We are BIG on creating online courses that provide an exceptional customer journey ⭐️ because true growth and transformation happen when your students are supported through your course journey. This does NOT mean you will be stuck in 1:1 calls all day, we are clever about including support that works for you😌🤩
I feel like these are a TINY bit cliche, but in my experience of seeing hundreds (thousands, maybe?) of course videos plus refilming my own, here are my main take-aways 💁♀️
#onlinecourse #onlinecoaching #mentorship
The question that keeps you stuck vs. the question that sets you free. Your choice which story you tell yourself ✨✨
#onlinecourse #onlinecoaching #mentorship #onlinelearning #womeninbusiness
The reason you’re hesitant about your course price? You haven’t sold it yet 😅
Once you start to see student results and your course is know the value of your courserunning smoothly? You will be completely comfortable with your price 👏⭐️
Trust us when we say, funnels, big launches and sell, sell, sell are DONE 🙅♀️ freebie sequences, webinars and upsells making you want to throw the towel in?
We’ve seen and DONE it all. And what worked 3 years ago, just isn’t cutting it any more.
The good news? All of that sh*t was scammy anyway. Authentic social posts, messaging that is clear and consistent, authoritative content that shows your expertise. These are the things that are keeping our students away from stressful launches, nerve wrecking live webinars and instead securing them reliable, monthly enrolments by just being themselves.
This week we’re chatting about communities, and maybe it’s a little risqué to say, but we believe it’s actually more likely that you DON’T need one! We’ve got SO much to talk about when it comes to running communities, and we’re so excited to share this one. Whether you’re starting a community, thinking about one, or trying to revive a dead one, we’ve absolutely jam-packed this episode with everything you need to know about courses (from our 5+ years of running them and 100’s of course creators we’ve helped set up with one).
Comment WEBSITE and we’ll zoom over the link 🔗 to our highly-converting 13-part sales page strategy. 🥹🙌🏼 This document contains EVERYTHING we know about creating incredible online course sales pages.
The tech to actually run a seven figure online course business is SO much less complicated than you think 👀
Our program is designed with realistic timelines 👩💻✨ Because you shouldn’t have to quit your day job or put your life on hold to achieve your online course goals. Instead you should be given the best path for success with a tonne of support & accountability along the way ❤️
It’s a lot less complex than you think. Comment COURSE and I’ll send you an invite to our current intake ❤️
On the podcast this week 🎙️💕
If selling feels icky to you, here’s my best bit of advice 😉