Jeffry Rotone

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Jeffry Rotone "For to me to live is Christ.”


It is no accident that the great reformer chose October 31 to post his 95 objections in 1517.
The origin of Halloween dates back to a pagan harvest Celtic festival known as Samhain. This festival was adopted by the Romans and later the Catholics who ultimately renamed November 1 as “All Saints Day” in honor of the deceased Saints.

Luther’s main concern was the sale of indulgences. He knew on this occasion great crowds, including the educated classes, would be coming to the church to view the “relics” of the saints, another practice he protested. All Saints' Day, was also called All-Hallows Day— and of course the night before was considered All-Hallows Eve, the precursor of the word Halloween.

The church doors of Wittenberg were something of a public bulletin board. Luther knew thousands of pilgrims would see his theses which he hoped would spark study and reform among religious leaders.
It worked better than he expected. Great marketing.
So, happy Reformation Day!

NELM-WIDE Care Group TrainingWCC Delegates

NELM-WIDE Care Group Training

WCC Delegates

Happy Sabbath Brethren.

Happy Sabbath Brethren.


God created oysters to clean the ocean…. This is what you’re eating when you eat oysters. Like eating the contents of a vacuum cleaner bag.

Heart ChallengeHumility is the key to success in the Christian life, for as we recognize our great need, we throw oursel...

Heart Challenge
Humility is the key to success in the Christian life, for as we recognize our great need, we
throw ourselves upon the One who has all the righteousness we need, and He will give
us victory. Don’t you desire victory over self, sin, and power in soul-winning? Don’t you
desire to receive the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on a daily basis? Don’t you wish for
Jesus to truly live in and through you, revealing His character of love, self-sacrifice and
grace to all you come in contact with? What hinders you today in living under the
righteousness of Christ? Is there self-righteousness in your life? What fears might you be
holding on to when it comes to boldly and kindly sharing His love and truth with the people
in your sphere of influence?
Be of good courage, Jesus will help you, if you reach out in your great need (John 6:37).
He is more than willing to shine His glory through your life, starting today. Why not ask
for Him to be glorified in your life, right now?

Prayer Requests Sunday ● Pray for God to speak to you in His Word today.● Pray for God to help you be consistent this co...

Prayer Requests Sunday
● Pray for God to speak to you in His Word today.
● Pray for God to help you be consistent this coming week in your daily devotions.
● Pray for that God would re-ignite fresh passion in the hearts of His people—fresh
passion for His Word, for prayer, and for mission.
● Pray that it won’t just be business as usual at this General Conference session,
but a spiritual revival that will empower us to reach this world for Jesus.
● Pray for the youth and young adults that will be in attendance at the General
Conference meetings, that they will see Jesus displayed and long to follow and
know Him more.
Join 24/7 United in Prayer
Join other believers from around the world praying together on Zoom during the 40 Days of Prayer:

Prayer Requests Sabbath ● Pray for the upcoming General Conference Session in St. Louis, USA (June 6-11, 2022).● Pray th...

Prayer Requests Sabbath
● Pray for the upcoming General Conference Session in St. Louis, USA (June 6-11,
● Pray that we would have an “Upper Room experience” as the disciples had at
Pentecost during session, and that we would be empowered to reach the entire
world for Jesus as they did.
● Pray that the special prayer times in the meetings will be deeply meaningful and
helpful for all in attendance.
● Pray for unity in every meeting based on respect for God’s Word, humble prayer,
the Holy Spirit’s power.
● Pray for full engagement in the mission of the church in proclaiming the three
angels’ messages of Revelation 14 and the fourth angel of Revelation 18.

“The Charge to Preach the Word”By Israel RamosI was a high school student literature evangelist in Maine. We typically h...

“The Charge to Preach the Word”
By Israel Ramos
I was a high school student literature evangelist in Maine. We typically had Fridays off as personal days, but our sister program composed of older students selling more expensive
books had some people who worked on Friday to make extra money. Enjoying an opportunity to spend time with the more popular crowd, I decided to tag along. I canvassed one door, trying to prove I was worth the company, while my partner tried to sell at every other door. After a few successful hours in the field, we made our way back home. That’s when I heard the legendary sermon that changed the rest of my life.

The late C.D. Brooks was on the radio with the surround sound of the car’s speakers turned up to full volume. The occasion for the sermon was the ordination of two ministers to the work of the gospel. The message’s inspiration was taken from 2 Timothy 4:1-4— the words of an old Paul to a young Timothy: “I charge thee therefore before God, and the Lord Jesus Christ, who shall judge the quick and the dead at his appearing and his kingdom; preach the word.”

I had just concluded my sophomore year in high school and already felt God’s call to be a minister. Still in the process of discovering who I really was, my personality awkwardly
shifted between timidity and crassness, insecurity and over confidence. Until that time, I was not one to listen to sermons on the radio. In fact, I had only recently become a real
Christian, leaving behind a life of choices that had blunted my mind and ruined my spiritual experience.
As the booming voice of the preacher began to break down that text, my mind—along with the windows in the car—seemed as though they were about to explode. “Preach the word!” was charge, followed by strong warnings against pastors that do anything else. Two things happened from that day forward. First, I developed a passion for the Word of God like never before. Second, I committed myself to the proclamation of the same.
When that summer ended, I returned to academy for my junior year. For our required speech class, I decided to use that sermon as my inspiration. I wasn’t concerned with plagiarism at the time, and tried to recall as much of the sermon I had heard just a few
months before. The only thing that I could remember was the haunting solemnity of Paul’s charge to Timothy: “Preach the word!”

In all honesty, the presentation did not make sense. It failed to take into consideration that fact that no one in the audience was on a path towards pastoral ministry. We were, after all, a bunch of high school students simply trying to fulfill a required assignment to successfully complete a course—a course which was not very popular due to its terrifying requirement to speak in public.
Besides not understanding the needs of my audience, I did not take into account my own abilities as a speaker. Inspired by Brooks’ style, I scripted a sermon full of exclamation points, envisioning myself speaking at the top of my voice to my colleagues as though I, too, was inspiring them at their ordinations. My delivery did not match my intention.
I do not recall the grade I received on my speech. I simply remember a few pieces of advice from the school principal reminding me to not fumble with my Bible, followed by
these encouraging words, “God is going to use you someday to do something special for Him.”
Those words required faith. I was a struggling student in every subject and the deep passion of my heart to give my life in service to God had yet to surface into a life of commitment. As much as I tried, I could not understand the Bible for myself. For an entire year, the only Bible passage I studied for my devotional time in the morning was 2 Timothy 4:1-4.
Nearly fifteen years later, the same passage was read to me at my ordination service. It has been twenty-five years since that day that I preached to myself, and those pressing
words from Paul still serve as an encouragement and a warning to fulfill my ministry.
Israel Ramos is the director and coordinator of public campus ministry in the Michigan Conference and Lake Union, respectively. His wife Judy is an educator and together they have three sons with whom they enjoy sharing life.

Heart Challenge
Whether you are a pastor or not, every believer is called to share the life-transforming messages of the Bible. In whatever form we share our faith with others, in preaching, teaching, writing, singing, in acts of service, or any other creative way, it is vital that what we share is filled with, and faithful to, the Word of God; In alignments with its directions and God’s character of love.
The Word of God is powerful. Its preaching impacts lives for eternity. Will you answer the call of Paul and ‘preach the Word’ through your words and actions?
Prayer Requests
● Pray for boldness to preach the Word in words and actions today. Pray for more young people to be called to preach the Word.
● Pray about any questions you have in the Bible. Ask God to help you find answers and clarity regarding those questions.
● Pray for your local pastors. Pray that God would sustain them, protect them, and most importantly, fill them with an even more abundant outpouring of the Holy Spirit
● Pray for protection of our young people from the ever-increasing addictions to technology and screen time.
● Pray for the 7 people on your list by name. Continue to claim God’s promises.


The Word – Life-giving

All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction,
and for training in righteousness. – 2 Timothy 3:16
The life of God, which gives life to the world, is in His word. It was by His word that Jesus
healed disease and cast out demons. By His word He stilled the sea and raised the dead;
and the people bore witness that His word was with power. He spoke the word of God as
He had spoken it to all the Old Testament writers. The whole Bible is a manifestation of
Christ. It is our only source of power. – Gospel Workers, 250
Heart Challenge
Isn’t it incredible that the Bible - God’s Word - is so much more than just a collection of
ancient writings? It is inspired, meaning, God was directly involved in helping the faithful
authors put their God-breathed thoughts to “paper.” Inculcated into these words is His
life-giving, and life-changing power to revive, restore, and redeem. But it is only activated
by faith.
Do you truly believe what God says in His Word? When was the last time you took God
at His Word and trusted that what He promised He would do, He will do, even when your
feelings tell you otherwise? Will you let God’s Word revive and restore your soul, today?
Prayer Requests
● Pray for strength to have faith in God’s promises and not be dragged down by your
feelings of doubt or fear.
● Pray the promises of God’s Word over the 7 people on your list.
● Pray that Jesus’ love and the truths of His Word would find entrance into those
countries where there is no Adventist presence.
● Pray for believers that are experiencing great religious persecution especially in
Russia, China and the Middle East Countries.
● Pray for those who have chosen to be baptized since the conflicts started in
Eastern Europe. Pray those decisions will be permanent.
Join 24/7 United in Prayer
Join other believers from around the world praying together on Zoom during the 40 Days
of Prayer:
40 days of Prayer pdf
Youtube Channel:

Will you let God’s Word revive and restore your soul, today?

Will you let God’s Word revive and restore your soul, today?


Day 15 (May 17)
The Word - A Sword
For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to
the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and
intentions of the heart. – Hebrews 4:12
The Bible may be studied as a branch of human science would be, but its beauty, the
evidence of its power to save the soul that believes, is a lesson that is never thus learned.
If the practice of the Word is not brought into the life, then the sword of the Spirit has not
wounded the natural heart. It has been shielded in poetic fancy. Sentimentalism has so
wrapped it about that the heart has not sufficiently felt the keenness of its edge, piercing
and cutting away the sinful shrines where self is worshipped. – Our High Calling, 203
Heart Challenge
The Bible is full of hope. It contains everything we need. The good news of salvation is
clearly presented to the reader. But all these wonderful elements of the Word are of no
use if they are not moving from our mind to our heart and into our actions. Taking hold of
the promises in the Word will enable you to put into practice what is written. This process
can be painful at times, but rest assured, it is for your benefit and will lead to an everdeepening appreciation of your Friend Jesus and His Truth. Is it your desire, today, to let
God’s word pe*****te your heart, cut out what is destroying you, and heal your life?
Prayer Requests
● Pray for God to speak clearly to you in His Word today.
● Pray for strong convictions and a willing heart to receive the sharp sword of the
Word, even if it cuts.
● Pray for efficiency and Holy Spirit power for all those who are translating the Bible
and the Spirit of Prophecy into many languages.
● Pray that God will help us each become literature evangelist and that we will share
“Glow Tracts” or a word in season to those who are weary.
● Pray for our schools and educational institutions to be true to God’s Word and His
mission for our young people.
Join 24/7 United in Prayer
Join other believers from around the world praying together on Zoom during the 40 Days
of Prayer:

Day 12 - Prayer Requests Sabbath (May 14th)Pray for wisdom for the church leaders at the upcoming General Conference Ses...

Day 12 - Prayer Requests Sabbath (May 14th)
Pray for wisdom for the church leaders at the upcoming General Conference Session in St. Louis, USA (June 5-11, 2022).
Pray for the Ukrainian people, and specially for church members in areas that are affected by the conflict. Pray that they will be a bright light to the hurting people around them.
Pray for the Holy Spirit to be poured out upon the literature ministries around the world. Pray that this will be a door way that will lead many to accept Christ Jesus.
Pray for the displaced Afghan Refugees.
Pray for God’s intervention on the rising fuel and food prices, especially in Peru where there is a state of emergency. Pray that God will supply the needs of His people according to His riches and glory.
Join 24/7 United in Prayer
Join other believers from around the world praying together on Zoom during the 40 Days of Prayer:


“Smelling Like an Angel”
By Sebastien Braxton
As I knocked on the door, a small-framed, middle-aged woman opened it slightly to greet
me. I began explaining that I was going door-to-door selling Christian literature. She
quickly interrupted me and asked if I could come back tomorrow. She appeared
emotionally disturbed. I leaned upon my own experience and replied, “Ma’am, we don’t
usually come back. So, if you’re not interested, it’s perfectly fine. We have some sample
books I can offer you for about ten to twenty dollars . . .” Again, she dismissed my
comment and requested I come back the next day. I acquiesced and promised to return.
The door rapidly closed.
Despite my stubborn resistance to the Spirit, I returned to her home. Before I could even
finish knocking, the door opened, and she invited me inside to wait in the kitchen. I was
so utterly convinced that this would be a waste of time that I did not even bring all my
books inside with me. I soon regretted that decision. Sitting in plain sight was a blank
bank check, already signed. This meant that she was ready to purchase the books; she
just needed to know the price. I began apologizing to the Spirit for my lack of faith.
Upon her return, she noticed the display I created on her countertop and said, “I will
purchase every book you have if you can answer me one question.”
In shock, I said, “Of course, anything!”
“Are you an angel?” she asked.
I shook my head. “No ma’am, I am not an angel.”
“Are you sure you’re not an angel?” she asked suspiciously, squinting.
“Yes, I am positive. You can ask my mother. She’ll tell you,” I said with a slight chuckle. I
then asked curiously, “Why would you ask me that?”
Her response changed my entire understanding of how involved God had been in bringing
us together. The woman told me that one year prior, she had a dream in which she
dialogued with an angel whose face she could not see due to its brightness. When she
woke up, thinking it was just a dream, she sat up and realized that the same angel was
at the foot of her bed! The angel rapidly flew out the window, and as quickly as she could,
she ran to the window to catch a glimpse of him—but to no avail.
As she pulled her head back inside the window, an overpowering smell rested in the room.
The smell was pleasant but unfamiliar. She began a search for the source of the smell.
She smelled every perfume, cologne, herb, essence, air freshener, any scent she could
find. None of them matched. Until I showed up at her door. The woman told me, “You had
the smell! I was so overwhelmed that I panicked and asked if you could come back
tomorrow. I figured, if you were an angel from God, you would come back. You wouldn’t
And to think I almost did not return! I nearly missed an opportunity to be a part of a miracle
of God by losing my heart for souls in the routine of service.
She went on to say, “Even right now, you still have the smell.” We prayed together and
embraced, and she requested Bible studies.
Like a modern-day Cornelius experience (Acts 10), God is preparing someone right now
for you. I believe God left that scent over a year before for her to confirm the heavenly
authority of whoever bore it again. Thankfully, God is no respecter of persons, and He will
gladly give the same experience to anyone willing to offer themselves for the salvation of
others. If you are willing to submit to the leading of the Holy Spirit and make yourself
available to heaven, then you will “smell like an angel” to a soul God has been preparing
to receive His grace and salvation.
Sebastien Braxton is a UX Designer, international speaker and a serial entrepreneur. He
is the CEO and co-founder for Luminate, a mobile app that curates audio mediational
experiences through the writings of Ellen White. He is the founder of Fiat Lux, a creative
design agency that consults with faith-based organizations to leverage technology for the
Heart Challenge
When we make ourselves available to be used by God, He will orchestrate divine
appointments that are not only a blessing to the person we minister to, but they also
encourage us in our walk with Christ. Nothing is as thrilling as walking with Jesus and
knowing He is working on our behalf as we join Him in His work.
When was the last time you prayed for God to give you divine appointments?
Why not surrender your time, your fears, yourself, to Christ right now, and ask Him to use
you to reach somebody for Him today?
Prayer Requests
• Pray for specific divine appointments today and this weekend.
• Pray that God would give you a personal Bible study contact and take away any
fear in your heart of studying with others.
• Pray for our brothers and sisters in China, who are struggling under religious
• Pray for believers affected by flooding in Durban South Africa, and in the
• Pray for those 7 names on your list. Pray for ways to reach out to them.

Zoom during the 40 Days
of Prayer:
40 days of Prayer Link


Day 10 (May 12)
Reaching Your City
But seek the welfare of the city where I have sent you into exile, and pray to the Lord on
its behalf. – Jeremiah 29:7
“The importance of making our way in the great cities is still kept before me. For many
years the Lord has been urging upon us this duty, and yet we see but comparatively little
accomplished in our great centers of population. If we do not take up this work in a
determined manner, Satan will multiply difficulties which will not be easy to surmount. We
are far behind in doing the work that should have been done in these long-neglected
cities. The work will now be more difficult than it would have been a few years ago. But if
we take up the work in the name of the Lord, barriers will be broken down, and decided
victories will be ours.” – Ministry to the Cities, p. 25.
Heart Challenge
The majority of the world lives in cities. While we are to ask God to show us when to move
to the countryside, we are also not to neglect the work in the cities. Billions are trapped
without hope in the addictions, noise, distractions, and the lifestyle of the cities.
Pray for God to give you a burden for ministry to the cities. Maybe He is calling you to
start a “center of influence” or a ministry-minded business in order to reach lost souls in
the cities of the world? Or maybe He is calling you and your church to engage in a holistic
outreach through various ministries to the people of your city?
Why not ask God to show you how to best minister to the people of your city or village?
Prayer Requests
● Pray for the welfare of your own city. Pray that the gospel will shine bright through
you and your church in your city.
● Pray for the mayor of your city/town/village, and for other community leaders. Pray
for their salvation and for God to give them wisdom for good leadership.
● Pray for the cities that have no Adventist presence—that God will raise up laborers
for the harvest.
● Pray for the Global urban centers, Mission to the Cities and Centers of Influence
located in unreached cities around the world. Pray that many will be brought to
● Pray for the leadership in these centers to have wisdom to fulfill their mission for
the advancement of God’s Kingdom.
Join 24/7 United in Prayer
Join other believers from around the world praying together on Zoom during the 40 Days
of Prayer:

40 days of Prayer Link

Happy Sabbath! Praise unto the Lord for He has been faithful to us.

Happy Sabbath! Praise unto the Lord for He has been faithful to us.

Getting started isn’t as hard as you might think.

Getting started isn’t as hard as you might think.




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