*Mkidhina FMs 10 days of Mashujaa*
Lelo Shujaa wangu ni Mghosi Mwamunga. Mghosi apart from being an MP he went ahead to be a Cabinet Minister (ngera kwena ungi afuma Sagalla nighorere). He even co founded the Democratic Party of Kenya, mwana wa Kaya. Sighana na maole ghalye gha usubui Mghosi seluo kerwara vilatu, mashomo gheluo ghekefunyo Wray ndamu iye afume mzawe Kishamba ajike mabala nao ajoke nahafukeni. Uyu ni Shujaa wangu lelo kwa sababu ngera sio iye indakwenyi isi Wasagalla mango thendelilila malagho gha mbua. He ensured our future generations won't suffer sababu ya malagho gha mbua. He raised the Sagalla flag high and went ahead to protect what is ours. Shujaa wangu huyu👏👏RIP Ake