La fleur de la solitude

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La fleur de la solitude Step on the path towards your Authenticity. Every song has a story and the story will be heard, as long as it is authentic. Follow my words. Listen to the colors.

This audio fictional podcast is created and performed by Freeda Nera Immortelle

💫Who should You serve first?💫TO SERVE typically refers to the act of assisting, helping, or providing a service to someo...

💫Who should You serve first?💫

TO SERVE typically refers to the act of assisting, helping, or providing a service to someone or something.
Serving can be an expression of kindness, duty, or dedication, often leading to personal fulfillment and a sense of purpose. It can also manifest in various forms, ranging from small acts of kindness to larger commitments that have a significant impact on others or society as a whole.

However, very often, in serving others, we lose ourselves. From an early age, we are taught to do good deeds; however, it is often overlooked that we will make the greatest contribution to society if, in doing so, we also do what we love the most, or if we serve our gift. In this way, we perform a dual service, doing good for ourselves and others.

Everyone has unique talents, skills, and strengths—these are your "gifts". Serving these gifts involves honing and utilizing them to their fullest potential. It could mean investing time and effort in developing your skills through education, practice, or seeking opportunities that allow you to showcase these gifts.

In essence, serving oneself and serving one's gifts enhances your own life and also contributes positively to the lives of others. It's a balance that fosters personal growth, fulfillment, and meaningful contributions to the world around you.

Let's conclude: SERVE YOURSELF first, feed your own mouth. It's not selfish or egoistic; rather, it's the best way to then feed and serve a greater number of others.


The VOICE  is a sound produced by the human or animal throat, i.e., the vocal phonation organ. Although sight and hearin...

The VOICE is a sound produced by the human or animal throat, i.e., the vocal phonation organ. Although sight and hearing are often considered the most important human senses, the human or animal voice often serves as a warning and saves lives.

Regardless of the cause, being unable to use one's voice, whether temporarily or long-term, certainly diminishes the quality of someone's life. However, in today's society, there's an irony that those blessed with the ability to use their voice often choose not to, usually out of fear of being called out or punished for thinking differently.

As for maintaining balance, for me, it's about acknowledging my beliefs and values while being open to different perspectives. Finding that middle ground between staying true to myself and being receptive to new ideas helps me navigate through various situations.

Most of us have the right to our "voice," but the question is how much of that voice truly belongs to us and how much is imposed by our surroundings, therefore, belonging to others. Despite appearances, many would be surprised by the numbers showing how many people actually live their truth, their voice, and their authenticity.

💫The voice of conscience is quiet enough to be easily silenced, yet loud enough to be impossible to ignore.💫

How about Your “Voice”?


"Which story are we telling?"A narrator or a Storyteller is someone who tells a story. Stories are shared to convey life...

"Which story are we telling?"

A narrator or a Storyteller is someone who tells a story. Stories are shared to convey life's wisdom. They're told by professionals, various artists like actors, writers, musicians, whether it's for the sake of art itself or promoting specific products. Our grandparents, parents, friends, teachers—they all tell stories.

Every day, we hear various stories and learn something new from them, or we repeat and reinforce what we already know. And we tell our own stories.
Often, we shape them depending on the society or audience listening to us, seeking to impress.

How similar are the stories we tell others to the ones we tell ourselves? Are they the same stories? Is the world favorable in them or not? The stories we tell others are often extensions of the stories we tell ourselves. Do they carry hope or not?

Which story are we telling?


“How healthy is it to believe in 🌟🌟SOULMATES?"In a time where more people drift apart than connect, and individualism is...

“How healthy is it to believe in 🌟🌟SOULMATES?"

In a time where more people drift apart than connect, and individualism is glorified through a misunderstanding of solitude, belief in kindred souls is often mocked, and those who hold such beliefs are labeled as unrealistic dreamers.
However, with age and a general rise in consciousness, perspectives broaden. Only the brave ones, those open to new self-discoveries, who believe in the journey of souls, understand that kindred spirits exist.
They come not in the form of just one being but in multiple entities.
They come appearing as friends, strangers, lovers, twin flames, soul teachers or divine souls, but all with the same goal, to guide us on our path towards authenticity.

I wish you all to find your divine soul partner, as I believe, that’s also a path to oneness.



🌟"SELF-CONFIDENCE is the mirror of a happy or unhappy life."🌟🎁 Dear Souls in 2024 I wish You all to have strong and heal...

🌟"SELF-CONFIDENCE is the mirror of a happy or unhappy life."🌟

🎁 Dear Souls in 2024 I wish You all to have strong and healthy SELF-CONFIDENCE!

An individual's level of self-awareness and self-trust reflects in the quality of life they lead. Someone with high self-awareness is their own greatest authority and, as such, takes responsibility for their actions even when dissatisfied with the achieved results.

The roots of lacking confidence extend back to childhood, to the first three years of life. The way parents treated us during childhood shapes how we now treat ourselves. For some, it was a positive experience, but for most of us, growing up involved constant negative criticism, making us our own harshest critics today.

Fortunately, confidence can be built. Sometimes, it's necessary to tear down a house to build a new one, but one with better foundations and a more pleasant interior that meets our needs.

I won't lie, it will take time, and it won't be easy. There will be rainy days, windy days, and scorching sun, but when one day you spend your first night in that house, even in your dreams, you'll wear a smile.

Thank you for everythint 2023, 2024 You are welcome to step in, BRING IT ON!🥂💫🥂💫🥂💫🤍



“Are you an OUT-OF-THE-BOX THINKER?"In translation, are you hypersensitive, overly analytical, hyper-empathetic, complic...


In translation, are you hypersensitive, overly analytical, hyper-empathetic, complicated, an unprecedentedly honest idealist with high moral principles, an irreparable perfectionist, in short, a person from another planet?

While most of society perceives individuals of this profile as tiresome and 'too much,' in France, there is “The GAPPESM”, The Association for the Protection of Persons with Mental Over-efficiency, which refers to someone who thinks too much a PWMO: Person with Mental Over-efficiency.

For , in her book “I think too much – How to channel intrusive thoughts?” she simply refers to them as a “gifted person”, a person who is more intelligent than the average person but who does not accept the idea that they are gifted.
She therefore prefers to use the term used by the GAPPESM to name the person who thinks too much: “mentally over-efficient”.

Thank You Christel Petitcollin, You are a saviour.



PODCAST "La Fleur de la Solitude"By 9. LES RÊVES INDIGO9. Indigo dreams9. Indigo snoviF-N-IEditing:.officialMusic:      ...

PODCAST "La Fleur de la Solitude"

9. Indigo dreams
9. Indigo snovi



How is your soul? How often do you talk?If you don't know who you are, think about what you care about most. That's the ...

How is your soul? How often do you talk?

If you don't know who you are, think about what you care about most. That's the first place we should check.
Is it your body, your boyfriend, family, car, coat or pet?
Immediately afterwards, think a little about the things, places, people, feelings and customs that you despise.

In those places, there could be answers to all your misery and pain, and the beginning of your growth.

How is your soul? How often do you talk?


Healthy Pride - Oxymoron or Not?If Not, Where is the boundary?It's amazing how different people are. While for some, pri...

Healthy Pride - Oxymoron or Not?
If Not, Where is the boundary?

It's amazing how different people are. While for some, pride will be the first thing we notice, for others it will be the last thing we notice. We may never know why this is so and what happened between the birth of that person and the moment we met them for the first time, but we will instinctively form an opinion in accordance with what we ourselves are or are not.

Is it possible to be neutral and make an objective judgment in such situations?
Yes, but it's pretty challenging. Although, we can certainly use our own opinion to reassess ourselves and the foundations of our self-confidence.
That's really the only thing we owe, and time will show facet of every face, if we wait long enough.


"The world is but a dream." The ancients hold the outer reality to be unreal. But there is the inner reality too. Some o...

"The world is but a dream."

The ancients hold the outer reality to be unreal. But there is the inner reality too. Some of us do not readily accept the conditions of this existence. We have eyes to see, but we also have voice to refute the existential delusion.


"The only virtue a man cannot boast of is Modesty. If he boasted of it, he would no longer be modest."  VoltaireIt is sa...

"The only virtue a man cannot boast of is Modesty. If he boasted of it, he would no longer be modest."


It is said that all "big" people are modest, that there are no modest "little" people.

And how should one look at modest people who, because of their modesty, cannot become even “bigger" and make a good change in the world, who, because of "Modesty" deny the world their gifts?
Is it about fear and selfishness that protects the owner at least a little from all the negative things that fame brings, or is it about the absence of courage, self-awareness and gratitude for the obtained tools that can make this world a more beautiful place?

"A man can be humble without being wise, but it is impossible to be wise without being humble."


Illutratio by:

“There were People who were here who before us…”The ancient Romans and Greeks used olive oil for their personal care. Th...

“There were People who were here who before us…”

The ancient Romans and Greeks used olive oil for their personal care. They anointed their muscles with olive oil so that they remain elastic. Athletes and people of the higher class anointed themselves with olive oil, so that their body remains clean.

The love of women and olive oil has been known since ancient times.
Jeanne Calment, a french supercentenarian from Arles, used olive oil in her daily routine and lived until she was 122 years and 164 days old.

But, is longevity really the most important?

Wise, old and highly aware people will give advantage to the quality of life because if we feel good in our skin we can share it and help others, just like the olive tree does.

As a symbol of eternal link between man and the earth, peace, wisdom, fertility, prosperity, health, luck, victory, stability and tranquility, let us always have in mind how olive trees and its fruits contribute to our health and immensely enrich our lives daily.


“The Lost is nothing more than a Change.”Everything is a change, but there is equality in between. And everything is clo...

“The Lost is nothing more than a Change.”

Everything is a change, but there is equality in between. And everything is close, so there is no reason for fear from something new.

If it follows its true individual nature, every live organism self-actualizes itself.
Just as it is natural for the leaf to be a part of a plant's nature, to disagree with anything false is the only correct way for rational nature.

Things that might seem false in one moment could seem completely right in another one. All we have to do is to be present and feel how we feel about it.


“If we miss one step, we’ll end up paying the Price for it”Everything we do in a hurry leaves no room for presence in th...

“If we miss one step, we’ll end up paying the Price for it”

Everything we do in a hurry leaves no room for presence in the moment and whenever that happens, the chances of making the wrong moves are higher.

Some things need to be. If our dreams are sincere and authentic, and if we work on their realization every day, they will eventually come true and the timing will be perfect whether or not they differ from our plans.


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“When it’s not Easy, it’s on Us.” If we removed all our deep desires that our achievements value us in society, the weig...

“When it’s not Easy, it’s on Us.”

If we removed all our deep desires that our achievements value us in society, the weight of tasks, from daily to special ones, would also disappear.

If we believe and accept that everything finds its own way to happen, or even not, ease would be the main description of How we should live our purpose in this world.

FNI“When it’s not Easy, it’s on Us.”

If we removed all our deep desires that our achievements value us in society, the weight of tasks, from daily to special ones, would also disappear.

If we believe and accept that everything finds its own way to happen, or even not, ease would be the main description of How we should live our purpose in this world.


via .app

“The Best Ones in their profession show us how important our Priorities are and how they make a difference in the world....

“The Best Ones in their profession show us how important our Priorities are and how they make a difference in the world.”

Being focused means having clear goals and investing all our energy to achieve them. Being focused also means to be in the present moment and despite all distractions, being able to devote all our attention to the task that is on us.

Allowing yourself to have priorities without explaining or apologizing for it to the environment ultimately brings great accomplishments.

Just as self-love begins by loving ourselves peace by peace, bigger focus strengthens our self-confidence and faith that we are on the right track.


“Love Always Performs.”Love doesn’t quit or give up. Love lasts, during good and bad times.In the wedding vows, a husban...

“Love Always Performs.”

Love doesn’t quit or give up. Love lasts, during good and bad times.

In the wedding vows, a husband and wife take each other “For better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, from this day forward until death do us part.”

Love shines the most when it is not expected.

Persevere in Love.


via .app

“Nothing is Stronger than Gentleness.”In addition to patience, kindness and goodness, gentleness is the manifestation of...

“Nothing is Stronger than Gentleness.”

In addition to patience, kindness and goodness, gentleness is the manifestation of Love, the strongest power in the world.
When one possesses faith he/she has the power of self-control and those are prerequisites for us to become gentle in our words and actions.

Unfortunately, showing gentleness nowadays is considered more as weakness and that’s why our world lacks Love.

It all starts with small daily gentleness. When we are ready to arrive as the last one, we arrive as the first one.


“Repeat. Repeat. Repeat. Until Repetition becomes Endurance.”The single most important attribute to becoming successful ...

“Repeat. Repeat. Repeat. Until Repetition becomes Endurance.”

The single most important attribute to becoming successful is self-discipline. It helps us stay focused on reaching our goals, gives us the gumption to stick with difficult tasks and allows us to overcome obstacles and discomfort as we push ourselves to new heights.

Our progress may range from dull to spectacular, but we must accept both. It is alright to be sidetracked a little bit, but one must always be cautious and come back to the main road without losing too much time or ground.

This is why a strong perspective is at the root of wisdom.



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Podcast "La Fleur de la Solitude"



Composition NAJVEĆI DAR

Episode 7.
7.Blue Support
7.Plava Podrška



PODCAST "La Fleur de la Solitude"7. LE SUPPORT BLEU7. Blue Support7. Plava PodrškaF-N-Iofficial

PODCAST "La Fleur de la Solitude"

7. Blue Support
7. Plava Podrška


 "Where I grow up, Women are the Queens."              SALVIA OFFICINALISWisdom comes with age, and peace, its loyal fri...

"Where I grow up, Women are the Queens."

Wisdom comes with age, and peace, its loyal friend always follows.

All our pain comes from our lack, but it is the destiny of people to travel towards simplicity.

Old women always talk about health and how it matters the most. Young people find it boring and ignore the message.

When we are healthy, we have endless problems and desires, and when we do not feel good, mentally or physically, we have only one desire - to feel better.

If we could only slow down a little, we would notice that the Old Women are our Uncrowned Queens.

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"Are We really Talking?"Have you ever noticed deaf-mute people talking with their "whole" body in order to express their...

"Are We really Talking?"

Have you ever noticed deaf-mute people talking with their "whole" body in order to express their emotions and thoughts?

Have you ever imagined yourself waking up and not being able to speak?

You don't have to imagine that, because Most of us do it on a daily base. Only few of us dare to use their Voice in a proper way and those are called the rebellions, the whistleblowers...
They came here to speak their truth.
How about you?

If it is too hard, You can sing it out too....

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"Why our Depths are more Frightening than the Depths of the Oceans?Seas and oceans hide a whole new world that only few ...

"Why our Depths are more Frightening than the Depths of the Oceans?

Seas and oceans hide a whole new world that only few of us are trully interesed in, and thanks to them our knowledge is expanding.

It is always difficult at the beginning. Whenever we leave our confort zone we should take our time and be gentle with ourselves.
How can we remember our childhood desires, longings and fears if we don't dive deep?

Everyone should do it for themselves but sometimes we need a support, a hand.
When we start talking about our oceans to a family member, a friend or a therapist, we are making our first step toward new horizons, because by then we have already started talking to ourselves.
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"La Fleur de la Solitude"


PODCAST "La Fleur de la Solitude"TEASER Episode 6.    Part 1.+ Part 2.4. LA FOI MARRON4. Brown Faith4. Smeđa VjeraF-N-Io...

PODCAST "La Fleur de la Solitude"

TEASER Episode 6.
Part 1.+ Part 2.

4. Brown Faith
4. Smeđa Vjera




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