Knights News: May 17, 2024. In this episode of Knights News, we bid farewell to the 2023-2024 school year with lots of senior stories and surveys and a spinoff of a movie you may recognize.
Knights News: May 9, 2024. In this episode of Knights News, reporters cover Six Flags, the top 5 places at North, This or That?, and much more!
Knights News (April 18, 2024): In this episode of Knights News, reporters cover FBLA, Word Chain, Spark Week, and more!
It's almost go time for the SAT. Reporters Macie, Meadow, and Jonathan check in with North juniors to see how prepared they feel.
Reporters Macie Ahmer and Meadow Ptak talk about how warmer weather positively affects us.
Reporters Camden Blackwell and Jack Calhoun check in with some Knights about their plans over spring break.
Reporter Tyler Kregel looks into what happened with North's baseball field and why we may not have any home games this spring.
St. Patrick's Day (North Style): Grace Merki and Bri Alvarez preview St. Patrick's Day with some Knights. And yes, there's dancing!
Knights Cheer Brings It for Competition Season. GNHS-TV Reporters Grace Merki, Bri Alvarez, and Aliesha Ryan cover the NLCC Cheer Competition.