... that wasn't me, that was the other guy!

How I feel everytime I run into people from my past... that wasn't me, that was the other guy!

"It was alone, under the silent star filled night sky that I found peace in being so insignificant to such a tiny small ...

"It was alone, under the silent star filled night sky that I found peace in being so insignificant to such a tiny small world."


Life comes down to a simple choice... who do you want to be? It becomes simple only when you accept that no one can make that choice but you! So make it, seize the day, and show the world who you really are because life is too short to be alone!
- Hooded Thoughts


Good morning to all you out there who woke up this morning and are getting it done, whatever it is... you are a badass! Not sure how much content to expect this week, have my surgical consult on Wednesday so my heads a bit of a mess this week but... we will still be posting!

Be good, don't let that light in you die out, instead shine bright through the clouds and show the world anything is possible if only you believe! "As always take care if eachother. Never forget to take care of yourself, and remember that the greatest memories in life always start with a single step!"
- Hooded Thoughts



"The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist!"
- Usual Suspects

"I was killing long before I became the thumbprint killer... I just hadn't got good at it yet!"
- Mr. Brooks

"The thing about perfection is that it's unknowable. It's impossible, but it's also right in front of us all the time. You wouldn't know that because I didn't when I created you."
- Tron Legacy

"Heroes... there's no such thing."
- Ironman 3

"A thing isn't beautiful because it lasts..."
- Avengers Age of Ultron

Next list drops next week so till then be good!


"The beauty of tomorrow is that it is unknown, and it is up to each of us to decide what we make of it!"
- Hooded Thoughts

This is peace!

This is peace!





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