I’m networking! 🤩 #themagicofnewbeginnings #evolveyourbeliefs #mumsinbusinessuk
Join me on my journey of, I can’t to I can 💥💪🏻🧠💫💛 #mindandbodyfreedom #themagicofnewbeginnings #believeinthepowerofyou
Self-sabotage….Episode 1 💥
Join me on my continued journey………💛 #mindandbodyfreedom #themagicofnewbeginnings #evolveyourbeliefs #believeinthepowerofyou
The results are in!!! 🤩
When the emotions of your past are keeping you stuck in the now because the thoughts of your future are sabotaged by the ‘excuses’ and limiting beliefs from your layers of negative emotional events of your past.
Guess what?
You just have to surrender & let go!
Choose an actionable step (soon to be habit 😉) where you can generate new feelings, once it’s completed, to counteract the feelings and conditioning of your past.
Your mind & body needs actual evidence that you are good enough, you are worthy, you are safe, you can do difficult things. So it’s your responsibility to go out there and choose those actions to generate the new feelings.
You’ve got this! 💪🏻🧠
What’s YOUR next step?
You get to CHOOSE 💛
Share it below.
Be accountable! Create your now 🤩
#choosetochange #believeinthepowerofyou #createyournow #evolveyourbeliefs #mindandbodyfreedom
Finally……the penny has dropped!
No-one else has lived MY life, so no-one can be responsible for making positive change to FEEL good. This applies to YOU too 💥💪🏻🧠
#mindandbodyfreedom #authenticself #seasonsoflife #growthroughwhatyougothrough #mentalhealth #youarewhatyoueat #nontoxiclife #believeinthepowerofyou #breakthecycle #negativeemotionalevents #thisisme #youmatter
One day has to be day one…🤩 let’s go 🚀 It’s just a choice, but when you’re stuck in survival, you need ‘evidence’ 🔎 to help empower you, so you know it’s safe 🫂 to move forward. Attracting that evidence starts with small steps 👣 to create new patterns and pockets of safety by creating new neural pathways 🧠 I’ve done it, I’ve lived it…….(correction - I’m living it!) 😃Empowering myself to inspire & support others on their journey to thrive is my mission 🚀 #letsgo
How often do we acknowledge the resistance in us as ‘growth’?
#growthroughwhatyougothrough #believeinthepowerofyou
This is powerful! I can definitely relate to this ❤️🩹🥺 #evolveyourbeliefs #createyournow #believeinthepowerofyou #mindandbodyfreedom
#evolveyourbeliefs #believeinthepowerofyou #innerchildhealing #thefamilymindsetjedi
It’s all part of the process of knowing thyself 💛