“Maybe Christmas doesn’t come from a store; perhaps it means a bit more.”
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Mindlessly scrolling and liking? Make the time you are scrolling count.
Don't mindlessly like and comment a 😂❤
Commenting on others posts with valuable input is a great way to make connections with customers and make your time on social media impactful.
Setting a timer for the time you want to spend commenting makes sure your time is not being wasted.
Save time for family this holiday season 🎁
#socialmediaexpert #mulberryfl #socialmediacontent #polkcountyfl #lakelandbusiness #bartowfl #bartowflorida #socialmediamarketing #winterhavenflorida #connectingwithpeople #socialmediamanager #lakewalesfl #socialmediamarketingtips #connectwithpeople #helpingsmallbusiness #polkcountybusiness #hollingsworthsocial #socialmediaqueen #PostIdea #contentideas #floridabusinesswomen #lakelandfl #lovelakeland #winterhavenfl #smallbusinesshelp #lakewalesflorida #mulberryflorida #smallbusinesssupport #hireasocialmediamanager #socialmediatips
"I'm a ghost with the most, babe."
Happy Haloween 👻
#bartowflorida #startabusiness #socialmediamanager #socialmediacontent #polkcountybusiness
#LakeWalesMainStreet #hollingsworthsocial #socialmediamarketing #winterhavensmallbusiness #lakehollingsworthlakelandfl
#polkcountyfl #happyhallowen #halloween2021 #beetlejuicebeetlejuice #cuteghost
#halloweenseason #spookyseason #boo
Happy Saturday! Where are you getting your coffee today?
Go local today ⬇
#smallbusinesshelp #socialmediacontent #socialmediaexpert
#polkcountybusiness #hollingsworthsocial #connectingwithpeople #socialmediamarketing #connectwithpeople
#winterhavenfl #winterhavenflorida #winterhavencoffeeshop #shoplocal #coffeeshop
#coffeetime #SaturdayVibe #polkcountyfl
3 Reasons You Should Hire A Social Media Manager
➡You Don't Have The Time
You are a business owner, consistently being pulled in a million directions. One of the easiest things to put on the back burner is social media, which can hurt your business. Hiring a social media manager gives you time for the fun parts of your business.
➡Boost Brand Engagement
Hiring a social media manager can bring new creativity and strategies to your business. The attention to detail and time they bring to your social media can help you stand out!
➡Your Not Social Media Savvy
Hashtags, strategy, and analytics, oh my! Having someone on your team that is an expert puts your business at the top of its field and gives you some peace of mind.
#winterhavenfl #bartowflorida #smallbusinesshelp #socialmediaexpert #socialmediacontent
#polkcountybusiness #LakeWalesMainStreet #hollingsworthsocial #winterhavensmallbusiness #lakehollingsworthlakelandfl
#polkcountyfl #lkld #lakewalesflorida #lakelandflorida #ConnectingWithPeople
#hireasocialmediamanager #socialmediaqueen #smallbusinesssupport #socialmediamarketing
You struck gold
...the day you said,
#bartowflorida #LakeWalesFlorida #socialmediamanager #socialmediacontent #polkcountybusiness
#LakeWalesMainStreet #hollingsworthsocial #socialmediamarketing #winterhavensmallbusiness #connectwithpeople
#socialmediatips #inspirationqoute #startabusiness #justdoit #socialmediamarketing
#lakelandflorida #lakehollingsworthlakelandfl
#socialmediamarketingtips #socialmediamanagement #mulberryfl
The people want to know!
Give them the tea!
Happy Posting!
#lovelakeland #winterhavenfl #bartowflorida #socialmediamanager #socialmediacontent
#LakeWalesMainStreet #hollingsworthsocial
#polkcountysmallbusiness #chainoflakeswinterhaven #instagramtipsforbusiness
#socialmediaqueen #lovelakeland #lakelandflorida #socialmediatipsandtricks #digitalcontentcreator
#socialmediaguru #socialmediaexpert #smallbusinesshelp #connectingwithpeople
3 Ways to Help with Engagement!
-Be Consistent
Create content that is easy to engage with and is unique to your business.
Make sure to mix up your content videos, quotes, tips, and product and service photos.
Engage with your followers.
Seeing your name in their comments, notifications, and DMs creates a relationship, which creates trust.
Have a consistent theme. Don't stress it.
You don't have to have a pattern or the perfect color pallet.
A consistent theme can be the type of content you share, a light color scheme, and the personality and voice of your content.
If social media is getting a little stressful,
DM me!
Let's grab a cup of coffee and talk about it.
#winterhavenfl #bartowflorida #hollingsworthlake #socialmediamanager #socialmediacontent
#hollingsworthsocial #socialmediamarketing #socialmediacontentideas #ConnectingWithPeople #lovelakeland
#lakewalesflorida #socialmediaqueen #socialmediatips #socialmediacontent #smallbusinesshelp
#polkcountysmallbusiness #socialmediaforsmallbusiness #lakelandflorida
Sometimes creativity just hits you.
#bartowflorida #LakeWalesFlorida #socialmediamanager #socialmediacontent #polkcountybusiness
#LakeWalesMainStreet #hollingsworthsocial #socialmediamarketing #socialmediamarketing
#winterhavensmallbusiness #smallbusinesshelp #ConnectingWithPeople #lakelandfl #lovelakeland
#creativeprocess #creativehits
Where there is a will, there's a way.
#bartowflorida #polkcountybusiness #LakeWalesMainStreet #hollingsworthsocial #socialmediatips
#socialmediamanagers #socialmediaqueen #lakelandfl #lakelandflorida #winterhavenflorida
##ConnectingWithPeople #lakewalesflorida
#socialmediamarketing #socialmediamarketingtips #CSLewis
#NeverTooLate #HelpingSmallBusinesses #lakelandsmallbusiness #winterhavensmallbusiness #socialmediabusiness
Tips and Tricks
- Keep a running list of ideas on your phone, this creates less pressure when you sit down to create. You already have the ideas!
- It's best to have your feed scheduled three weeks in advance. In the case, of something coming up, last-minute plans, emergency, or you are just burnt out, you have time to recoup before it's posting time again.
- When creating content in Canva, create all posts in the same project. This makes it easier to share fonts, photos, colors, and other items, which makes your content more cohesive.
Post Ideas
-Inspiring Quote
-Employee Highlight
-Project Photo
-Customer Review
-Behind the Scene
-About me Post/ Photo of you
#lovelakeland #empowerothers #polkcountyflorida #smallbusinesslove #winterhavenflorida #polkcountybusiness #LakeWalesMainStreet #hollingsworthsocial #socialmediamarketing #marketingtipsandtricks
#smallbusinessowner #preplanposts #socialmediamarketingtips #socialmediaideas #connectingwithothers
Don't settle for a crappy Monday or crappy Marketing. 😉
#MarketingMonday #moindaymood #mondaysbelike #mondaymotivation #mondayquotes #dontsettleforless #Dontsettleforaverage #NeverSettle4Less #polkcountyfl #lakelandflorida
#lakewalesfl #lakewalesmainstreet #BartowFL #winterhavenfl #socialmediatips #socialmediaqueen #socialmediacontent #socialmediamanager #connectingwithothers #empoweringothers #gogetit
#InspireYou #inspireothers #hollingsworthsocial
We all love a good Emma Watson quote!
We love the Polk County area and how it continues to grow!
"In 2020, 46% of consumers said they were more likely to shop at a small business."
One purchase in a small business. Keeps the chain reaction going.
See you downtown!
#lakewalesfl #floridalife #polkcountyfl #lovelakeland #winterhavenfl #smallbusinesslove #hollingsworthsocial #connectingwithothers #socialmediamarketing #SocialMediaTips
#socialmediamanager #shoplocal #shoplocallkld #shopsmall #empoweringothers #RiseUpTogether #connections #keepitup #leadwithpassion #inspireeachother #supportsmallbusinessowners #floridabusiness #emmawatson #emmawatsonfan #dreamersandoers
Entrepreneurship is for the risk takers.. the dreamers..
For the people that want more...
It might not work. But maybe... life becomes less about the hustle, the wait for Saturday, and the ladder-climbing...
Just maybe life becomes a little more clear.
#entrepreneur #entrepreneurlife #lovelakeland #lakewalesfl #polkcountyfl #empowerothers #risktaker #businessowner
#connectingwithothers #Businesslife #socialmediatips #socialmediamanager #socialmediacontent #startabusiness #winterhavenfl