The Gentle Journal Company

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The Gentle Journal Company Small changes, big impact: Journal your way to a life you love in just a few minutes a day...

I shared this last week for everyone getting exam results... same applies if you're getting results today so it bears re...

I shared this last week for everyone getting exam results... same applies if you're getting results today so it bears repeating.
Life is a series of doors.
Some doors open for you automatically.
Appreciate them.
Some doors you have to turn the handle before they open.
A bit of effort goes a long way.
Some doors you knock on but they’re just not meant for you…
or maybe they’re not meant for you right now.
If the door doesn’t open ask your heart if you really want to go through it.
If you’re not 100% sure, there will be another door round the next corner.
If it’s a hell yes, take some time, it’s simply that you’re not ready for that door just yet.
Some doors you need someone else to open for you.
Don’t be afraid to ask.
Some doors will open if you know how to find the key.
It might take a while, but you’ll get there.
Some doors you go through and really wish you hadn’t!
There’s no shame in turning round and going right back out again.
And the best doors?
They’re often the ones where you have to smash a hole in the wall and build your own.
If you forge your own path you can open doors for those that come after you and that feeling makes all the closed doors worth it.
Go gently out there. Tomorrow is a new day. x

SOMEONE will always have control over your happiness. How do you make sure it's YOU?For a long time I blamed my lack of ...

SOMEONE will always have control over your happiness. How do you make sure it's YOU?

For a long time I blamed my lack of happiness and fulfilment on all manner of people, situations and circumstances. Being a single mum, not knowing what my purpose was, having to make ends meet on just one income... you name it, I blamed it.

Learning how to journal effectively changed that. It shifted my perspective, helped me to focus on solutions rather than getting bogged down in the mud of complaining, and uncovered all the good stuff I had going on (a lot more than I had bothered to notice).

Realising that YOU can take responsibility for your happiness is very freeing.

Would you like to reclaim that power?

On Saturday 2nd September at 10.30am BST I'll be running an online workshop called Journal Me Happy where I will share the journaling techniques that are the foundation for taking back that control. We will gather on Zoom for around 90 minutes and you'll have plenty of opportunity to practice these techniques as we go; you'll leave feeling happier, less stressed and more optimistic.

To book your place, click here: Don't miss it!

What's the first thing you do when you wake up? If you tune in to the news, wherever you get it, chances are you'll end ...

What's the first thing you do when you wake up?

If you tune in to the news, wherever you get it, chances are you'll end up feeling rubbish before you've even got out of bed!


Resist the urge!

Instead, grab your journal and think about what you're grateful for and write it down. Come up with at least 3 things. They don't have to be big, small things are just as important.

Think about what you can do that would make today a good day and write that down too.

Decide on a small thing that you can do for yourself today and jot it down.

Then just pause for a moment and tune in to how you feel. My guess is that you'll feel quite good.

I completely get the need to feel informed about what's going on in the world, but if you get your news fix first thing it will set your day off on the wrong foot.

The news is full of doom and gloom most of the time, because negativity sells. Doom laden headlines make you click, grab your attention, and your attention is the commodity that attracts revenue to the media outlets in the form of advertising.

Put your attention where it serves YOU instead, and start your day in a much better frame of mind. You'd be amazed how much of a difference this one little shift makes. Give it a try!

Go gently, and have a happy day. x


Fancy learning some journaling skills to help you feel happier?

I wanted to write something for everyone getting exam results today... *******Life is a series of doors.Some doors open ...

I wanted to write something for everyone getting exam results today...

Life is a series of doors.

Some doors open for you automatically.
Appreciate them.

Some doors you have to turn the handle before they open.
A bit of effort goes a long way.

Some doors you knock on but they’re just not meant for you…
or maybe they’re not meant for you right now.
If the door doesn’t open ask your heart if you really want to go through it.
If you’re not 100% sure, there will be another door round the next corner.
If it’s a hell yes, take some time, it’s simply that you’re not ready for that door just yet.

Some doors you need someone else to open for you.
Don’t be afraid to ask.

Some doors will open if you know how to find the key.
It might take a while, but you’ll get there.

Some doors you go through and really wish you hadn’t!
There’s no shame in turning round and going right back out again.

And the best doors?
They’re often the ones where you have to smash a hole in the wall and build your own.

If you forge your own path you can open doors for those that come after you and that feeling makes all the closed doors worth it.


Go gently out there. Tomorrow is a new day. x

If you're down in the dumps and need to lift your spirits what's your go to?Me? Cake almost always improves my mood. Or ...

If you're down in the dumps and need to lift your spirits what's your go to?

Me? Cake almost always improves my mood. Or wine.

But it's fleeting isn't it? Enjoyable in the moment but that feeling doesn't last. Sadly!

I don't know about you, but when life is challenging cake doesn't cut it. I want something more sustainable, something that makes me feel better on a deeper level.

For me, that's journaling. It's a tool I've used for years to lift me out of difficult periods in my life and it's definitely the reason I am as resilient as I am. It's a way of shifting your perspective to put you in a much more positive frame of mind where you'll find solutions rather than focusing on everything that's going wrong, or everything that's hard, which is a sure fire way to stay stuck right there in the gloom.

Might that be something you'd like to try?

I'm running an online workshop called Journal Me Happy (cos that's what it does!) on Saturday 2nd September at 10.30am. If you fancy it, you can find out more and book a place here:

It's so important to take time for yourself - even if it's only 5 minutes. And you kinda have to schedule it in... other...

It's so important to take time for yourself - even if it's only 5 minutes. And you kinda have to schedule it in... otherwise if you just wait until you've got time to take time for yourself it'll never happen!
Creating a journaling habit, 5 minutes morning and evening, can give you a little time for yourself, and if you use it wisely it can also give you a real boost. Jot down one thing you have to do today and how you want to feel while doing it or describe the best possible outcome as if it's already happened. Take that feeling with you into your day and see what happens.
Go gently, and have wonderful days all. x

Ahhh..... Sunday evening. The last vestige of the weekend! The perfect time to take a moment and reflect on the week tha...

Ahhh..... Sunday evening. The last vestige of the weekend! The perfect time to take a moment and reflect on the week that has just been. How was it for you?

What was the best bit? Why?

What are you proud of yourself for? Why?

If you'd like to share, I'm all ears!

Taking a bit of time for reflection and pausing long enough to think about it is well worthwhile because it's like a signpost showing us the way to what's working for us and what we need more of. Which is helpful because it's not always what you think it is!

If you fancy a few more reflective journal prompts and some guided planning for the week ahead check out The Wonderful Week Journal Panner... you can get it here:

Life sucks sometimes doesn't it?! We can find ourselves needing to be resilient when we LEAST feel like it. This is prob...

Life sucks sometimes doesn't it?! We can find ourselves needing to be resilient when we LEAST feel like it. This is probably when I've got the most out of my journal personally. The kind of days when it feels like the world is against you and every which way you turn you come up against a brick wall... know what I mean?!

The reason it feels like that is because once you start thinking about everything that's wrong, THAT's what your focusing on, and the reticular activating system in your brain kicks in and goes "Oh, I see, mission understood, this is what we're on today... allow me to present to you a million and one other things that will make you feel crap!!"

The good news is, you can interrupt that cycle by consciously CHOOSING to focus on something else, which will reprogram that mission.

1. Practice Gratitude
Start by writing down three things you're grateful for. If you can come up with more, just keep on writing. This is always the best place to start.

2. Take a moment
Take 5 minutes to breathe slowly and deeply and really focus on that gratitude.

3. How would the person you'd like to be do the thing you need to do?
Then to kick start your resilience think about the kind of person you'd like to be, followed by something you've got to solve or get done today. Imagine how the person you'd like to be would tackle that task... and write that down in as much detail as you can. Have fun with it!

Then maybe take that first little step. Gently.

Writing things down isn't just for (ahem) forgetful people of a certain age (and I count myself as one of them)! The ver...

Writing things down isn't just for (ahem) forgetful people of a certain age (and I count myself as one of them)! The very act of writing down an intention or a goal increases your focus on what you want. By creating that focus the part of your brain called the Reticular Activating System will sift through all the data it encounters to present what's important to you... in other words, thoughts, ideas and external inputs like opportunities that are relevant to what you're focusing on will be brought to your attention. Which means you're more likely to accomplish that goal because what you need to do will be at the forefront of your mind. How cool is that? This is why this stuff works! Best done first thing in the morning... why not give it a try tomorrow? And don't forget you can get my free Simple Daily Journal Sheet (including a space to set intentions for your day) from this link:

With life chucking stuff at us left, right and centre, feeling overwhelmed is becoming more and more common. Here are a ...

With life chucking stuff at us left, right and centre, feeling overwhelmed is becoming more and more common. Here are a few things you can do to overcome it...

How do you stop feeling overwhelmed when you've got so much to do you don't know where to start? Here are 3 things to help...

If you're feeling frazzled during the day try and step outside for a few minutes. Ideally somewhere where nature is in a...

If you're feeling frazzled during the day try and step outside for a few minutes. Ideally somewhere where nature is in abundance, but even if you can just find a flower or a leaf to focus on that will do. Nature just works. It goes quietly about its thing, everything connected, gently moving from day to night. Ponder on that for a moment, take a deep breath and acknowledge that you too are a part of nature, so you too can go quietly about your thing, gently moving from day to night.
Have gentle days all. x


When you're drowning in overwhelm it's hard to know what to do (apart from hiding under the duvet and/or opening the wine!) But here are 3 simple things you can do that don't involve hiding or wine which will help you feel a bit less frazzled and more like you're running your life rather than your life running you.

Here we are on the cusp of a new week... take a few minutes to set some intentions. This is time well spent, preparing a...

Here we are on the cusp of a new week... take a few minutes to set some intentions. This is time well spent, preparing and thinking about how you want this next week to pan out.

DECIDING what you want is powerful. Often we spend too much time thinking and stressing about what we DON'T want rather than putting our attention on what we DO want instead.

So do yourself a big favour. Imagine what you want, jot it down in your journal (if you've got time be really descriptive and write it as if it's already happened) then head into the week with an expectation that all will be well.

You know those mornings when you get out of bed and stub your toe? Puts you in a foul mood for the rest of the day doesn...

You know those mornings when you get out of bed and stub your toe? Puts you in a foul mood for the rest of the day doesn't it?! Here's how to avoid that:
1. Be careful as you get out of bed!!
2. Grab your journal and write down three things you're grateful for, something you will do to make today a good day, and one small thing you will do for yourself today.
That should do the trick.
Have a lovely Saturday. x

P.S. if you want something to remind you of these good mood prompts get yourself a copy of my FREE Simple Daily Journal Sheet here:

It's Friday. Take a moment. In fact, take a minute or two to read my latest blog about how to take time for yourself. If...

It's Friday. Take a moment. In fact, take a minute or two to read my latest blog about how to take time for yourself. If you haven't got time, then you REALLY need to read it!

It's so important to take time for yourself, but how can you do it when you're flat out? Start thinking about it differently. Here's how...

Weaving a five or ten minute pause into your day can work wonders. Create a moment of stillness and relish it. There's n...

Weaving a five or ten minute pause into your day can work wonders. Create a moment of stillness and relish it. There's not much that can't wait for five minutes, so forget about everything and just be. Just be in that moment. Then maybe do it again later!

I so agree with this! Seeing your own thoughts written out in black and white is different to having them swirling aroun...

I so agree with this! Seeing your own thoughts written out in black and white is different to having them swirling around in your head. It gives you the opportunity to take a step back almost and consider the situation as if you were a dear friend and advise accordingly. It's amazing how the answers you need come to you when you do this!

One of the most useful things journaling can help us to discover is WHY we feel the way we do... and it's often not what...

One of the most useful things journaling can help us to discover is WHY we feel the way we do... and it's often not what you think! When you really drill down into it, there may well be a deeper underlying cause which makes a lot more sense when you uncover it. Write down how you feel, then keep going, responding to the prompt "Why is that important to me?" At some point realisation will hit and you'll go "Ohhhhh!!!"
That self-awareness is so valuable, because when you know the root cause you know what needs to be addressed to help you feel better, or what to do more of to maintain that good mood!

Prioritise yourself for a while today. Recharge your batteries by doing something you love. And don't you dare feel guil...

Prioritise yourself for a while today. Recharge your batteries by doing something you love. And don't you dare feel guilty about it.... mmmkay?

Well here we are, halfway through the year so it must be time to review our goals and see if we're on track, right? Not ...

Well here we are, halfway through the year so it must be time to review our goals and see if we're on track, right? Not necessarily. If you're rolling your eyes because you haven't had time to even THINK about goals let alone do anything about them, here's a much gentler approach to goal setting for busy people.

If the idea of goal setting makes you feel inadequate here's an altogether gentler approach. Achievements can be any size.

Social media is chock full of people sharing their big achievements, you know the sort of thing, the posts where the com...

Social media is chock full of people sharing their big achievements, you know the sort of thing, the posts where the comments are liberally sprinkled with wows and congratulations. All well and good.

But it's created a false sense that for something to BE an achievement, it MUST be big.

Balls to that. If you accomplish something that's important to you, no matter how small it is, IT'S AN ACHIEVEMENT. Celebrate it. Celebrate you. Be proud of yourself. Enjoy that feeling of satisfaction. Go you!

In fact, you can do that every day. Just set yourself a couple of small goals each day and enjoy that feeling of accomplishment when you tick them off. You'd be amazed how this can boost your confidence and self-esteem.

Have a good day x

Lunchtime pause... take a moment and think about something you've got to do this afternoon. In an ideal world, how would...

Lunchtime pause... take a moment and think about something you've got to do this afternoon. In an ideal world, how would you want to feel while doing it? Write a few sentences as if it has already happened just like as you'd like and you're telling a friend about it later. Read it back to yourself then carry on with your day. Seed sown. x


What nourishment do you need right now?

We've just had a decent amount of rain after a prolonged hot and dry spell here, and it's as if the whole garden has relaxed and breathed a sigh of relief... ahhhhhhhh. (Me too, tbh, anything over about 24C is too hot for me!)

In our busy world we're conditioned to keep on going, and going, and going, and don't stop to consider what soul nourishment we might need until we're so desperate for it we're on the verge of keeling over.

I invite you to take a moment with your journal and jot down 5 small things you can do to nourish your soul, things you love, things that rejuvenate you, things that revitalise you. Nothing big and fancy, just simple things that would be easy to slot into your day if you remembered to do them. Now put one in your calendar for each of the next five days, and set a reminder. Your turn to relax and breathe a sigh of relief.

When you put it like that, isn't worrying ridiculous?! Worrying is focusing your attention on the wrong thing... 99.9% o...

When you put it like that, isn't worrying ridiculous?! Worrying is focusing your attention on the wrong thing... 99.9% of the time you're worrying about something you don't want.
Flip it on its head. Grab your journal and write, "THIS is what I want..." then state what you want clearly.
Just that simple act will make you feel better. It gives you something to aim for, and all of a sudden your mind will be looking for solutions to help you get what you want. Waaaay better than worrying!






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