Thanks for your amazing point of view. Regarding Leadership and Corruption in our country, I believe that we are all the same. Money corrupts the hearts and minds of those who have desire for it. Not one person is Honest and Loyal. We are all HUMANS.
Complaining/Changing our current Prime Minister (PM) might just be another thing that we will long back and regret. Like we did when our former PM Hon. Peter O'NEIL where voted out of the discussed position.
Another thing is How can you, a Papua New Guinean, leading your people feel nothing when your people are suffering. For me a PNG citizen, I believe that is absurd. Our PM is just like us, he doing the best he can to help us, and he still will try to do is best. Even The Next PM, will also do the same thing. So I think it's best we focus on the small things in our level that we think needs fixing. This brings us back to our National Election. An example would be, We talking and discussing in our own homes whos the best fit person for parliament seat instead of going for money and campaigning in public places.
Therefore, our strength as a nation is UNITY. Let us all put effort and work together, in whatever level of position we are in, to push PNG forward.