Daylight Atheism is now on OnlySky! Come find me in my new home at the world's first journalism + storytelling platform by and for the rapidly growing secular community.
There are more than 84 million nonreligious Americans - almost a third of American society - and we're still growing. Within a few years, we'll surpass every religious denomination in size. Yet we continue to be overlooked and misunderstood.
OnlySky exists to change that. We want to give the nonreligious a voice and stake our claim in the marketplace of ideas. We take one natural world and one mortal life as a starting point and cover the human experience from a secular and progressive perspective.
OnlySky has signed up a great slate of writers and columnists, and I'm proud to be among them. Come by and say hello!
In which a longtime atheist blogger settles in to a new home.