ROX Fair Play Mini 5v5 Tournament Rules and Mechanics:
Tournament Schedule: 10:00PM GMT +8
Venue: ROX Fair Play Contest Server
For easy comms between participants and organizer, please join the tournament's whatsapp group chat. Link in the comments.
1. Mechanics: Changing the Best of 1 to Best of 3 series due to the number of registered teams. Whoever gets to win two matches wins the game and will proceed to be matched to another team until a team hails victorious.
2. Scoring: The team with the highest number of kills at the end of each 5-minute match will be declared the winner of that match.
- In the event of a draw for the second time, no VIT ring Allowed on 3rd match onward .
3. Team Composition:
- Each team consists of 5 main party members.
- Teams are allowed to have 2 substitute players who can be pre-selected before matches or rotated between rematches if necessary.
- Each team can only have one of each job type, for example, two archbishops or two ninjas are not allowed.
4. Match Venue: A password-protected room in the Free Arena will be the venue for the tournament. There will be a room created for each game. Password will be provided to the Team Captain before the 5-minute Preparation Time starts.
5. Preparation Time: There will be a 3-minute preparation time before each match for teams to organize and strategize. Failure to be ready after the 5-minute preparation time will result to a default loss and will therefore award a point to the default team's opponent.
6. Match Duration: Matches will last for 5 minutes each.
7. Score Determination: A spectator character will join the party of each teams to monitor the number of kills. The party lineup will be screen-shared on to the live for real-time monitoring.
8. Resurrection Rule: No resurrection allowed during matches to easily determine a kill. Once a player is eliminated, they are out for the remainder of the match.
9. Pauses: Once a match begins, there will be no pauses allowed except for technical issues that significantly affect gameplay. Any unauthorized pauses may result in penalties.
10. Disconnect Rule: If a player gets disconnected during a match, the match will continue without interruption. The team will have to continue to play with the remaining members. No rematch will be scheduled due to disconnections regardless of reason.
11. Third-Party Intrusion: Characters that are not part of the main 5 party members of any team should not be allowed inside the match venue. If a third-party player enters the room, the game will automatically set to rematch where a new room will be created. Both teams will be severely penalized for leaking the password to the private room.
12. Sportsmanship: Respectful behavior towards opponents is mandatory. Trash-talking, abusive language, or unsportsmanlike conduct towards opponents will result in severe penalties, including potential disqualification.
13. Fair Play: Players and teams are expected to compete fairly and uphold the integrity of the tournament. Cheating or exploiting game mechanics will lead to immediate disqualification.
14. Disputes and Rulings: Any disputes or rule clarifications should be brought to the attention of the tournament organizers promptly. Organizers' rulings are final and binding.
15. Organizers reserve the right to modify rules or procedures if necessary for the smooth operation of the tournament.