Vedic News

Vedic News A clustered homeschooling for children at Govardhan, Mathura. An alternative to modern school which will create the best future for your children.

Calling all devotees!  📢 IbmEdu presents a unique opportunity to deepen your connection with Krishna through their enric...

Calling all devotees! 📢 IbmEdu presents a unique opportunity to deepen your connection with Krishna through their enriching courses:

*Essentials of Krishna Consciousness:* Explore the foundational principles of Gaudiya Vaishnavism and Krishna consciousness. Perfect for beginners seeking a clear and authentic understanding.
[Link to Essentials of Krishna Consciousness course] (

*Diploma in Bhagavad Gita (Gujarati):* Delve into the Bhagavad Gita's wisdom with a comprehensive diploma course by Krishna Rupa Devi Dasi. (Gujarati language)
[Link to Diploma in Bhagavad Gita course] (

*Learn to Sing Shlokas - Prayers to Lord Narasimha:* Learn beautiful melodies for chanting shlokas dedicated to Lord Narasimha. This 5-day course is open to adults and children, with instruction in English and Hindi.
[Link to Learn to Sing Shlokas course] (

Upcoming Courses from ISKCON Bhagavata MahavidyalayaISKCON Bhagavata Mahavidyalaya is thrilled to announce a series of e...

Upcoming Courses from ISKCON Bhagavata Mahavidyalaya

ISKCON Bhagavata Mahavidyalaya is thrilled to announce a series of enlightening courses designed to nurture your devotion and broaden your knowledge of timeless spiritual wisdom. Join us as we embark on a transformative journey through the sacred texts and teachings of Bhakti.

Bhakti Sastri (Hindi)
Starting: 22nd April 2024
Days: Monday to Friday
Timings: 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Registration Link:

Bhakti Sastri (English)
Starting: 15th April 2024
Days: Monday to Friday
Timings: 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Registration Link:

Bhakti Vaibhava (Hindi)
Starting: 25th April 2024
Days: Monday to Thursday
Timings: 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Registration Link:

Bhakti Vaibhava (English)
Starting: 18th April 2024
Days: Monday to Thursday
Timings: 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Registration Link:

Bhakti Vedanta (English)
Starting: 8th April 2024
Days: Monday to Thursday
Timings: 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Registration Link:

Don't miss this opportunity to delve into the ocean of Bhakti wisdom and elevate your consciousness. Enroll now and embark on a journey of self-discovery and devotion with ISKCON Bhagavata Mahavidyalaya.

Discover the Wisdom of Queen Kunti: Lessons in Grace, Strength, and Devotion

Discover the Wisdom of Queen Kunti: Lessons in Grace, Strength, and Devotion

Gopal Bhatta Goswami, one of the celebrated Six Goswamis of Vrindavan. Chaitanya Mahaprabhu met Gopal Bhatta and his fam...

Gopal Bhatta Goswami, one of the celebrated Six Goswamis of Vrindavan. Chaitanya Mahaprabhu met Gopal Bhatta and his family in A.D. 1511, while traveling through South India. Gopal Bhatta later went to Vrindavan, the birthplace of Lord Krishna, to study the scriptures with Rupa and Sanatana Goswamis.

Gopal Bhatta Goswami is famous for establishing the worship of Sri Radha-Raman, a unique, self-manifested (not carved) Deity form of Krishna. The Radha-raman temple is one of the most famous and popular temples in all of Vrindavan. When Krishnadas Kaviraja was writing Chaitanya-charitamrita, an extensive biography of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, Gopal Bhatta, out of severe humility, requested him to not mention his name anywhere in it. The author mostly complied with his request, only mentioning Gopal Bhatta a couple of times.
Enroll Now:

21 Days, One Epic Journey: Immerse Yourself in the Srimad Bhagavatam Reading Challenge – Transformative Wisdom Awaits!  ...

21 Days, One Epic Journey: Immerse Yourself in the Srimad Bhagavatam Reading Challenge – Transformative Wisdom Awaits!


ISKCON Bhagavata Mahavidyalaya – Self-Study Courses for Spiritual Awakening and Personal TransformationRegister Now: htt...

ISKCON Bhagavata Mahavidyalaya – Self-Study Courses for Spiritual Awakening and Personal Transformation
Register Now:


Happy Putrada Ekadashi! May divine blessings bring joy, prosperity, and harmony to your family.

Happy Putrada Ekadashi! May divine blessings bring joy, prosperity, and harmony to your family.

Glories Of Holyname (हरिनाम महिमा) (मराठी) | Online Certificate Course | Commencing From January 12, 2024 | Register Now...

Glories Of Holyname (हरिनाम महिमा) (मराठी) | Online Certificate Course | Commencing From January 12, 2024 | Register Now

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📚View Course Details:- "हरिनाम महिमा" म्हणजेच भगवान विष्णूच्या नावांची महिमा किंवा स्तुती करणारी एक हिंदू भक्तिसाधना आहे. ही साधना भगवान विष्णूच्या विविध नावांचं जप करून किंवा गाणं करून केली जाते. इ.स.स.कालातील संस्कृत साहित्यात "हरिनाम महिमा" ह्या साधनेची महत्त्वाची वर्णनांकनं आहे.

"हरिनाम महिमा" मध्ये भगवान विष्णूच्या विविध नावांचं जप करण्यामुळे भक्ताला आत्मा-साक्षात्काराचं अनुभव होतं आणि त्यातून भगवान विष्णूसोबत एकीभावाचं अनुभव होतं. या साधनेमुळे भक्ताचं मन शांत होतं, आत्मा सुद्ध होतं आणि भगवान साकार, निराकार सर्वत्र असताना त्याचं अनुभव होतं.
🎉 Student Benefits:-
🏷️ध्यान आणि शांतता
🏷️शिक्षण क्षमता वाढवणे
🏷️स्थैर्य आणि आत्मविश्वास
🏷️तंत्रज्ञान आणि शक्ती
🏷️स्वास्थ्य वाढवणे
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श्री भक्त्यलोक | Online Course | Commencing From January 15, 2024 | Register Now----------------------------------------...

श्री भक्त्यलोक | Online Course | Commencing From January 15, 2024 | Register Now
📚 View Course Details:-श्रीभक्त्यलोक

📘 Course Overview:- इस पाठ्यक्रम में श्रीला भक्ति विनोद ठाकुर द्वारा देखे गए उपदेशामृत के पाठ 2 और 3 के छः प्रासंगिक आइटम और छः अप्रासंगिक आइटमों पर निबंधों की एक गहरी समझ प्रदान की गई है।

🎉Student Benefits:-
🏷️'नेक्टर ऑफ इंस्ट्रक्शन' के पाठ 2 और 3 में महत्वपूर्ण दार्शनिक शब्द और अवधारणाएँ।
🏷️'अत्यहारह प्रयासश्च' आदि... वे छः दोषों पर होने वाले हर एक निबंध का व्यापक और व्यवस्थित अध्ययन, जो भक्ति को नष्ट करते हैं।
🏷️'उत्साहन निश्चयाद् धैर्यात्' आदि... वे छः आइटमों के हर एक निबंध का व्यापक और व्यवस्थित अध्ययन, जो शुद्ध भक्ति सेवा की पूरी सफलता को बढ़ावा देते हैं
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श्री भक्त्यलोक | Online Course | Commencing From January 15, 2024 | Register Now
📚 View Course Details:-श्रीभक्त्यलोक

📘 Course Overview:- इस पाठ्यक्रम में श्रीला भक्ति विनोद ठाकुर द्वारा देखे गए उपदेशामृत के पाठ 2 और 3 के छः प्रासंगिक आइटम और छः अप्रासंगिक आइटमों पर निबंधों की एक गहरी समझ प्रदान की गई है।

🎉Student Benefits:-
🏷️'नेक्टर ऑफ इंस्ट्रक्शन' के पाठ 2 और 3 में महत्वपूर्ण दार्शनिक शब्द और अवधारणाएँ।
🏷️'अत्यहारह प्रयासश्च' आदि... वे छः दोषों पर होने वाले हर एक निबंध का व्यापक और व्यवस्थित अध्ययन, जो भक्ति को नष्ट करते हैं।
🏷️'उत्साहन निश्चयाद् धैर्यात्' आदि... वे छः आइटमों के हर एक निबंध का व्यापक और व्यवस्थित अध्ययन, जो शुद्ध भक्ति सेवा की पूरी सफलता को बढ़ावा देते हैं
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Teachings of Queen Kunti | Online Certificate Course | Commencing From February 24, 2024 | Register Now-----------------...

Teachings of Queen Kunti | Online Certificate Course | Commencing From February 24, 2024 | Register Now
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📘Course Overview:- Kunti's prayer reveals the power of Lord Surya and shows her amazing faith. He inspired his sons to follow Dharma and guided them to become true kings. The character of Queen Kunti is revered in the Mahabharata as a great heroine dedicated to the motherland, an inspiration and religion.

🎉 Student Benefits:-
🏷️How to coordinate with adverse circumstances.
🏷️How to keep a positive attitude in all situations.
🏷️How to reduce physical and mental pain.
🏷️How to convert misfortune into good fortune.
🏷️Experience the power of prayers.
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Krishna Conscious Parenting | Self-study Course| 2 Sessions | Enroll NowEmbark on a transformative journey with Krishna ...

Krishna Conscious Parenting | Self-study Course| 2 Sessions | Enroll Now

Embark on a transformative journey with Krishna Conscious Parenting. Infuse your parenting with spiritual wisdom, fostering love, values, and devotion in your child's life. Discover the art of nurturing a spiritually conscious family, creating a harmonious and blissful home.

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21 Days Srimad Bhagavatam Reading Challenge | HG Amogh Lila Das | 1st to 21st February | Limited seats Available | Enroll Now

Embark on a dynamic 21-day Srimad Bhagavatam reading challenge from February 1st to 21st! Dive into daily, vibrant classes led by charismatic ISKCON sannyasis, enthusiastic brahmacharis, and devoted grihastas. Join this spirited journey to infuse your days with divine wisdom and community camaraderie.

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BhaktiVedanta Module-1 | Online Degree Course | Commencing From April 08, 2024 | Register Now---------------------------...

BhaktiVedanta Module-1 | Online Degree Course | Commencing From April 08, 2024 | Register Now
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📙Course Overview:- In-depth exploration of Cantos 7 to 9 of the Srimad Bhagavatam in our upcoming Bhakti Vedanta Course, Module 1. This comprehensive course is structured into three modules: Module 1 encompasses Canto 7, 8, and 9; Module 2 delves into Canto 10, and Module 3 unfolds the wisdom of Canto 11 and 12. Upon successfully completing all assessments in Modules 1, 2, and 3, you will be awarded a prestigious Bhakti Vedanta degree from the ISKCON Board of Examination. We invite you to embark on this transformative journey of spiritual learning and growth with us.

🎉Student Benefits:-
📝Deep understanding of SB
📝Philosophical Clarity of Shastras
📝Dedication towards Srila Prabhupada's Mission
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21 Days Srimad Bhagavatam Reading Challenge | 1st to 21st February | Limited seats Available | Enroll NowEmbark on a dyn...

21 Days Srimad Bhagavatam Reading Challenge | 1st to 21st February | Limited seats Available | Enroll Now

Embark on a dynamic 21-day Srimad Bhagavatam reading challenge from February 1st to 21st! Dive into daily, vibrant classes led by charismatic ISKCON sannyasis, enthusiastic brahmacharis, and devoted grihastas. Join this spirited journey to infuse your days with divine wisdom and community camaraderie.

Course Link:

DIPLOMA IN SRIMAD BHAGAVATAM | Self-Study Course | 70 SessionsEmbark on a profound journey of self-discovery with the 'D...

DIPLOMA IN SRIMAD BHAGAVATAM | Self-Study Course | 70 Sessions

Embark on a profound journey of self-discovery with the 'Diploma in Srimad Bhagavatam' self-study course. Uncover the timeless wisdom in 70 enlightening sessions. Elevate your spiritual understanding.

Course Link:

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Bhagavata Teachers Training Course | Online Certificate Course | Commencing From February 02, 2024 | Register Now📚View C...

Bhagavata Teachers Training Course | Online Certificate Course | Commencing From February 02, 2024 | Register Now

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📙Course Overview:- The Bhagavata Teachers Training course is a comprehensive program designed for devotees interested in delivering lectures and seminars on Srimad-Bhagavatam. Participants will delve deeper into the study of Srimad-Bhagavatam, enhance their presentation skills, and find nourishment in their own self-study.

🎉Student Benefits:-
📝Spiritual Growth
📝Leadership Skills
📝Cultural Understanding
📝Certification and Credibility
📝Personal Transformation
📝Enhanced Communication Skills
📝Service and Contribution

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श्री भक्त्यलोक | Online Course | Commencing From January 15, 2024 | Register Now----------------------------------------...

श्री भक्त्यलोक | Online Course | Commencing From January 15, 2024 | Register Now
📚 View Course Details:-श्रीभक्त्यलोक

📘 Course Overview:- इस पाठ्यक्रम में श्रीला भक्ति विनोद ठाकुर द्वारा देखे गए उपदेशामृत के पाठ 2 और 3 के छः प्रासंगिक आइटम और छः अप्रासंगिक आइटमों पर निबंधों की एक गहरी समझ प्रदान की गई है।

🎉Student Benefits:-
🏷️'नेक्टर ऑफ इंस्ट्रक्शन' के पाठ 2 और 3 में महत्वपूर्ण दार्शनिक शब्द और अवधारणाएँ।
🏷️'अत्यहारह प्रयासश्च' आदि... वे छः दोषों पर होने वाले हर एक निबंध का व्यापक और व्यवस्थित अध्ययन, जो भक्ति को नष्ट करते हैं।
🏷️'उत्साहन निश्चयाद् धैर्यात्' आदि... वे छः आइटमों के हर एक निबंध का व्यापक और व्यवस्थित अध्ययन, जो शुद्ध भक्ति सेवा की पूरी सफलता को बढ़ावा देते हैं
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21 Days Srimad Bhagavatam Reading Challenge| 1st to 21st February| Limited seats Available| Enroll NowEmbark on a dynami...

21 Days Srimad Bhagavatam Reading Challenge| 1st to 21st February| Limited seats Available| Enroll Now

Embark on a dynamic 21-day Srimad Bhagavatam reading challenge from February 1st to 21st! Dive into daily, vibrant classes led by charismatic ISKCON sannyasis, enthusiastic brahmacharis, and devoted grihastas. Join this spirited journey to infuse your days with divine wisdom and community camaraderie.

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Overview of Entire Chaitanya Charitamrita | Self-Paced Course | 8 SessionsImmerse yourself in the profound teachings of ...

Overview of Entire Chaitanya Charitamrita | Self-Paced Course | 8 Sessions

Immerse yourself in the profound teachings of the Chaitanya Charitamrita, a sacred text that narrates the life and mission of Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, through our self-paced learning program. Gain a deeper understanding of bhakti yoga, the path of devotional service, and cultivate divine love for Sri Sri Radha Krsna.

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Sri Shiksastakam | Self-study Course | 10 Sessions | Enroll NowAn enlightening composition by Lord Chaitanya, encapsulat...

Sri Shiksastakam | Self-study Course | 10 Sessions | Enroll Now

An enlightening composition by Lord Chaitanya, encapsulating profound teachings on spiritual consciousness, humility, and devotion. A timeless guide for seekers on the path of devotion

Course Link:

Real History of Ancient History | Self-study Course | 12 SessionsUncover the truth with the 'Real History of Ancient His...

Real History of Ancient History | Self-study Course | 12 Sessions

Uncover the truth with the 'Real History of Ancient History' course. Journey through authentic narratives, challenging conventional wisdom to reveal the fascinating complexities of our ancient past

Course Link:

Bhajan Rahasya | Online Certificate Course | Commencing From Jan 3, 2024 | Register Now---------------------------------...

Bhajan Rahasya | Online Certificate Course | Commencing From Jan 3, 2024 | Register Now
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📘Course Overview:- This course offers a deep exploration of the profound teachings articulated by Bhakti Vinod Thakur, as conveyed within the pages of his esteemed book. By engaging in a comprehensive study of this text, participants will have the opportunity to unravel the wisdom and spiritual guidance encapsulated within its pages, equipping them with valuable tools and knowledge to enhance their personal sadhana and deepen their spiritual journey. This course promises to be a profound and enlightening experience, allowing students to connect with the teachings of Bhakti Vinod Thakur in a meaningful and impactful way.
🎉Student Benefits:-
🏷️Spiritual Growth
🏷️Cultural and Religious Understanding
🏷️Stress Relief
🏷️Community Engagement
🏷️Personal Reflection
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Bhagavata Teachers Training Course Online Degree Course | Commencing From February 02 , 2024 | Register Now-------------...

Bhagavata Teachers Training Course Online Degree Course | Commencing From February 02 , 2024 | Register Now
📚View Course Details:-
📙Course Overview:- The Bhagavata Teachers Training course is a comprehensive program designed for devotees interested in delivering lectures and seminars on Srimad-Bhagavatam. Participants will delve deeper into the study of Srimad-Bhagavatam, enhance their presentation skills, and find nourishment in their own self-study.

🎉Student Benefits:-
📝Spiritual Growth
📝Leadership Skills
📝Cultural Understanding
📝Certification and Credibility
📝Personal Transformation
📝Enhanced Communication Skills
📝Service and Contribution
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Hare Krishna 🙏 , PAMHOIskcon Bhagavata MahavidyalayaA College of Vedic studiesOne - Stop Destination For All Vaishnav Ed...

Hare Krishna 🙏 , PAMHO
Iskcon Bhagavata Mahavidyalaya
A College of Vedic studies
One - Stop Destination For All Vaishnav Education
📜 Bhakti Shastri, Bhakti Vaibhav, IDC, TTC
📚 Unlimited Courses on the writings of Gaudiya Vaishnava Acharyas
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